Items where Year is 1998

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Number of items: 154.

Acharya, Gayatri (1998) Hydrological-economic linkages in water resource management. PhD thesis, University of York.

Baldwin, Debra Anne (1998) Growing up in and out of care : an ethnographic approach to young people's transitions to adulthood. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brown, Laurence Hugh (1998) Reactions in British and French universities to the Spanish Civil War : a comparative history. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brown, Stephen Paul (1998) The moral justification of retributive punishment by reference to the notion of balance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Burgoyne, Andrea (1998) Improving flux in flat plate modules for membrane distillation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Carlisle, Jane (1998) Lone motherhood and failed transitions : pathways to criminal careers?. PhD thesis, University of York.

Cole, Arby (1998) The Malaysian 'Vision 2020' national development plan : implementation problems in Sabah. PhD thesis, University of York.

Croucher, Peter James Paul (1998) Evolutionary interactions of two colonizing species of large house spider (Araneae: Tegenaria spp.) : testing the reinforcement hypothesis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Currid, James Noel (1998) Explaining the nature of opposition in Britain to the European Community since 1973. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

De Courcey-Bayley, Crispin (1998) House and household : a study of families and property in the Quarter of Santa Croce, Florence during the fifteenth century. PhD thesis, University of York.

De Mattos, Valeria Povoa (1998) Environmental management in the petroleum industry. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dodd, Gwilym (1998) Crown, magnates and gentry : the English parliament, 1369-1421. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fryday, Alan Michael (1998) Ecology and taxonomy of montane lichen vegetation in the British Isles. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gamberale, Carlo (1998) European citizenship and political identity. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hemmings, Clare Virgina (1998) In search of the bisexual experience : mapping contemporary bisexual spaces. PhD thesis, University of York.

Higate, Paul Richard (1998) Soldiering on? An analysis of homelessness amongst ex-servicemen. PhD thesis, University of York.

Inglis, David (1998) Scatological investigations : excreta and excretion in modernity. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ji, Wenyan (1998) Error analysis and system improvements in phase-stepping methods for photoelasticity. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kienzle, Peter (1998) Conservation and reconstruction at the Palace of Minos at Knossos. PhD thesis, University of York.

Laing, Emma Claire (1998) Phonological and semantic factors in children's acquisition of a sight vocabulary in reading. PhD thesis, University of York.

Laurence, Alastair (1998) The evolution of the Broadwood grand piano 1785-1998. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ling, Jonathan (1998) The development of eyewitness memory for colour. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mackie, Frederick Peter (1998) The clerical population of the Province of York : an edition of the clerical poll tax enrolments 1377-1381. PhD thesis, University of York.

Magee, Wendy L (1998) Singing my life, playing my self : investigating the use of familiar pre-composed music and unfamiliar improvised music in clinical music therapy with individuals with chronic neurological illness. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mulvey, Grainne (1998) Composition portfolio : ten compositions and commentaries. PhD thesis, University of York.

Nightingale, J. E (1998) 'Voices of Frickley' : the struggles of the miners at a Yorkshire colliery 1984-1993. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Paida, S (1998) Young children's images of the 'enemy'. A study with Greek and British children. PhD thesis, University of York.

Penman, David Binnie (1998) Random graphs with correlation structure. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Penn, Stephen (1998) Truth, time and sacred text : responses to medieval nominalism in John Wyclif's Summa de Ente and De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae. PhD thesis, University of York.

Price, Christopher (1998) "A different kind of nation" : the political origin of Britain's financial and economic unpreparedness for the Second World War. PhD thesis, University of York.

Service, Alexandra (1998) Popular Vikings : constructions of Viking identity in twentieth century Britain. PhD thesis, University of York.

Solomon, Aris (1998) An investigation into a conceptual framework for corporate environmental reporting. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tassone, Giuseppe (1998) The tale of progress : a study on the idea of progress in Nietzsche, Heidegger, and critical theory. PhD thesis, University of York.

Thompson, Carl Anthony (1998) Quality : a multi-method exploration of the social construction of a contested concept in the National Health Service. PhD thesis, University of York.

Thomson, Claire Elizabeth (1998) A transcription and study of British Library MS. Lansdowne 851 of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wang, Jih-Terng (1998) Nutritional interactions between the alga Symbiodinium and sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella. PhD thesis, University of York.

