Items where Year is 2009

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Number of items: 254.

Ben Ayed, Nizar (2009) Edge turbulence studies during inter-ELM periods in the mega-amp spherical tokamak. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bontell, EI (2009) Genetic and biological characterization of Toxoplasma gondii from Uganda. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Constansis, Alexandros N (2009) Hybrid vocal personae. PhD thesis, University of York.

Griffiths, Noola K (2009) The role of concert dress in the performances of solo female classical instrumentalists. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Healey, Ruth L (2009) Refugee employment experiences : utilising Tamil refugee skills in London. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Johansen, Leslie E (2009) A prospect beyond History : The contextual analysis of the designed landscapes in the North Riding, Yorkshire during the long- Eighteenth Century. PhD thesis, University of York.

Moss, Rachel E (2009) Fictions of Fatherhood : Fatherhood in Late Medieval English Gentry and Mercantile Letters and Romances. PhD thesis, University of York.


Abdullah, Ahmed (2009) In vitro and in situ studies to investigate the erosion of human dental tissues. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Adeyemi, Adesola Olusiji (2009) The Dramaturgy of Femi Osofisan. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Adnan, Muhammad (2009) Development of a combined activity scheduling model for tours. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ahammad, Mohammad Faisal (2009) The management of cross border acquisitions and performance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al Damen, Dima Jamal (2009) Activity Analysis; Finding Explanations for Sets of Events. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al Tamimi, Nadia (2009) Predictors of marital satisfaction in arranged marriages in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of York.

Al-Horr, Khalid (2009) Political Contingency and the Implementation of Localisation Policies : A Case Study of the Oil and Gas Sector in Qatar. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al-Lamki, Nabhan (2009) The beliefs and practices related to continuous professional -development of teachers of English in Oman. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ali, Shehzad Inayat (2009) Measuring the impact of Voluntary Health Insurance on out of pocket costs and socioeconomic-related inequality: methodological challenges and potential solutions with an application to Vietnam. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ali, Moondore (2009) The development of children's understanding of advertisements on television and the Internet in the U.K. and Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Allan, Barbara Clare (2009) Organisational temporal landscapes and individual timescapes : experiences of time in an e-learning and e-mentoring project in a UK university business school. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Allingham, Susan (2009) The early years : lost in translation? EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Bamford, Daniel John (2009) John Barnard's first book of selected church musick : Genesis, production and influence. PhD thesis, University of York.

Barclay, Craig P (2009) Heroes of Peace:The Royal Humane Society and the Award of Medals in Britain,1774-1914. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bardeas, Suzanne Mahmoud (2009) The syntax of the Arabic DP. PhD thesis, University of York.

Barker, Ruth Mary (2009) Hidden meanings of Sheffield's river landscapes : an exploration of how phenomenological philosophy can provide a basis for understanding landscape meaning in landscape architecture theory and contribute to the use and development of the concept of dwelling in landscape practice and research. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Beaney, Katharine (2009) Green spaces in the urban environment : uses, perceptions and experiences of Sheffield city centre residents. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Belina, Anastasia (2009) A critical re-evaluation of Taneyev's Oresteia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Belliappa, Jyothsna (2009) Relational Identities : Middle Class Indian Women Negotiate the Consequences of Globalization and Late Modernity. PhD thesis, University of York.

Benz, Lisa (2009) Queen consort, queen mother: the power and authority of fourteenth century Plantagenet queens. PhD thesis, University of York.

Berber-Solano, Tania Paloma (2009) Evaluation of the human cognitive detection of road surfaces based on the feedback vibrations provided by the automobile steering wheel. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Beverley, Catherine (2009) The health and social care information needs and behaviour of people with a visual impairment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bingham, Adam R (2009) Kitano Takeshi : Authorship, Genre & Stardom in Japanese Cinema. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Birch, Cathryn Ellen (2009) Surface-Atmosphere coupling over the central Arctic Ocean. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Biternas, Andreas (2009) Study of the training effect in exchange bias using the domain state model. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bondar, Dali (2009) Alkali activation of Iranian natural pozzolans for producing geopolymer cement and concrete. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Booth, Peter (2009) AZDV: Map Overlay Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. MSc by research thesis, University of York.

