White Rose eTheses Online: Contact Information

Please use this page to access general information and to make general enquiries. You can also find answers to most questions in our FAQs.

Do you have a question about a specific thesis in this repository?
If you have a question about a specific thesis please search for that item and use the link on the thesis page labelled ‘Contact us about this item’.

Do you have a question about where your thesis is in the mediated deposit process? Is it still under review?
If you have a question about how your thesis is progressing through the review process, you need to contact the awarding institution. More information, including contact details, can be found in the Leeds, Sheffield and York links below:

Do you have a question about the embargo or making changes to your thesis?
If you have a question about amending the embargo, or other details of your thesis you need to contact the awarding institution. More information, including contact details, can be found in the Leeds, Sheffield and York links below:

Do you have a question about reusing content from a thesis?
Many of our theses have a specified reuse licence displayed on the thesis record. This indicates how that thesis may be reused. If the thesis doesn’t have a licence displayed or if you have other questions on this, more information from the awarding institution - including contact details - can be found in the links above.

If you need more information you will find copyright guidance on your institution’s website:

Other queries

If you have a question not relating to a specific thesis and not covered above or in our FAQs, please contact us by emailing etheses@whiterose.ac.uk

Please don’t email us to request a copy of a thesis: if the thesis is already publicly available there will be a download link on the item page. If the thesis is not already publicly available, but the author allows people to request access, there will be a ‘request a copy’ link on the item page.

If you come across a thesis which you feel is in breach of copyright or other legislation, please contact us immediately. Please see our Takedown Policy.