Database Number Date of Court Location of Court Type of Court Graveship Reporting Names Mentioned Places Mentioned Date of Offences Offences Punishments Manuscript Call Number Transcription Translation Source for Translation Miscellaneous Tags 1 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowebry William Rathebon; Sir S. de B. Sowerby; Halifax In respite Again the lord's charge against William Rathebon, subforester of Sourby, as in the second tourn held at Halifax last in respite until the coming of Sir S. de B. etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 1 Forest 2 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stanley Stanley Breaking attachment Distrained Order is given again to distrain Hugh de Stanley to answer the lord for breaking an attachment at Stanley by his mainpast against him was was presented by the grave of Stanneley. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 2 3 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Henry de Langfeld Hipperholme Breaking attachment Attached Order is given again to attached Henry de Langfeld to answer the lord for breaking an attachment at Hiperum, as was presented by the grave there. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 3 4 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo; Roger Viron False claim; trespass [?] 3d fine Roger Viron is amerced 3d for false claim against Robert son of Ivo in a like plea YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 3 5 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo; Hugh Viron Snapethorpe Depasturing 1/2d damages; 3d fine An inquiry finds that Robert son of Ivo depastured with his beasts the corn of Hugh Viron at Snaipthorp, damage «d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 3 Inquiry; crops; animals 6 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Hugh Viron; Robert son of Ivo Debt 12d damages; 4d fine Hugh Viron comes and acknowledges that he unjustly detains 12d from Robert son of Ivo. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. The same Hugh likewise be impleading that he unjustly detains 11d from the said Robert for hay bought from him. He is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 3 Crops 7 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Sandale; Adam Trubbe Breakage; non-attendance Distrained; 3d fine Thomas de Sandale plaintiff offers himself against Adam Trubbe in a plea of attachment for breakage. Adam does not come and is amerced 3d; order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 3 8 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Thomas Gardyner; wife of Thomas Gardyner; Robert son of Ivo; Thomas de Lepton; Thomas son of Ivo Debt 7s damages; 2d fine; day to make law Thomas Gardyner plaintiff offers himself against Robert son of Ivo because he unjustly detains 19s which Thomas paid Thomas de Lepton as the pledge of Robert, and which Robert has not yet discharged, to his damage 10d. Robert comes and says he owes nothing, and puts himself upon his law; pledge for the law, Thomas son of Ivo. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 4 Law; women 9 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Wolf; Matilda daughter of Gelle Trespass In respite The suit between Robert Wolf plaintiff and Matilda daughter of Gelle in a plea of trespass in respite until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 4 Women 10 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo; Hugh Viron Assault 6d damages; 3d fine An inquiry finds that Robert son of Ivo assaulted Hugh Virun and hit him, damage 6d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 4 Violence 11 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Nicholas de Bateley; Adam Isbel Livestock theft In respite The suit between Nicholas de Bateley plaintiff and Adam Isbel in a plea of taking beasts in respite. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 4 Animals 12 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo; Richard Proudefot Debt 12d damages; 2d fine Robert son of Ivo comes and acknowledges that he unjustly detains 12d from Richard Proudefot. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 4 13 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo; William de Dewesbiry Debt 11d damages; 2d fine Robert son of Ivo comes and acknowledges that he unjustly detains 11d from William de Dewesbiry for ale bought from him. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 5 Ale 14 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All tenants of Scammonden Scammonden; Rastrick In respite Judgement before the lord's council. Again the judgement in respite between the lord and all the tenants of Scamonden, as in the tourn held at Rastrick after Micahelmas 11 Edward III [1337]. