Browse by University and Academic Department
Abuzayan, Alfirjani Ali Mohammed (2022) Treatment of diplomatic envoys under international law and in Islam: A comparative analysis. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Alfawzan, Faisal Ibrahim F (2022) Critical Examination of Saudi Restructuring Law in the Light of United Kingdom and United States Experiences. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Alshahrani, Sarah Mohammed A (2022) International Investment Law and its Implications for Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Alshaik, Khalid Abdullatif A (2022) Bank Resolution Regime in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Is The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Implementation of International Standards for Banks’ Resolution Enough to Achieving Some of Its Relevant Vision 2030 Objectives? PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Binmadi, Raniya Abood A ORCID:
Administrative and Other Liability to Victims of Terrorism in Saudi Arabia.
PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Chenevoy, Natacha Laure ORCID:
Determining optimal police patrol deployments: a simulation-based optimisation approach combining agent-based modelling and genetic algorithms.
PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Drummond, Emma Jane ORCID:
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing? The Role of Animal Welfare Science in European Union Farm Animal Welfare Legislation.
PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Duwhy, Fawz Mohammed Hameed (2022) A critique of the role model argument under the law of misuse of private information. MA by research thesis, University of Leeds.
Gannon, John Paul Luke ORCID:
Concertation and Automation: Article 101(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Automated Pricing Algorithms.
PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Greenwood-Reeves, James Richard Hugh ORCID:
A justification for violent protest in the grounds of law within democratic constitutions.
PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Islam, Maariyah (2022) From Dirty Money to Luxury Goods: Money Laundering in UK Luxury Goods Sectors. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Iyiola-Omisore, Ibukunoluwa Adejola (2022) Corporate governance and environmental sustainability in developing countries: a case study of Nigeria. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Li, Xingwei (2022) Environmental Liabilities and Insolvent Polluters in China: Learning Lessons from the UK and US. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.
Pearl, Alex Louise ORCID:
Enabling Financial Flourishing in the Lives of Adults with Cognitive Impairments: Law, Policy, and Practice.
PhD thesis, University of Leeds.