Items where Year is 1997

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Number of items: 123.

Alyal, Amina (1997) Changes of mind : imitation and metamorphosis in the work of Petrarch, Shakespeare, and their contemporaries. PhD thesis, University of York.

Andreae, Clarke F (1997) A French/English dialogue in architecture and interior decoration from the mid-eighteenth century until the years between the Great Wars. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ballinger, Anette (1997) Dead woman walking : executed women in England & Wales, 1900-1955. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Barnes-Powell, Tina M (1997) Young women and alcohol : issues of pleasure and power. PhD thesis, University of York.

Barnett, Clara Maria (1997) Memorials and commemoration in the parish churches of late medieval York. PhD thesis, University of York.

Baumann, Nicolas Exner (1997) Townscape in urban conservation : the impact of the theory of townscape on conservation planning. PhD thesis, University of York.

Beauchamp, Victoria Anne (1997) The workshops of the cutlery industry in Hallamshire 1750-1900. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Brazier, John Edward (1997) Valuing health benefits : the development of a preference-based measure of health for use in the economic evaluation of health care from the SF-36 health survey. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chodari, Muhammad Aslam (1997) Development of a generic model for a manufacturing management system. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dolan, Paul (1997) Issues in the valuation of health outcomes. PhD thesis, University of York.

Elliott-Wright, Philipp J. C (1997) The officers of the Irish Brigade and the British Army, 1789-98. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Greer, Paul (1997) Graduate realism - is there a problem?. PhD thesis, University of York.

Griffin, Stuart James (1997) Helicopter control law design using eigenstructure assignment. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hemmings, Peta (1997) Social work practice with children bereaved of a parent : comparing two models of intervention. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hila, Marina (1997) Representations of gentility in the dramatic works of the Beaumont and Fletcher canon. PhD thesis, University of York.

Holt, Nigel James (1997) Perceptual lateralisation of audio-visual stimuli. PhD thesis, University of York.

Horobin, Simon (1997) A transcription and study of British Library MS additional 35286 of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hu, Haiyun (1997) Fatigue and corrosion fatigue crack growth resistance of RQT501 steel. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hughes, Christopher William (1997) Japanese economic power and security policy in the post-Cold War era : a case study of Japan-North Korea security relations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Humphrey, Christopher (1997) The dynamics of urban festal culture in later medieval England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hussin, Zaliha Hj (1997) The welfare of new industrial workers in Malaysia, with particular reference to social security. PhD thesis, University of York.

Koshkouei, Ali Jafari (1997) Continuous and discrete-time sliding mode control design techniques. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Leah, Stephen Anthony John (1997) The synthesis of cyclic hexapeptide host molecules. PhD thesis, University of York.

Levy, Valerie Anne (1997) Facilitating and making informed choices during pregnancy : a study of midwives and pregnant women. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

McIntosh, Tania (1997) A price must be paid for motherhood : the experience of maternity in Sheffield, 1879-1939. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mendlesohn, Farah (1997) Practising peace : American and British Quaker relief in the Spanish Civil War. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rios-Bolivar, Miguel (1997) Adaptive backstepping and sliding mode control of uncertain nonlinear systems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sumrongthong, Bussakorn (1997) Melodic organization and improvisation in Thai music, with special reference to the thaang ranaat eek. PhD thesis, University of York.

Trafford, Simon Justin Patrick (1997) Theoretical approaches to early medieval migration. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wild, Richard (1997) Becoming a solicitor : an examination of the process by which trainee solicitors develop the appropriate skills and identity that enable them to become recognised as fully qualified members of the solicitors' profession. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Aboul Naja, Tarik (1997) Coal as a Reburn Fuel for NOx Reduction. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Barrett, Clive (1997) Pacifism in the Church of England, 1930-1937. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bell, Margaret Rose (1997) Social policing or social welfare? : a study of justice, power and partnership within the initial child protection conference. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bennett, Brandon (1997) Logical representations for automated reasoning about spatial relationships. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Branfield, Fran (1997) Not quite human : an exploration of power resistance and disability. PhD thesis, University of York.