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 5 15 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Willeson; John Sadelar Trespass; slander Half a mark damages; 2d fine Robert Willeson defaults in wagering his law against John Sadelar in a plea of trespass. John is awarded damages of half a mark for what was said against him, and Robert is amerced 2d for trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 6 Law 16 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stanley; Robert de Skypton; Richard Saussemar; Amy formerly wife of John de Skipton; Prior of St. Oswald's Nostell Nostell Breaking attachment Distrained Likewise again [order given to distrain] Hugh de Stanley to answer the lord for breaking an attachment by his mainpast, as was presented by the grave of Stanley. Likewise again as many times Robert de Dkypton, Richard Saussemar and May formerly wife of John de Skipton, executor's of John's will, to answer the Prior of Saint Oswald's at Nostell YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 6 Women; clerics 17 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Matilda daughter of Gelle; Robert Wolf False claim; plea of land 2d fine Matilda daughter of Gelle is amerced 2d for false claim against Robert Wolf in a plea of land. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 6 Women; land 18 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert son of Ivo; Thomas Gardyner; R. de Mora Debt Not recorded Robert son of Ivo, defendant against Thomas Gardyner in a plea of debt unto law, essoins the first time by R. de Mora. Because Thomas offers himself, ?. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 7 Law 19 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Matilda daughter of Gelle; Robert Wolf Trespass 2d fine Matilda daughter of Gelle is amerced 2d for a trespass against Robert Wolf YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 7 Women 20 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Isbel; Nicholas de Bateley Impounding animals 2d fine An inquiry finds that Adam Isbel unjustly impounds the beasts of Nicholas de Bateley at Wyrunthorp. He is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 8 Animals 21 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert de Mora; Adam Isbel Debt; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained Robert de Mora plaintiff offers himself against Adam Isbel in a plea of debt. Adam does not come and is amerced 2d; order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 8 23 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Lorymer; John le Shephird; Henry de Plegwyk Milnthorp Depasturing; property damage Day given for law John Lorymer was attached to answer John le Shephird that he broke his enclosure at Milnthorp, carried off his gate, and with his beasts depastured and damaged the grass growing in that enclosure, to his damage 40d. John Lorymer comes and says he is not guilty, and puts himself on his law. Pledge for law, Henry de Plegwyk. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 9 Animals; enclosures; crops; law 24 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Hugh Modisaul Non-attendance 6d fine Hugh Modisaul is amerced 6d because he does not come. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 9 25 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Malyn; graveship of Thornes Thornes Unfit to hold office 40d fine The graveship of Thornes presented Robert Malyn as able and sufficient in lands and holdings to hold the office of grave, but later acknowledges that he is not. The graveship is amerced 40d for false presentment. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 9 Officials 26 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John le Wright Alverthorpe Nuisance land grant Voided Voided because a nuisance to the whole town *Alverthorpe*:- John le Wright gives the lord *12d* for leave to take a third of a rood from the lord's waste at Alvirthorp similarly; *new rent per annum 1d* YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 9 Land; waste; void 27 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All tenants of Scammonden Scammonden; Rastrick In respite Again the judgement between the lord and all the tenants of Scamenden, concerning the matter disclosed at the tourn held at Rastrick after Michaelmas in the eleventh year, in respite for the presence of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 10 28 23/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Thomas Wade; Adam son of Hugh de Lighthesels; wife of Adam Assault; flase claim 6d fine; 3d fine The same inquiry finds that Thomas Wade did not assault or beat Adam son of Hugh de Lighthesels as he alleges. Therefore Adam takes nothing from his claim but is amerced 6d and Thomas is quit. Likewise that the said Thomas did not assault the wife of said Adam as she alleges. Therefore the wife of Adam likewise 3d and Thomas likewise. Women; violence; inquiry 29 26/10/1938 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowebry William son of Hugh de Lighthesels; Henry Waynwright Livestock damage 3d damages; 6d fine The same inquiry finds that William son of Hugh de Lighthsesels worked the horse of Henry Waynwright unjustly, damage 3d. He likewise 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 11 Animals 30 27/10/1938 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Rastrick William del Hirst; William de Lynley Rescue 12d fine William del Hirst is amerced 12d for a rescue made from the lord's grave; pledge William de Lynley. