Items where Year is 1995

Group by: Thesis author | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 107.

Al-Julaifi, Mohammed Zaid Nasser (1995) Production of the mycotoxin patulin in nature. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bird, Deborah Jane (1995) Experimental and modelling studies of nitrogen oxides of interest in the atmosphere. PhD thesis, University of York.

Bonner, Mark James (1995) The creep behaviour of oriented and isotropic polyethylene. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Briggs, Jacqueline Ellen (1995) The 1984/5 miners strike : the politicising effects. PhD thesis, University of York.

Carter, Nicholas James (1995) Stretch activation in insect fibrillar flight muscle. PhD thesis, University of York.

Crouch, David J. F (1995) Piety, fraternity and power : religious gilds in late medieval Yorkshire 1389-1547. PhD thesis, University of York.

Cutts, Lucy (1995) The secretory antigens of Schistosoma mansoni and their involvement in the immune elimination of worms from rats. PhD thesis, University of York.

Davis, Robert Ian (1995) On exploiting spare capacity in hard real-time systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Evans, Michelle (1995) Vocal qualities in female singing. PhD thesis, University of York.

Foubister, Sandra Periam (1995) Graphical application and visualization of lazy functional computation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fowajuh, George Che (1995) Geomorphometrical analysis of glacial and Aeolian lineaments on satellite images. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Gladstone, Robert Vernon (1995) Methods for the monitoring of peroxy radicals and measurement of NO�2 photolysis in the atmosphere. PhD thesis, University of York.

Haigh, Teresa (1995) Dielectrophoretic investigations of haematological cells : procedures and applications. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hewer, Paul A (1995) The sociology of consumer behaviour and men. PhD thesis, University of York.

Katzer, Frank (1995) Molecular genetic and functional analyses of surface molecules of Theileria annulata sporozoites. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kirby, Peter Thomas (1995) Aspects of the employment of children in the British coal-mining industry, 1800-1872. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Knight, Peter (1995) Plotting the sixties : the culture of conspiracy in the USA. PhD thesis, University of York.

Maffioletti, Anna (1995) Theoretical and experimental investigation of explanations for the Ellsberg Paradox. PhD thesis, University of York.

Memarzia, Kazem (1995) Productivity and the Iranian building industry : a case study of component manufacture. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mills, Paula Jayne (1995) A study of the atmospheric corrosion of mediaeval stained glass windows in the United Kingdom. PhD thesis, University of York.

Nieland, Martin Nicholas Stephen (1995) Personality and psychological symptoms before and after childbirth. PhD thesis, University of York.

Omar, Mohamad Zaini (1995) Rural development and poverty alleviation in peninsular Malaysia : the Amanah Ikhtiar programme : the emergence of an alternative approach. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Orchard, Helen Claire (1995) Jesus as victim : the dynamics of violence in the Gospel of John. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pack, Mark (1995) Aspects of the English electoral system, 1800-50, with special reference to Yorkshire. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pereira, Joao Antonio Catita Garcia (1995) Equity, health and healthcare : an economic study with reference to Portugal. PhD thesis, University of York.

Primentas, Anthony (1995) Mechanical methods for the reduction of spirality in weft knitted fabrics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Quinn, Carmel Maria (1995) Dielectrophoresis of microorganisms treated with antimicrobial agents. PhD thesis, University of York.

Razzaq, Azam (1995) The purification and in vitro motility analysis of Drosophila melanogaster ACT88F mutants. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rector, Neil A (1995) Self-esteem and emotion-control in physical and emotional well-being. PhD thesis, University of York.

Rossiter, David Paul (1995) Real-time visual displays for voice tuition. PhD thesis, University of York.

Shaughnessy, Nicola (1995) The dramatic writings of Gertrude Stein, Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath, 1913-1962 : theatres of identity. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sleeman, Alison Joy (1995) Landscape and land art. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Stevens, Tony (1995) The role of the prison library in the reform and rehabilitation process. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tsourlos, Panagiotis (1995) Modelling, interpretation and inversion of multielectrode resistivity survey data. PhD thesis, University of York.