Watts, Leon Adam (1998) Understanding interactive behaviour : a quantitative approach. PhD thesis, University of York.

Webb, Darren (1998) In search of the spirit of revolution : Marx's confrontation with Utopia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Achillides, Zenon (1998) Bond behaviour of FRP bars in concrete. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Agrotou, Anthi (1998) Psychodynamic group music therapy with profoundly learning disabled residents and their carers : developing a theory and practice for the realisation of therapeutic aims for residents and the acquirement of therapist's skills by carers. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ahmad, Hajah Asmah bte Haji (1998) Collaborative management and school effectiveness in Malaysian primary schools. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ahmad, Idrees (1998) The numerical solution of reacting flow problems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al-Ahmari, Abdulrahman Mushabab Abdullah (1998) Modelling, analysis and design of computer integrated manufacturing systems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al-Suhaibani, Saleh (1998) A comparative study of the present preparation programmes for teachers of Arabic for native and non-native speakers in the Riyadh Universities. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Appleton, Katherine Marie (1998) Uncoupling sweetness and energy in habitual high and low consumers of artificial sweetners: effects on appetite. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Avanaki, Hussein Jamshidi (1998) University teacher-training in change : the English and Iranian experience, English language teaching in the two systems with ESL/ESP as a case study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Baker, Gideon B. (1998) Civil society and democratisation theory : an inter-regional comparison. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Basri, Johari (1998) Impact of process safety management performance and human error on off-site risk : a comparative study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bennetts, Christine Mary (1998) Traditional mentor relationships in the lives of creative people : towards an aesthetic understanding. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Besembel Carrera, Isobel.M. (1998) An integrated index structure for object-oriented and spatio-temporal information systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Blank, Sharon Lesley (1998) Trade union power in the 1990s : a case study. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Boglione, Luciano (1998) Low noise microwave feedback amplifier design with simultaneous signal and noise matching. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Brencher, John Frederick (1998) David Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981 and twentieth-century evangelicalism. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Britton, Joanne (1998) The Black Justice Project : a study of volunteering racialised identity and criminal justice. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brown, Sarah Caroline Mellows (1998) High resolution polarimetric imaging of biophysical objects using synthetic aperture radar. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bundock, Nicholas John (1998) The regulation and role of plant invertases. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Burrows, Mark (1998) The left-wing road to fascism : an investigation of the influence of 'socialist' ideas upon the political ideology of the British Union of Fascists. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Carden, Steven James (1998) A mathematical framework for a general purpose constraint management system. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cavell, Dominique Grace (1998) Assessment of deteriorating post-tensioned concrete bridges. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, Bing Hui (1998) Feature extraction and knowledge discovery in process operation analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Chiverrell, Richard Christopher (1998) Moorland vegetation history and climate change on the North York Moors during the last 2000 years. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cho, Hye-Jin (1998) Route choice responses to variable road user charges and traffic information. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cowan, Barbara Mary (1998) Public libraries, training and the impact of information technology : a comparative study of public libraries in Canada and England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Creasey , David Paul (1998) An exploration of sound timbre using perceptual and time-varying frequency spectrum techniques. PhD thesis, University of York.

Crull, Donald Scott (1998) The economy and archaeology of European-made glass beads and manufactured goods used in first contact situations in Oregon, California and Washington. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cudworth, Erika (1998) Gender,nature and dominance : an analysis of interconnections between patriarchy and anthroparchy, using examples of meat and pornography. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Daniels, Neil (1998) Instabilities in Roll and Slot Coating Flows. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dersley, Ian (1998) Complaining and arguing in everyday conversation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Dobson, Hugo James (1998) Japan and United Nations peacekeeping : foreign policy formulation in the post-cold war world. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Duxbury, Darren (1998) Market Efficiency and the Role of Information: An Experimental Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Endfield, Georgina Hope (1998) Social and environmental change in Colonial Michoacan, west central Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Evans, Andrew John (1998) The Causes and Implications of Microstructures in Glacial Sediments. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Fairhead, Heather (1998) The regulation of toxin production in Staphylococcus aureus. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Fleming, Thomas (1998) Re-articulating tradition, translating place : collective memories of Carnival in Leeds and Bristol. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ford, Christopher Martin (1998) The "theatre-in-museum" movement in the British Isles. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Forde, Christopher James (1998) Temporary Employment Agency Working in The UK: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Foster, James Anthony (1998) Development of a catchment risk assessment procedure for the protection of potable water supply intakes. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Giannopoulos, Antonios (1998) The investigation of transmission-line matrix and finite-difference time-domain methods for the forward problem of ground probing radar. PhD thesis, University of York.

