Functional characterization of MCPH1/BRIT1 effector genes in oncogenesis

Ashi, Abrar Mahmoud (2019) Functional characterization of MCPH1/BRIT1 effector genes in oncogenesis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.



Supervisors: Bell, Sandra and Bond, Jacquline and Johnson, Colin
Keywords: molecular medicine, MCPH1, microcephaly, breast cancer
Awarding institution: University of Leeds
Academic Units: The University of Leeds > Faculty of Medicine and Health (Leeds) > Institute of Molecular Medicine (LIMM) (Leeds) > Section of Opthalmology and Neurosciences (Leeds)
Depositing User: Miss Abrar Ashi
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2020 10:52
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2023 11:59


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