Verdin, Dan (1995) Synchronisation in sampled receivers for narrowband digital modulation schemes. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wallace, Malcolm (1995) Functional programming and embedded systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Wu, Guobin (1995) A discourse structural approach to anaphora in Chinese. PhD thesis, University of York.

Yip, Ngai Ming (1995) Housing affordability in England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Abd Ghani, Alias (1995) Variability in interlanguage phonology of Malaysian learners of English. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Al-Ahmady, Taleb (1995) The image of Saudi Arabia in the British press, with particular reference to Saudi Arabia's Islamic Mission. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bailey, Colin Gareth (1995) Simulation of the structural behaviour of steel-framed buildings in fire. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Barbosa, Heloisa Maria (1995) Impacts of traffic calming measures on speeds on urban roads. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Boabaid, Jorge Salomão (1995) The effect of manufacturing variables on short fatigue crack growth in waspaloy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bonora, Camille (1995) France's Algeria Policy (1988-1995): Discourse, Motives and Means. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bracker, Alison Lee (1995) A critical history of the international art journal Artforum. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Braithwaite, Karen (1995) Stratigraphy of the mid-Carboniferous boundary. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Broadbent, Jane (1995) The values underlying accounting - An exploration of their gendered nature and the implications for the extension of the use of accounting and "accounting logic" in the UK public sector. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chantatub, Wachara (1995) The integration of software specification, verification, and testing techniques with software requirements and design processes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chen, Hsiang-chun (1995) Beyond commemoration : the 2-28 incident, the aesthetics of trauma and sexual difference. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Chen, Jie (1995) Robust residual generation for model-based fault diagnosis of dynamic systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Chipperfield, Andrew John (1995) Parallel processing in computer aided control system design. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Conteh, Bob Karankay (1995) Institutions in rural development : the case of rural banks in Sierra Leone. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Darwish, Abdulhanan A. (1995) Development of high performance concrete using combinations of mineral admixtures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dera, Abdullah S. (1995) English spatial prepositions with particular reference to Arabic-speaking learners. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Djajadiningrat, Hasan Mustafa (1995) Sustainable urban development in the Kampung Improvement Programme : a case study of Jakarta - Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dutton, Anne Marie (1995) Women's use of religious literature in late medieval England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Euler, Catherine A (1995) Moving between worlds : gender, class, politics, sexuality and women's networks in the diaries of Anne Lister of Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire, 1830-1840. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fonseca, Carlos Manuel Mira da (1995) Multiobjective genetic algorithms with application to control engineering problems. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Forrow, David Malcolm (1995) Toxicological assessment of the effect of motorway runoff on stream macroinvertebrate community structure and function. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Forster, Andrew (1995) The contribution of 'integrated transport studies' to the process of urban planning. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Geake, Helen (1995) The use of grave-goods in conversion-period England c. 600 - c. 850 A.D. PhD thesis, University of York.

Gledhill, Thomas Duncan (1995) A woodland history of North Yorkshire : a multi-disciplinary study of post-glacial woodland history. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Grattan, John Patrick (1995) The impact of Icelandic volcanic eruptions upon the ancient settlement and environment of northern and western Britain. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Green, Peter Stuart (1995) The use of communication strategies by German school learners of English. PhD thesis, University of York.

Gupta, Kapil (1995) A methodology to predict the pollutant loads in combined sewer flow. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hamid, Ahmed Hamoda (1995) The politics of famine in Sudan: The case of Dar Hamid and Dar Hamar. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hammond, David William (1995) Analysis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in-situ hybridisation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Harrison, Jackie L (1995) British television news in the 1990s : newsworthiness in a multi-organisational and multi-programme environment. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hartley, Lucy (1995) The grammar of expression? Physiognomy and the language of the emotions in nineteenth-century England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Healey, Timothy James (1995) A study of three dimensional effects in induced current impedance imaging. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hilson, Christopher (1995) Pollution control and the rule of law. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hodjat, Mehdi (1995) Cultural heritage in Iran : policies for an Islamic country. PhD thesis, University of York.

