Browse by University and Academic Department
Ali, Amal (2016) At the Intersection of Law, Gender and Religion: Qualifying the Right to Manifest a Religious Belief. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Bell, Jessica (2016) The Legal Structure of UK Biobank: Private Law for Public Goods? PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Carr, Lucy Jayne (2016) Inside the Revolving Door: A Study of the Repeat Short-Term Imprisonment of Women at HMP New Hall. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Cooper, NJ (2016) Covenants, Constitution & Commons: International, constitutional and community responses to achieve access to sufficient water for everyone. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Goodwin, Sarah (2016) “Trying to pull it round again”:Exploring Women’s Experiences of Desisting from Crime. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Hulley, Joanne L (2016) "My history is not my destiny": Exploring Desistance in Adult Male Child Sex Offenders. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Kyprianou, Paraskevoula (2016) Women's stories of the Yugoslav breakup: Wartime experiences of deviance. MPhil thesis, University of Sheffield.
Lea, Stephen J (2016) Transparency in European Union Governance: The Misdirection of Europe's Legitimacy Enterprise? PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Rice, Lindsey (2016) The Wrong Side of the Frontline: Exploring the Utilisation of Civilian Investigators by Police Forces across England and Wales. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Seyadi, Reyadh (2016) Challenges in implementing the 1958 New York Convention: A case study of the Arab Gulf States. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Thomas, Neel (2016) A Counter Hegemonic Reconceptualisation of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in an Era of Development Aggression: Indigenous Peoples and Resistance. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Wilkinson Cross, Kate P (2016) The Environment as a Commodity? An ecofeminist analysis of the extent to which associations between security and the environment have altered the perception of the environment in international law. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.