Quantum Metrology of Grid Deformations and Squeezed Light: With applications in quantum imaging & quantum information

Sidhu, Jasminder (2018) Quantum Metrology of Grid Deformations and Squeezed Light: With applications in quantum imaging & quantum information. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.



Supervisors: Kok, Pieter
Keywords: Quantum metrology, Quantum Information, quantum Fisher information, phase space methods.
Awarding institution: University of Sheffield
Academic Units: The University of Sheffield > Faculty of Science (Sheffield)
The University of Sheffield > Faculty of Science (Sheffield) > Physics and Astronomy (Sheffield)
Identification Number/EthosID: uk.bl.ethos.772879
Depositing User: Dr Jasminder Sidhu
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2019 08:37
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2019 20:07
Open Archives Initiative ID (OAI ID):




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