Borg, Erik.W. (2009) The experience of writing a practice-based thesis in Fine Art and Design. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bourne, Richard Stanley (2009) Melatonin, sleep and circadian rhythms in critical care patients. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Boyle, Jordan Hylke (2009) C.elegans locomotion: an integrated approach. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Brierley, Stephen (2009) Mutually Unbiased Bases in Low Dimensions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Broady, Sebastian (2009) Development of novel micaceous glass ceramics for dental applications using CAD/CAM Systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Brook, Anne Christine (2009) God, Grief and Community:Commemoration of the Great War in Huddersfield, c. 1914-1929. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Brooks, Amy Chantal (2009) The adverse effects of contaminants on predator-prey interactions : implications for ecological risk assessment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brown, Joseph (2009) The organisation of the early church in the East Riding of Yorkshire, c. 700 to�� 1100: the churches of 1086 and their origins. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Buse, Christina Eira (2009) Online @ home in retirement : Situating computer and internet use within bodies, spaces and biographies. PhD thesis, University of York.


Cai, Yunlong (2009) Advanced Interference Suppression Techniques for Spread Spectrum Systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Cassar, Ignaz (2009) Declining Images: Photographic Visibility, Spectatorship and the Apparatus. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Chapman, Janine (2009) Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption using implementation intentions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, Bing (2009) A communication platform to facilitate knowledge transfer between different stakeholder groups in sustainable student accommodation design. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, Hsi-I Angel (2009) Transnational Sub-regional Cooperation in Practice: Dynamics of Micro-regionalism and Micro-regionalisation in the East Asia Pacific. PhD thesis, University of York.

Chen, Hsiang-Leng (2009) Partnership on urban regeneration - case study in Taipei, Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chien , Shang-Jen (2009) Voices of Eternal Spring : A Study of the Hingcun diau Song Family and Other Folk Songs of the Hingcun Area, Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Clark, Vivienne (2009) The charted 'journey'of a Secondary School in the North of England into Education for Sustainable Development. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Clarke, Leesa (2009) Inference Generation and Reading Disability. PhD thesis, University of York.

Clarke, Samuel David (2009) Enhancement of the Brick constitutive model to incorporate viscous soil behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Conroy, Carolyn (2009) "He hath Mingled with the Ungodly": The Life of Simeon Solomon After 1873, with a Survey of the Extant Works. PhD thesis, University of York.

Corchón, Silvia (2009) The development, implementation and evaluation of a strategy to enhance nursing research in clinical nursing : a realistic evaluation study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cuamatzi Meléndez, Rubén (2009) 3D cellular automata finite element modelling of cleavage and ductile fracture. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


DONG, XUN (2009) Defending Against Phishing Attacks. PhD thesis, University of York.

Dastgir, Shabbir (2009) Essays on the Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Davies, Peter Stephen (2009) An investigation of microstructure and texture evolution in the Near-α titanium alloy timetal 834. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Debbage, Samantha D. (2009) Do integrated care pathways improve patient outcomes? PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ding, Xuejun (2009) Fault detection and isolation for railway vehicle suspensions. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dinur, Batel (2009) Relational architecture : how can ecological-relational principles inform architecture? PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dodds, Trevor James (2009) Collaborative Interaction in Virtual Environments. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Downes, Julia (2009) DIY Queer Feminist (Sub)cultural Resistance in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Drage, Sally (2009) The performance of English provincial psalmody c.1690-c.1840. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dunn, Jenny Claire (2009) Farming and Foraging : Indirect effects of management on bird biology through changing distributions of food and predators. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dunne, Linda (2009) Discourses of inclusion. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Durrani, Naveed Iqbal (2009) Hybrid RANS-LES simulations for separated flows using dynamic grids. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Edwards, Robert Stephen (2009) Uncertainty analyses in computational electromagnetism. PhD thesis, University of York.

Emberson, Paul (2009) Searching For Flexible Solutions To Task Allocation Problems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Everitt, Mark Stanley (2009) Construction, Theory and simulation of Cavity QED Systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Extence, Gavin (2009) Cinematic thought : the representation of subjective processes in the films of Bergman, Resnais and Kubrick. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Faizal, Mir (2009) Perturbative Quantum Gravity and Yang-Mills Theories in de Sitter Spacetime. PhD thesis, University of York.

