Items where Year is 2012

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Number of items: 835.


., Elizar (2012) Frequency Selective Surface Assisted Dynamic Spectrum Access for the Wireless Indoor Environment. MPhil thesis, University of York.


Aaron, David (2012) Therapists' experiences of therapeutic mistakes. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Abdalla, Ibrahim.I.I. (2012) Characterisation of CD8neg and CD8+ human natural killer cell subsets. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Abdul-Majeed, Wameath Sh. (2012) Development of Online, Continuous Heavy Metals Detection and Monitoring Sensors Based on Microfluidic Plasma Reactors. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Adair, Robert Allan (2012) Immune mediated and direct killing of colorectal cancer by reovirus. M.D. thesis, University of Leeds.

Adams, Nathan Bryce Porritt (2012) The roles of ChlI and ChlD, the AAA+ subunits of Magnesium Chelatase. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Adekola, Olalekan Adebanjo Alade (2012) The roles of the institution and networks and networks in the management of the Niger Delta wetlands in Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Adigwe, Obi Peter (2012) Non-medical prescribing in chronic non-malignant pain. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ahmed, Sarfraz (2012) Efficient finite element simulation of full-system elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Aitken, Paul Alexander (2012) The ambivalences of piracy : BitTorrent media piracy and anti-capitalism. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Akua-Sakyiwah, Beatrice (2012) Somali Refugee Women’s Perception of Access to Services in the UK. PhD thesis, University of York.

Al Sawafi, Abdul Majeed (2012) Parochialism in Western Management Theory: Understanding the Employee Turnover Phenomenon in the Omani Public Sector. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al Wahaibi , Ibtisam (2012) Communication in institutionalized settings in Oman: Gender, discourse and the politics of interaction. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al-Aulaqi, Talal Jamal Mubarik (2012) Wettability alteration in rock reservoirs and its effect in petroleum recovery. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al-Bahadeli, Mohammed Salim Jbara (2012) Classification of real and complex analytic map-germs on the generalized cross cap. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al-Baradi, Ateyyah (2012) Nanoscale structure and single molecule diffusion in smart polymeric systems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al-Hajjar, Mazen (2012) Wear of hard-on-hard hip prostheses: influence of head size, surgical position, material and function. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al-Kaisy, Neda (2012) Creation and validation of an in-vitro model of an edentulous mandibular ridge for testing mandibular complete denture retention. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Aladwan, Dima Adwan (2012) Translation quality assessment : Naguib Mahfouz's Midaq Alley as case study. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Alden, Kieran (2012) Simulation and Statistical Techniques to Explore Lymphoid Tissue Organogenesis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Aldrian, Oswald (2012) Inverse Rendering of Faces with a 3D Morphable Model. PhD thesis, University of York.

Alexander, Colin Robert (2012) Public diplomacy in Central America: the rise of the People’s Republic of China. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Alghanemi, Azeb Zain Jafar (2012) Geometry of skeletal structures and symmetry sets. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Algie, Ian (2012) Laptop Performance in Electroacoustic Music: The current state of play. MMus thesis, University of Sheffield.

Alhadab, Mohammad Muflih Salem (2012) Real and accrual earnings management, regulatory environments, audit quality and IPO failure risk. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Alhowaish, Latifa (2012) Bite force evaluation in children following dental treatment. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Ali, Murtaza Najabat (2012) Development of Auxetic Polymeric Stent-graft for the palliative Treatment of Oesophageal Cancer. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ali, Hanein (2012) The effects of smoothies on enamel erosion: an in situ study. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Ali, Waqar (2012) Arsenic transport in plants. PhD thesis, University of York.

Aljumaiah, Omar Abdulaziz O. (2012) Combustion products from ventilation controlled fires: toxicity assessment and modelling. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Allan, Peter (2012) Microheology of fibrin clots. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Allsopp, Nicholas J. (2012) Capturing Bigfoot : the search for good practice in learning and teaching in one specific higher education institution in England. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Almalki, Mohammed (2012) Molecular Identification and Characterisation of Acid Tolerant Microorganisms Isolated from Rivelin and Limb Valleys. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Alqahtani, Mohammed (2012) Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Doped Oxides. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Alresaini, Sami Saleh (2012) Acquisition of modern standard Arabic by speakers of different Arabic colloquial varieties. PhD thesis, University of York.

Alsadon, Omar (2012) Investigating and Optimising Composite Veneered Zirconia Laminates. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.

Alsaif, Amal (2012) Human and automatic annotation of discourse relations for Arabic. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Alsanie, Waleed (2012) Learning Failure-free PRISM Programs. PhD thesis, University of York.


Amri, Nita Siti Raudhah (2012) The Effects of Science Research Based Competitions on High School Students' Responses to Science. PhD thesis, University of York.

Amthor, Yvonne (2012) “Wunderkinder” – Musical Prodigies in European Concert Life between 1791 and 1860. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Anderson, Naomi (2012) A reflective study of educational psychologists' narratives regarding their experiences of working therapeutically. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Andronikou, Niki (2012) The Lute Music of Melchiore de Barberiis (1546-1549) with Specific Reference to Books V, IX and X. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ansari, Arif (2012) Nitrogen and Sulphur biogeochemistry in a High Arctic glacial watershed: an investigation with isotopic tracers and solute chemistry. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Antwi-Agyei, Philip (2012) Vulnerability and adaptation of Ghana’s food production systems and rural livelihoods to climate variability. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Appiah, Daniel (2012) The Politics of traditional-federal state formation and land administration reform in Ghana: 1821-2010. PhD thesis, University of York.

Araiza Illan, Dejanira (2012) Biologically Inspired Control Systems for Autonomous Navigation and Escape from Pursuers. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Archetti, Emanuele (2012) Epistemic horizons in scientific inquiry and debate. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Arizpe Vicencio , Mildred Adriana (2012) Dialogue based strategies in the teaching of environmental education in Baja California Sur, Mexico. PhD thesis, University of York.

Arkinstall, Kirsty (2012) The Workforce Strategy for Further Education: The Professionalization Agenda and the Inclusion of Support Staff. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Armstrong, Django John (2012) Enhancing quality of service in cloud computing through novel resource management. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Aswani, Niraj (2012) Designing a General Framework for Text Alignment: Case Studies with Two South Asian Languages. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Atas, Akin (2012) Strength Prediction of Mechanical Joints in Composite Laminates Based on Subcritical Damage Modelling. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Atashroo, James (2012) Trumpet no end: How has high register trumpet playing evolved in jazz? MMus thesis, University of Sheffield.

Atkinson, Lewis (2012) LLB MACRO-SPIN MODELLING OF NANOGRANULAR L1o FePt HIGH ANISOTROPY THIN FILMS. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Awang Md Daud, Nurhasimah (2012) Novel Developments For Increased Efficacy And Longevity Of Existing Clinically Approved Antibiotics. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Ayaz, Esengul (2012) The Impact of Turkey on the European Union`s External Security. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ayob, Mohd Zaki (2012) Automated Ladybird Identification using Neural and Expert Systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Azar, Ziad (2012) Electromagnetic Performance of Fractional Slot Interior Permanent Magnet and Synchronous Reluctance Brushless AC Machines Having Non-overlapping Concentrated Windings. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

ali bubaker, hoda (2012) PAPP-A as a promoter for fetal growth in relation to IGFBP-4 in obese and lean mothers. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.

allen, joada (2012) Student retention in further education: a case study. MA by research thesis, University of York.



BAO, CHENHUI (2012) The Research and Design of a New ABS System for Automotive by using the GMR Sensor. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Baggaley, Elizabeth (2012) Cyclometalated Platinum (II) Complexes for Two-Photon Time-Resolved Emission Imaging Microscopy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bailey, Joy (2012) Thomas Gainsborough and The Imagery of Passage. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Baily, Jessica (2012) What happens when men get involved in feminism? Contemporary mixed-gender feminist activism in England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bains, Manreesh (2012) A Systematic Review of Older Adult Anxiety Measures and the Clinical Effectiveness of Group Psychoeducational CBT for Mixed Anxiety and Depression in Older Adults. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.


Baker, Sarah (2012) Social patterning and perceptions of alcohol use amongst mothers with pre-school aged children. A multi-methods study. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bakker, Saskia (2012) RNA packaging and uncoating in simple single-stranded RNA viruses. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bale, Simon (2012) Ultra High Q Resonators and Very Low Phase Noise Measurement Systems for Low Noise Oscillators. PhD thesis, University of York.

Baliga, Vivek (2012) Molecular mechanisms and modulation of Endothelial Progenitor Cell function in South Asian men. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ballantyne, Angela (2012) Photosynthetic pigments in sediments: development of applications in archaeology and compound-specific radiocarbon analysis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Banks, Michael J (2012) On Confidentiality and Formal Methods. PhD thesis, University of York.

Barclay, Michael (2012) The interaction of building energy use, ventilation performance and urban noise under future climate scenarios. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Barker, Richard James (2012) Erosion-corrosion of carbon steel pipework on an offshore oil and gas facility. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Barker , Jo (2012) 'Make yourself at home' : a study of how childminders perceive their role and status. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Barrass, Cheryl Jean (2012) Drinking experiences of first year female students: using narratives to explore the transition to university life. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Barry, Siobhan Maria (2012) Improving access and reducing barriers to dental care for children with autism spectrum disorder. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Basford, Jennifer Louise (2012) 'A commodity of good names': the branding of products, c.1650-1900. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bashir, Muhammad (2012) Coating of sealed microchannels and microcapillaries using atmospheric pressure microplasma. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bashir, Shazia (2012) Numerical simulations and experimental studies of microfluidic droplet formation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Batarfi, Nahid (2012) Saudi Women’s Experiences, Barriers, and Facilitators when Accessing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Services. PhD thesis, University of York.

Batool, Zahara (2012) Attitudes towards road safety and aberrant behaviour of drivers in Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Beal, Catherine (2012) Insider Accounts of the Move to the Outside: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Three Young People's Perceptions of Their Transition from the Secure Estate (Custody) into Education, Training or Employment. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Beale, Christopher (2012) Hot Methane Spectra for Astrophysical Applications. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Beeby, Laura (2012) Communicative injustice. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bell, Harriet (2012) Values in the conservation and regeneration of post-war listed public housing : a study of Spa Green, London and Park Hill, Sheffield. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Benians, Thomas Anthony Scott (2012) In situ analysis of cotton fibre cell wall polysaccharides. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Benjamin, Tamika (2012) Shedding light : evaluating the impact of initial teacher education on the mathematics attitudes and competences of Jamaican primary teacher trainees. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Benjanuvatra, Saruta (2012) Essays on Spatial Econometrics. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bennett, Beverley (2012) Emotional encounters with stroke:an ethnographic study of nurse-patient interactions in a stroke rehabilitation unit. DMedSci thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bennett, Julie Alison (2012) Investigating the role of Pellino1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, in modulating the signalling pathways that control the inflammatory response. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bennett, Laura Danielle (2012) Trafficking regulation of the chemokine receptor CCR2B compared to CCR5. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bennett, Paul (2012) Evaluation of the Solute Transport Characteristics of Surcharged Manholes using a RANS Solution. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Berks, Richard (2012) In vitro models of TEL/AML1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bertelli, Enrico (2012) Make it Happen. PhD thesis, University of York.

Betteney, Mark (2012) Can reading skills that are developed through the reading of music be transferred to benefit the early decoding of text? A randomised controlled trial. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bi, Ran (2012) Immune-inspired fault diagnosis for a robotic system. PhD thesis, University of York.

Biginagwa, Thomas John (2012) Historical archaeology of the 19th century caravan trade in north-eastern Tanzania: a zooarchaeological perspective. PhD thesis, University of York.

