Items where Year is 2007
Aarabi, Mohsen (2007) Risk stratification of coronary heart disease in UK South Asians. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Abdel Kader, Yasser (2007) A performance analysis of a hybrid relational-XML approach to store partially-structured data. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Ahmad, Hanim (2007) The development of multi-layer herbaceous plant communities for use in urban parks and green spaces. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Atha, Michael (2007) Late iron age regionality and early Roman trajectories (100BC-AD200) : a landscape perspective from eastern Yorkshire. PhD thesis, University of York.
Beharry, Nesha C (2007) Valuing benefits of improved coastal water quality for beach recreationists in Tobago : a discrete choice experiment application. PhD thesis, University of York.
Betts, Matthew (2007) Poetry, poetics and revision : the early criticism of Robert Graves, 1922-1925. PhD thesis, University of York.
Billings, Zoë (2007) The use of stable isotopes in the investigation of factors affecting the degredation of phenol in soil. PhD thesis, University of York.
Bradford, Phillip James (2007) Parliament and political culture in early fourteenth century England. PhD thesis, University of York.
Clark, Lillian (2007) e-CF : a framework for exploring online consumer behaviour. PhD thesis, University of York.
Collins, Robert Michael (2007) Decline, collapse, or transformation? Hadrian's Wall in the 4th- 5th centuries AD. PhD thesis, University of York.
Coltart, Carrie (2007) Making the self : narrative constructions of self and identity among 'working-class' women in the caring professions. PhD thesis, University of York.
Cunningham, John Patrick (2007) Music for the privy chamber : studies in the consort music of William Lawes (1602-45). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Dunderdale, Karen (2007) Health-related quality of life in chronic heart failure : development and validation of a patient-centred health-related quality of life measure. PhD thesis, University of York.
Fletcher, Peter (2007) Strategy, solvency and the state : the development of the railway system of northern Scotland, 1844-74. PhD thesis, University of York.
Florackis, Chrisostomos (2007) Internal governance mechanisms, corporate policy decisions and performance in UK companies. PhD thesis, University of York.
Gibson, Elizabeth (2007) Porphyrin probes for xanthine oxidase. PhD thesis, University of York.
Goodman, Emily Louisa (2007) Quantifying interactions in a high-density badger (Meles meles) population. PhD thesis, University of York.
Grounds, Matthew Jon (2007) Scaling-up reinforcement learning using parallelization and symbolic planning. PhD thesis, University of York.
Hobbs, Valerie (2007) Examining short-term ELT teacher education : an ethnographic case study of trainees' experiences. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Jung, In-Young (2007) Social assistance in Korea in comparative perspective. PhD thesis, University of York.
Kakos, Michalis (2007) The interaction between students and teachers in citizenship education. PhD thesis, University of York.
Kenwright, Helen Mary Nightingale (2007) Drop out and persistence of young people in further education : an exploration of student perspectives and alleged causes. PhD thesis, University of York.
Layram, Miles J. J (2007) The medium was the message : classical rhetoric and the materiality of language from Empedocles to Shakespeare. PhD thesis, University of York.
Lu, Yu Ming (2007) Routing Strategies for Capacity Enhancement in Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. PhD thesis, University of York.
Martin, Giles D. R (2007) Classical and Quantum Radiation Reaction. PhD thesis, University of York.
Mellor, Jody (2007) Parallel lives? : working-class Muslim and non-Muslim women at university. PhD thesis, University of York.
Menon, Martina (2007) Theory and models of family behaviour : labour participation, household production, and fertility choices. PhD thesis, University of York.
Monks, Susan J (2007) Perceptions of the singing voice. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Northwood, Ewen Jody (2007) Cartilage wear simulation models for surface and spacer hemiarthroplasty and tissue engineering. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Okumura, Sayaka (2007) The poetics of Virginia Woolf's fiction : time, space and the material world. PhD thesis, University of York.
Parizotto, Rosamelia (2007) Aesthetics and usability of virtual learning environment interfaces. PhD thesis, University of York.
Pauletto, Sandra (2007) Interactive non-speech auditory display of multivariate data. PhD thesis, University of York.