Homer, Sean (1995) Fredric Jameson : beyond a Marxist hermeneutic? PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jones, Robert W (1995) The empire of beauty : the competition for judgement in mid eighteenth-century England. PhD thesis, University of York.

Kashti, Amatsia Y (1995) The Estimation of Urban Domestic Water Use: A Study with Reference to Leeds. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lin, Xiaobin (1995) Numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lin, Xun (1995) The application of the principles of symmetry to the synthesis of multi-coloured counterchange patterns. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McLellan, Andrew John (1995) The plant ecology of a limestone grassland : competition and spatio-temporal dynamics. PhD thesis, University of York.

McLeod, John Martin (1995) Rewriting history : postmodern and postcolonial negotiations in the fiction of J.G. Farrell, Timothy Mo, Kazuo Ishiguro and Salman Rushdie. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McVay, John Kenneth (1995) Ecclesial metaphor in the epistle to the Ephesians from the perspective of a modern theory of metaphor. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mereku, Kofi Damian (1995) A comparison of the official primary mathematics curriculum in Ghana with the way in which it is implemented by teachers. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mohamed, Noorizan (1995) Conservation in Malaysia : landscape, tourism and culture. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mohd Ripin, Zaidi Bin (1995) Analysis Of Disc Brake Squeal Using The Finite Element Method. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Molin, Bengt Kristian (1995) The role of castles in the political and military history of the Crusader States and the Levant 1187 to 1380. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Morris, Catherine Jane (1995) The projection of Britain's 'New Empire' in Africa 1939-48. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Neale, Joanne S (1995) The role of supported hostel accommodation in meeting the needs of homeless people. PhD thesis, University of York.

Overfield, Duncan (1995) The economics of social subordination : gender relations and market failure in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ozaslan, Nuray (1995) Historic urban fabric : source of inspiration for contemporary city form. PhD thesis, University of York.

Peakall, Jeffrey (1995) The influences of lateral ground-tilting on channel morphology and alluvial architecture. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pickering, Susan J (1995) The early identification of dyslexia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Price, Amanda (1995) The theatre of promiscuity : a comparative study of the dramatic writings of Wole Soyinka and Howard Barker. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Reese, Ruth Ann (1995) Writing Jude : the reader, the text, and the author. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Richardson, Sarah (1995) Independence and deference : a study of the West Riding electorate, 1832-1841. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Routt, James O'Neal (1995) Dying and rising with Christ in Colossians. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Salman, Talib H (1995) Triaxial behaviour of partially saturated granular soils at low stress levels. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Saxena, Mukul (1995) A sociolinguistic study of Panjabi Hindus in Southall : language maintenance and shift. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sobaihi, Mamdouh M. A (1995) Towards establishing planning and design guidelines for children's play environments in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sova, Markus Gintas (1995) The sampling variability and the validation of high frequency radar measurements of the sea surface. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Symes, Ruth Alexandra (1995) Educating women : the preceptress and her pen, 1780-1820. PhD thesis, University of York.

Tunaley, Jillian Rachel (1995) Body size, food and women's identity : a qualitative psychological study across the life span. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Vianna, Regina Ferreira (1995) Qualitative Reasoning Methodology for the Generation of Process Plant Operating Procedures. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Vlachou, Anastasia (1995) Teachers and peers attitudes towards the integration of pupils with Down's Syndrome. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wreglesworth, John (1995) The chronicle of Alfonson lll and its significance for the historiography of the Asturian kingdom 718-910 AD. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wu, Xiao Dong (1995) Experimental and theoretical studies of corrosion fatigue in a high strength steel. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wu, Xiaojun (1995) Short fatigue crack behaviour of a submarine hull steel in inert and aggressive environments. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yousof, Mohammad Ata (1995) Conservation of cultural heritage in the 'Westbank'; under occupation : the case of the old town of Nablus. PhD thesis, University of York.

al-Ken, Akeel Ibrahim (1995) The Hajj : past, present and future: the communication aspect. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

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