Biglands, John David (2012) Quanitifying myocardial blood flow using dynamic contrast enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bignell, Carole (2012) A Dialogic Endeavour: a study of three newly qualified teachers' journeys towards dialogic teaching. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Billingsley, Daniel Jeffrey (2012) Convergent transcription and nested gene models studied by AFM. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bilton, Matthew William (2012) Nanoparticulate hydroxyapatite and calcium-based CO2 sorbents. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Birch, Peter (2012) Synthetic Cascade Sequences Initiated by Organoboranes. PhD thesis, University of York.

Black, Hannah Lucy (2012) Regulation of Mint1-dependent APP trafficking by N1-Src. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Blainey, Sarah (2012) Exploring self help interventions following traumatic experiences. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Blaud, Aimeric (2012) Responses of microbial communities to atmospheric nitrogen deposition within different soil horizons in High Arctic tundra. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Blinkhorn, Edward Hillier (2012) The mesolithic and the planning process in England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Blundell Jones, Joanna Katherine (2012) Understanding Emotional Distress in Multiple Sclerosis: a Qualitative Study. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bocking-Welch, Anna (2012) The British Public in a Shrinking World: Civic Engagement with the Declining Empire, 1960-1970. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bohm, Ilaria Emma Borjigid (2012) Pagan Traces in Medieval and Early Modern European Witch-beliefs. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Borg Marks, Joan (2012) Understanding key concepts of electric circuits: Students' use of mental models. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bowler, Rebecca (2012) Dorothy Richardson's Ways of Seeing: Perception and Representation in Pilgrimage. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Boyden, Paul (2012) Humour and Grandiosity: A Systematic Review of Humour Experiences in Psychosis and an Empirical Preliminary Investigation of ‘Theory of Mind’ and ‘Attributional Style’ in Adults with Grandiose Delusions. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brabbs, Thomas (2012) Identification and characterisation of MORC6 as a component of the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brammeld, Chris (2012) A Practical Approach to Practice Methods: Encouraging Simultaneous Learning Strategies in Young Instrumentalists. MMus thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brentnall, Andrew (2012) Structural and functional studies of a Staphylococcus aureus surface protein. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brock, Patrick Michael (2012) Immunity, life history and conservation in the Galapagos sea lion. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Brown, Emily A (2012) Detection and Selection of Parasite Resistance Genes in a Free-living Mammal Population. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brown, HK (2012) Tumour cell-bone cell interactions in breast cancer bone metastases; mechanisms and effects of therapies. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brown, Hannah Frances (2012) Generation of an HVS-based episomally maintained gene delivery system for reprogramming adult somatic cells. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Brown, A G (2012) Patient-specific local and systemic haemodynamics in the presence of a left ventricular assist device. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brudenell, Matthew Joseph (2012) Pots, practice and society : an investigation of pattern and variability in the post-deverel rimbury ceramic tradition of East Anglia. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brueschke, Gitta Victoria (2012) Gender Dimensions in the Appropriation and Use of ICT-Technology: A Qualitative Study in Great Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brunetto, Valentina (2012) The pronoun interpretation problem in Italian complex predicates. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bruton, Elizabeth Mary (2012) Beyond Marconi: the roles of the Admiralty, the Post Office, and the Institution of Electrical Engineers in the invention and development of wireless communication up to 1908. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bryan, Sarah Catherine (2012) Between-Word Assimilation and Syntax in Child Language Development: a Case Study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bryant, Richard Lynn Dustin (2012) An Investigation of the Diels-Alder Reaction of 2,4-Hexadiene with Sulfur Dioxide and a Novel Procedure for Non-Orthogonal Localisation of Molecular Orbitals. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Buck, Lauren Michelle Jenny (2012) The Zebrafish as an In Vivo Model of Drug-Induced Auditory and Vestibular Impairment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bullers, Samuel James (2012) A human tissue-specific ex vivo model of biological scaffold integration: Understanding the interface. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bullock, Thomas (2012) Crossmodal Load and Selective Attention. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Burbridge, Sarah (2012) The role of Tbx18 in axial mesoderm development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Burge, Amy (2012) Desiring the east: a comparative study of Middle English romance and modern popular sheikh romance. PhD thesis, University of York.

Burrows, Fleur (2012) A model of magnetic hyperthermia. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Burt, Theodore (2012) Theo Burt: Composition Folio. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bush, Ian (2012) Hot Electron Generation and Transport in Fast Ignition Relevant Plasmas. PhD thesis, University of York.

Busse Hansen, NIcolai Michael (2012) Claims of Affect: Affectivity as a linguistic and sequential phenomenon. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Butler, Matthew R (2012) Computational Intelligence for Analysis Concerning Financial Modelling and the Adaptive Market Hypothesis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Butler, Nicolette (2012) The state of international arbitration: the possibility of establishing an appeal mechanism. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


CHENG, HSIAO-YUN (2012) The 'Landscape Character Turn': An Examination of Experience in the UK and Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

CHOI, Min-Sung (2012) Investigation of the potential of calcareous grassland vegetation for green roof application in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Caballero Olvera, Javier Arturo (2012) Multi-alternative sequential analysis as a realistic model of biological decision-making. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cabriolu, Raffaela (2012) Modelling the kinetics of amyloid fibril nucleation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cain, Theresa (2012) Bayesian inference for health state utilities using pairwise comparison data. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Campbell, Stephen W J (2012) Reconsidering and Contextualising the Vernacular Tradition: Popular Music and British Manuscript Compilations (1650-2000). PhD thesis, University of York.

Campbell Burton, Carla Alexia (2012) Anxiety after stroke: prevalence, intervention effectiveness, and illness representations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Canales Andrades, Teresa Mariella (2012) Size based dynamics of the pelagic fish community off Northern Chile. PhD thesis, University of York.

Candlish, Timothy Paul (2012) A Comparison of British and French Military identity and organization during the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. PhD thesis, University of York.

Canter , Lily (2012) Web 2.0 and the changing relationship between British local newspaper journalists and their audiences. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Carnell, Matthew R (2012) India from Colony to Nation-State: A Re-Reading of India's Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia, c.1945-1955. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Carroll, Matthew John (2012) The ecology of British upland peatlands: climate change, drainage, keystone insects and breeding birds. PhD thesis, University of York.

Carvalho, Joao (2012) Bringing politics back in: the impact of extreme-right parties on immigration policy in the UK, France and Italy during the 2000s. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cassels, Eoin (2012) Characterisation of the E.coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa TolA-TolB interaction. PhD thesis, University of York.

Cavaliere, Paola (2012) Women's identity formation and transformation in contemporary Japan: a gendered approach to faith-based volunteering. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cen, Hui (2012) Effect of water on the performance of lubricants and related tribochemistry in boundary lubricated steel/steel contacts. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ceolin, Simone Regina (2012) Facial Shape Space using Statistical Models from Surface Normal. PhD thesis, University of York.

Chaiprapa, Jitrin (2012) New Supramolecular Liquid Crystal Structures in Wedge-Shaped Molecules. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chan, Ei Leen (2012) High shear granulation: A study of blade-granule bed interactions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chan, Yit-Fong (2012) Neutron Activation Measurements for Materials used in Fusion Reactors. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Chang, Chung-Te (2012) SRAG Functions as a New mRNA Export Co-adaptor. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chapman, Dawn D (2012) Between the Bricks: Making mortar visible in the archaeological record of Chatham and Effingham Counties, Georgia from 1830 to 1930. PhD thesis, University of York.

Charles, Kathryn (2012) Moving to secondary school: Combining IPA with focus groups to explore the experiences of pupils with autism spectrum disorder. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, Hungru (2012) Simulations for new battery materials. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, Li-Wei (2012) Flow Characterisation of Flames in an Acoustically Excited Chamber. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cheng, Jia Zhuo ( Cheryl) (2012) superparamagnetic iron(iii) oxide nanoparticle polymer (SPIONP): Fabrication and properties. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Chester, Ruth Marie (2012) Ethics, ontology and representation : the virtu-dynamic of Dante's Commedia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Chikwa, Gladson (2012) An investigation into the introduction and use of new technologies in secondary science teaching. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chiotis, Vangelis (2012) Morals by Convention: The rationality of moral behaviour. PhD thesis, University of York.

Chong, King Man (2012) Perceptions and teachings of national identity and national education : case studies of Hong Kong's secondary school teachers. PhD thesis, University of York.

Chu, Junfeng (2012) A study of polynomial residue number systems over binary Galois fields GF(2m) for cryptography. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ciplak, Nesli (2012) Healthcare waste management in Istanbul: improving decision making. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cissoko, Mamadou (2012) Understanding resistance in inter-specific rice cultivars to the parasitic witchweed Striga. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Clark, Dudley Charles (2012) Revolt and revival in the valleys : the influence of religion and revivalism on the politics and labour relations of the Taff Vale Railway, south Wales, 1878-1914. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Clark, L H (2012) Making sense of behaviour: a Q study to elicit the viewpoints of educationalists who work with children and young people with challenging behaviour. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Clark, Laura (2012) Electron vortex beams: production and propgation. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Clark, Robert (2012) Solving the Proper Problem: Wittgenstein, Fictionalism and the Applicability of Mathematics. PhD thesis, University of York.

Claxton, Anna Mary (2012) Education and employment: the beliefs, aspirations and experiences of young people with cystic fibrosis: a qualitative study. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Clemitshaw, Gary John (2012) Citizenship education policy in England : a post-structuralist critique. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Clifton , Abigail Joy (2012) The eocene flora of Svalbard and its climatic significance. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Collingbourne, Tabitha (2012) Realising Disability Rights? Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in England - a critical analysis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Collins, Christina (2012) Population Dynamics in the Late Glacial Refugium of Southwest France. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Conca, Piero (2012) An Adaptive Framework for Classification of Concept Drift with Limited Supervision. PhD thesis, University of York.

Conroy, David James Robert (2012) Nanostructured surfaces for sensing heavy metals and radionuclides in aqueous systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cook, Joseph (2012) Microbially Mediated Carbon Fluxes on the Surface of Glaciers and Ice Sheets. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cook, Heather Louise (2012) Limit to the ultra-high energy gamma-ray flux using data from the surface detectors of the Pierre Augar observatory. MPhil thesis, University of Leeds.

Cook, Hugh Stephen Thomas (2012) The reality of a ‘High Performance Work System’: internal and external vulnerabilities. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cooper, Emma (2012) Renewable Routes to Porous Aluminosilicate Materials. PhD thesis, University of York.

Corns, Laura Frances (2012) Characterisation of cells in the postnatal neurogenic niche of the murine spinal cord. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Croft, M L (2012) Applications of human microdosing with accelerator mass spectrometry: assessment of ability to predict drug-drug interactions and determine the pharmacokinetics of enantiomers. PhD thesis, University of York.

Croft, Simon Antony (2012) Stochastic models of plant growth and competition. PhD thesis, University of York.