Butterfield, S. (1997) Reconstruction of extended environments from image sequences. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Caldeira, Altino Barbosa (1997) The conservation of historic cities and architectural heritage in Brazil, with particular reference to the state of Minas Gerais and the city of Mariana. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, David (1997) Subjective and objective vehicle handling behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Chong, Fook Loong (1997) Housing & urban models : a case for an urban, high-density, low-rise housing in Singapore. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chowcat, Ian (1997) Democracy, legitimacy and reconciliation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Clements, Patricia J (1997) Critical point behaviour in binary and ternary liquid mixtures with particular reference to rheological and interfacial properties in model mixtures for microemulsions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Correia, Zita da Conceicao Corderio Pereira (1997) Scanning the business environment for information : a grounded theory approach. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Crane, Maureen (1997) Pathways to later life homelessness. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Czerewko, Mourice Andrew (1997) Diagenesis of mudrocks, illite 'crystallinity' and the effects on engineering properties. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Davies, Lowri A (1997) Selected topics in the statistical mechanics of fluids. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dawson, Emma Joanne (1997) The Dispersal, Storage and Remobilisation of Heavy Metals in the River Aire Contaminated by Urban and Industrial Wastes. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Djilani, Mohamed-Cherif (1997) Interactive open-pit design using parameterization techniques. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Eardley, Anthony C (1997) A culture of survival : the construction and maintenance of household living standards in low-income self-employment. PhD thesis, University of York.

Edwards, Andrew Michael (1997) A rational dynamical-systems approach to plankton population modelling. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

El-Gamal, Mona Mabrouk (1997) Development of respiratory function in the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg 1908, cultured under different oxygenation regimes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ellison, Louise Elaine (1997) A Comparative Study of Rape Trials in Adversarial and Inquisitorial Criminal Justice Systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Feilden, Andrew David (1997) Alkylation of salicylic acids. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fernyhough, J. (1997) Generation of qualitative spatio-temporal representations from visual input. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Foroughmand, Ali Mohammad (1997) Molecular Genetic Analysis of Malignant Hyperthermia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Glanfield, Wendy (1997) A morphological and electrophysiological study of the cephalopod posterior chromatophore lobe. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Grainger, Caron (1997) Junior doctors : morale, job satisfaction, stress and their interrelationships. M.D. thesis, University of Leeds.

Grant, Stuart Alexander (1997) Phase transition behaviour in constraint satisfaction problems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Griffin, Tim Robert (1997) Ab initio and density functional theory study of the Monsanto catalytic cycle. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gutting, Daniel (1997) Residential histories of Munich's Turkish population : a biographical approach to urban residential mobility. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Hamzah, Muhamad Bin (1997) Housing policy in Malaysia: Conditions, perspectives and Islamic values. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hardwick, Paul (1997) Raising unruly voices : the laity, the vernacular and the church in late medieval England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harris, Michael John (1997) The subversion of citizenship : new right conceptions of citizenship, Thatcherism, and the new politics. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Harvey, Joan (1997) The perceived legitimacy of minor illness as a reason for absence. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Heap, Anthony James (1997) Learning deformable shape models for object tracking. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Heng, Johnny Wong Liang (1997) Ultimate limit state analysis of externally post-tensioned structures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Holland, Siobhan Jacqueline (1997) The question of gendered voice in some contemporary Irish novels by Brian Moore and John McGahern. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hopkins, William John (1997) Regional autonomy in the European Union. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

House, James Robert (1997) Antiracism and antiracist discourse in France from 1900 to the present day. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hung, Hsien-Hsin (1997) Properties of high volume fly ash concrete. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Iles, Zara (1997) Repair work: attending to talk adequacy in one-to-one EFL classroom talk. PhD thesis, University of York.


Johnson, Vanessa Gail (1997) Factional politics at the Court of Philip IV after the fall of Olivares. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Kim, Dong Ho (1997) The influence of parametric effects on the appearance of small colour differences. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Konteh, William (1997) Forest resource management in Sierra Leone : a critique of policy formulation and implementation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Lai, Barbara Mei Leung (1997) Prophetic pathos in Isaiah : reading as a Chinese-Canadian woman. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Langley, Robert James (1997) The use and development of geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial modelling for educational planning. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lee, SE (1997) Modelling Interactions between Climate and Global Vegetation in response to Climate Change. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lensky, Miriam (1997) Characterization in the dramatic works of Hector Berlioz. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lent, Adam (1997) Labour's transformation 1983-1989 : a study in political complexity. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Leston-Jones, Lee Christopher (1997) The influence of semi-rigid connections on the performance of steel framed structures in fire. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lokman Khan, Md (1997) UV and NMR studies of tannin complexation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Love, Robert Charles (1997) Surface reflection model estimation from naturally illuminated image sequences. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Malheiro de Magalhaes, Fernando Jose (1997) Prediction in Poisson and other errors in variables models. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

March, Daniel (1997) Beyond simplicity : analytical strategies for contemporary music. PhD thesis, University of York.