Feng, Lu (2009) Contemporary Surface Architecture : The correspondence between surface and space. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Figueredo, Maria Cristina (2009) Richard Couer de Lion : an edition from the London Thornton Manuscript. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fildes, Keith E. (2009) The Baronage in the Reign of Richard II, 1377-1399. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fisch, Florian A (2009) Catalytic Plasticity of the Aspartate/Glutamate Racemase Superfamily. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fisher, Sheila Eunice (2009) Assessment of quality of life in individual patients with head and neck cancer: opinions and preferences of patients and clinicians. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Forrest, David (2009) Social Realism : a British art cinema. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fox, Rachel Sarah (2009) Feasting practices and changes in Greek society from the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fu, Rong (2009) Robust Speaker Diarization for Single Channel Recorded Meetings. PhD thesis, University of York.


Gallardo Hernandez, Ezequiel Alberto (2009) Wheel and rail contact simulation using a twin disc tester. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gallimore, Ian Davyd (2009) What's that noise? : musical boundaries and the construction of listening and meaning. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gamito, Manuel (2009) Techniques for Stochastic Implicit Surface Modelling and Rendering. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ghaziani, Rokhshid (2009) Children's and teachers' voices : a framework for school design. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ginn, Craig Warryn Clifford (2009) Theological authority in the hymns and spirituals of American Protestantism, 1830-1930. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gottfried, Glenn (2009) Divergence from within : an investigation into regional variations of public opinion towards European integration. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Gouyon, Jean-Baptiste (2009) Experts in the wild natural history film-making as a culture of knowledge-production. PhD thesis, University of York.

Greenway, June (2009) Urban gardens and sustainable cities explaining the environmentally beneficial behaviours that make a difference. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Greenwood, Ian (2009) The process and consequences of industrial restructuring and plant closure: A case study from the UK steel industry. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Greenwood-Nimmo, Matthew John (2009) New Challenges for Monetary Policy in the Twenty-First Century. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Griffiths, Michael Brian (2009) Consumption and identity in the People's Republic of China. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Groning, Flora (2009) The mechanical significance of anatomically modern human and Neanderthal mandibular morphology : a study using voxel-based finite element modeling. PhD thesis, University of York.

Grum, Matthew (2009) 3-D Reconstruction of Multi-object Scenes from Multiple Images. PhD thesis, University of York.


Hemming, Peter J (2009) Religion & spirituality in the spaces of the primary school : social & political explorations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hackett, Kimberley Jayne (2009) Opposition in a pre-Republican age? The Spanish match and Jacobean political thought 1618-1624. PhD thesis, University of York.

Haines, Tom SF (2009) Integrating Shape-from-Shading & Stereopsis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Halsey, Claire (2009) Randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase attendance to increase attendance at parent training. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hampson, Natalie Elizabeth (2009) Effort Test Performance in Non-litigating Brain Injury Populations. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Hargreaves, Jason Michael (2009) Towards the C20-C32 fragment of the phorboxazoles. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harold, Simon (2009) Spatial ecology of an insect host-parasitoid-virus interaction: the winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and its natural enemies in Orkney. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Harrell, Katherine M (2009) Mycenaean ways of war : the past, politics, and personhood. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hayton, Richard (2009) Conservative party leadership strategy and the legacy of Thatcherite conservatism, 1997-2005. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Heaton, Rachel Ann (2009) On Schur algebras, Doty coalgebras and quasi-hereditary algebras. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hermeston, Rodney (2009) Linguistic identity in nineteenth-century Tyneside dialect songs. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Heslop, Richard William (2009) Police recruit training and 'community engagement' : unintended consequences. EdD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hogsbjerg, Christian John (2009) C.L.R James in imperial Britain 1932-38. PhD thesis, University of York.