Crookes, Lee (2012) The making of space and the losing of place : a critical geography of gentrification-by-bulldozer in the north of England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cross, Elizabeth (2012) On Structural Health Monitoring in Changing Environmental and Operational Conditions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Croucher, Adam (2012) Investigating the expression and function of meiotic genes in human tumours. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cummings, Ronald Bancroft (2012) Queer marronage and Caribbean writing. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cunningham , Kay M. (2012) Transforming texts : adaptation and ekphrasis in the poetry of Derek Mahon and Paul Muldoon. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


D'Arcy, Kate (2012) Elective Home Education and Traveller families in contemporary times: Educational Spaces and Equality. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dale, A G (2012) Paternalism In Crisis: Aristocratic Responses to the Agricultural Depression in England, 1870-1900. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Danao, Louis Angelo (2012) The Influence of Unsteady Wind on the Performance and Aerodynamics of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dannatt, Hugh (2012) The Role of Enzyme Dynamics in Catalysis by β-Phosphoglucomutase. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Darder, Laia (2012) Style as a translatable dimension of language: the applicability of the translation of style in animated films. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Darroch, Nathan (2012) London's Deep Tube Railways: Visibly Invisible. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Davies, Laura (2012) Earning and caring in families that have experienced divorce: a study of family law, social policy and family practices. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Davies, Rachel Dawn (2012) Foraging behaviour and population dynamics of northern gannets over a period of environmental change. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dawson, James JAD (2012) Atomistic Simulation of Electroceramics. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Day, Matthew (2012) Structural studies on protein targets from the pathogenic bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

De Marco, Matteo (2012) Cognitive and Physical Stimulation, Genetic Risk and Cognitive Decline. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

De Ornellas, Sara (2012) Pd-catalysed synthesis of functionalised adenosine analogues and their characterisation as base-discriminating fluorescent probes. PhD thesis, University of York.

De Saille, Stevienna Marie (2012) From "Death of the Female" to "Life Itself": a socio-historic examination of FINRRAGE. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

DeGroff, H J (2012) Textual Networks and the Country House: The 3rd Earl of Carlisle at Castle Howard. PhD thesis, University of York.

Dean, G (2012) Urban Neighbourhoods: Social and Spatial Development in York, c.600-1600. PhD thesis, University of York.

Debono Spiteri, Cynthianne (2012) Pottery use at the transition to agriculture in the western Mediterranean: evidence from biomolecular and isotopic characterisation of organic residues in Impressed/Cardial Ware vessels. PhD thesis, University of York.

Decker, Robert Julio (2012) The political regulation of immigration in the United States, 1894-1924. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Deffley, Robert James (2012) Development of processing strategies for the additive layer manufacture of aerospace components in Inconel 718. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Demetriou, Demetris (2012) The development of an integrated planning and decision support system (IPDSS) for land consolidation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Denner, Peter (2012) Mitigating edge-localized modes on the Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak using resonant magnetic perturbations. PhD thesis, University of York.

Denton, Amanda (2012) Style and the Anglo-Saxon Arts of Seventh and Eighth Century Northumbria. PhD thesis, University of York.

Derbyshire, Nicola (2012) Exploring the application of nucleic acid aptamers for detection of food contaminants and viruses. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Desai, Aditya (2012) Novel insights into the interaction of the Calcium Sensing Receptor with the Receptor Activity Modifying Proteins. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dey, Priya (2012) Visual Speech in Technology-Enhanced Learning. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dhenge, Ranjitkumar (2012) Twin screw granulation: A detailed study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Diamond, P (2012) Interpreting Continuity and Change in the UK Core Executive: The Nature and Contingency of New Labour�'s Approach to Whitehall. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Diaz-Nieto, Jacqueline (2012) A GIS water balance approach to support surface water flood risk management. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dickinson, David (2012) Effects of profiles on microinstabilities in tokamaks. PhD thesis, University of York.

Dimmock, Andrew (2012) The study of magnetic and electric field structures at planetary magnetospheres. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dobson, Adam (2012) The evolutionary ecology of reciprocal resistance in Tenebrio molitor and Staphylococcus aureus. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dommett, Katharine (2012) Conceptualising Party Political Ideology: An Exploration of Party Modernisation in Britain. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Donaldson, Stephen Findlay (2012) Pain, the self and persistence in problem solving. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Dong, Xiaowen (2012) Green optical networks. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Donnelly, Oliver (2012) Immunotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of melanoma. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Doriye, Elirehema Joshua (2012) Corporate governance and stock price synchronicity. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Doveston, Richard Gerard (2012) Oxepine-Pyrimidinone Natural Products: The Total Synthesis of (+/-) Janoxepin. PhD thesis, University of York.

Dow, Mark John Laurence (2012) Development of methods for the synthesis of natural product-like macrocycles. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dowker, Mark (2012) Numerical Study on the Regularity of the Navier-Stokes Equations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Doxford, SW (2012) Plant population responses to environmental change and the role of biotic interactions along environmental gradients. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dukmak, Wafa (2012) The treatment of cultural items in the translation of children's literature : the case of Harry Potter in Arabic. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dupras, Nickolas (2012) Armourers and their workshops The tools and techniques of late medieval armour production. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

de Boise, Sam (2012) Masculinities, music, emotion and affect. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

de Preux Gallone, Laure (2012) Essays on the empirical modelling of the determinants of health and lifestyle. PhD thesis, University of York.


Ebury, Katherine (2012) 'Absurd Lights: Early Twentieth Century Cosmology and the Modernist Universe. PhD thesis, University of York.

Echegoyen-Nava, Rodrigo A (2012) "Mechanisms underlying changes in the morphology of rice plants infected with the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica". PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Eckrich, Tobias (2012) Voltage gated Na+ channels and spontaneous action potential activity in cochlear hair cells during development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Edwards, Jonathan (2012) The Influence of Aerodynamic Stall on the Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ekstrand, David (2012) Reciprocity and the State: A Liberal Theory of Legitimacy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Elkin, Mark Dennis (2012) Ferromagnetically contacted Carbon nanotube quantum dots. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Elliott, Benjamin (2012) Antlerworking Practices in Mesolithic Britain. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ellis, Katie H. (2012) 'There are no good kids here' : girls' experiences of secure accommodation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Elnfati, Abdul Hakim Shaban (2012) Histones, histone modifications and the chromatin landscape in sperm of the fruit-fly, Drosophilia melanogaster and its embryological significance. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Emerson, Nicholas (2012) Development of Patient-Specific CT-FE Modelling of Bone Through Validation Using Porcine Femora. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Eshiet, Kenneth Imo-Imo (2012) Modelling of hydraulic fracturing and its engineering application. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Espinoza, Manuel Antonio (2012) Heterogeneity in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Methods to explore the value of subgroups and individualized care in a collectively funded health system. PhD thesis, University of York.

Evans, Kathryn (2012) An NMR Study of a Natural and a 3'-S-phosphorothiolate Modified DNA Triplex. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Evans, Mathew H (2012) Tactile Discrimination with Whiskers. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Evans, S J (2012) Accelerated long-term forgetting in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A study pre and post-surgery. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.


FUJITA, NOBUYUKI (2012) Theoretical studies of EELS in carbon structures. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Fadda, Roberta (2012) How access to language affects contamination sensitivity: a study of food rejection behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Fang, Yan (2012) Data Clustering and Graph-Based Image Matching Methods. PhD thesis, University of York.


Farwa, Shabieh (2012) Exact holomorphic differentials on certain algebraic curves. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fauset, Sophie (2012) Two decades of change in Ghanaian forests. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Fellows, Sarah (2012) Sexual selection and the rapid evolution of reproductive genes and there products in D.pseudoobscura. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fielding, Lee A. (2012) Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications of Colloidal Nanocomposite Particles. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Finn, Michael Anthony (2012) The West Riding Lunatic Asylum and the making of the modern brain sciences in the nineteenth century. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Fisher, James (2012) Mechanisms underpinning the variable impact of Rhinanthus minor L. on the structure of plant communities. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fleet, Luke (2012) Interface and Transport Properties of Fe/GaAs(001) Heterostructures. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ford, Robert John (2012) The Roles of RNA in the Assembly and Disassembly of Single-stranded RNA Icosahedral Viruses. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Forster, Emily (2012) Young People with Special Educational Needs' Experiences of School and the Transition to Adulthood. PhD thesis, University of York.

Forth, Thomas (2012) Metabolic systems biology of the malaria parasite. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Fox, Naomi J. (2012) Predicting impacts of climate change on livestock parasites. PhD thesis, University of York.

Frame, Tonia Laura (2012) Socio-cultural and programmatic contextual influences on adolescents' sexual and reproductive health help-seeking behaviour in Grenada. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Freethy, Simon (2012) synthetic aperture imaging of B-X-O mode conversion. PhD thesis, University of York.

Freire, André Pimenta (2012) Disabled people and the Web: User-based measurement of accessibility. PhD thesis, University of York.


GANASH, MAGDAH (2012) X-Ray Crystallographic and Electron Microscopy Studies on Members of the ClyA/ Nhe Family of the Pore-Forming Toxins Avian Pathogenic E. coli Cytolysin A and B. cereus Non-Hemolytic Enterotoxin. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gainar, Adrian (2012) Polycatenar amphiphilic liquid crystals. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Gait, Benjamin K J (2012) Folio of Compositions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Galloway, Johanna Marie (2012) Biotemplating arrays of nanomagnets using the biomineralisation protein Mms6. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gamble, Aimee J (2012) Ruthenium(II) cis-triaminocyclohexane complexes as anti-cancer compounds. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ganeiber, Asaad Mohammed (2012) Estimation and simulation in directional and statistical shape models. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Garba, Mohammed Umar (2012) Prediction of ash deposition for biomass combustion and coal/biomass co-combustion. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gartland, Samuel David (2012) Geography and history in Boiotia C.550-335BC. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gartside, Philip Oswin (2012) The call of beauty across faiths: a Christian theological engagement with Japanese art. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gasni, Dedison (2012) Ultrasonic Reflection for Measurement of Oil Film Thickness and Contact between Dissimilar Materials. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gavrielatos, Andrea (2012) Names on Gallo-Roman terra sigillata (1ST – 3RD C. A.D.). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Geesin, Beverly (2012) Resistance to Surveillance in Everyday Life. PhD thesis, University of York.

George, Gilu (2012) Genotype By Environment Interaction in Shoot Branching. PhD thesis, University of York.

German, Richard Neil (2012) The role of landscape context in biological control of cereal aphids. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ghetiu, Teodor (2012) Structured Argumentation for Simulation-Based Research. PhD thesis, University of York.

Giagkiozis, Ioannis (2012) Nonconvex Many-Objective Optimisation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gibson, Helen Elizabeth (2012) Exploring the effects of Reiki self-use on health literacy. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gill, Andrew (2012) Applications of Microstereolithography in Tissue Engineering. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Glennon, Elizabeth Bernadette Claire (2012) Regulation of the metabolism of the Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein by contactin 5 and BIN1. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Glew, David William (2012) Validating low carbon bio-renewable alternatives to petrochemicals: exploring end of life impacts. PhD thesis, University of York.

Godden, Timothy Mark (2012) Coherent optical control of the spin of a single hole in a quantum dot. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Goh, Cheng Soon (2012) Regulation of the practice of traditional medicine in China, India, and Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gomes, Rajiv (2012) Compound III-V semiconductor avalanche photodiodes for X-ray spectroscopy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Gonzalez, Claudia Cristina (2012) Linking brain and behaviour in motor sequence learning tasks. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gorisch, Jan P.F.M. (2012) Matching across Turns in Talk-in-Interaction: The Role of Prosody and Gesture. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Grant, Nicholas George (2012) "We shall win our freedoms together" : African Americans, South Africa and black international protest, 1945-1960. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Grayson, Nicholas Edwin (2012) Models of Molecular Self-Assembly for RNA Viruses and Synthetic DNA Cages. PhD thesis, University of York.

