Introducing Critical Literacy through Popular Culture to a Cypriot third grade classroom: issues and dilemmas

Solomou, Koula (2016) Introducing Critical Literacy through Popular Culture to a Cypriot third grade classroom: issues and dilemmas. EdD thesis, University of Sheffield.



Supervisors: Davies, Julia A.
Awarding institution: University of Sheffield
Academic Units: The University of Sheffield > Faculty of Social Sciences (Sheffield) > School of Education (Sheffield)
Identification Number/EthosID:
Depositing User: Mrs Koula Solomou
Date Deposited: 09 Dec 2016 11:18
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2018 09:30
Open Archives Initiative ID (OAI ID):


Koula Solomou EdD Thesis (Reg. Num. 90188323)



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