Richardson, Gerald Anthony (2007) The Cost-effectiveness of interventions to support self care. PhD thesis, University of York.
Rimmer, Jayne (2007) Small houses in late medieval York and Norwich. PhD thesis, University of York.
Robinson, Ben (2007) From sites and monuments records to historic environment records, from planning to research. PhD thesis, University of York.
St. Clair, Michelle Christina (2007) Language structure and language acquisition: grammatical categorization using phonological and distributional information. PhD thesis, University of York.
Tahiraj, Enkeleida (2007) Poverty and anti-poverty programmes in Albania : the role of social policy in transition and consolidation. PhD thesis, University of York.
Volotinen, Tarja T (2007) Mathematical description of absorbance spectra for Fe and Cu doped soda-lime-silica glasses. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Wilson, Ross J (2007) Archaeology on the Western Front : Memory, Narrative, Identity. PhD thesis, University of York.
Yang, Juan (2007) Education choices under uncertainty. PhD thesis, University of York.
Zaggout, Fatima Nouh (2007) Quantification of SE dopant contrast in low voltage scanning electron microscope. PhD thesis, University of York.
Abane, Henrietta (2007) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods and Women's Access to Resources in a Southern Ghanaian' Forest Community. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Abunjaileh, Alaa Ibrahim (2007) Multimode and Multiband Microstrip Antennas. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Adewoyin, Adefolaju (2007) The successes & achievements of young black males in the British educational system. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Agyemang, Isaac (2007) Assessment of environmental degradation in Northern Ghana: A GIS based participatory approach. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Ahmad , Hamidah (2007) Environmental Experiences of Malaysian adolescents in two neighbourhoods in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Aivaliotis , Pantelis (2007) New developments in InAs/InGaAs quantum dot-in-a-well infrared photodetectors. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Akintoye, Olumuyiwa Adetokunbo (2007) The effect of micro- and macro-molecules on the microstructure and gel characteristics of whey protein concentrate and albumen. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Akumanyi, Nana (2007) Structural Studies of Catalysis and Processing in Galactose. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Al-Adaileh, Bilal Abdal Majeed (2007) The speech act of apology : a linguistic exploration of politeness orientation in British and Jordanian culture. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Al-Salehi, Samira K (2007) The effect of bleaching agents on mineralised tooth tissues and metallic biomaterials. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Aldbrez, Fareg Mohamed (2007) Dynamic modelling and control of a flexible manoeuvring system. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Alhajri, Khalifah Rashed (2007) A scenographer's perspective on Arabic theatre and Arab-Muslim identity. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Allotey, Janette Christine (2007) Discourses on the function of the pelvis in childbearing from ancient times until the present day. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Alyahmadi , Hamad H (2007) The development and expansion of higher education in Oman : planning for the future. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Anderson, Caroline Corisande (2007) The Material Culture of Domestic Religion in Early Modern Florence, c.1480 - c.1650. PhD thesis, University of York.
Anderson, Rosemary Elizabeth (2007) Coping with classroom reading : an ethnographic investigation into the experiences of four dyslexic pupils during the final years of primary schooling. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Arshad, Sira (2007) Ethnicity and attitudes to body shape. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.