Green, Sarah (2012) 'A secret pleasure in being mastered': Play, Power and the Morality of Art in J. M. Barrie's Sentimental Tommy and Tommy and Grizel. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Greenall, John Patrick (2012) High-level activity learning and recognition in structured environments. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Grieves, Thomas (2012) Interrogating a range of biological targets using chemical biology. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gudka, Bijal Ashwin (2012) Combustion characteristics of some imported feedstocks and short rotation coppice (SRC) willow for UK power stations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Guerrand, Helene (2012) Cyclisation-��Dipolar Cycloaddition: Cascade Chemistry for the Synthesis of Pyrazolidines and Bridged Amines. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gunetti, Paolo (2012) An intelligent agent based autonomous mission management system for UAVs. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gunning, Vanda (2012) The role of glutathione transferases in TNT detoxification. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Guo, Pengfei (2012) Damping System Designs using Nonlinear Frequency Analysis Approach. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Guo, Nan (2012) Improving the operation and maintenance of CSO structures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

ghazali, mohd fairusham (2012) Leak detection using instantaneous frequency analysis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


HUSSEIN, SHARIFA (2012) Investigations into the Chemistry of highly fluorinated phosphorus alkoxides. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hadden, Jennifer Elisabeth (2012) Experience of loss in adolescents with a parent with a traumatic brain injury. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Haddon, Hilary Elizabeth (2012) Hidden learning and instrumental and vocal development in a university music department. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hadley, Megan Jayne Frances (2012) Long term functional simulation of large diameter metal on metal hip implants. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hagendorff, Bjorn (2012) Natural catastrophes and insurance securitization: performance and risk implications for insurance and reinsurance firms. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hague, Lee (2012) The Vapour Sensing Capabilities of Organic Field-Effect Transistors. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hall, Benjamin R (2012) Investigating the self-assembly and host-guest chemistry of inorganic polyhedral cages. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Halliday, Jaydene (2012) Technologies towards the Development of a Lab-on-a-Chip GCxGC for Environmental Research. PhD thesis, University of York.

Halstead, Huw (2012) Heirs to Byzantium: Multidirectional Narrative and Identity Amongst the Istanbul-Greek Migrant Community in Greece. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Hampson, Kathryn Sarah (2012) The role of Emotional Intelligence in the criminal activity of young people involved with the Leeds Youth Offending Service. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hamroush, Manal (2012) Preparation and characterisation of flexographic inks. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hanley, Pam (2012) The inter-relationship of Science and Religious Education in a cultural context: Teaching the origin of life. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hanlon, Corinne Angela (2012) Modelling the longer term effects of spinal burst fracture repair using vertebroplasty. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hannon, Matthew (2012) Co-evolution of innovative business models and sustainability transitions: The case of the Energy Service Company (ESCo) model and the UK energy system. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hardaker, Henry (2012) Ketamine-induced bladder dysfunction. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Harden, Charlotte Jane (2012) n-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Appetite Control and Weight Management. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Harput, Sevan (2012) Use of chirps in medical ultrasound imaging. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Harrington, Brendan (2012) The Pernicious Problems of the Scheme/Content Distinction. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harris, Richard J (2012) The neural representation of facial expression. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harrison, David Graham (2012) A computational dynamical model of human visual cortex for visual search and feature-based attention. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Harrison, Jesse P (2012) The spectroscopic detection and bacterial colonisation of synthetic microplastics in coastal marine sediments. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Harrison, Rosanna (2012) A scholarly catalogue raisonné: George Wilson and the engraved fan leaf design 1795-1801. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Hartley, Kathyrn Alison (2012) Role transition and hybridisation of the medical identity:The impact of leadership development on doctors in the UK National Health Service. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Harwood, William (2012) The Logic of Trust. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hashim, Noor Azuan binti (2012) E-commerce adoption by Malaysian SMEs. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hawksbee, Samuel John (2012) 3D ultimate limit state analysis using discontinuity layout optimization. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Heirs, Morag K (2012) A Mixed Methods Exploration of Homeopathy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Comparing Research Evidence and Clinical Practice. PhD thesis, University of York.

Helal, Yasser (2012) Seismic strengthening of deficient exterior RC beam-column sub-assemblages using post-tensioned metal strips. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Heo, Yong-Chang (2012) A comparative study of housing in Korea and Singapore. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hepworth, Joanna Alex (2012) Comparative analysis of the MAX pathway. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hesketh, James Edward Tilston (2012) Tribocorrosion of total hip replacements. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hesse, Isabelle (2012) The Outsider Inside: Ideas of Jewishness in Contemporary Jewish, Postcolonial, and Palestinian Literature. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hill, John (2012) An evaluation of the 2005 "��Agenda for Change"� reform on NHS nurse retention. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hinsley, Emma (2012) The Role of the ET-axis and RAS in Head and Neck Cancer Progression. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hiribarren, Vincent Emmanuel Jean Etienne (2012) From a Kingdom to a Nigerian State: the Territory and Boundaries of Borno (1810-2010). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ho, Sin Pan Daniel (2012) “Cleanse out the Old Leaven, that you may be a New Lump”: A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Cor 5-11:1 in Light of the Social Lives of the Corinthians. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hobbs, Sarah (2012) Community participation in biodiversity monitoring. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hodges, Tobias (2012) Clustering Large Raw DNA Sequencing Datasets by Species of Origin using Signature Features of Genomic Sequence Composition. PhD thesis, University of York.

Holden, Kathryn (2012) Professionals' Experience of Working with Compulsive Hoarding: A Q-Sort Study. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hollaway, Michael John (2012) Modelling interactions between vegetation and tropospheric ozone. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hollis, Amy Louise (2012) Dental anxiety amongst paediatric cardiology patients. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Hommel, Peter (2012) The Emergence of Ceramics among Hunter-gatherers in Northern Eurasia: The Neolithic Ceramics of the Upper Vitim Basin, Northern Transbaikal, Siberia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hong , Jinning (2012) The role of tax in the foreign direct investment decision process : evidence from UK firms. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hong, Yan (2012) The space, sociality and art worlds of creative clusters : two case studies in Shanghai. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hoover, Janice Lynn (2012) Spiritual care in clinical nursing practice: myth or reality? PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Howard, Stephen (2012) Chhatrapati shivaji terminus, mumbai. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Howarth, Jack (2012) Material Characterisation and Interface Optimisation of Recycled Carbon Fibre Composites. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hu, Dehua (2012) 3D Frequency Selective Surfaces. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.

Huang, Rui (2012) Shape from Shading under Relaxed Assumptions. PhD thesis, University of York.


Hume, Andrew (2012) Indexing and behaviour modelling of team sports. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Humphreys, Gina F (2012) Linking sentence production and comprehension: The neural mechanisms underlying production and comprehension control processes. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hunt, David Stephen (2012) The Quantization of Linear Gravitational Perturbations and the Hadamard Condition. PhD thesis, University of York.

Husain, Lewis (2012) Implementing and innovating : local governments in the development of China's new cooperative medical scheme. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hussein, Mahmoud Mohamed El Araby Mohamed (2012) Borehole water level response to barometric pressure as an indicator of groundwater vulnerability. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hutchinson, Mark Aled (2012) Redefining coherence: 
interaction and experience 
in new music, 1985–1995. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hyde, Philip James (2012) Bio-tribology of total disc replacements of the lumbar spine. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

han, lin (2012) Graph GenerativeModels from Information Theory. PhD thesis, University of York.



Ikioda, Faith (2012) Limits to Communities of Practice in an Open Air Market - The Case of the Alaba-Suru Market, Lagos, Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Illman, Nathan Anthony (2012) Recognition memory impairments in temporal lobe epilepsy: The contribution of recollection and metacognition. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Irving, Benjamin James (2012) The Formation of Molecular Hydrogen in the Interstellar Medium. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Irving, Henry (2012) The political economy of state controls in the transition from war to peace, c.1945-55. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Isaza, Laura Rodriguez (2012) Branding Latin America: film Festivals and the international circulation of Latin American films. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ismail, Azniah Binti (2012) Minimally Supervised Techniques for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction. PhD thesis, University of York.



Jaber, Salah (2012) Canine faeces: the microbiology of an environmental health problem. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jafarifar, Naeimeh (2012) Shrinkage Behaviour of Steel-Fibre-Reinforced-Concrete Pavements. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jago, James (2012) The dissemination and reassessment of private religious space in early modern England: an examination of the cultural contexts surrounding royal, episcopal and collegiate chapels from the accession of James I to the Restoration. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jamadar, Abeda (2012) Copper(II) and Zinc(II) complexes of aroyl hydrazones as potential Antitubercular agents. PhD thesis, University of York.

James, Alison (2012) 'To Knowe a Gentilman': Men and Gentry Culture in Fifteenth Century Yorkshire. PhD thesis, University of York.

James, Andrew (2012) Verbal aggression, physical aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour following brain injury. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jamie, Kimberly (2012) Pharmacogenetics and the Pharmacy Profession: A Sociological Exploration. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jammeh, Burama L. J. (2012) Curriculum Policy Making: A Study of Teachers' and Policy-makers' Perspectives on The Gambian Basic Education Programme. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jarvis, Christopher (2012) Using Pupil Voice to Investigate Students' Thoughts and Opinions on Cross-Curricular Language Teaching. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jenkins, C E (2012) Straddling the scalpel of identity: A critical study of transsexual transition in a familial context. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jerzewska, Anna Swietoslawa (2012) The role of preferences in Japan's FTA policy formation in Asia on a bilateral, minilateral, and region-wide level: Does Japan need a region-wide agreement? PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jesse, Helen (2012) Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecules as Novel Antibacterial Agents: Mechanisms of Toxicity and Resistance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jewell, Rosalyn (2012) Predictors of treatment benefit and prognosis in cutaneous malignant melanoma. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jiang, Siyi (2012) An examination of sonocrystallization kinetics of l-glutamic acid. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jiang, Xiaoqing (2012) Microstructure and Crystallographic Texture Evolution in Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welded Ti-6Al-4V. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jiang, Haiyang (2012) Molecular-scale effects of additives on the nucleation, growth and crystal properties of long-chain alkyl methyl-esters. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jin, Ruofan (2012) Cognitive Power Allocation for Multicarrier Based Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Wireless Systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jin, Yi (2012) Metal Fluorides as Probes for Enzyme Catalysed Phosphoryl Transfer. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Johnson, David (2012) Parliament in crisis : the disintegration of the parliamentarian war effort during the summer of 1643. PhD thesis, University of York.

Johnson, Robert (2012) Hydrothermal processing of biomass and related model compounds. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jones, Laura Frances (2012) Towards a Differently Politicised Shostakovich:an Analytical, Hermeneutical and Feminist Exploration of the Opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jones, Oliver (2012) The Queen's Men on tour: provincial performance in vernacular spaces in early modern England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jones, Samuel D F (2012) MMus, Portfolio of Compositions. MMus thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jones, Richard A (2012) Characterisation of Putative Type VI Secretion System Effector Proteins from Burkholderia cenocepacia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Judson, Emma C (2012) Analysis of an fih mutation in the zebrafish. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Justice, Lucy Victoria (2012) Fact, fiction or belief? Generating, reporting and distinguishing real and fabricated memories. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


KILIC, Dilek (2012) Empirical Analysis of Health and Educational Attainment in Turkey. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kainja, Esmie Tamanda Vilili (2012) A study of child-related policies, services and the needs of orphans in Malawi. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kairamkonda, Venkatesh / Dr (2012) Amylin Peptide: An Association with Feed Intolerance in Preterm Neonates and Infants of Diabetic Mothers. M.D. thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kajornprasart , Wattaneeporn (2012) The positions of Berlin's pluralism. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Kalantari, Kambiz (2012) Ti doped Bi1-xNdxFeO3. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kalfaoglu, Cigir (2012) Cognition in Action: Error Awareness in 7 Actions-per-Second Performance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kaller, Tanja (2012) Joint Attention in Wild Chimpanzees and Human Infants: a Comparative Approach. PhD thesis, University of York.

