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Almusaileekh, Fatemah Radi (2022) Dental Treatment and Salivary Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 in Children with Caries: A Pilot Study. D.Paed.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.
Mohammad, Sarah M A H R (2022) Paediatricians' knowledge and comments on oral health in children. D.Paed.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.
Qali, Abdullah M H A H (2022) Investigating the validity of a novel paediatric pulpotomy scoring system across typodont and digital 3D preparations. D.Clin.Dent thesis, University of Leeds.
Sharqawi, Abdulwadood Jamil M (2022) Studies on improving the outcome for molars with hypomineralisation. Integrated PhD and Master thesis, University of Leeds.