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Cavaliere, Paola (2012) Women's identity formation and transformation in contemporary Japan: a gendered approach to faith-based volunteering. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Mason, Ra (2012) Japan's Recalibration of Risk: The Framing of North Korea. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Matthiessen, Sven (2012) “Going to the Philippines is like coming Home”—Japanese pan-Asianism and the Philippines from the Meiji Era to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
McLeister, M (2012) Negotiating Policy and Practice: A Micro-Level Analysis of Three-Self Churches in a Coastal Chinese City. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
O'Shea, Paul (2012) Playing the Sovereignty Game: Understanding Japan's Territorial Disputes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Szczepanska, Kamila (2012) The Politics of War Memory in Japan 1990-2010: Progressive Civil Society Groups and Contestation of Memory of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.