Items where Year is 1994

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Number of items: 89.

Andress, David Robert (1994) Order and democracy in Paris from the oath of the clergy to the tricolour terror, January-August 1791. PhD thesis, University of York.

Atherton, Mark (1994) Henry Sweet's idea of totality : a nineteenth-century philologist's approach to the practical study of language. PhD thesis, University of York.

Barker, Vanessa (1994) A longitudinal study of 16 - 18 year old students' understanding of basic chemical ideas. PhD thesis, University of York.

Cookson, Gillian (1994) The West Yorkshire textile engineering industry, 1780-1850. PhD thesis, University of York.

Dean, Simon Patrick (1994) A study of the organic and inorganic geochemistry of sulphur in shales. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Downes, Aviston Decourcei (1994) Barbados 1880-1914 : a socio-cultural history. PhD thesis, University of York.

Flolu, Emmanuel James (1994) Re-tuning music education in Ghana : a study of cultural influences and musical development, and of the dilemma confronting Ghanaian school music teachers. PhD thesis, University of York.

Gardner, Hilary (1994) Doing talk about speech : a study of speech/language therapists and phonologically disordered children working together. PhD thesis, University of York.

Giddings, Robert (1994) Towards the urban restoration of Newcastle upon Tyne. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harris, Nathan W (1994) Dust ejection from cometary nuclei and the formation of meteoroid streams. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kirigia, Joses Muthuri (1994) The economics of schistosomiasis interventions : a case study of the Mwea irrigation scheme in Kenya. PhD thesis, University of York.

Lee, Sanghoon (1994) The long-term weathering of pulverised fuel ash and its implications for groundwater pollution. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rashed, Ahmed Yehia Mohamed Gamal El-Din (1994) Public participation in the conservation of historical environments : a case study of Luxor City, Egypt. PhD thesis, University of York.

Robson, Margaret (1994) Feeling women : an exploration of women's viewpoints in the Middle English Breton lay. PhD thesis, University of York.

Schnare, Susan Elizabeth (1994) Sojourns in nature : the origins of the British rock garden. PhD thesis, University of York.

Severs, David Fred (1994) Some North Riding of Yorkshire manors in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries : call lists, call rolls and the community. PhD thesis, University of York.

Suksiriserekul, Somchai (1994) The cost-utility analysis of some Thai public health programmes. PhD thesis, University of York.

Tapsir, Siti Hamisah (1994) Time-dependent loss of post-tensioned diaphragm and fin masonry walls. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wilson, Angelia R (1994) The gay and lesbian agenda : justice, equality and freedom. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wilson, Peter Thomas (1994) Charles Ives : consistent in chaos : a study of selected large orchestral works. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wright, Stephanie J (1994) A biographical and critical study of the life and work of Elizabeth Carey, 1st Viscountess Falkland (1585-1639). PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Ahmad, A. Ghafar Bin (1994) Conservation of British colonial buildings built between 1800 and 1930 in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al-Hashimy, Sa'id b Muhammad B Said (1994) Imam Salim b. Rashid and the Imamate revival in Oman 1331/1913 - 1338/1920. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ashurst, Denis (1994) Worsbrough : change and continuity in the society, economy and buildings of a South Yorkshire township, 1600 - 1851. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Baxter, Gavin James (1994) Fatigue damage accumulation in titanium alloy IMI 834. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Boswell, David M (1994) The Kitsons and the arts : a Leeding family in Sicily and the West Riding. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brook, Ian Michael (1994) Evaluation of glass-ionomer cements for use as bone substitutes with reference to their value for treatment of atrophic alveolar bone. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Carruthers, Susan Lisa (1994) Propaganda, publicity and political violence : the presentation of terrorism in Britain, 1944-60. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Clarke, Alan (1994) The principles of screen design for computer-based learning materials. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Collins, Janet (1994) The silent minority : developing talk in the primary classroom. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cowman, Krista (1994) "Engendering citizenship" : the political involvement of women on Merseyside, 1890-1920. PhD thesis, University of York.

Creasy, Jillian M (1994) Women's experience of transfer from community-based to consultant care in late pregnancy or labour. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.


Dowling, Monica S. (1994) Social work and poverty : attitudes and actions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Drury, Robert (1994) The physical modelling of heterojunction field effect transistors. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Duranovic, N (1994) Impulsive loading on reinforced concrete slabs. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Endut, Esmawee Haji (1994) Traditional Malaysian built forms : a study of the origins, main building types, development of building forms, design principles and the application of traditional concepts in modern buildings. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Evans, Alun C (1994) Geometric feature distributions for shape representation and recognition. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


France, Alan (1994) Youth and citizenship in the 1990s : an ethnography of life in Westhill. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Geaves, Ronald Allan (1994) Sectarian influences within Islam in Britain with special reference to community. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gerber-Helbling, Silvia A (1994) An analysis of Bid-Ask spreads considering aspects of risk insurance, degree of competition and market liquidity. PhD thesis, University of York.

