Arsova, Sanja ORCID:
Investigating the formulation and implementation of circular economy policies in the EU regional context: a policy Delphi study.
PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.
Regions are the most important administrative units of the EU’s development policies and so far, have been extensively used for framing and implementing strategic priorities. However, when it comes to regional implementation of the circular economy (CE), there is lack of systematicity both in academic literature and policy documents. Therefore, this study is proposing regions as the optimal scale for CE adoption; due to their controllable economic systems, tactical intermediate position between national and local levels, their deep knowledge and understanding of their local territories, capacities, and ability to mobilise relevant stakeholders. Within this context, this empirical study is focusing on the formulation and implementation of CE policies at the regional level. More specifically, to investigate whether Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) influence the adoption of CE policies at the regional level and explore the influence of institutional pressures on the implementation of regional CE policies. In order to address the main aim, a four-stage policy Delphi study was designed, targeting regional policymakers and experts in the field of CE and S3. Initially, the nomination and selection of the experts was performed, followed by a brief online survey distribution. Afterwards, 19 semi-structured individual interviews followed, and the respective transcripts were examined using template analysis. Finally, the findings were validated through distributing Policy Briefs to previous participants and obtaining their feedback, which refined the findings. A conceptual framework was ultimately developed, containing the final propositions. This thesis has found that generally, the EU measures will need to consider the protagonist role of the regions in many vital aspects of the CE transition. The emerging findings point out to the importance of effective multi-level governance mechanisms and supportive institutional environment as conducive for the development and realisation of the CE initiatives. Additionally, the incontestable links between S3 and CE were corroborated, as well as the strong arguments for adopting a place-based approach for the CE transition. However, the S3 and CE nexus proved to be less deterministic, as concerns regarding the potential risk of regional lock-ins and path dependency issues were also raised. Alongside the theoretical contribution, the findings of this research will have practical implications as well; findings which could be of interest for policymakers at different levels, in terms of decision making and devising regional policies, as well as for practitioners for encouraging bottom-up initiatives.
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Embargoed until: 5 June 2025
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