Items where Year is 1993

Group by: Thesis author | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 83.

Anderson, Tim M (1993) E-SCAPE : an extendible sonic composition and performance environment. PhD thesis, University of York.

Awan, Muhammad Yusuf (1993) A study of significant historic buildings in Lahore leading towards the formulation of a national conservation policy for Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chadbon, John Nicholas (1993) Oxford, Bodleian Library, MSS Junius 85 and 86 : an edition of a witness to the Old English homiletic tradition. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Chang, Philip Heng-Teck (1993) A study of the literary role and function of Moses in the book of Numbers and its significance to "Israel" as Yahweh's chosen people. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chew, Andrew David (1993) A rotating disc gauge for absolute total pressure measurement in a high vacuum. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fethney, Michael James (1993) Problems concerning authority in the Church of England 1857-1894, with particular reference to the convocation, courts and Diocese of York. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hammadi, Talal Hassan (1993) Outdoor recreation and leisure patterns in Saudi Arabia and their roles in determining open space planning and design : the case of Jeddah's Corniche. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Mann, Simon Michael (1993) The characterisation of antennas and test sites for the measurement of radiated emissions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mitullah, Winnie V (1993) State policy and urban housing in Kenya : the case of low income housing in Nairobi. PhD thesis, University of York.

Moad, Rosalind (1993) 1914-16 : years of innovation in Gertrude Stein's writing. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sedman, Andrew James (1993) Mechanical failure of bone and antler : the accumulation of damage. PhD thesis, University of York.

Selwood, Michael (1993) Inside landscape : an iconography of delusion. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sikka, Sonya (1993) Three forms of transcedence : a study of Heidegger and medieval mystical theology. PhD thesis, University of York.

Sivakumar, Vinayagamoorthy (1993) A critical state framework for unsaturated soil. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Spence, K. J (1993) Investigation of flowslides from the failure of mine tailings' dams. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tarplee, Clare (1993) Working on talk : the collaborative shaping of linguistic skills within child-adult interaction. PhD thesis, University of York.

Tattersfield, Lisa Joanne (1993) Effects of copper on the energy budget of a stream detrivore : validation and ecological relevance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tufton, Toby J (1993) The cost of reproduction in callosobruchus maculatus. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Wilson, Francis P (1993) 'That memorable scene' : the image of King Charles the First in seventeenth and eighteenth-century literature. PhD thesis, University of York.

Al-Nuzaili, Abdulrahman Mohamed (1993) Experimental study of emphasis and voicing in the plosives of Yemeni Spoken Arabic with some implications for foreign language teaching and learning. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Atallah, Kais (1993) Iron losses in brushless permanent magnet DC machines. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Audsley, Neil C (1993) Flexible scheduling of hard real-time systems. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ball, David Mark (1993) "I am" in context : the literary function, background and theological implications of 'egoĢ 'eimi in John's gospel. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Barakat, Sultan (1993) Reviving war-damaged settlements. PhD thesis, University of York.

Belouafi, Ahmed (1993) Asset and liability management of an interest free Islamic bank. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bentley, David Ronald (1993) Trial on indictment in nineteenth century England. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bostwick, David (1993) Decorative plasterwork of the Yorkshire region, 1570-1670. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bousbaine, Amar (1993) An investigation into the thermal modelling of induction motors. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bryan, Mark Stewart (1993) The threat to the reputation of YHWH : the portrayal of the divine character in the Book of Ezekiel. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Calvert, Nancy Lynn (1993) Abraham traditions in Middle Jewish literature : implications for the interpretation of Galatians and Romans. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Caves, Ronald George (1993) Automatic matching of features in Synthetic Aperture Radar data to digital map data. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chang, Hyun-Seob (1993) Modernisation and changing family structure in Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Chmielowiec, Ryszard (1993) Sewing machine, fabric and thread dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Clark, Roderick Matthew (1993) Oblate dipole bands in the A-200 region. PhD thesis, University of York.

Claytor, Ann (1993) A changing faith? : a history of developments in radical critiques of psychiatry since the 1960's. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Cooper, William James (1993) Teletexts :video literacy, television texture and serial drama. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dekanski, Christopher Wojciech (1993) Design and analysis of propeller blade geometry using the PDE method. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

El-Telbani, Jebril (1993) Transport problems of disadvantaged people : case studies of the elderly in four areas of Sheffield. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ellsmore, Donald (1993) Nineteenth-century painted decorations in Britain and Australia : an approach to conservation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ennis, Jane Susanna (1993) A comparison of Richard Wagner's Der ring des Nibelungen and William Morris's Sigurd the volsung. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Eustance, Claire Louise (1993) 'Daring to be free' : the evolution of women's political identities in the Women's Freedom League 1907-1930. PhD thesis, University of York.

Everest-Phillips, Lalage Charlotte Yseult (1993) The patronage of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester : a re-evaluation. PhD thesis, University of York.

Fae, Maria Ines (1993) Explaining developments in commuting patterns to central London during the 1980's. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Finney, Patrick Benedict (1993) The relations between the Entente powers and Greece, 1923-6. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Griffiths, Paul (1993) Nutrient dynamics in manure amended grasslands. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hanafi, Mohamed Assem Mahmoud (1993) Development and conservation with special reference to the Turkish town of Alexandria. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harris, Kate (1993) Ownership and readership : studies in the provenance of the manuscripts of Gower's Confessio Amantis. PhD thesis, University of York.

Harrop, Richard (1993) Proteins released by larvae of Schistosoma mansoni : their characterisation and cloning. PhD thesis, University of York.

Helliwell, Philip Stephen (1993) Stiffness in human joints. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hill, Michael J (1993) Insect death assemblages and the interpretation of woodland history : evidence from the Vale of York. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hodgkinson, Gerard Paul (1993) Strategic cognition in a mature industry : differentiation, consensus, and outcomes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hogg, Nicholas Mark (1993) A palynological investigation of the Scalby formation (Ravenscar group, middle Jurassic) and adjacent strata from the Cleveland basin, north east Yorkshire. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Howe, Andrew Aitken (1993) Micro-segregation in multicomponent steels involving the peritectic reaction. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hussain, Salim Karim (1993) Consumers saving behaviour : an empirical investigation of consumers attitudes towards commercial banking services with special reference to savings accounts in Iraq. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hutchby, Ian (1993) Opionionated discourse : communication and conflict in calls to 'talk radio' show. PhD thesis, University of York.

Jackson, Stuart Thomas (1993) Surface analysis of polymer blends. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Jarrold, Chris (1993) An investigation into the pretend play shown by children with autism. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lau, Sui Ming (1993) The response of non-sway steel framed structures with semi-rigid connections. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lee, Jong Soo (1993) Analysing policy variation in local government : an empirical study of social policies in Korean local government. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lewis, Philip John (1993) Bradford's Muslim communities and the reproduction and representation of Islam. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Mathews, Lisa Gay (1993) Crime and subversion in the later fiction of Wilkie Collins. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McCormick, Ian David (1993) The Monstrous and the Sportive Grotesque in the early Eighteenth Century. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McLean, Duncan (1993) A palynostratigraphic classification of the Westphalian of the southern North Sea carboniferous basin. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Millar, Valerie (1993) New extended methine dyes for application in laser technology. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Morady-Kolkhouran, Farhang (1993) Continuity and Change: A study of Shia Islam and modernisation in Iran. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Moreira, Margarida Paula Pinto Cardoso (1993) Conservation of an historic urban centre : a study of downtown Pombaline Lisbon. PhD thesis, University of York.

Murray, T. (1993) The development of nursery schools and child welfare policies and practices in Bradford from the 1890s to the 1950s with particular reference to the work of Miriam Lord. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Oybak, Emel (1993) Palaeoecological studies of selected mires in the Craven District of West Yorkshire with special reference to the late Devensian period and the Ulmus decline. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Parrott, S. J. E (1993) Escape from didacticism : art and idea in the novels of Jane Austen, Fanny Burney and Maria Edgeworth. PhD thesis, University of York.

Russell, Angela Julia (1993) Morphogenesis in the moss physcomitrella patens. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Sale, Terence Edward (1993) Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sears, John (1993) Gothic times : feminism and postmodernism in the novels of Angela Carter. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shamin, Fauzia (1993) Teacher-learner behaviour and classroom processes in large ESL classes in Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Smith, Julie Ann (1993) Queen-making and queenship in early medieval England and Francia. PhD thesis, University of York.

Snape, Michael G (1993) A palynological study of the Ordovician to Devonian sediments of the Anti Atlas, Morocco. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stone, Hope Campbell Barton (1993) Constraints on the mother foundresses : contrasts in Anglican and Roman Catholic religious headship in Victorian England. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Strange, Ian Richard (1993) Public-private partnership and the politics of economic regeneration in Sheffield c.1985-1991. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Sughrue, Cynthia Marie (1993) Continuity, conflict and change : a contextual and comparative study of three South Yorkshire longsword dance teams. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Swan, Mary (1993) Aelfric as source: the exploitation of Aelfric's Catholic Homilies from the late tenth to twelfth centuries. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Townend, David Matthew Roy (1993) Decision-making in the child's best interests : legal and psychological views of a child's best interests on parental separation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Weinberger, Jo (1993) A longitudinal study of literacy experiences, the role of parents, and children's literacy development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Whitehead, Sharon J (1993) The morphology and physiology of moorland bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) and their implications for its control. PhD thesis, University of York.

Xu, Chaoshui (1993) Fracture mechanics and its application in rock excavation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

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