Other sources of theses
White Rose eTheses Online only contains theses from the three White Rose universities.
Other sources of theses are available:
The British Library EThOS service
EThOS provides a record of all doctoral theses awarded by UK Higher Education institutions and endeavours to digitise and provide full access to as many of these as possible. Download and ordering facilities are available for both free and paid-for content.
DART-Europe Etheses Portal
Dart-Europe searches etheses repositories from European institutions and endeavours to offer a single European portal for their discovery. Only those theses which are free for all users to download, read and use are included.
CORE attempts to aggregate all open access research outputs (including theses) from repositories and journals worldwide and make them publicly available. Here, too, only those theses which are free for all users to download, read and use are included.
Note that access to some content from the resources above may be limited to subscribing institutions. However, your home institution may be able to provide other access options for that content.
Please also refer to your respective institution’s guide to accessing theses: