Browse by University and Academic Department
Batchelor, Simon ORCID:
Urbi et Suburbi: The landscape and settlement of York, south-west of the river Ouse, between the 9th and 16th centuries.
MA by research thesis, University of York.
Chidimuro, Blessing ORCID:
A multi‐isotope, multi‐tissue study of diets in industrialised societies of 17th to 19th century England.
PhD thesis, University of York.
Docherty, Paul Stanley ORCID:
Visual Storytelling with Amarna3D.
MA by research thesis, University of York.
Dolcetti, Francesca ORCID:
Designing Digital Experiences in Archaeology: Integrating Participatory Processes into Archaeological Practice.
PhD thesis, University of York.
Edwards, Alison ORCID:
Communication and change in the heritage sector: How (well) do critical heritage theory, legislation and practice share ideas?
PhD thesis, University of York.
Empsall, Joseph Thomas (2020) Stories in the Sky VR: Immersive storytelling, heritage-led stakeholder engagement, and community fatigue. MA by research thesis, University of York.
Harris, Alison Jane Thompson ORCID:
Palaeodiet and infant feeding in coastal Arctic settlements.
PhD thesis, University of York.
Keithan, Aimee (2020) Servants’ passage: cultural identity in the architecture of service in British and American country houses 1740-1890. PhD thesis, University of York.
Kitchener, Caitlin (2020) ‘Unite and Be Free’: The Historical Archaeology of British Political Radicalism, 1815-1822. PhD thesis, University of York.
Ramsøe, Abigail Daisy ORCID:
Exploring patterns of diagenesis in ancient proteins.
PhD thesis, University of York.
Roberts Thompson, Amanda (2020) People, Place, and Taskscapes of Enslavement: African American Life on the South End Plantation, Ossabaw Island, Georgia, 1849-1861. PhD thesis, University of York.
Sandoval, Gustavo (2020) An epistemology of archaeological excavation. A comparative study of British field practice. PhD thesis, University of York.
Stanley, Stephanie (2020) Small Hands at the Bellows: Craft Training in the Viking Age. MA by research thesis, University of York.
Webley, Robert ORCID:
Conquests and continuity: portable metalwork in Late Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman England,
c. AD 1000-1200.
PhD thesis, University of York.
jebson, jeanne (2020) UNEARTHING MATERIAL CULTURE: HOLOCAUST OBJECT BIOGRAPHIES AS EVIDENCE OF LIFE. MA by research thesis, University of York.