Horn, Rachel (2009) Exploring stepping-up in a stepped care model of service delivery. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Horne, Jennifer L (2009) The influence of grazing macroinvertebrates on the structure of benthic diatom assemblages: Implications for biomonitoring. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hulme, Lydia (2009) The roles of Tel1, Srs2 and Rad6 during meiotic DSB repair. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Ibrahim, Taib (2009) Short-stroke, single-phase tubular permanent magnet motors for refrigeration applications. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Jacques, Richard (2009) Statistical Analysis of High Content Screening Data. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jali, Mohd Razani Mohd (2009) Internal migration in Malaysia:Spatial and temporal analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jewell, Carolyn (2009) Insect migration in a changing climate. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jung, Chang Lyul (2009) A political economy of pension reform in Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jõks, Eerik (2009) Contemporary understanding of Gregorian chant - conceptualisation and practice. PhD thesis, University of York.


Kalnikaite, Vaiva (2009) Re-thinking lifelogging : designing human-centric prosthetic memory devices. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Keijbets, Esther Leonie (2009) Solid mould surface characteristics in relation to chocolate adhesion and the influence of processing conditions. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kelly, Janet (2009) Model Lives : The changing role and experience of the wives of itinerant preachers in mainstream methodism, 1750-1880. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kennaway, George William (2009) Cello techniques and performing practices in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kim-McLean, Katherine Mary (2009) Engaging the manuscript: new editions and reading the 'whole book' in Chetham's Library MS 8009. PhD thesis, University of York.

King, Gary Andrew (2009) The alien presence: Palaeoentomological approaches to trade and migration. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kingsbury, Noël (2009) An investigation into the performance of species in ecologically based ornamental herbaceous vegetation, with particular reference to competition in productive environments. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Koh, Hwan Cui (2009) Visual perception in autism spectrum disorders. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kubota, Megumi (2009) Real Exchange Rate Misalignments. PhD thesis, University of York.


Lau, Beng Guey (2009) An intelligent prosthetic hand using hybrid actuation and myoelectric control. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lau, Carmen (2009) 'The New Generation: Chinese Childhoods'. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Laughton, Alice Martha (2009) The ontogeny of immunity in the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lay, Nicholas Christopher (2009) Enhancing real-time embedded systems development using artificial immune systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Lee, Byran Derek (2009) Imperial polemics and the end of the exodus in Romans : A rhetorical and intertextual reading of Romans 1.1-17. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Li, Chih-Ping Lucia (2009) Quality of life among older people in the UK and Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Li, Jianqiang (2009) Predicting the potential for natural ventilation of buildings in the urban environment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Liu, Xierong (2009) System-level attention links cognition, perception and action: Evidence from language comprehension and eye movements. PhD thesis, University of York.

Low, Mark A (2009) The evolution of the Conservative Party Organisation : renewal and the re-characterisation of local autonomy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


MacKay, Michael Hubbard (2009) The rise of a medical speciality : the medicalisation of elite equine care c.1680-c.1800. PhD thesis, University of York.

Maiden, Jennifer Elizabeth (2009) Ruptures in remembrance : trauma, utterance and patterns in survivor testimony. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Male, Rachel Louise (2009) Developing Country Business Cycles: Characterizing the Cycle and Investigating the Output Persistence Problem. PhD thesis, University of York.

Malpocher, Corrine (2009) Sexuality, Race and Zionism : Conflict and Debates in Spare Rib, 1972-1993. PhD thesis, University of York.