Ashhuby, Bashir Ali (2007) Biofouling studies on reverse osmosis desalination of hypersaline waters. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Aslam, Muhammad Wali (2007) Operation Iraqi Freedom : the United States and the idea of 'great power responsibility' in international society. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Asokan, Anil Mathew (2007) Analysis and development of particle based heat transport models for use in nanoscale structures. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Atkins, Elizabeth Jane (2007) The impossible dreams of an invisible cohort : a case study exploring the hopes, aspirations and learning identities of three groups of level 1 students in two English general further education colleges. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Awad, Akram (2007) Detection and Coding Techniques for Fourth Generation Air-Interfaces based on Multicarrier Modulation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
al-Omiri, Mona H. (2007) The aesthetic experience of the Kuwaiti audience : an application of reception theory. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Baker, Merle Patricia (2007) An investigation into the relationship between students' statements and perceptions of their success and failure and their teachers' expectations about their achievement generally but specifically in English language. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Balijepalli, Narasimha Chandrasekhar (2007) Stochastic process models for dynamic traffic assignment. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Barberis, Marc Francois (2007) Biomechanics of cross-country skiing locomotion. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Barclay, Steven John (2007) Banach Spaces of Analytic Vector-valued Functions. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Barrera-Medrano, Daniel (2007) Application of X-ray microtomography to the description of single granules. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Baslington, Hazel (2007) Healthy travel and child socialisation: policy implications for social and cultural change. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Bathe, Andrew (2007) Pedalling in the dark. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Baxter, Susan Kathryn (2007) Teamwork and interprofessional networks in stroke care : towards an understanding of joint working practice. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Becker, Lukas David Fredrik (2007) The memory of text - the text of memory: a study of selected works by James Joyce. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Bending, Joanna Mary (2007) The economy of the Norse settlement of the North Atlantic Islands and its environmental impact : an archaeobotanical assessment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Bin Subaih, Ahmed (2007) Creating a Virtual Training Environment for Traffic Accident Investigation for the Dubai Police Force. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Boak, George Stewart (2007) The competencies of leaders of innovative change in health service organisations: an exploratory study. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Bott, Richard Adrian (2007) The role and function of chairs of university boards and councils. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Britto, Joseph J. (2007) A study of young people's use of ICT in domestic environments : an activity theory perspective. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Brown, Andrew David (2007) The Visual-Paired Comparison Task; limitations of the novelty preference as an index of memory. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Brown Wilson, Christine R. (2007) Exploring relationships in care homes : a constructivist inquiry. Vol.1. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Bryden, John (2007) The Evolution of Social Organisms: Modelling Reproduction Strategy. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Burnage, Sarah (2007) The works of John Bacon RA (1769-1799). PhD thesis, University of York.
Burrows, Hannah (2007) Literary-legal relations in commonwealth-period Iceland. PhD thesis, University of York.
Callaway, Phillip Arthur (2007) Soil-structure interaction in masonry arch bridges. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Canton, Ursula (2007) The use of biographical material in contemporary British theatre. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Cauchi Cuschieri, Rose Anne (2007) The view from the top: a study on economical leadership in Roman Catholic Church primary and secondary schools in Malta. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Chase, Stephen Timothy (2007) Improvised experimental music and the construction of a collaborative aesthetic. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Chataika, Tsitsi (2007) Inclusion of disabled students in higher education in Zimbabwe : from idealism to reality - a social ecosystem perspective. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Chourmouziadou, Kalliopi (2007) Ancient and contemporary use of open-air theatres : evolution and acoustic effect of scenery design. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Chun, Wang (2007) Erosion-corrosion mitigation using chemicals. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Clark, Colin Jeremy (2007) The glass industry in the woodland economy of the Weald. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Clarke, Jean Siobhan (2007) Seeing entrepreneurship : visual ethnographies of embodied entrepreneurs. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Clarke, David James (2007) Achieving teamwork: a grounded theory investigation in selected stroke units in the north of England. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Clayson, Helen (2007) The experience of mesothelioma in Northern England. M.D. thesis, University of Sheffield.
Colley, Helen Elizabeth (2007) The effects of substrate stiffness on mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Cook, Dominic (2007) Field investigation of discolouration material accumulation rates in live drinking Water distribution systems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Cooper, James Russell (2007) Spatially-induced momentum transfer over water-worked gravel beds. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Cottam-Howarth, Barry (2007) Towards PNA Directed Chemical Total Protein Synthesis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Cotterill, Sarah Helen (2007) Partnership working in local electronic government. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Crawshaw, Marilyn Ailsia (2007) 'Swimming against the tide' : an exploratory study of the experiences of growing up with fertility concerns following cancer treatment. PhD thesis, University of York.
Crowcroft, Robert Gerard (2007) The Labour party and the impact of war, 1939-1945. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Cubbon, Simon John (2007) LC-MS for the metabonomic study of human urine samples. PhD thesis, University of York.
Cui, Yong (2007) A new measure for evaluating shielding performance of an equipment enclosure at frequencies above 1 GHz. PhD thesis, University of York.