Guo, Hong (1994) Structure property relations in a range of mesophase pitch-based carbon fibres. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Hanlon, Stephen James (1994) A Computational Theory of Contextual Knowledge in Machine Reading. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Harper, Heather (1994) The resolution of client confrontation challenges in exploratory psychotherapy : developing the new paradigm in psychotherapy research. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hazboun, Norma Nicola (1994) The resettlement of the Palestinian refugees of the Gaza Strip. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Head, Adrian (1994) The resurgence of myth in the 1970s in the poetry of Ted Hughes and R.S. Thomas : a Jungian perspective. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Horrocks, Robert James (1994) The Guangzhou-Hongkong strike, 1925-1926 :Hongkong workers in an anti-Imperialist movement. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hunt, Gary Richard (1994) The fluid mechanics of the Aaberg exhaust hood. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hutt, Matt (1994) Post traumatic stress and debriefing in the emergency services. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.


Kaballo, Sidgi Awad (1994) The political economy of crisis in the Sudan 1973-1985. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kirkbride, Alistair David (1994) Turbulence structure in straight gravel-bed channels. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Knio, Mona (1994) Towards a national puppet centre for the Lebanon. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Kwan, Ka Chun (1994) Mathematical modelling of premixed laminar methane-air flames. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Lambert, David (1994) Fatigue damage accumulation in nickel base superalloys. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lazgee, Seyed Habiballah (1994) Post-revolutinary Iranian Theatre: Three Representative plays in translation with critical commentary. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lee, Claire (1994) Emotional consequences following early miscarriage and the influence of psychological follow-up intervention. DClinPsy thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lewis, Kathryn S (1994) An examination of the Health Belief Model when applied to Diabetes mellitus. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lodge, Timothy Andrew (1994) The construction, irrigation and fertiliser nutrition of UK golf greens. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Martin, Louise Anne (1994) Hunting and herding in a semi-arid region : an archaeozoological and ethological analysis of the faunal remains from the Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic of the eastern Jordanian steppe. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Miller, Andrew (1994) Successful interventions with difficult pupil behaviour in primary schools : a critique of consultative practice between educational psychologists and teachers from the perspective of applied behavioural analysis, organisational dynamics and attribution shift. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mitchell, Barbara (1994) The biographical process: writing the lives of Charlotte Brontë. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mohammed, Riadh Abdulla (1994) The growth of fatigue cracks in a turbine shaft steel under mixed mode I and III. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Money, Russ Philip (1994) Restoration of lowland raised bogs damaged by peat extraction - with particular emphasis on Sphagnum regeneration. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Morles, Eliezer Colina (1994) Identification and control of dynamic systems using neural networks. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Morrissy, Julie (1994) Materialist-feminist criticism and selected plays of Sarah Daniels, Liz Lochhead and Claire Dowie. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Najjar, Samer Rida (1994) Three-dimensional analysis of steel frames and subframes in fire. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ng, Paul Chi Fai (1994) Behaviour of buried pipelines subjected to external loading. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nganda, Benjamin Musembi (1994) Structural reform of the Kenyan health care system. PhD thesis, University of York.


Onda, Tetsuya (1994) Judo : a historical, statistical and scientific appraisal. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Orbasli, Aylin (1994) Historic towns : tourism, conservation, development with particular reference to Turkish towns. PhD thesis, University of York.


Palmer, Carol (1994) Reconstructing and interpreting ancient crop management practices : ethnobotanical investigations into traditional dryland farming in northern Jordan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Parker, Sharon (1994) Towards a new approach to job design research within modern manufacturing : the investigation of employee work orientations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Parsons, Louise Ann (1994) An analysis of 'The Gold Diggers' (1983) by Sally Potter : feminist film, Julia Kristeva and revolutionary poetics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Perkins, David (1994) Computer methods for identifying significant features in protein sequences. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Reader, William Ross (1994) Structuring knowledge : the development and evaluation of tools to support learning. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rock, Mary June (1994) The Politics of Famine in Ethiopia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Rogers, Helen (1994) Poetesses and politicians : gender, knowledge and power in radical culture, 1830-1870. PhD thesis, University of York.


Shaw, Sandra M. I. (1994) Women and lone parenthood : an account of the experiences and feelings of divorced and separated lone mothers. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sheppy, Paul P.J. (1994) Liturgy and death : an examination of the pastoral and theological issues relating to funerals, with special reference to selected funerary rites. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Sidebottom, Philip Charles (1994) Schools of Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture in the north Midlands. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Helen (1994) Middening in the Outer Hebrides : an ethnoarchaeological investigation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sparks, Christopher Nigel (1994) Hot formability and microstructural development of spray-deposited Al-Li alloy and composite. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Spurgeon, Christopher Thomas (1994) Teaching and learning about citizenship issues through English. PhD thesis, University of York.

Stanley, Steven K (1994) A New Covenant hermeneutic : the use of Scripture in Hebrews 8-10. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stokes, Alexia (1994) Responses of young trees to wind : effects on root architecture and anchorage strength. PhD thesis, University of York.

Storr, Melinda Jill (1994) The gaze in theory : the cases of Satre and Lacan. PhD thesis, University of York.


Thomas, John Alfred (1994) Theory, meaning and experience in church architecture : an investigation into the influences of buildings upon worship and spirituality and their implications for the design and ordering of churches. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Voaden, Rosalynn (1994) God's words, women's voices : discretio spirituum in the writing of late-medieval women visionaries. PhD thesis, University of York.


Walker, Andrew Guyon (1994) Social and cultural constructions of communities in South Yorkshire colliery settlements : the mining households of the Darfield and Wombwell district, c.1851-1900. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Zakaria, Ideris (1994) Yielding of unsaturated soil. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

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