Martin, Chris J (2009) Chemical models for, and the role of data and provenance in, an atmospheric chemistry community. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mavredaki, Eleftheria (2009) Barium Sulphate Formation Kinetics and Inhibition at Surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McCann, Laura (2009) Tribological Investigation of Articular Cartilage Substitution in the Medial Compartmental Knee. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McDonald, Claire Margaret (2009) Herbivory in Antarctic fossil forests and comparisons with modern analogues in Chile. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McFadden, Estelle (2009) The development of a work instability scale for multiple sclerosis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McFarland, Robert (2009) African Caribbean peoples' experience of mental health services and factors moderating length of hospital stay. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Meng, Hang (2009) Erosion-Corrosion of Marine Alloys. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mildon, Katherine Helen (2009) An investigation into inequalities in parent-child involvement in active play. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Milestone, Rachel Elizabeth (2009) 'A New Impetus to the Love of Music' : The Role of the Town Hall in Nineteenth-Century English Musical Culture. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Milner, John David (2009) Ellingtonia : the reciprocal and symbiotic relationship between Duke Ellington and his musicians. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Monkhouse, Lien Le (2009) Operationalising the luxury construct and modelling the influence of Confucian cultural values on the perception, attitude and buying behaviour of East Asian consumers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Moontragoon, Pairot (2009) Band structure calculation of Si-Ge-Sn binary and ternary alloys, nanostructures and devices. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Moran, Anna (2009) A study to examine the contribution of support workers to the delivery and outcomes of community rehabilitation and intermediate care services in England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Morecroft, L.C. (2009) A Statistical Approach to Facial Identification. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Morphett, Anthony William (2009) Degrees of Computability and Randomness. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Muehlberg, Jan Tobias (2009) Model Checking Pointer Safety in Compiled Programs. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mugliett, Karen (2009) ICT integration in home economics classrooms : a study using an online community of practice. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mullender, Christopher (2009) From Timbre to Space: Differences in Approach and Treatment of Source Material in Electro-acoustic Composition. MA by research thesis, University of York.

Mylvaganam, Kristine (2009) The role of ambivalence and cognitive dissonance in motivational interviewing for alcohol problems. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Müller, Noémi Suzanne (2009) Technology of Bronze Age cooking ware from Akrotiri, Thera. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Newton, Lisa Diane (2009) Is this the life that I want to have? : values-based self-affirmation for young people with dermatological conditions. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nguyen, Dong (2009) Application of computational limit analysis to soil-structure interaction in masonry arch bridges. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nicolson, Donald John (2009) Leaflet-based and Internet-based information about medicines for consumers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Nordqvist, Petra (2009) Conceiving together : lesbian couples pursuit of donor conception. PhD thesis, University of York.

Norman, Alistair William Timothy (2009) The effects of mobile technologies on the work of front-line police officers in a UK Police Force. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Norris, Nicole Catherine (2009) Structural and functional studies of intrinsically disordered fibronectin-binding proteins. PhD thesis, University of York.

Norton, Matthew J (2009) The impact and consequences of inspection on residential care for older people: A critical analysis of four case studies of Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) inspection. PhD thesis, University of York.


O'Byrne, Carol (2009) Policy, profession and person : the formation of reflexive academic identities in an Irish Institute of technology. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.

O'Grady, Kathleen Alice (2009) Underground club spaces and interactive performance. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ong Ondo, Charles Ochieng (2009) Pedagogical practice and support of english language student teachers during the practicum in Kenya. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Oxberry, Stephen Grantley (2009) Opioids for breathlessness in heart failure. PhD thesis, University of York.


Packham, Ian Michael (2009) Exploiting the Zebrafish Embryo as a Model to Determine the Role of Genes that Modulate Arteriogenesis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pais, Tara (2009) Constructing a scale to measure pregnant womens expectations of childbirth : literature review and research report. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Panagiotakopoulos, Antonios (2009) An empirical investigation of employee training and development in Greek manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Parker, Melanie Suzanne (2009) Postmodernism and cold war military technology in the fiction of Don DeLillo and William S. Burroughs. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Peng, Guo Chao (2009) Barriers and risks associated with the post-implementation of ERP systems in China : cases of state-owned enterprises in the electronic and telecommunication manufacturing sector in Guangdong. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Perez, Alberto Camarena (2009) Prospects for the formation of a pluralistic security community between China and ASEAN. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Peters, Mark Steven (2009) Of Princes and peasants? : a comparative approach to an understanding of social development, identity and dynamics in mainland Greece, c.1300-900 B.C. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Petty, Emma Marie (2009) Shape Analysis in Bioinformatics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Phillpott, Matthew J (2009) Rectifying the 'ignoraunce of history' : John Foxe and the collaborative reformation of England's past. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Phipps, Simon (2009) The relationship between teacher education, teacher cognition and classroom practice in language teaching: a case study of MA students beliefs about grammar teaching. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pickering, Matthew D. (2009) Low temperature sequestration of photosynthetic pigments: Model studies and natural aquatic environments. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pickford, Stuart (2009) The Dialogue between the Discourses of Ecocriticism and Environmental Poetry. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pope, Louise Jay (2009) Fate and Effects of Parasiticides in the Pasture Environment. PhD thesis, University of York.