Karagianna, Anthoula (2012) Changes in the surface chemistry of enamel exposed to acid. A surface study of caries and erosion. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Karimi, Sarah (2012) Structure-property relations in rare earth doped BiFeO3. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kasaragod, Deepa Kamath (2012) Enhanced contrast in OCT imaging of tissues using birefringence, scattering and speckle signatures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kastner, Christian (2012) The conditions of the possibility of philosophical interfaith dialogue: A theoretical and empirical exploration. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Katakalos, George (2012) Problems of communication, collaboration and cooperation in multicultural groups engaged in e-learning through synchronous text-based communication. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kavanagh, Colleen (2012) New consonantal acoustic parameters for forensic speaker comparison. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kaygan, Pinar (2012) The gendering of industrial design in Turkey as technology-related work: Exploring the narratives of professionals. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Keenan, Sarah (2012) Structure-function studies of the neuronal Src kinases. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kempton, Timothy (2012) Machine-Assisted Phonemic Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kendall, Sarah (2012) Temperature regulation of seed dormancy and germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kent, Oliver (2012) Transitions from heterotrophy to autotrophy in orchid seedlings. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ker, Pin Jern (2012) Development of High Speed Low Noise InAs Electron Avalanche Photodiodes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Khamam, Ruba Riad (2012) A semantic/pragmatic exploration of requests : politeness orientation in British English and Syrian Arabic. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Khan, Muhammad Usman Ghani (2012) Natural Language Descriptions for Video Streams. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kim, Yunjong (2012) The Failure of Socialism in South Korea:1945-2007. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kim, Myung Jun (2012) The role of the environmental movement in government decision making in newly democratised Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kim, Nayoung (2012) Investigation into plasmid replication and partitioning systems in proteobacteria. PhD thesis, University of York.

King, Jennifer (2012) Sea ice tracking from SAR in the Arctic. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kinsman, Jennifer (2012) Does object oriented pedagogy promote learning about the past for key stage two children with special educational needs? Do they engage, enjoy and learn? MA by research thesis, University of York.

Kirk, Nathan Robert (2012) An adaptive, preconditioned, electromechanical model for the simulation of cardiac arrhythmias. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kirkwood, Lisa A (2012) The regulation of self-renewal in normal human urothelial cells. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kombo, Eudora Ebitimi (2012) Women in national liberation wars in the settler colonies of Kenya and Zimbabwe: pathways to political empowerment. MA by research thesis, University of York.


Krieger-Redwood, Katya M (2012) An Investigation of Phonological and Semantic Control Using TMS and fMRI. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kroon, Paula (2012) Importance of the IL-6 / STAT3 signalling pathway in prostate cancer stem cells. PhD thesis, University of York.

Krzywoszynska, Anna (2012) "We produce under this sky": making organic wine in a material world. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kumar, Dharmender (2012) Constructing metal binding proteins for use in biotechnology. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Kvistad, Erika (2012) The Point of Agony: Sex and Power in Charlotte Brontë. PhD thesis, University of York.


Lakins, Matthew (2012) The Role of Stroma Microenvironments in Prostate Cancer Cell Migration and Metastasis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Lam, Erica (2012) The experience of Chinese women living in the UK of living with a skin condition: a qualitative study. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lampson, Alexander (2012) A Fusion Proton Diagnostic for Low Field Tokamaks. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Langford, Harry (2012) The microstructure, biogeochemistry and aggregation of Arctic cryoconite granules. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lardeau, Charles-Hugues Claude Jean (2012) Complementary approaches to target human respiratory syncytial virus using small molecule ligands. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Larsen, Kristofer Jon (2012) Pulverised biomass and coal co-firing simulation using computational fluid dynamics :A numerical investigation into the aerodynamics of non-spherical particles and full scale combustion for pulverised fuel applications. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Latimer, Nicholas R (2012) The role of treatment crossover adjustment methods in the context of economic evaluation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lau, Hui Keng (2012) Error Detection in Swarm Robotics: A Focus on Adaptivity to Dynamic Environments. PhD thesis, University of York.

Law, Kate (2012) Writing White Women: Whiteness, Gender, Politics and Power in Rhodesia, c.1950s-1980s. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Law, Lily (2012) Assessing and Understanding Individual Differences in Music Perception Abilities. PhD thesis, University of York.

Lee, Gary Edward Jen-Yu (2012) Can a classification of family therapy be developed from expert consensus opinion. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Leedham, Christopher (2012) Portfolio of compositions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Leese, Charlotte (2012) Towards the directed evolution of an L-aspartate oxidase from Pseudomonas putida. PhD thesis, University of York.

Lei, Jie (2012) China's Welfare Regime 1949-2011: The Key Role of the Communist Party of China. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Leney, Aneika Corrine (2012) Mass spectrometric analysis of pilus assembly, amyloid fibril formation, and membrane proteins in their native state. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lennox, Gareth (2012) The Optimal Design of Conservation Investments. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lewis, Jennifer (2012) Biologically plausible models of sequential action selection. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Li, Gang (2012) Spectroscopy of small boron-containing molecules and line intensity calculations for HCl and CaH. PhD thesis, University of York.

Li, Mengqiu (2012) Developing Raman sorting and imaging techniques to characterise and differentiate unculturable microbial single cells. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Li, Xin (2012) Environmental implications and institutional challenges of China’s wind power development: integrating input-output analysis and life cycle analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Liesen, Andrea (2012) Climate change and asset prices - evidence on market inefficiency in Europe. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Liffford, Rebecca Elizabeth (2012) Shared decision making in consultations about treatment for non small cell lung cancer. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Liu, Hui (2012) A phylogenetic perspective on the ecology, morphology and physiology of grasses. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Liu, Jingjing (2012) Novel LDPC coding and decoding strategies: design, analysis, and algorithms. PhD thesis, University of York.

Liu, Ran (2012) Consumers’ response to ambush marketing activities. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Liu, Junying (2012) Investigation of optimal growth environments for large-scale algal biodiesel production. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lofthouse, Pamela B (2012) The development of the English semi-detached house: 1750-1950. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Loh, Jason Kok Khiang (2012) The (re) construction of beginning teachers : a narrative journey. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Loveridge, Leon (2012) Quantum Measurements in the Presence of Symmetry. PhD thesis, University of York.

Löfblad, Maria Ulrika (2012) Constructing place : preservation and reconstruction of folk heritage buildings in Yunnan Province, PRC. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Machicek, Michelle L. (2012) Reconstructing diet, health and activity patterns in early nomadic pastoralist communities of inner Asia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Macias, Ruben Arnoldo Gonzalez (2012) Change and continuity in Mexican Journalism The case of Morelia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Maiti, Raman (2012) Bio tribology of the patella femoral joint in total knee replacement. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Major, Susan (2012) ‘The Million Go Forth’: Early Railway Excursion Crowds, 1840-1860. PhD thesis, University of York.

Malham, Richard William (2012) Dynamics and thermodynamics of protein-ligand interactions. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Malik, Haseeb (2012) Extending the Real Time Specification for Java for Cache Coherent NUMA Architectures. PhD thesis, University of York.

Malila, Vanessa (2012) Globalization and communications policy: the role of the media in communications policy development in Kenya between 2002 and 2009. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mang, Xiaobin/XM (2012) Self-Assembled Liquid Crystal Nanostructures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mao, Lingling (2012) Changing times and diverging lives: the 60s generation of Chinese women from little Red Soldier to glamorous housewife. PhD thesis, University of York.

Marklew, Christopher James (2012) Structural and Functional Characterisation of Magnesium Protoporphyrin IX Chelatase from Thermosynechococcus elongatus. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Marley, Sarah Louise (2012) Understanding the role of social norms in a web-based personalised, feedback intervention for alochol use. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Marshall, Jane (2012) A small scale study to explore the perceptions of teachers and students in the development of independent and critical thinking skills. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Martin, Peter Laurence (2012) The European Trade in Stained Glass, with Special Reference to the Trade between the Rhineland and the United Kingdom 1794-1835. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro (2012) CO2 photoreduction with rhenium based porphyrin sensitized homogeneous two-component systems. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Masasi, Suphian Sadiki (2012) Development of an appropriate model for water supply and sewerage services in Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mason, Ra (2012) Japan's Recalibration of Risk: The Framing of North Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Matthiessen, Sven (2012) “Going to the Philippines is like coming Home”—Japanese pan-Asianism and the Philippines from the Meiji Era to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

McAvoy, Pauline (2012) Significant events in ward based reflective practice groups. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

McClure, Julia (2012) Inventing New Worlds: A Franciscan Reflection. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

McComish, Jane Mary (2012) An Analysis of Roman Ceramic Building Material from York and its Immediate Environs. MA by research thesis, University of York.

McKenzie, Kerry (2012) Physics without fundamentality. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McKeown, Jane (2012) "It made me see him in a different light" : the use of life story work with older people who have dementia in health and social care practice. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

McLaughlin, James (2012) Applications of search techniques to cryptanalysis and the construction of cipher components. PhD thesis, University of York.

McLeister, M (2012) Negotiating Policy and Practice: A Micro-Level Analysis of Three-Self Churches in a Coastal Chinese City. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Meira, Juliana Matos de (2012) Supply chain management and inter-organisational accounting : a Brazilian case. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Meng, Ran (2012) Sparsity-Aware Adaptive Filtering Algorithms and Application to System Identification. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Mengoni, Silvana Elena (2012) The reciprocal relationship between oral language and reading skills in children with Down syndrome. PhD thesis, University of York.


Meredith, Christopher (2012) Journeys in the Songscape: Reading Space in the Song of Songs. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Metlo, Zubaida (2012) The perception of honour among the British-Pakistani community in Watford, United Kingdom. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mikellidou, Kyriaki (2012) Illusions of filled extent: psychophysics and neuroimaging methods. PhD thesis, University of York.

Miles, Danielle Elizabeth (2012) Self-assembling peptide/glycosaminoglycan hydrogels for spinal therapies. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Minaeian, Jamie K (2012) Optimising an Airborne Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer to Measure Tropospheric Volatile Organic Compounds. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Mishra, Jyoti Laxmi (2012) Information use by multi-agency teams in time constrained, uncertain and complex environments. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Missuno, Filip (2012) 'Shadow' and paradoxes of darkness in Old English and Old Norse poetic language. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mitchell, Jeremy (2012) The structure and growth direction of ErSi_{2-x} nanowires on Si(001). PhD thesis, University of York.

Miyazawa, Alvaro Heiji (2012) Formal verification of implementations of Stateflow charts. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mkuu, Doreen E. (2012) The palynology of paleogene sediments from southern coastal Tanzania. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.

Moatt, Joshua (2012) Costs and consequences of plastic responses to the sperm competition environment in Drosophila melanogaster. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Mohamad Samuri, Suzani (2012) Modelling and Clinical Decision Support for Critically-Ill Patients in ICU using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mohamed, Galal F.A. (2012) Modelling damage and fracture of fibre metal laminates subject to blast loading. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mohammadzadeh Darodi, Maryam (2012) Models of colour semiotics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mohd Nasir, Mohammad Rusdi bin (2012) A study of the Kelantan Malay cultural landscape : recent trends and future prospect. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mohd Yusof, Khairul Nizar B (2012) Composite foundations on Malaysian soft clay soil: applications of innovative techniques. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Molinder, Roger Axel (2012) CO2 capture materials for sorption enhanced steam reforming. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Moody, Catherine Laura (2012) Improved Routes to Unsaturated Ketones and Heterocycles. PhD thesis, University of York.

Morgan, Lee W. G. (2012) Inertial Confinement Fusion Neutronics. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mortimer, Christine Joan (2012) Beyond the transformational leadership paradigm : a Foucaultian analysis of UK leadership literature development. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mount, Matthew (2012) The Mechanisms that Drive Disruptive Innovation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Muftin, Zina (2012) Psychosocial Self Help for Disfigurement. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Muhammad, Abdul Baquee (2012) Annotation of conceptual co-reference and text Mining the Qur'an. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mukonoweshuro, Blessing (2012) Immunogenicity of allogeneic mouse mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mupakati, Liberty (2012) 'Reparation and Inequality Through Different Diasporas: The Case of the Zimbabwean Diaspora in Leeds, United Kingdom and Limpopo Province, South Africa'. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Murray, Megan Geneva (2012) The Unladylike Ladies of Roller Derby?: How Spectators, Players and Derby Wives Do and Redo Gender and Heteronormativity in All-Female Roller Derby. PhD thesis, University of York.