Goodley, Daniel Adam (1998) Appraising self-advocacy in the lives of people with learning difficulties. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Green, David Russell (1998) Investigating the core skills of clinical supervision : a qualitative analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Greenwood, George Michael (1998) The role of analogy in Aristotle's theory of Particular Justice. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Griffiths, Tudor Francis Lloyd (1998) Bishop A.R. Tucker of Uganda and The Implementation of an Evangelical Tradition of Mission. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gurney, Anita L. (1998) Growth and photosynthetic responses of maize and sorghum to the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Hamilton, Stephen Robin (1998) Molecular investigation if the rat jejunal active nucleoside transport protein rCNT1. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Haq, Md Zahurul (1998) Fundamental studies of premixed combustion. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Haron, Fazilah (1998) Phase-based adaptive dynamic load balancing for parallel tree computation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hepburn, Carol D (1998) The wicking of water through multi-layer fabric assemblies. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Herbert, Camilla (1998) Grief and loss following traumatic brain injury. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hill, Simon John (1998) Large amplitude fish swimming. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hoffman, Benjamin C (1998) Towards an architecture for peacebuilding : restructuring power in political conflict. PhD thesis, University of York.

Holden, Windsor John (1998) The history of the development of British satellite broadcasting policy, 1977-1992. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hollands, Lisa (1998) The glass-to metal interface during container forming processes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Howat, Judy I (1998) Physiological adaptation of two unicellular green algae to pH stress. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hur, Ju (1998) A dynamic reading of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Jafarzadeh, Mirghasem (1998) The buyer's remedies for seller's non-conforming delivery : a comparative study under English law, the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Shi'ah law. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Janziz, Abdul-Majeed (1998) A study of colour words in Shakespeare's works. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Johnson, David (1998) Soil microbial biomass and activity and plant nutrition in semi-natural ecosystems subjected to pollutant nitrogen deposition. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Johnson, Neil (1998) Learning object behaviour models. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Jones, Mark (1998) The mobilisation of public opinion against the slave trade and slavery : popular abolitionism in national and regional politics, 1787-1838. PhD thesis, University of York.


Kabapinar, Yucel (1998) A comparison between Turkish and English history textbooks: design, construction and usability issues. EdD thesis, University of Leeds.

Karamura, Grace Patrick (1998) The interplay of Christianity, Ethnicity and Politics in Ankole, Uganda, 1953-1993. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Karytinos, Alexios (1998) Minoan pre-palatial sealstones in their economic and social context : a study based on the new material from Archanes-Phourni. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kashani, Mohammad Feghhi (1998) Exchange rate regimes and financial repression. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kaymakcan, Recep (1998) A comparison of religious education in secondary schools in Turkey and England : with special reference to the teaching of Islam. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Khatib, Fahed Salim (1998) An investigation of airline service quality, passenger satisfaction and loyalty: The Jordanian Airline. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

King, Trevor Alan (1998) Mechanisms of isostatic compensation in areas of lithospheric extension : examples from the Aegean. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Koutsopoulou, Zografo Gina (1998) Meaning in life and psychological well-being in older adults. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Lee , Sang Min (1998) Analytic Hierarchy approach for transport project appraisal an application to Korea. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lehtonen, Tuula Hannele (1998) Consciousness raising in foreign language vocabulary learning and reading. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lewin, Paul Dominic (1998) Embryology and the evolutionary synthesis: Waddington, development and genetics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Li, Jingzhong (1998) From balance of power to regional collectivism : China and Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Longfield, Sean Anthony (1998) River response to recent environmental change in the Yorkshire Ouse basin, northern England. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Maxwell, Catherine Anne (1998) A comparative study of form and theology in the works of Flannery O'Connor and Simone Weil. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mayers, Paul Christopher (1998) Template directed synthesis of molecular knots. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