Poudyal, Mahesh (2009) Tree Tenure in Agroforestry Parklands: Implications for the Management, Utilisation and Ecology of Shea and Locust Bean Trees in Northern Ghana. PhD thesis, University of York.

Poulton, Charlotte Tanner (2009) The sight of sound : Resonances between music and painting in seventeenth-century Italy. PhD thesis, University of York.

Powell-Howard, Matthew James (2009) What affects the reliability of vocational examiners marking? MA by research thesis, University of York.

Premcharoen, Siraprapha (2009) Ecotrophic Model for an Ecosystem Approach for Mangrove Fisheries in Thailand. PhD thesis, University of York.

Preston, Sam J A (2009) Professional Development of Teachers in England- The Impact of Postgraduate Accreditation in Well-being, Social and Emotional Literacy. MA by research thesis, University of York.


Quan, Zhi (2009) Computationally Efficient Multiuser and MIMO Detection based on Dichotomous Coordinate Descent Iterations. PhD thesis, University of York.


Ralfs, Sonya (2009) Assessing components of empathy and victim specific empathy in sex-offenders with intellectual and developmental disabilities. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Relton, Clare (2009) A new design for pragmatic randomised controlled trials: a 'Patient Cohort' RCT of treatment by a homeopath for menopausal hot flushes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Richards, Emily Jean (2009) Body soul debates in English French and German manuscripts c1200-c1500. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rizoulis, Athanasios (2009) Diversity of planktonic and attached microbial communities in a phenol polluted aquifer. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Robins, Sarah (2009) Neural Stem / Progenitor Cells in the Adult Mouse Hypothalamus. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rolfsson, Ottar (2009) The roles of MS2 RNA in MS2 capsid assembly. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Salas Zamarripa , Adrian (2009) Fatigue behaviour of a 2618-T6 aluminium alloy used in turbocharger compressor wheels. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sandon, Nicolas (2009) New and efficient strategies in stereoselective heterocycle synthesis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sargaço Reis, Raquel (2009) Customers' perceptions on the role of direct marketing in developing effective relationships with training companies in a BTB context in Portugal. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Schneider, Florian (2009) Visual political communication in popular Chinese television series. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Schofield, Benedict Keble (2009) Private lives and collective destinies : Class, nation and the folk in the works of Gustav Freytag (1816-1895). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Scott, Anna Kathrine (2009) Towards sustainable consumption : Understanding the adoption and practice of environmental actions in households. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sedghi Ilkhanlar, Shahram (2009) Relevance criteria for medical images applied by health care professionals : A grounded theory study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Seemann, Klaus Michael (2009) Spin polarized electron transport and the anomalous Hall effect in L10-ordered epitaxial Fe-alloys. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Servin, Arturo Lev (2009) Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Intrusion Detection. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sevdali, Maria (2009) Drosophila Indirect Flight Muscles as a model system for the study of human thin filament myopathies. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sharzehee, Maryam (2009) The use of urea condensates as novel flame retardant materials. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Siakalli, Michailina (2009) Stability properties of stochastic differential equations driven by Lévy noise. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Siamantas, Georgios (2009) An iterative, residual-based approach to unsupervised musical source separation in single-channel mixtures. PhD thesis, University of York.

Silcock, Jonathan (2009) The self management of heart failure: a place in practice? PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Sinclair , Christopher John (2009) Predicting the environmental fate and ecotoxicological and toxicological effects of pesticide transformation products. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sowden, Hannah (2009) Investigating gesture in children with autism : development, input and interaction. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Spittle, Gary (2009) An investigation into improving speech intelligibility using binaural signal processing. PhD thesis, University of York.

Stevens, Katherine Josie (2009) The development of a preference based paediatric health related quality of life measure for use in economic evaluation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Suri, Shipra narang (2009) Urban planning and post-war reconstruction under transitional administrations : The case of Mostar. PhD thesis, University of York.


TORRES-ECHEVERRIA, ALEJANDRO C (2009) Modelling and optimization of Safety Instrumented Systems based on dependability and cost measures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tan, Jin (2009) Higher Education Students' Learning and Knowledge Sharing: a grounded theory study of blog use. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tate, Jonathan (2009) Principled Tuning And Structuring Methods For Sensornets. PhD thesis, University of York.

