Vuban, Joyce Afuh (2018) The influence of the Bologna Process on the harmonization of Cameroonian higher education. PhD thesis, University of York.
This thesis argues that whilst the European Bologna Process serves as an engine for convergence by driving harmonization and policy borrowing in most higher education (HE) systems across the globe, these triangular terms are still conceptualized differently and pose different problems across national contexts like Cameroon. In line with this argument, this study critically examines harmonization and policy borrowing through the lens of the Bologna Process reform in Cameroonian HE according to opinions of key HE stakeholders. A qualitative approach was employed to collect data using interviews and focus group discussions. The thesis employed thematic analysis with themes generated using the NVivo software. Findings reveal that the complex interplay of harmonization, policy borrowing and the Bologna Process reform forms what I describe as the ‘educational homologous series’ since these terms are mutually inclusive. Harmonization has been revealed to be a prelude, catalyst and backbone to policy borrowing with the Bologna Process serving as a macro, meso and micro HE policy across contexts hence aiding this process. Findings also introduce a new theoretical framework in comparative education known as the ‘policy borrowing iceberg’. The ‘policy borrowing iceberg’ is perceived to properly examine African/Cameroonian realities in policy borrowing discourses relative to other known models in comparative education. Findings indicate that there exist six main factors and their corresponding theories and indicators when it comes to the study of policy borrowing in Africa/Cameroon lodged within the framework of the ‘policy borrowing iceberg’ namely decision-making, development, human capital formation, change, postcolonialism and dominance. Policy borrowing is also presented as a paradox and a controversial term. Furthermore, the ongoing 2016 strike action in Cameroon and its devastating consequences on the HE system makes the future of the Bologna Process and micro-harmonization (also known as the ‘take-off’ of policy borrowing) to be unclear and ambiguous.
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