Day, Julie (2007) Elite women's household management: Yorkshire, 1680-1810. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Deeudom, Manu (2007) The electron transport chains of Neisseria meningitidis. PhD thesis, University of York.
Despotou, Georgios (2007) Managing the Evolution of Dependability Cases for Systems of Systems. PhD thesis, University of York.
Dickinson, Jennifer (2007) Placing transnational migration: The circulation of Indian South African narratives of identity and belonging. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Dickinson, Gemma (2007) Propagation of pharmacogenetic differences in cytochrome P450 into pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic measures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Domingues Rodrigues, Ana Sofia (2007) The dynamics of market structure and R&D competition. PhD thesis, University of York.
Douglas, David James Thomas (2007) Insect availability for breeding yellowhammers on lowland farmland. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
EI-Bayoumi, Mahmoud Attia M. (2007) Wheel Speed Distribution Control and its Effect on Vehicle. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Eduardo Stanciole, Anderson (2007) Essays on the regulation of health care provision and the economics of chronic diseases. PhD thesis, University of York.
Envall, Pelle (2007) Accessibility Planning: a chimera? PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Fan, ChunKit (2007) Thom Gunn and the occasions of poetry. PhD thesis, University of York.
Fantin, Joseph D (2007) The lord of the entire world : Lord Jesus, a challenge to Lord Caesar? PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Faraji, Masoumeh (2007) The effect of solidification variables on the microstructure of hypereutectic Al-Si alloys. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Fisher, Marie ORCID:
The role of tissue transglutaminase in the extracellular matrix changes associated with kidney scarring.
PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Frantzi, Sofia (2007) Effectiveness of international environmental regimes : a case study of the Mediterranean Action Plan. PhD thesis, University of York.
Gabbott, Ian (2007) Designer granules : beating the trade-off between granule strength and dissolution time. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Gan, Chee Sian (2007) Response of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to photoperiod and phosphate alterations using functional proteomics approaches. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Gatt, Alexis (2007) Enhancing the soft proofing paradigm. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Gaughan, Matthew (2007) Alternative forms of modernity: Three generations of working-class fiction (Lawrence, Greenwood, Sillitoe), 1910-1960. PhD thesis, University of York.
Ge, Xiaocheng (2007) Agile security for web applications. PhD thesis, University of York.
George, Patricia Parima Emelda (2007) The Interplay of Identity, Culture, School and Mathematics: A Caribbean Perspective. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Gibson, Clare Naomi (2007) The effect of personality on recovery from total hip replacement and total knee replacement in patients with osteoarthritis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Gilbert, Adam John (2007) Analysis, design and control of LCC resonant power converters. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Gill, Timothy Charles (2007) The doctrine of revelation in the theology of Thomas F. Torrance. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Glenn , Sylvia (2007) The development of theory of mind in deaf people. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Goodhead, Andrew Frank (2007) A crown and a cross : the origins, development and decline of the methodist class meeting in 18th century England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Grandfield, Tracey Anne (2007) Exploring attitudinal and psychophysiological responses towards visible difference : the role of shame, disgust, self-esteem and appearance schema. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Green, David (2007) The tribological effects of soot contaminated lubricants on engine components. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Guan, Dabo (2007) Lifestyle change, structural transitions and natural resources : new approaches and applications of input-output analysis in China. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Guimaraes, Estefania (2007) Talking About Violence: Women Reporting Abuse in Brazil. PhD thesis, University of York.
Hadjiyiannakou, Anastasia (2007) Exploration of special and inclusive education practice in Cyprus : on the road to Ithacas - moving towards inclusion. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Hanley, Stephen James (2007) The optical concerns of Jan van Eyck's painting practice. PhD thesis, University of York.