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 13 Animals 31 27/10/1938 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Rastrick John Clericus; William de Heylay Use of kiln without leave 2d damages; 2d fine An inquiry finds that John Clericus dried his malt in the kiln of William de Heylay without his leave, damage 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 13 Crops 32 29/10/1938 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Richard de Eswode; Thomas son of William Wilkeson Cutting wood 2d damages; 2d fine An inquiry finds that Richard de Estwode cut down wood of Thomas son of William Wilkeson, damage 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 15 Wood 33 30/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Alverthrorpe Henry de Stanley Digging coal 40d fine Alvirthorp presents that Henry de Stanley dug for coal without leave on villein land which he holds from the lord. 40d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 19 34 30/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thornes William son of Philip Keeping stray bees Distrained; forced to surrender bees One stray bee-swarm is in the custody of William son of Philip. Order is given to distrain him to have it in readiness for the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 19 Animals; insects 35 13/11/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stanley; Walter Gunne Stanley Breaking attachment Distrained Order is given again to distrain Hugh de Stanley to answer the lord concerning the breaking of an attachment by his mainpast at Stanley as was presented by Walter Gunne the grave there. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 21 36 13/11/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Walter Wright; John Gerbot Alverthorpe Depasturing 2d damages; 4d fine An inquiry finds that Walter Wright depastured the grass of John Gernot with his beasts at Alvirthorp, damage 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 22 Animals; crops 37 13/11/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Thomas de Scamenden; all the tenants of Scammonden Scammonden; Rastrick Trespass In respite Again the judgement between the lord and Thomas de Scamenden and all the tenants there concerning a trespass, as was found at the tourn held at Rastrick after Michaelmas in the eleventh year, in respite for the presence of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 23 38 13/11/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanley Non-attendance 4d fine Hugh de Stanley is amerced 4d because he does not come to make his suit. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 23 39 13/11/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Jonot Stanley Rescue 12d fine William Jonot is amerced 12d for a rescue made from the grave of Stanley. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 23 Animals 40 13/11/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Attebarre Alverthorpe False presentment Day given for law A day is given to the said John Attebarre plaintiff and the graveship of Alvirthorp in a plea of false presentment to the office of grave. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 25 Officials 41 04/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Thomas Gardyner; Robert son of Ivo. Debt 3d fine Thomas Gardyner plaintiff and Robert son of Ivo agree by licence in a plea of debt unto law. Robert is amerced 3d, and he acknowledges that he owes Thomas 26s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 27 42 04/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scamonden Scammonden; Rastrick In respite Again the judgement between the lord and all the tenants of Scamenden concerning a trespass, as was found at the tourn held at Rastrick after Michaelmas 20 Edward II, in respite for the presence of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 27 43 04/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Attebarre Alverthorpe False presentment Day given for law A day is given until the next court to John Attebarre plaintiff and the graveship of Alvirthorp in a plea of false presentment. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 28 Officials 44 04/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Attebarre; Adam Isbel Rescue 2d fine; distrained John Attebarre plaintiff offers himself against Adam Isbel in a plea of rescue. Adam does not come and is amerced 2d; order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 30 Animals 45 04/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Henry Wythoundes; William Hirnyng Ossett False presentment Amerced Likewise to Henry Wythoundes plaintiff and William Hirnyng and his 4 fellows presenting for the township of Osset in a plea of false presentment. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 30 46 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Walter Wright Commotion in court Amerced Walter Wright is amerced for a commotion in court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 32 47 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Richard del Rokes; Geoffrey de Shelf; William de Cockhill; John son of John de Northland; Henry de Coppelay Non-attendance 6d fine; distrained Order was given to distrain Richard del Rokes, Geoffrey de Shelf, and William de Cockhill to answer John son of John de Northland. They were attached by the pledge of grave of Hyperum, and do not come. Henry is amerced 6d, and order is given to distrain them. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 33 48 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam del Dene; John del Dene Leasing land without leave 6d fine Adam del Dene is amerced 6d because he leased a rood to John del Dene without leave of the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 33 Land 49 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Joanna daughter of John de Dene; Adam del Dene False claim; plea of land 2d fine Joanna daughter of John de Dene is amerced 2d for false claim against Adam del Dene in a plea of land, as was found by inquiry. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 33 Land; inquiry; women 50 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Isbell Contempt of court 4d fine William Isbell is amerced 4d for contempt of court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 33 51 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Attebarre Unfit to hold office Inquiry opened Order is given for an inquiry of 4 graveships to come to the next court to determine whether or not John Attebarre was elected grave as he says. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 34 Inquiry; officials 52 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William del Greene; Roger Wright Livestock damage Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not the dog of William del Grene ate (ingulavit) a sheep of Roger Wright. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 35 Inquiry; animals; violence 53 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scamonden Scammonden In respite Again the judgement between the lord and the tenants of Skamenden concerning a trespass in respite for the presence of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 35 54 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John le Shephird; John, William, and Henry his sons; Thomas de Ketelsthorp Sandal 30/11/1338 Assault Day given for law John le Shephird and John, William, and Henry his sons were to answer Thomas de Ketelsthorp in his complaint that on Monday the feast of St Andrew this year [30 November 1338] at Sandale they assaulted, beat and ill-treated Thomas, damage 30s. John and the others come and defend, and say they are not guilty. They are to wager their law, and are pledges one for the other. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 35 Law; violence 55 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William son of John Shephird; Thomas de Ketelsthorp Livestock damage 18d damages; 4d fine William son of John Shephird acknowledges that he killed a sheep of Thomas de Ketelsthorp and seeks tax for this, He is amerced 4d, and is to satisfy for 18d damages. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 36 Animals; violence 56 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Adam son of Jordan; William son Walter Wright Assault 2d damages; 2d fine Adam son of Jordan was attached to answer William son of Walter Wright on the charge that Adam hit Walter on the head to his damage. Adam comes and cannot deny it. William is to receive damages taxed at 2d, and Adam is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 36-7 Violence 57 18/12/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Alice de Wyk; Clarice Cort; Matilda del Grene Weak ale 3d and 2d fines Alice de Wyk is amerced 3d because she did not send for the ale-tasters, for [brewing] weak ale, and because she did not put out a sign. Clarice Cort likewise 2d. Matilda del Grene likewise 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 37 Women; ale 58 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stanelay; Harvey Faber; John de Stannelay Stanley 27/12/1338 Assault Day given for law Hugh de Stannelay was attached to answer Harvey Faber in a plea whereby Hugh, on Sunday the feast of St John the Apostle, 12 Edward II [27 December 1338], at Stannley, assaulted, beat and ill-treated Harvey to his damage of 39s. Thus Harvey made his suit. Hugh comes and denies the force, says he is not guilty, and is prepared to defend this by law; pledge for law, John de Stannelay. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 37 Violence 59 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Henry Gunne; Harvey Faber; Robert son of Walter Assault Day given for law Henry Gunne likewise to answer Harvey Faber likewise. Henry comes and denies any force, and says that he was cornered between two fences so that he could not flee, and that Harvey assaulted him there, and if Harvey took any damage it arose from his own attack, and he sought judgement whether he could recover anything. And Harvey says that Henry committed the trespass on him by his own assault as previously related, and he is prepared to prove this by his law; pledge for law, Robert son of Walter. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 37-8 Violence; enclosures 60 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stannelay Breaking attachment 6d fine Hugh de Stannelay acknowledges that someone of his mainpast broke an attachment made by the grave. He is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 38 61 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John Attebarre Unfit to hold office Inquiry to come Again an inquiry from 4 graveships is to come to determine whether or not John Attebarre was elected grave as he says. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 39 Inquiry; officials 62 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Edmund Clericus; Robert son of Adam le Wright; Robert son of Thomas de Ketelsthorp; John son of John Shephird; William and Henry sons of John Harpur Shephird 30/11/1338 Assault; failure to prosecute Inquiry to come An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether or not Edmund Clericus, Robert son of Adam le Wright and Robert son of Thomas de Ketelshorp assaulted, beat and ill-treated John son of John Shephird on *Sunday after the feast* the feast of St Andrew the Apostle [30 November 1338] in Sandale. Likewise [to determine] whether or not Edmund Clericus and Robert son of Adam le Wright assaulted William and Henry sons of John *Harpur* Shephird in two complaints. Thomas de Ketelsthorp plaintiff does not prosecute against John Shephird and John, Henry, and William his sons in a plea of trespass. Thomas and his pledge for prosecution are amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 39 Violence; inquiry 63 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Wythundes; William Hirnyng Assault 2d fine Henry Wythundes plaintiff and William Hirnyng and his associates agree by licence in a like plea. Henry is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 39 Violence 64 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the judgement between the lord and the tenants of Skamenden concerning a trespass in respite for the presence of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 40 65 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Geoffrey son of Matilda; Adam le Taillur Cutting wood 3d damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that Geoffrey son of Matilda cut down and carried off wood of Adam le Taillur, damage 3d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 40 Wood 66 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Jonot; Whomas son of Robert Carpenter; William Atteline; Robert Walker; Henry le Long False presentment Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether or not William Jonot, Thomas son of Robert Carpenter, William Atteline and Robert Walker made a false presentment against Henry le Long, by which he was amerced in the sherrif's tourn at 10d. Inquiry; tourn 67 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John son of Mariot; Thomas Bate Assault; impeding official Inquiry opened Likewise whether or not John son of Mariot assaulted Thomas Bate [and] impeded him in collecting money for the King's service. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 41 Violence; taxation 68 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Beghale; John son of John de Feri Debt; non-attendance Re-summoned John de Beghale plaintiff offers himself against John son of John de Feri in a plea of debt. John was summoned and does not come. Order is given to resummon him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 41 69 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Nicholas Turnur; John del Bothem; Robert Cockespor; Nicholas son of Nicholas Turnur; William Albray; John Redheved; Philip Sagher; Joanna daughter of Hugh Forester; German Bele; Richard Cade; John son of Amabel; Adam Isbell; Henry son of Richard Outwood Vert Various fines For vert in the Outwood: Nicholas Turner 6d, John del Bothem 4d, Robert Cockespor 4d, Nicholas son of Nicholas Turnur 4d, William Albray 4d, John Redheved 6d, Philip Sagher 4d, Joanna daughter of Hugh Forester 2d, German Bele 3d, Richard Cade 3d, John son of Amabel 6d, Adam Isbell 6d, Henry son of Richard 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest; women 70 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Bagger; Henry Gelle; Robert Ilhor; John Yorkshire; Walter Cocus Vert Various fines For vert: William Bagger 2d, Henry Gelle 2d, Robert Ilhor 3d, John Yorkshire 2d, Walter Crocus 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest 71 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert Willeson Dry wood 2d fine For dry wood: Robert Willeson 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest 72 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Stele; Robert Meggeson; Jouwet; Matilda