Marrows, Christopher Hugh (1997) Indirect Exchange Coupling in Sputtered Magnetic Multilayers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McMahon, Nicholas C. (1997) Reflex vascular responses from aortic, carotid and coronary baroreceptors. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Meir, Ivan Daniel (1997) Simultaneous solutions to diagonal equations over the p-adic numbers and finite fields, and some connections with combinatorics. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Milette, Nicole (1997) Landscape-painter as landscape-gardener : the case of Alfred Parsons R.A. PhD thesis, University of York.

Miller, Andrew Paul (1997) The York archaeological assessment : an investigation of techniques for urban deposit modelling utilising Geographic Information Systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mohamed, Caroline (1997) Autoignition of Hydrocarbons in Relation to Engine Knock. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mohamed, Essa H (1997) Macroeconometric model of an oil based economy : case study of Libya. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Morton, David (1997) Hypertext ; the intertextualities of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Nurgat, Elyas Gulam (1997) Numerical methods in lubrication modelling. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Nutbrown, Cathy (1997) The assessment of early literacy development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


O hOgartaigh, Ciaran (1997) The clarity of fullness : an exploration of the disclosure of uncertainty in financial statements. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Oates, Caroline Jane (1997) Rereading women's magazines : the feminist identity of Best, Bella and Take a Break. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Phillips, Kim M (1997) The medieval maiden : young womanhood in late medieval England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pike, Graham C (1997) The meaning of global education : from proponents' visions to practitioners' perceptions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pimentel, Roberto Leal (1997) Vibrational performance of pedestrian bridges due to human-induced loads. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Piper, Nicola (1997) Racism, nationalism and citizenship : a comparative analysis of Britain and Germany. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Price, Brinley (1997) The language of traffic : colonial slavery and political discourse in the late eighteenth century. PhD thesis, University of York.

Priestley, Mark (1997) Disability, values and quality : a case study in Derbyshire. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Rabeih, El-Adl Mohammed Aly (1997) Torsional vibration analysis of automotive drivelines. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Reuss, Anne Marie (1997) Higher education & personal change in prisoners. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Samadi, Habibeh (1997) The acquisition of Persian : grammatically-based measures for assessing normal and abnormal Persian language development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Samardzjia, Nikola (1997) Nonlinear analysis and control of chemical reactors. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Scott, Philip Harland (1997) Developing science concepts in secondary classrooms : an analysis of pedagogical interactions from a Vygotskian perspective. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Shaw, Katherine Jane (1997) Using genetic algorithms for practical multi-objective production schedule optimisation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shepherd, Matthew (1997) Re-thinking masculinity : discourses of gender and power in two workplaces. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shuttleworth, Ann (1997) Eating disorders and psychosocial development : an application of Eriksonian theory. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith, Simon Gareth (1997) Buddhism and the postmodern : the nature of identity and tradition in contemporary society. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Smith, Mark D J (1997) Testimony to revelation : Karl Barth's strategy of Bible interpretation in Die Kirchliche Dogmatik. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sowemimo, Matthew (1997) The European controversy in the Conservative party 1988-1994. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Still, Benjamin Gordon (1997) Transport impacts on land use : towards a practical understanding for urban policy making. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Taib, Mohamad Nor Bin Mohamad (1997) Principles and practice of reflective teaching in the pre-service teacher education programme of Malaysian teacher training colleges. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Toulmin, Vanessa (1997) Fun without vulgarity : community, women and language in Showland Society. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tratt, Rosalind (1997) The Scottish borders fens : controls on vegetation development and composition. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Twells, Alison A (1997) The heathen at home and overseas : the middle class and the civilising mission, Sheffield 1790-1843. PhD thesis, University of York.


Wade, Amanda Elizabeth (1997) The child witness and the criminal justice process : a case study in law reform. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Walkden, Brendan James (1997) Membrane peptidase expression in mammalian cell lines. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Walton, Stephen (1997) Paul in Acts and Epistles : the Miletus speech and 1 Thessalonians as a test case. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Warwick, Oliver William Tindle (1997) The use of a biomarker to assess the effect of xenobiotic exposure on the freshwater invertebrate Gammarus pulex. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Yunos, Jailani Md (1997) A study of manpower planning and occupational expectations of vocational stream students in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Zahedani, Seyed Saaid Zahed (1997) Exploring the pattern of Islamic social movements : four case studies. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

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