Hao, Xu (2007) Evaluation of benefits and effectiveness of smart cards for public transport. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Hardman, Philippa J. (2007) The origins of late eighteenth-century prison reform in England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Harris, Samantha Mary (2007) Dynamics of semi-flexible fibres in viscous flow. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Harrison, Sarah Elinor (2007) The use of the lattice Boltzmann method in thrombosis modelling. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Harte, Thomas James (2007) Discrete-time model-based Iterative Learning Control: stability, monotonicity and robustness. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Harwatt, Helen Marie (2007) Tradable carbon permits : their potential to reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Hattrell, Timothy (2007) A computational and experimental study of spark ignition engine combustion. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Head, Naomi Claire (2007) Conflict and communication : critical theory, international relations and the intervention in Kosovo. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Hemavibool, Saranagon (2007) The microstructure of synthetic aggregate produced from waste materials and its influence on the properties of concrete. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Hersic, Ladislav (2007) The effects of foreign entry in banking sectors of transitional economies : The case of Slovakia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Hibbert, Clare Louis (2007) Development and application of a method for estimating daily case-mix adjusted costs of adult critical care units. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Hill, Alison (2007) Care in the context of marriages in later life: an analysis of experiences and perceptions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Hirayama, Yoshikazu (2007) Evolutionary algorithms for practical sensor fault tolerant control. PhD thesis, University of York.
Hobson, Gemma Louise (2007) The hidden cost of being rural: an examination of geographical variations in Local Government funding with a focus on healthcare services. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Hodgin, Nick (2007) Screening the East : Heimat, memory and nostalgia in German post-unification film. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Hodgson, Jenny (2007) Butterfly metapopulations in dynamic habitats. PhD thesis, University of York.
Holder, Kenyon (2007) The Beeson Collection of Wedgwood: Creating an American Narrative. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Houston, Stephanie Jane (2007) Formation waters in petroleum reservoirs : their controls and applications. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Ilyas, Ismet Priana (2007) Production of plastic injection moulding tools using selective laser sintering and high speed machining. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Irwin, Susan E (2007) Situated constraints and opportunities for women in attaining the position of headteacher. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Janius, Juliawati (2007) The Malaysian co-operative movement : an empirical analysis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Janson, Robert (2007) Openability of vacuum lug closures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Johnson, Rebecca Anna (2007) The repair of a site-specific DNA double-strand break during meiosis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Joho, Hideo (2007) Supporting user query reformulation and searching: a concept hierarchy approach. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Jones, Alisa (2007) Changing the past to build the future : history education in post-Mao China. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Jones, Edward Owen (2007) The ecological and evolutionary dynamics of multiple natural enemies. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Jones, Richard Andrew (2007) ''Banding together'' : power, identity and interaction within the concert and contest performance contexts of the Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Jordan, Caroline Patricia (2007) Edward Hodges Baily (1788-1867) and the notion of poetic sculpture c.1800-1845. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Keelan, Rebecca Emily (2007) The Ecological Effects of Ozone Exposure on Upland Semi-Natural Vegetation of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. PhD thesis, University of York.
Keenan, Anne-Maree (2007) The development of a quality of life instrument for osteoarthritis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Khaidzir, Khairul Anwar Mohamed (2007) An expertise study of cognitive interactions between tutors and students in design tutorial conversations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Kim, Namkyu (2007) The impacts of Environmental Supply Chain Management (ESCM) on the environmental activities of Small and Medium - sized Enterprises (SMEs): empirical study of the Korean electronics industry. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kim, Yoohee (2007) The internet and deliberative democracy in South Korea. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Ko, Ilhong (2007) Constructing Bronze Age lives : social reproduction and the construction and use of dolmen burials from the Yongdam complex in Jinan, southern Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Kolokotroni, Katerina Zoe (2007) Nicotine Addiction and Impulsive Behaviour: Disentangling the Relationship. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kowalsky, Meaghan Melissa Marie (2007) Enabling the Great War: Ex-Servicemen, the Mixed Economy of Welfare and the Social Construction of Disability, 1899-1930. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kruger, Simone (2007) Experiencing ethnomusicology: student experiences of the transmission of ethnomusicology at universities in the UK and Germany. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Kubacki, Michal Lukasz (2007) Co-Pyrolysis and Co-Combustion of Coal and Biomass. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kubassova, Olga (2007) Analysis of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI datasets. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kubo, Junichiro (2007) Methods of remedial treatment for carbonation-induced corrosion of reinforced concrete. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kudenko, Irina (2007) Negotiating Jewishness : identity and citizenship in the Leeds Jewish community. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Kulasi, Akbar (2007) Synthesis and characterisation of novel aryl carbazole based conjugated polymers for applications in electroluminescent devices. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Lamb, Mertin Veevers (2007) The motivation of junior high school pupils to learn English in provincial Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Leavitt, Adrian Stuart James (2007) The prediction of whine in automotive parallel axis gears. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Lee, Sujeong (2007) Conservation of religious buildings in use : comparative research into some philosophical, legal and management aspects of the conservation of English churches and Korean Buddhist Temples. PhD thesis, University of York.
