Meeting The Superhumans: Channel Four, Disability and the 2012 Paralympic Games

Jackson-Brown, Carolyn Elizabeth (2018) Meeting The Superhumans: Channel Four, Disability and the 2012 Paralympic Games. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.



Supervisors: Klein, Bethany and Thumim, Nancy
Publicly visible additional information: The media coverage for the London 2012 Paralympic Games created a 'seismic shift' in perceptions of disability and reframed onscreen representations. This case-study draws on empirical data given by the key decision makers [who produced that coverage] between the dates of 2014-2016 and prior to the Rio coverage.
Keywords: representation production Paralympic Paralympian 2012 creativity commerce political-economy structure agency PSB television sports mega-event risk remit marketing disability supercrip C4TVC C4 IPC BBC brand TV Public Enemy hip-hop advertising 4Creative diversity marginalise minority meaning-making
Awarding institution: University of Leeds
Academic Units: The University of Leeds > Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures (Leeds) > School of Media and Communication (Leeds)
Identification Number/EthosID:
Depositing User: Dr Carolyn Jackson-Brown
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2018 12:53
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2021 09:53
Open Archives Initiative ID (OAI ID):


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