Murtaza, Mariyam (2012) The role of Crumbs2 in neural development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mushtaq, Faisal (2012) Electrophysiological correlates of affective context and risk-taking in human decision-making. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mutibwa, Daniel Henry (2012) Changing imperatives in third sector media and cultural production: a study of news production, documentary film-making and arts and cultural programming. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Muwanguzi, Patience Amooti (2012) Plants and wound healing in Uganda: A mixed methods study. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mylon, Peter T (2012) Performance of Medical Gloves. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.



Na, Jong-Ha (2012) Introducing the digital news system into a TV newsroom : a case of SBS, South Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nammontri, Orawan (2012) The effect of an intervention to enhance sense of coherence on oral health related quality of life:A cluster randomised controlled trial. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nandhra, Sarabijit Singh (2012) Is a primer needed for orthodontic bonding? A randomised controlled trial. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Nawab, Rao Muhammad Adeel (2012) Mono-lingual Paraphrased Text Reuse and Plagiarism Detection. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Naylor, Richard A (2012) Ecology and Dispersal of the Bedbug. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nazir, Ruqia (2012) Chemistry of Transition Metal Fluoride Complexes. PhD thesis, University of York.

Nellis, Adam (2012) Towards meta-evolution via embodiment in artificial chemistries. PhD thesis, University of York.

Nem Singh, Jewellord T. (2012) States, Markets and Labour Unions: The Political Economy of of Oil and Copper in Brazil and Chile. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Newberry, George T (2012) Representations of 'race' in British science and culture during the eighteenth century. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Newman, Matthew (2012) Optimisation of the electronic properties of graphene devices. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Newman, Nicola Louise (2012) The marketing of food to children : moving the debate beyond television advertising. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nicholson, David B (2012) Fossil Perspectives on the Evolution of Insect Diversity. PhD thesis, University of York.

Nicholson, Johanna (2012) Decision processes in the use of technological support for children and young people with life-limiting conditions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Nizamani, Shahzad Ahmed (2012) A quality-aware cloud selection service for computational modellers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Noble, Rachael (2012) Exploring individual experiences of preparedness for bariatic surgery. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Norris, Emily (2012) Nutrition in older adults: Factors influencing compliance to oral nutritional supplements and methods to improve compliance. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Nye, Tacita Louise (2012) Dissection of the roles of individual terminal oxidases in aerobic respiration of Escherichia coli: the third oxidase, cytochrome bd II. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


O'Leary, Bethan Christine (2012) Reconciling Science and Politics in Marine Resource Management. PhD thesis, University of York.

O'Neill, Daniel W. (2012) Measuring progress towards a socially sustainable steady state economy. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

O'Shea, Paul (2012) Playing the Sovereignty Game: Understanding Japan's Territorial Disputes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

O'Toole, Daniel Patrick Harry (2012) The process of adhering to aerosol therapy in adolescents with cystic fibrosis: patient and parent perspectives. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Oldemeier, Alexander Christoph Reinhard (2012) The epistemology of abstractionism. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Oldridge, Emma (2012) Gene expression patterns in human prostate stem cell differentiation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Oliveira Gomes, Artur (2012) Formal Specification of the ARINC 653 Architecture Using Circus. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Ong, Siok Lan (2012) Impact ionisation in AlInP photodiodes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ononugbo, Michael Chinedu (2012) Monetary policy in developing countries: the case of Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Onoshchenko, Olga (2012) Tackling the Informal Economy in Ukraine. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ordoulidis, Nikolaos (2012) The recording career of Vasílis Tsitsánis (1936-1983) An analysis of his music and the problems of research into Greek popular music. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ostler, Thomas Andrew (2012) Computer Simulations of Ultrafast Magnetisation Reversal. PhD thesis, University of York.

Othman, mohd kamal (2012) Measuring visitors' experiences with mobile guide technology in cultural spaces. PhD thesis, University of York.

Oviasu, Osaretin (2012) The spatial analysis of diagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease in Nigeria: A case study of Edo State. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Owen, Simon (2012) Multijet Background Estimation for Supersymmetry Searches Using the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Paine, Martin R. (2012) The Pedagogy of Philosophy for Children/Philosophical Enquiry. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Paksoy, Alaaddin F. (2012) Representation of Turkey's EU bid in the British Media. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pandey, Shailesh (2012) Learning to Rank and Order Answers to Definition Questions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Park, Junho (2012) Determinants and consequences of fiscal procyclicality and sustainability. PhD thesis, University of York.

Parker, Jenny L. (2012) An exploration of children and young people's involvement in decision-making and of the skills linked to high-level participation : co-researching with children and young people from participation groups in one local authority. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Parks, Rachel Louise (2012) Seals, seabirds and saithe: assessing intensification of marine resource exploitation through the mesolithic of Scotland. PhD thesis, University of York.

Parnell, Steve (2012) Architectural design, 1954-1972. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Paserpskyte, Jurga (2012) An Investigation into whether Insight Acquired in Psychotherapy is Associated with Treatment Outcome. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Patel, Nikesh (2012) Mechanistic and Structural studies of the Helical Arch of Flap Endonuclease. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pateman, Rachel Mary (2012) Climate change and habitat associations at species' range boundaries. PhD thesis, University of York.

Paterson, Jennifer Louise (2012) Exploring the interpersonal and intergroup consequences of cross-group romantic relationships. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pazzona, Matteo (2012) Essays on the economics of crime. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pearson, Andrew / A.J. (2012) Correlating Structure with Optoelectronic Functionality in Polymer:Fullerene Blend Films. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Peckham, Emily Jane (2012) Is homeopathic treatment more effective than giving time and attention to NHS patients with chronic complaints. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pedder, Brian E (2012) The palynology and stratigraphy of the Cambrian Nolichucky Shale and associated formations at Thorn Hill, Tennessee, USA. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pellizzaro, Maria Louise (2012) Development of building blocks exhibiting self-sorting molecular recognition properties: towards coded self-assembly processes. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Peraza Rodriguez, Luis Ramon (2012) Fourier Bayesian networks: A novel approach for network structure inference with application to brain connectivity studies from magnetoencephalographic recordings. PhD thesis, University of York.

Percival, Thomas (2012) Articulating intra-Asian urbanism: the production of satellite city megaprojects in Phnom Penh. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pettit, N (2012) An IPA study exploring SENCOs’ experiences of a support group using a reflecting team approach. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Petts, Jeffrey (2012) Work and the Aesthetic. PhD thesis, University of York.

Philipp, Lynn (2012) Culture, healing practice pluralism and living with inflammatory bowel disease. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pickard, Martin John (2012) The operas of J. N. von Poissl (1783-1865) aesthetics and ideology. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pickering, Anthony Derrick (2012) Investigating the relationship between gaining arboricultural knowledge and understanding from sustainable development learning for year 3 / 4 children. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Pickering, Joseph (2012) The expression and regulation of lama1, a gene encoding Laminin alpha 1, during zebrafish development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pickup, Oliver J S (2012) Ruthenium Carboxylate Complexes as Probes to Metal Ligand Interactions. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Pieper, Henning Herbert (2012) The SS Cavalry Brigade and its operations in the Soviet Union, 1941-1942. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pilcher-Dayton, Ann Jessica (2012) Women Freemasons and feminist causes 1908-1935 : the case of the Honourable Fraternity of Antient Masonry. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pillatt, Tobias Adam (2012) Weather and Landscape in Eighteenth-Century Cumbria: Towards Inhabited Perspectives on Climate Change. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pinnock, Abigail (2012) A study of the invasion and the cellular response of an in vitro 3D oral mucosal model by Porphyromonas gingivalis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pitt, Arthur (2012) A Study Of Gamblers And Gaming Culture In London, c. 1780-1844: emerging strategic reasoning in a culture of conspicuous consumption. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Platts, Philip (2012) Spatial modelling, phytogeography and conservation in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and Kenya. PhD thesis, University of York.

Plummer, John (2012) On the physical aspects that control mechanical deformation in bulk metallic glasses. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Plummer, Carol (2012) Who Cares? An Exploration, using Q methodology, of Young Carers' and Professionals' Viewpoints. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pochopien, Bernadeta Anna (2012) Interactions of Antioxidants with NOx at Elevated Temperatures. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pogson, J (2012) An RNAi screen to discover novel modulators of PINK1 related effects on mitochondrial dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Porter, Lindsey (2012) The Moral Status of Babies and Our Obligations to Them. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Potts, Thomas (2012) Properties of convolution operators on Lp(0,1). PhD thesis, University of York.

Pound, Matthew James (2012) Middle to Late Miocene terrestrial biota and climate. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pourmosavi, Seyed Nader (2012) Urban renewal policies : a critical analysis of urban renewal policies in Iran, 1286-1400 AH/1907-2020 AD. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Powell, Joanne (2012) Evaluating measurement uncertainty in amino acid racemization analysis: Towards a new chronology. PhD thesis, University of York.

Prentice, Jamie C (2012) The perturbation effect in wildlife systems: an emergent property of simple models. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pressland, Amy (2012) 'Still Struggling After All These Years?': The Representation of Sportswomen in Middle-brow British Newspapers 2008-2009. PhD thesis, University of York.

Price, Sarah (2012) Traditional acupuncture: exploring the rationale and theory of change in the specific context of early breast cancer and chemotherapy in research and practice. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Procacci, Barbara (2012) PHOTOINDUCED OXIDATIVE ADDITION AT Rh AND Ru CENTRES. PhD thesis, University of York.

Proudfoot, Andrew William (2012) Structural studies of NADPH : protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Puddifoot, Katherine (2012) Psychology and the Goals of Epistemology. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pukallus, Stefanie (2012) A study of the representations of European citizenship and its public communication by the European Commission 1951-2012. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Purcell, Sarah Helen (2012) A Q-Methodological Study: Educational Psychologists' Perceptions of their Role in Supporting and Developing Nurture Principles and Practices in Educational Settings- Implications for Practice. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pétursdóttir, Svava (2012) Using information and communication technology in lower secondary science teaching in Iceland. EdD thesis, University of Leeds.


Quinn, Kate (2012) Childbirth Memory Processing and Perception of Pain: The Role of Adult Attachment The results, discussions and conclusions presented herein are identical to those in the printed version. This electronic version of the thesis has been edited solely to ensure conformance with copyright legislation and all excisions are noted in the text. The final, awarded and examined version is available for consultation via the University Library. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.


Rab, Edmund (2012) Enzyme Catalysed Reactions in Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Racey, Chris (2012) Mapping invariance in the ventral occipital temporal pathway. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rahoma, Sherif (2012) An Investigation of Autoantibodies against Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Patients with Vitiligo. M.D. thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rane, Jayant (2012) Control of gene expression in prostate epithelial cell differentiation hierarchy. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rasheed, Syed Basit (2012) Dengue Vector Dynamics in Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rashid, Abdul (2012) Capital Structure Dynamics and Risks: Empirical Evidence. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Raw, Rachael Kathleen (2012) The effect of old age on motor control: performance and learning. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Rawiraswattana, Krisada (2012) The Dynamics of Discs and Stars in Multiple Systems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Reddy, Siva (2012) Polysemy in Compositional Distributional Semantics. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Reel, Sarah Mai-Lin (2012) Development and evaluation of a valid and reliable footprint measurement approach in forensic identification. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Regelskis, Vidas (2012) Quantum Algebras and Integrable Boundaries in AdS/CFT. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rehman, Anees ur (2012) Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring of A Turbomachinery Bladed System. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rhodes, Richard William (2012) Assessing the strength of non-contemporaneous forensic speech evidence. PhD thesis, University of York.