Lewis, Nia Elizabeth (2007) The rhetoric of classical performance practice : giving 'life to the notes' in Mozart's Sonatas for violin and keyboard. PhD thesis, University of York.
Li, Tie (2007) Removal of colour from solutions of azo dyes using bacterial cells (Shewanella strain J18 143). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Li, Rong (2007) Natural ventilation of atrium spaces. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Linda Horton, Caroline (2007) Dream recall and autobiographical remembering. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Lissenkova, Natalia (2007) The PRC's Official Discourse on Mongolia since 1990. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Little , Geoffrey R (2007) Dynastic Strategies and Regional Loyalties: Wessex, Mercia and Kent, c.802-939. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Littlewood, Elizabeth Ann (2007) Phonological Short-Term Memory and New Word Learning: Evidence from Paired-Associate and Hebb Repetition Paradigms. PhD thesis, University of York.
Liu, Jinbo (2007) Migration decision-making : a case study of rural-urban labour migration in Shanxi Province, China. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Lloyd Bennett, Peter (2007) Action research with teachers in a secondary school to improve the educational experiences of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Lopez-Crespo, Pablo (2007) Fatigue crack characterization by image correlation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Lu, Hui (2007) The Effects of Stated Preference sign on Bias in Responses. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Lucas, Craig (2007) Prediction of Protein Function Using Statistically Significant Sub-Structure Discovery. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Luhrs, Joanne (2007) Football chants and the continuity of the Blason Populaire tradition. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Macfarlane, Mary (2007) Little Miss Typist : the representation of white-collar women in Weimar Germany. PhD thesis, University of York.
Maleszka-Ritchie, Monika (2007) The evidence for standardisation within the archaeological and historical records of the Baltic Viking Age : implications for our understanding of trade and exchange. PhD thesis, University of York.
Marriott, Michael (2007) A Qualitative Investigation of the Relationship between Psychosis, Positive Discontinuous Experiences, and Spiritual or Religious Beliefs. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.
Marshman, Zoe (2007) The impact of development defects of enamel on young people. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Mason, Miranda Eve (2007) Making love / making work : the sculpture practice of Sarah Bernhardt. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Mathieson, William (2007) A Proteomic and Functional Study of the Schistosoma mansoni Egg. PhD thesis, University of York.
Mawson, David Graeme (2007) The piano music of Sterndale Bennett in the context of nineteenth-century pianism: a practice-based interpretive study with critical commentary. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
McGrath, Catherine Jane (2007) Glutamate release mechanisms from megakaryocytes. PhD thesis, University of York.
McIlwaine, Rachel Elizabeth (2007) Nonlinear dynamics of acid- and base-regulated chemical systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
McKinlay, Andrew James (2007) The phenomenon of vehicle park brake rollaway. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Mebrate, Netsanet Zerihun (2007) High Order Fluctuation Splitting Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Mi'mar, Raghad (2007) Morphological and mechanical analysis of the glenoid trabecular bone. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Mills, Tim (2007) A study of European Cereal frequency change during the iron age and roman periods. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Millward, Julie (2007) Dystopian wor(l)ds: language within and beyond experience. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Minogue, Ben Michael (2007) The identification and characterisation of key genes involved in somatic embryogenesis in wheat (Triticum, aestivum L.). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Minx , Jan Christoph (2007) Data Frameworks in Monetary, Physical and Time Units for Quantitative Sustainable Consumption Research. PhD thesis, University of York.
Mishra, Ruchika (2007) Sex selection : ethical issues for the individual, family and society. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Monaghan, Sophie (2007) Psychological outcomes among older adults attending falls programmes. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.