Heselay; Robert Lister; Joanna del Clough; Magot Listefast; Matilda Mous; Matilda daughter of John Nelot Vert Various fines For vert: William Stele 3d, Robert Meddeson 2d, Jouwet 2d, Matilda Heselay 3d, Robert Lister 2d, Joanna del Clogh 2d, Magot Listefast 2d, Matilda Mous 2d, Matilda daughter of John Nelot 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest; women 73 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Walter Wright; John Gerbot Outwood Vert Various fines For vert in the Outwood: Walter Wright 4d, John Gerbot 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest 74 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Edelot; Matillyon; Henry Brounsmith Dry wood Various fines For dry wood: John Edelot 3d, Matillyon 2d, Henry Brounsmith 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest 75 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Walter Wright Escape; dry wood 4d fine For escape of ulit': Walter Wright 2d. For dry wood: the same Walter 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 42 Wood; forest; animals 76 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stannely; Robert Lepar; Alice his wife; John le Rede Stanley 07/04/1337 Assault; proprty damage; attempted murder; kidnap; rape; theft Inquiry opened Hugh de Stannelay was attached to answer Robert Lepar and Alice his wife in a plea that, on the Monday before Palm Sunday in the 11th year [7 April 1337] at Stannelay, he broke the house and windows of Robert, and sought to escape by night, and broke vessels of Robert, namely his lead vats, bronze pots and bowls worth 4os, and assaulted Robert while he was lying in his bed, and he wanted to have killed him with his knife, and raped and abducted his wife against her will, and detained [her] for a year or more, and took and carried off both goods and chattels of Robert, namely woollen and linen cloths, a silver vessel and animals to the value of 10 marks, and he hit, beat and ill-treated Alice, damage 20 marks etc. And Hugh says he is not guilty, and seeks an inquiry, and Robert and Alice similarly. John le Rede is pledge for said Hugh awaiting the inquiry. Order is given to the bailiff to bring an inquiry to the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 43 Violence; women; inquiry 77 08/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam son of Adam; Robert Sutor; john Sonman; hugh his brother; john son of Richard de Osset; Hugh de Seyvill; Matilda wife of Robert; Robert Stut; Thomas Pees; Henry de Curia; Thomas Snart New park Dry wood Various fines Amerced for dry wood in the new park: Adam son of Adam 3d; all 2d: Robert Sutor, John Sonman, Hugh his brother, John son of Richard de Osset, Hugh de Seyvill, Matilda wife of Robert, Robert Stus, Thomas Pees, Henry de Curia, Thomas Snart. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 43 Wood; forest; women 78 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanley; Harvey Faber Trespass; false claim 3d fine Hugh de Stanley makes his law against Harvey Faber in a plea of trespass, completed as he ought, Harvey is amerced 3d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 45 Law 79 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Gunne; Harvey Faber Trespass Essoined Henry Gunne, defendant against Harvey Faber in a like plea unto law, essoins the first time by John de Castelforth; pledge, etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 45 Essoin 80 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanley; John Stanley; Henry Stanley; Harvey Faber; Robert son of Walter; Adam his son Pledged to keep the peace Penalty of 40s Hugh de Stanley finds John and Henry his brothers as his pledges for keeping the peace against Harvey Faber under a penalty of 40s. Harvey Faber finds Robert son of Walter and Adam his son as pledges for keeping the peace towards the said Hugh and his brothers under a penalty of 40s. Hugh de Stanley and John his brother are pledges each for the other keeping the peace towards the said Harvey Faber under penalty of 40s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 45 Violence 81 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden Non-attendance Distrained; 2s fines All the tenants of Skamedene, because they do [not] come, are amerced 2s, except Thomas de Skamedene, John son of Eva and the grave. Order is given to distrain them to hear their judgement in the presence of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 45 82 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Attebarre Unfit to hold office Damages; 6d fine An inquiry of 4 graves finds that John Attebarre was unjustly elected grave to his damages taxed at [blank]. The whole graveship is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 45 Inquiry; officials 83 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakfield William Jonot; William Ateline; Thomas son of Robert Carpenter; Robert Walker; Henry Long Unjustly raising hue; flase presentment 10d damages; 2s fine An inquiry finds that William Jonot, William Ateline, Thomas son of Robert Carpenter and