Richardson, R T (2012) The medieval inventories of the Tower armouries 1320–1410. PhD thesis, University of York.

Richardson, Victoria Rebecca (2012) Identification and characterisation of novel plasma clot components. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Rivera Cuayahuitl, Eliphelet (2012) The cognitions underlying teachers' use of instructional materials on a BA ELT at a Mexican university. EdD thesis, University of Leeds.

Roberts, Angus (2012) Clinical Information Extraction: Lowering the Barrier. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Roberts, Lisa S (2012) A forensic phonetic study of the vocal responses of individuals in distress. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rodriguez Gil, Antonio (2012) Causes of unemployment and the effectiveness of demand policies. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Roney, Thomas (2012) Applications of plasmonics in silicon based photonic devices. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ronke, Rebecca (2012) Natural Dynamics of Spin Chains. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rooks, Marcus (2012) Rails by The Sea. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Rose, Marvin (2012) On the nature of the red, 2MASS-selected AGN in the local Universe. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Roth, Nicole (2012) Regional Patterns and the Cultural Implications of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Burial Practices in Britain. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rowbottom, Carrie Lynn (2012) Making sense of depressive symptoms associated with stroke: A Q methodological study. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Rowland, Christine Alison (2012) Smoking and health-related quality of life in lung cancer patients. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rudnicki, Radoslaw (2012) Portfolio of Compositions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rugangira, Paul Kato (2012) Corporate governance, financial distress, and risk-taking in the USA banking sector. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Russell, Bertie Thomas (2012) Interrogating the post-political: the case of radical climate and climate justice movements. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ryan, Tamlyn (2012) Virtual Spirituality: The Negotiation and (Re)-Presentation of Psychic-Spiritual Identity on the Internet. PhD thesis, University of York.


Sacco, Marika Gatt (2012) Reconceptualising early childhood education : a child-appropriate practice. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Saeed, Muhammad (2012) Pakhtun Men's Perceptions of the Conditions Promoting Domestic Violence in their Culture. PhD thesis, University of York.

Salim, SMM (2012) Experimental Study of Turbulence Generation and Control by Fractal Grids. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Salmon, Richard Michael (2012) Structural Studies on Proteins from Pathogenic Bacteria. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Samson, Esuene M.A (2012) A critical evaluation of the "Tilt-Depth" method of magnetic data interpretation: application to aeromagnetic data from NorthEastern (NE) Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Sandford, Michael J (2012) Jesus and the Poor: Western Biblical Scholarship, Structural Violence, and Postcolonialism. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sands, Frances (2012) Nostell Priory: history of a house, 1730 - 85. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sapiro, Diane Jacqueline (2012) 'You Hum It, I'll Play It!' The role of memory in playing the piano by ear. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Saramago Goncalves, Pedro (2012) Methodological issues in the analysis of individual- and aggregate-participant level data for cost effectiveness analysis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Saunders, Michael (2012) Investigation into the Mechanism of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Sautermeister, Falko Alexander (2012) Piston ring lubrication-influence of sulphuric acid formation from high sulphur content fuel. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Savage-Shepherd, Misti (2012) Home literacy and agency : an ethnographic approach to studying the home literacy practices of six multiliterate children in Qatar. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Schauffler, Svea F (2012) Investigating Subtitling Strategies for the Translation of Wordplay in Wallace and Gromit - An Audience Reception Study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Schofield, Andrew (2012) Analysis and modelling of respiratory metabolism in Neisseria meningitidis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Schröder, Els (2012) Friendship and Favour in Late Anglo-Saxon Élite Culture: A Study of Documentary and Narrative Sources, c. 900-1016. PhD thesis, University of York.

Schulz, Michèle Nadine (2012) Fragment based ligand discovery: Library design and screening by thermal shift analysis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Schückel, Julia (2012) Development of a new platform technology for plant Cytochrome P450 fusions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Scott, Amy (2012) Transverse Oscillations of Non-Planar Coronal Loops. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Scott, Christopher David (2012) Automated techniques for bat echolocation call analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Selim, Gehan Mohammad Elsayed (2012) Remaking urban spaces in Egypt : a study of Bulaq Abul Ela planning schemes 1960-2005. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Senah, Carol-Ann (2012) Educating adolescent students in health and wellness : a review of policies, systems and approaches in the ministries of education and health in Trinidad and Tobago. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shahid, Ahmad (2012) Extraction of Linguistic Resources from Multilingual Corpora and their Exploitation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Shahid, Hifsa (2012) Gain Characterisation of 1.3μm GaAs Quantum Dot lasers. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shahid, Muhammad Shehryar (2012) Size and nature of paid informal work amongst the Pakistani community of Sheffield : a case study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shamsudin, Suriani (2012) The Synthesis and Characterisation of Dendritic Macromolecules for Drug Delivery Application. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shannon, Robin Joseph (2012) Experimental and computational studies of hydroxyl radical kinetics at very low temperatures. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Sharpe, R (2012) Laboratory investigations into processes causing discoloured potable water. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sharpe, Rachael May (2012) Secondary school students' attitudes to practical work in school science. PhD thesis, University of York.

Shaukat, Muhammad Usman (2012) Microwave and terahertz studies of the electron dynamics in two-dimensional electron systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Sheng, Fei (2012) Ultrasonic spectroscopy for in situ particle sizing and crystallization process monitoring. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Shepherd, Amy (2012) Characterising lymphocyte subpopulations and heat shock protein 70 expression in clinical and experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shepherd, Benjamin L (2012) Einstein-Yang-Mills black holes in anti de-Sitter space. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shi, Guang (2012) Natural Resource Based Green Supply Chain Management. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shiaele, Maria (2012) Personification in Ovid's Metamorphoses : Innuidia, Fames, Somnus, Fama. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Shirley, Robin (2012) Alternative binder systems for the immobilisation of waste streams. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Siles-Brügge, Gabriel (2012) The Rise of 'Global Europe': Interests and Ideas in the Making of EU Trade Policy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sin, EHK (2012) The extraction and fractionation of waxes from biomass. PhD thesis, University of York.

Singh, D (2012) An Investigation of Corruption and Clientelism in Afghanistan Hindering Law Enforcement: With a Specific Case Study in the Afghan National Police. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Singleton, Roger (2012) Utilisation of chip thickness models in grinding. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Skinner, David (2012) A Critical and Historical Analysis of Charles and Mary Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare and Thomas Bowdler'��s The Family Shakespeare. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Elizabeth Alexandra (2012) The village, the island and the notaries : an archaeological, ethnographic and archive-based analysis of the rural landscape, 18th-20th century Kythera, Greece. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, L (2012) Characterisation of the essential transcription factor, WhiB1, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Philip (2012) Kuhnian incommensurability between two paradigms of contemporary linguistics. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Philip (2012) Leading schools in challenging circumstances : transactional and transformational leadership in four secondary schools. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Stephanie (2012) Perceptions of abortion in contemporary urban Botswana. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Smith, Sue (2012) Exploring narratives of lifelong learning: a case study of two primary school teacher's professional practice in implementing a lifelong learning project. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Tony (2012) Identifying the key elements of effective leadership in interdisciplinary health and social care teams: Their impact on services, staff and patient outcomes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Snape, Jack (2012) Experimental studies of neoclassical tearing modes on the MAST spherical tokamak. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sohail, Ayesha (2012) Analysis of non-linear surface waves induced by harmonic forcing in a flow cell. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sorrell, Fiona (2012) The Discovery of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Anthrax Toxins Using Affinity, Enzymatic and Computational Techniques. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Speed, Matthew DA (2012) Voice Synthesis using the Three-Dimensional Digital Waveguide Mesh. PhD thesis, University of York.

Staffell, Simon (2012) Political Violence and Religious Discourse: The Case of Iraq 2004-5. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Staunton, Jan (2012) Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms to Detect Concurrent Faults. PhD thesis, University of York.

Steder, Thorsten (2012) A formula for evaluating colour differences for thread sewn into fabric samples. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Stefan, Daniela Cristina (2012) HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS AND CANCER IN CHILDREN IN SOUTH AFRICA. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Stephenson, Andrew (2012) The Structural and Dynamic Behaviour of Polyhedral Coordination Cages, Rings and Chains. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stephenson, Sara Anne (2012) Behind the Scenes: An Ethnographic Study of A Working Kitchen. PhD thesis, University of York.

Stevenson, Jacqueline Ann (2012) Religion and higher education : making sense of the experience of religious students at secular universities through a Bourdieuian lens. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Stockdale, James E (2012) Scaling up of methane flux: a case study in the UK uplands. PhD thesis, University of York.

Stockton, C (2012) The Efficacy of Narrative Reformulation of Depression in Cognitive Analytic Therapy; a Deconstruction Trial. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stonehouse, Aidan (2012) Peripheral identities in an African State: a history of ethnicity in the Kingdom of Buganda since 1884. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Stordy, Peter (2012) Undergraduates' internet literacies. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stratford, Claire Louise (2012) Performance, Presentation and Transmission of Traditional Javanese Gamelan Drumming, with special reference to the Kendhang Ciblon in Solo, Central Java. PhD thesis, University of York.

Strong, Mark (2012) Managing Structural Uncertainty in Health Economic Decision Models. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Strudwick, Andrew James (2012) Developing epitaxial graphene for the purpose of nanoelectronics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Subirana, Mireia (2012) The influence of nursing structure and process variables on patients' outcomes and safety within a High Dependency Unit. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Suddaby, Laura (2012) Investigation into irreversible sorption of pesticides to soil. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sulaiman, Mohamad Ismail ORCID: (2012) Design and Analysis of Singly Fed Dielectric Resonator Antenna with A Wideband Circular Polarization. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sun, Linling (2012) Establishing Confidence in Safety Assessment Evidence. PhD thesis, University of York.

Supanchaiyamat, Nontipa (2012) Bio-based thermoset composites from epoxidised linseed oil. PhD thesis, University of York.

Supriyono, Heru (2012) Novel Bacterial Foraging Optimisation Algorithms with Application to Modelling and Control of Flexible Manipulator Systems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Swift, Andrew J (2012) Developing the Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pulmonary Hypertension. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Szczepanska, Kamila (2012) The Politics of War Memory in Japan 1990-2010: Progressive Civil Society Groups and Contestation of Memory of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Szreder-Ptasinska, Marta (2012) Child Phonology as a Dynamic System. PhD thesis, University of York.


Taggart, Matthew (2012) The first direct measurement of the 17O(α,γ)21Ne reaction and its impact on heavy element production. PhD thesis, University of York.

Taha, Nashrawan (2012) Factors Shaping the Network Dynamics of International Students in UK Higher Education. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Taleb, Hanan M. (2012) Towards sustainable residential buildings in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tan, Caren (2012) Experimental Investigation of Indoor Air Pollutants in Three Residential Buildings. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tang, Kok Siew (2012) Expression of Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-kB Ligand (RANKL) on root surface after different extra-oral dry times. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.

Tapril, Stephen (2012) The impact of the millennials generation on university library service provision. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Taylor, Catherine (2012) How people use justifications to willingly give in to temptation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Taylor, Laura (2012) The teaching progression of first-time ESL teachers in a South Korean private preschool. PhD thesis, University of York.