McHaffie, Jonathan Paul (1998) Ethics and the media : a study of journalists in Eastern Germany before and after reunification. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Meddings, John P. (1998) Family, followers and friends : the socio-political dynamics of the Anglo-Norman aristocracy, 1100-1204. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Medway, Dominic Jon (1998) Spatial and Temporal Change in the Caste System: The Punjab to Bradford. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mitchell, Lynda (1998) Naughty or needy? Exclusions : a study of one local education authority. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mitchell, Sarah L (1998) A post-conquest English retrospect upon the age of the Anglo-Saxons : a study of the early-middle-English verse chronicle attributed to Robert of Gloucester. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mitchell, Wendy Ann (1998) Leaving school - transition experiences and routes taken by disabled young children. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mohammed, Abdalla Musa Tair (1998) Needs analysis and course design for Dacwa students: Teaching Arabic for specific purposes (TASP). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mountain, Gail Anne (1998) An investigation into the activity of occupational therapists working with the elderly mentally ill. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


O'Nions, Phillip (1998) Low NOx combustion utilising a Coanda ejector burner. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Oboho, Ewa (1998) Cognitive development and technology education at secondary level : matching abilities to the demands of the curriculum. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ofield, Simon. D.R. (1998) An investigation of the resources available for interpreting visual cultural production related to male homosexuality in Britain : 1940 to the present. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ozerdem, Alpaslan (1998) An approach to sustainable recovery of urban water supplies in war-affected areas : with specific reference to the Tuzla Region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. PhD thesis, University of York.


Pitts, Stephanie Emma (1998) The development of secondary school music in the twentieth century : historical perspectives on contemporary practice. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pourmohammadi, Alireza (1998) Fibre dynamics in the air-laid nonwoven process. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Powtongsook, Sorawit (1998) Physiology and biotechnology of glycerol production using the green microalga Dunaliella. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Proctor, Nancy.E. (1998) American women sculptors in Rome in the mid-nineteenth century: feminist and psychoanalytic readings of a displaced canon. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pugh, Simon (1998) Taint and odour phenomena in carton-board packaging systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Ralha, Jose (1998) A multidimensional dynamic framework for handling simple interruption phenomena, anaphoric pronouns and definite descriptions. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Robbins, Jane M. J. (1998) Tokyo calling : Japanese overseas broadcasting 1937-1945. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Roberts, Keri (1998) The labour force experiences of refugees in Britain: The case of refugees from Vietnam. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Robinson, Hilary (1998) Becoming beauty : the implications of the writings of Luce Irigaray for feminist art practices. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Roden, Julie Elizabeth (1998) The sedimentology and dynamics of mega-dunes, Jamuna river, Bangladesh. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Scanlon, T. J. (1998) The potential of vortex amplifiers to improve mixture preparation in spark ignition engines. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shattaf, Nasser Rashid (1998) Development of high durability concrete for the Arabian Gulf environment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Simpson, Lisa (1998) Supporting decision analysis : a pragmatic approach. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Smedley, Philippa Jane (1998) Factionalism in the Conservative Party : the 'anti-Europeans' since 1970. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Smith, Darren Paul (1998) The revitalisation of the Hebden Bridge district: greentrified Pennine rurality. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Steer, Matthew John (1998) Optical and structural characterisation of III-V semiconductor qauntum wire and quantum dot structures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stone, Emma Victoria (1998) Reforming disability in China: a study in disability and development. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Swaby, Michael Andrew (1998) A model-based approach to construction of integrated internet CSCW systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Taylor, James (1998) Racialisation and the cultural politics of advertising. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Thorne, Terence Michael (1998) The socialisation of student nurses : the 'peri-entry' approach to the socialisation trajectory; a four-study examination of the pre and post-entry socialisation experiences of new entrants into nurse education. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tickell, Gewain Francis Henry (1998) Homelands and the representation of cultural and political identity in selected South-Asian texts, 1857 to the present. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Touheed, Nasir (1998) Parallel dynamic load-balancing for adaptive distributive memory PDE solvers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Tovey, Daniel Russell (1998) A Study of Pulse Shape Discrimination in Scintillator Dark Matter Detectors. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Vizinho, A (1998) Modern spectral analysis in HF radar remote sensing. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Watson, Florence Anne (1998) Confidentiality and risk assessment: case studies of the professional judgements of nurses, social workers and hospital chaplains. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Williams, Christopher Andrew (1998) Police and crime in Sheffield, 1818-1874. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Windfuhr, Kirsten Lisbeth (1998) Verbal learning, phonological processing and reading skills in normal and dyslexic readers. PhD thesis, University of York.

Winterson, Julia Mary (1998) The community education work of orchestras and opera companies : principles, practice and problems. PhD thesis, University of York.

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