White Rose Libraries confirms ongoing commitment to EPrints
White Rose Libraries (WRL) is pleased to announce confirmation of its ongoing commitment to the EPrints platform. This decision results from an in-depth 4-year Repositories Renewal Project to identify the best platform for the next phase of WRL repository provision.
As part of the collaboration between the university libraries of Leeds, Sheffield and York, WRL operates two shared repositories, White Rose Research Online (WRRO) and White Rose Etheses online (WREO). The repositories currently use the open source EPrints repository software. In 2022, WRL launched the Repository Renewal Project which would: rescope the WRL repository requirements (2022-23), use these requirements to identify and secure the next iteration of repository software (2024) and then implement the next phase of the repository platform (by end 2025). This commitment to EPrints will take us through the next REF cycle, giving clarity and stability for this vital period.
WRL undertook a detailed examination of the repositories landscape, exploring both open source and commercial repositories solutions, working with external consultants to ensure a comprehensive approach, and engaging with other institutions that used a range of platforms and hosting models. The project also used market testing to fully understand the costs and value of the different platforms and hosting models. WRL is incredibly grateful to everyone who engaged with this process and so informed the decision made.
This process led WRL to conclude that an open source solution was still the right choice for the shared repositories. WRL has a long-standing commitment to open access and to open source infrastructure, and the preference was to continue with an open source platform. WRL, as a collaboration, can share the costs of a technical staff resource to support and develop an open source repository platform in response to e.g. changes in policy (internal and external) and users needs. While acknowledging the levels of service and functionality commercial platforms offer, WRL really values its own capability to directly shape its repositories. Also, the current financial climate would make moving to a commercial platform challenging from a funding perspective
WRL evaluated the available open source platforms, considering a range of factors: the extent and spread of current usage, platform sustainability, the support and provision for the needs of a UK HEI, support for a collaborative repository service, the technical considerations of any migration between platforms, ongoing operational considerations and, significantly, the strength of the community using and developing the software.
Having considered the open source options, WRL concluded that EPrints was still the strongest option for their needs. Its modular approach with ongoing incremental development of the platform, and the significant UK HE user base and development community, were key factors, as was the new focus on increased community engagement which WRL is excited to be part of.
This is an exciting phase in the development of the WRL repositories, which will see WRL renew its platform and move the service to Cloud infrastructure. WRL will also continue its engagement with the wider repository sector to help drive discussions about the future of these platforms.
WRL, September 2024