Taylor, Simon David (2012) An in-vitro medium term simulation of hip hemiarthroplasty. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Taylor, Siobhan Catherine (2012) Exposure and the reduction of fear of pain. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Tenwick, Michelle Claire (2012) Error estimates for numerical solutions of one- and two-dimensional integral equations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Teschner, Na'ama (2012) Integrated transitions toward sustainability : the case of water and energy in Israel. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Theodoropoulou, Marina (2012) Alessandro Scarlatti - Soprano cantatas: Edition, commentary and recorded performances of the autograph cantatas in Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Osborn Music MS 2. PhD thesis, University of York.

Thierry, Aaron Tomos (2012) On Some Causes and Consequences of Patterns in Food Web Structure. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Thomas, Meurig (2012) On the characterisation of subsurface deformation microstructures in aerostructural titanium alloys. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Thompson, A. A. Roger (2012) The role of oxygen sensing pathways in infection and inflammation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Thompson, Hannah Elizabeth (2012) Deficits of semantic cognition in stroke aphasia: Underlying causes and ameliorating factors. PhD thesis, University of York.

Thorpe, G. Leigh (2012) Identifying and Predicting Deterioration During Psychotherapeutic Interventions. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Thorpe, Peter (2012) Bioinformatic and functional characterisation of Globodera pallida effector genes. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Tidbury, Hannah (2012) The Evolutionary Ecology of Antiviral Resistance in Insects. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tilling, Carl (2012) Testing a new method for estimating the monetary value of a QALY. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tizzoni, Mark Lewis (2012) The poems of Dracontius in their Vandalic and Visigothic contexts. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Tracey, John Paul (2012) Ecology, impacts and management of pest birds. PhD thesis, University of York.

Traisup, Kanyapat (2012) Fate of two currently-used pesticides in water-sediment systems. PhD thesis, University of York.


Turanli, Selcen (2012) Agglomeration patterns in Turkish manufacturing industries. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Turek, Mariola (2012) Multiple spell-out approach to wh-fronting. PhD thesis, University of York.

Turnbull, David (2012) Functional Magnetic Nerve Stimulation: The development of a method of generation of explosive expiratory flows in the intubated patient through abdominal muscle stimulation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Twitchett, Arwen Fay (2012) Predictability and dynamics of potential vorticity streamers and connections to high impact weather. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Udo, Magnus Patrick (2012) Gender dimensions in the teaching and learning of vocational business education in Nigerian senior secondary schools. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ulph, Cassandra Rose (2012) Frances Burney's musical inheritance : performance, professionalism and feminine identity in eighteenth-century culture. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Urbanek, Agnieszka N (2012) Regulation of Actin Dynamics by Ysc84 and Las17 in Yeast Endocytosis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Urquhart, Callum (2012) Understandings of evidence-based practice within a group of practising Educational Psychologists. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

ul Haq, Ahsan (2012) On a class of measures on configuration spaces. PhD thesis, University of York.


Varley, Lisa (2012) Intermolecular Interactions: Quantification and Applications. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Vecchiato, Daniel (2012) Valuing landscape preferences with perceptive and monetary approaches: two case studies in Italy. PhD thesis, University of York.

Vitorica, Inigo (2012) Solid state supramolecular chemistry: Gas-solid reactions and intermolecular interactions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Voke, Naomi R (2012) The effect of roots and ectomycorrhizal fungi on carbon cycling in forest soils. PhD thesis, University of York.

van Doorn, Nienke (2012) The Applications and Limitations of a Minimally Destructive Approach to Archaeological Proteomics. PhD thesis, University of York.

von Holstein, Isabella CC (2012) A light stable isotope (C, N, H, O) approach to identifying movement of medieval textiles in North West Europe. PhD thesis, University of York.


WHITE, WILLIAM ROY (2012) A Discourse of Exile: Representations of Restored Royal Exiles in Anglo-Saxon England. PhD thesis, University of York.

WONG, IO NAM (2012) Bioinformatic and biochemical characterization of helicases from Bacteriophage T5. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wade, Rebecca Jayne (2012) Pedagogic objects: the formation, circulation and exhibition of teaching collections for art and design education in Leeds, 1837-1857. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Wahab, Hassan (2012) Metal oxide catalysts for carbon nanotubes growth: The growth mechanism using NiO and doped ZnO. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wailling, Kim (2012) Recognising and supporting children under three as problem solvers. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Walbers, Birte (2012) Number and Measurement in Anglo-Saxon Christian Culture: Editions and Studies of Numerical Notes in Eight Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts, c.800-c.1150. PhD thesis, University of York.

Walker, Anthony (2012) Plant photosynthesis and productivity on Earth in the high Carbon Dioxide 21st century. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Walsh, Michael J (2012) Aberration Corrected In-Situ Electron Microscopy of Nanoparticle Catalysts. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wan, Wan (2012) Using Metaphorical Conceptualisation to Construct and Develop ESL Students'�� Writing:An Exploratory Study. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wang, Manyi (2012) Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for in vitro investigation of meniscus and cartilage degeneration in the knee. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wang, Qian (2012) Advanced Optical and 3D Reconstruction Diagnostics for Combustion and Fluids Research. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wang, Tong (2012) Low-Complexity Signal Processing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wang, Yanhui (2012) Beyond Regular Semigroups. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wang, Zihua (2012) Novel sol-gel synthesis and characterization of oxide nanopowders for solid oxide fuel cells. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wardman, Jessica (2012) A Symmetry Approach to Virus Architecture. PhD thesis, University of York.

Warnoh, Syahliza (2012) The Exclusion of Animal Inventions from Patent Protection: Issues of Interpretation and Application for a Developing Country - Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Warrander, Fiona (2012) The role of lin28, an FGF signalling target, in development and miRNA regulation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Warwick, J P (2012) University internationalisation strategies - a managerial perspective. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wasiluk, Kendra Lyn (2012) Sustainable wealth creation in practice: a framework to manage firm's intangibles. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wasti, Sharada Prasad (2012) Adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Nepal. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Watson, Christopher John (2012) Insulin Analogues for Insulin Receptor Studies and Medical Applications. PhD thesis, University of York.

Webb, Peter James (2012) Melt extraction from a permeable compacting mantle. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Webster, R (2012) Psychological distress in non-cardiac chest pain patients: An application of the common sense model of illness representations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wells, R E (2012) The roles of the JAK/STAT pathway and Fasciclin III in epithelial structures during Drosophila development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Welsh, Thomas (2012) Statistical mechanics of boundary driven systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Westgate, Robert (2012) Environmental Effects on a Suspension Bridge's Performance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wey, Mark Tao Teong (2012) DNA repair in bladder cancer predisposition and radiotherapy treatment response. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wheat, Katherine L (2012) The Role of Broca's Area for Phonology During Visual Word Recognition: Investigations using Magnetoencephalography and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wheeler, Richard (2012) Peptidoglycan architecture and dynamics in Gram-positive bacteria. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

White, Bethan Alice (2012) Modelling of elevated mesoscale convective systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

White, Laura (2012) Characterising the role of the Cajal Body during a productive adenovirus infection. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Whitewood, Peter James (2012) The Red Army and the Terror. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Whittle, James (2012) Composing and devising music theatre. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Wickremesooriya, Shalini Felicity (2012) Talk to me so that I can understand: enhancing adult-child communication to include students with the label of 'Speech, Language & Communication Needs' in Sri Lankan Classrooms. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wild, Celia (2012) Contributions of the left and right hemisphere in language: investigating the effects of unilateral brain damage (stroke) on metaphor processing. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Willcox, Simon (2012) Long-term changes in land cover and carbon storage in Tanzania, East Africa. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Williams, Claire Bryony (2012) An Edition of National Art Library (Great Britain) MS. Dyce 44. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Williams, Sarah (2012) High heels and high tempers : a study into female violence. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wilson, Jayne Louise (2012) The Anti-Microbial Effects of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule-3 (CORM-3). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wilson, Richard (2012) The effects of context type and context proximity on visual recognition memory at 6 and 9 months of age. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wilson, Theodore W (2012) Ice nucleation under cirrus cloud conditions. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Winder, Isabelle Catherine (2012) Hominin landscapes and co-evolutionary ecology: accommodating logical incoherence and complexity. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wood, Natalie Jane (2012) An interpretative analysis of parents' and pupils' experiences of permanent exclusion and placement in a pupil referral unit : implications for successful reintegration. DEdCPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Woods, Damian Joseph Lloyd (2012) Self referential and social cognition in adolscents with autistic spectrum disorder. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Woolston, Andrew Stephen (2012) Working with collinearity in epidemiology: development of collinearity diagnostics, identifying latent constructs in exploratory research and dealing with perfectly collinear variables in regression. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wormald, Andrew (2012) Coming to terms with the National Socialist Past in teamWorx's TV Event Movies: 'Dresden' (2006), 'Nicht alle waren Mörder' (2006) and 'Die Flucht' (2007). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wrobel, Magdalena (2012) pH-driven instabilities in chemical systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wu, Mingqing Belinda (2012) A hybrid microsimulation model for a UK city population with dynamic, spatial and agent based features. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wu, Z (2012) Human Detection and Pose Estimation for Motion Picture Logging and Visualisation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wyper, Peter (2012) Magnetic Reconnection: 3D Magnetic Null Points. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Xie, Shiyu (2012) Design and characterisation of InGaAs high speed photodiodes, InGaAs/InAlAs avalanche photodiodes and novel AlAsSb based avalanche photodiodes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Xu, Da (2012) Reconstruction and applications of QED final state radiation photons in Z->mumu decays produced in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Xu, Weiping (2012) Non-Euclidean Dissimilarity Data in Pattern Recognition. PhD thesis, University of York.


Yam, Ke San (2012) Physical and computation modelling of turbidity currents: the role of turbulence-particles interactions and interfacial forces. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Yang, Yuyi (2012) The Study of Nanostructured Solar Selective Coatings. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Yangklang, Peerapat (2012) L2 acquisition of epistemic modality in English by L1 Thai-speaking children and adults. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Yates, David (2012) Deciding where to look: Insights from the timing of saccades during visual orienting and search. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yeganegy, Roxanne (2012) The politics of participation : Burning Man and British festival culture. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Yeh, Lili (2012) Early Literacy Development in Mandarin-Speaking Children: The Role of Phonological Awareness, Rapid Naming and Spoken Language Skills. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yeung, Bun (2012) Synthesis of pyran and related natural products. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Young, Victoria (2012) Challenges to Good Glycaemic Control in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yu, Xi (2012) An in-silico model of granulation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Zaragoza, Gael (2012) Aluminium Foams For Heat transfer Applications. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhang, Ruibin (2012) Complex Liquid Crystal Phases in Cylindrical Confinement. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhang, Yuan (2012) Automated Analysis of Mammograms using Evolutionary Algorithms. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Zhang, Zhihong (2012) Feature Selection from Higher Order Correlations. PhD thesis, University of York.

Zhang, Jing (2012) Biochemical Studies on T5 Exonuclease. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhao, Ming (2012) Investigation of Eye Movements during Walking in Real and Simulated Environments. PhD thesis, University of York.

Zhao, Yanlin (2012) Methods for electrical impedance spectroscopy and tomography characterising particles in suspensions and crystallisation processes. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Zhao, Zhanxiang (2012) Pulsed laser deposition and characterisation of rare earth doped glass-polymer optical materials. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Zhou, Lihong (2012) Identifying barriers to sharing patient knowledge between healthcare professionals from traditional and western medicines in Chinese hospitals. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhu, Lianbi (2012) National Holidays and Minority Festivals in Canadian Nation-building. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhu, Juanjuan (2012) Simulation Model and Ultrasound Study for Engineering Interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhu, Wuhan (2012) A study of upward request emails: Managing a harmonious relationship in three academic discourse communities of Britain and China. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

zia, afia (2012) Soil-Solution Partitioning of Metals. PhD thesis, University of York.


Ó Briain, Lonán (2012) Hmong Music in Northern Vietnam: Identity, Tradition and Modernity. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

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