Montgomery, Chris (2007) Northern English Dialects: A perceptual approach. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Mounajjed, Nadia (2007) Relational interfacings : body, memory and architecture in the digital age. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Mouratidou, Theodora (2007) Dietary assessment of pregnant women in Sheffield, UK. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Murad, Ali (2007) Behaviour of long span composite beams with precast hollow-core slabs. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Nagarajoo, Karthigesu (2007) Improved Ionospheric Correction for Dual Frequency and Differential GPS Positioning Methods. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Nam, Jae-Geol (2007) The role of universities in regional innovation system development : an analysis of government policy and university-industry cooperative relationships in South Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Narciso, Alessandra (2007) The legal protection of folklore: can copyright assist or is a Sui generis right necessary? PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Nilpawar, Amol M. (2007) Kinematics and collision kinetics in high shear granulation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Oliveira Morais de Sousa Girão, Ana Violeta (2007) The nanostructure and degradation of C-S-H in Portland and blended cements. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Ononaiye, Margarita Sylvia Pearl (2007) The influence of social phobia in first episode of psychosis and attentional processing and the ability to use theory of mind. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.
Papathanasiou, Evagelia (2007) The effects of semantic clustering in L2 word learning : evidence from an action research study. Vol.1. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Parrish, Bradley D. (2007) Sustainability entrepreneurship : design principles, processes, and paradigms. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Pasquini, Lorena (2007) Privately-owned lands and biodiversity conservation : analysing the role of Private Conservation Areas in the Little Karoo, South Africa. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Pehl, Julie Ann (2007) An exploration of the therapist's experience of psychodynamic psychotherapy with people with learning disabilities. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.
Peperaki, Olympia (2007) Complexity, power and "associations that matter" : rethinking social organisation in the Early Bronze Age 2 mainland Greece. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Perret, Caroline (2007) Dubuffet, Fautrier, and Paris under the Occupation and in its Aftermath: A Study in the Visual and Textual Ideology of Matter, 1942-49. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Polito, Vito (2007) Vector Autoregressive analysis of macroeconomic policy. PhD thesis, University of York.
Porter, Edel Maria (2007) Translating the Untranslatable: A Comparative Study of Two Modern Language Translations of the Verses of Egils saga Skalla-Grimssonar. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Porter, Richard Thomas James (2007) Kinetic Mechanism Reduction for Chemical Process Hazard Application. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Preeyanon, Antika (2007) The Village Fund Project and Changes in the Dynamics of Local Power in Rural Thailand. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Procter, Kimberley Lonsdale (2007) Measuring the obesogenic environment of childhood obesity. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
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Ramli, Rahizar (2007) Dynamic simulation of semi-active suspension systems for durability analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
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Rehman, Abdur (2007) Chemical Modification of Cotton to Enhance its Dyeability. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
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Rodriguez, Jesus Fernando Guerrero (2007) Old Norse drinking culture. PhD thesis, University of York.
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Salman, Kehlan (2007) A new elasto-plasticity constitutive model for concrete under multiaxial compression based on experimental observations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Sandhiya, Emika (2007) High Efficiency Class E Microwave Frequency Multipliers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
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Sarraj, Marwan (2007) The behaviour of steel fin plate connections in fire. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Searle, Kevin (2007) From farms to foundries : racism, class and resistance in the life-stories of Yemeni former-steelworkers in Sheffield. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Shah, Abhey (2007) Knowledge Management Enviroments for High Throughput Biology. MPhil thesis, University of York.
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Sirera Trull, Minerva (2007) Del lector y sus alrededores : teori�a y pra�ctica del sujeto lector en los cuentos de Julio Corta�zar. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Smith, Joan Margaret (2007) Life histories and career decisions of women teachers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Smith, Michael (2007) An evaluation of outreach dental education. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
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Sutton, Anna (2007) Implicit and explicit personality in work settings: an application of Enneagram theory. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
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Taylor, James Patton (2007) Ideology and Ideological Criticism Of Old Testament Texts. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Thomas, Matthew James (2007) The effect of thermomechanical process parameters on the microstructure and crystallographic texture evolution of near-α aerospace alloy Timetal®834. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
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