Taubman, Andrew W (2009) Clergy and Commoners: Interactions between medieval clergy and laity in a regional context. PhD thesis, University of York.

Thompson, Jill Catherine (2009) A qualitative study of public involvement in the national cancer research network. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Thompson, Mark Lawrence (2009) Investigation into biocatalytic routes towards monoterpene alcohols. PhD thesis, University of York.

Thorpe, Jonathan Benjamin Alexis (2009) Human sound localisation cues and their relation to morphology. PhD thesis, University of York.

Tomlinson, Sarah Elizabeth (2009) Understanding the friction between human fingers and contacting surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tran, Thi Lan Anh (2009) Vietnam's membership of the WTO: an analysis of the transformation of a socialist economy into an open economy with special reference to the TRIPS regime and the patent law. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Trucu, Dumitru (2009) Inverse problems for blood perfusion identification. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Tsoraki, Christina (2009) Neolithic society in northern Greece : the evidence of ground stone artefacts. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tuckley, Christopher Ian (2009) The book collection at St Guthlac's priory, Hereford, before 1200 : Acquisition, adaptation and use. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Turner, Daniel (2009) Formal and Informal Care and Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Two Sites in Botswana. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Turner, Sam (2009) Titanium milling strategies. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Valavanis, Alexander (2009) n-type silicon-germanium based terahertz quantum cascade lasers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Vlachos, Dimitrios (2009) Ceramics from Makriyalos II, northern Greece. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Voliotis, Margaritis (2009) Stochastic Modelling of Gene Expression: From Single Molecules to Populations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Walker, Matthew (2009) Robert Hooke, the Early Royal Society and the practices of architecture. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wang, Lei (2009) Array Signal Processing Algorithms for Beamforming and Direction Finding. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wang, Yu-Chi (2009) Anxiety in English language learning : A case study of Taiwanese university students on a study abroad programme. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ward, Jenna (2009) Managing emotions : an enquiry into some psychological and sociological aspects of affect and emotion at work. PhD thesis, University of York.

Warren, Gemma (2009) The relationship between psychopathy and indirect aggression in a commuity sample. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wedlich, Kerstin Vanessa (2009) Impacts of tropospheric ozone on semi-natural ecosystems. PhD thesis, University of York.

White, David Robert (2009) Genetic Programming for Low-Resource Systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

White, Adam James (2009) The re-legitimation of private security in Britain, 1945-2001. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

White, Lorraine (2009) The microbiology of death. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wilkinson, Iain (2009) Some Remarks on the Photophysics of Nitrogen Dioxide. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Williamson, Susan Maria (2009) A longitudinal study exploring the educational experiences and perceptions of students who have been identified as able in the context of a challenging school. MPhil thesis, University of York.

Wilshaw, Claire Tamsin (2009) Directed Phase Separation of Polymer Blends on Binary-Patterned Polymer Brushes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wong, Joanna PW (2009) Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals from Fluorophenols and Alkoxystilbazoles. MSc by research thesis, University of York.


Xylouri, Alexandra (2009) Impact of atmospheric cycling on the release of iron and manganese into seawater from Saharan soil particles. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Yamamoto , Koji (2009) Distrust, innovations and public service : 'Projecting' in Seventeenth and early Eighteenth-century England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Yanakiev, Alexander (2009) Europeanisation and domestic change : the effects of EU regional policy in Bulgaria. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yoon, Sang-Jun (2009) History and conservation of gardens in Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yu, Lei (2009) Soundscape evaluation and ANN modelling in urban open spaces. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Zahran, Zainab A.H (2009) Advancing nursing? Master's level nurses in Jordan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zanganeh, Mohammad (2009) Experimental investigation of crack paths. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Zhang , Junruo (2009) Optimal Detection with Imperfect Channel Estimation for Wireless Communications. PhD thesis, University of York.

Zhu, Li (2009) Effective visual merchandising in fashion retailing. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Zuhily, Areej (2009) Scheduling analysis of fixed priority hard real-time systems with multiframe tasks. PhD thesis, University of York.

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