Robert Walker falsely presented that Henry Long unjustly raised the hue, damage <10d>. They are to satisfy and are amerced 2s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 46 Inquiry 84 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Edmund Clericus; Robert son of Adam le Wright; Robert son of Thomas de Ketelsthorp; John son of John Shephird; Willaim son of John Shephird; Henry son of John Shephird 30/11/1338 Assault Damages; various fines An inquiry finds that Edmund Clericus <3d>, Robert son of Adam le Wright <6d> and Robert son of Thomas de Ketelsthorp <6d> assaulted, beat and ill-treated John son of John Shephird at Sandale on Monday the feast of St Andrew the Apostle, in the 12th year [30 November 1338], damage taxed at 2s 6d. They are to satisfy and are amerced. Likewise that Edmund Clericus <2d> and Robert son of Adam le Wright <6d> made the same trespass against William son of John Shephird, damage 40d. They likewise. Also that Edmund Clericus <2d> and Robert son of Adam <6d> likewise against Henry son of John Shephird, damage 10d. They likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 47 Violence; inquiry 85 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanley; Robert Lepar; Alice his wife Assault; property damage; attempted murder; kidnap; rape; theft 40s damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that Hugh de Stanley is guilty of a trespass made against Robert Lepar and Alice his wife, as they narrated in the previous court, damaged taxed at 40s. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 47 Violence; women; inquiry 86 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Goldesmyth Leaving jury 12d fine John Goldesmyth, inquisition juror, withdrew from his fellows before they handed down their verdict. He is amerced 12. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Inquiry 87 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John de Skolcote Vert 3d fine For vert: John de Skolcote 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Wood; forest 88 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Margery de Adam Escape 2d fine For escapes: Margery de Adam 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Animals; women 89 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Simon del Dene; John de Holway senior Vert Various fines For vert: Simon del Dene 4d, John de Holway senior 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Wood; forest 90 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Juliana de Aderichegate; John de Birstall; Robert Alcokson, John son of Simon; Nabbe Hare; John Pynder; Richard del Wro; Richard de Shipdene; John son of William; Alice Warddogher; Robert son of Christiana; John son of Jordan Escape Various fines For escapes: Juliana de Aderichegate 2d, John de Birstall 2d, Robert Alcokson 2d, John son of Simon 2d, Nabbe Hare 2d, John Pynder 3d, Richard del Wro 2d, Richard de Shipdene 1d, John son of William 3d, Alice Warddogher 2d, Robert son of Christiana 2d, John son of Jordan 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Animals; women 91 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholome Simon del Dene; William Clericus; William del Hole; John de Staynclif; William del Bothe Selling wood Various fines Simon del Dene sold wood growing in lands which he held for withy. He is amerced 12d. William Clericus likewise 6d. William del Hole likewise 12d. John de Staynclif likewise 12d. William del Bothe likewise 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Wood 92 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John son of Roger senior; John son of Roger junior; Thomas son of Roger de Brighous; John son of William de Brighous; William Bande False breaking and carrying off Attached Order is given to attach John son of Roger senior, John son of Roger junior, Thomas son of Roger de Brighous, John son of William de Brighous and William Bande to answer the lord concerning false breaking and carrying off. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 93 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Agnes Caylle; John del Bothem; Richard Pescy; Robert Lepar; John Sagher; Henry son of Richard Poket; Robert de Wyronthorp; Thomas Roller; Austin Pelliparius; Richard servant of Laurence; William Cussing; Thomas Kay; Hugh Cort Trespass with pigs Attached Order is given to attach Agnes Caylle, John del Bothem , Richard Pescy, Robert Lepar , John Sagher , Henry son of Richard Poket , Robert de Wyronthorp, Thomas Roller, Austin Pelliparius , Richard servant of Laurence, William Cussing, Thomas Kay and Hugh Cort to answer concerning a trespass made in the wood by pigs not agisted. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Animals; forest; women; servants 94 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Nicholas Ters; Richard his son Illegal forge 6d fine Nicholas Ters and Richard his son set up a forge on their soil. They are amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 95 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Adam son of Jordan de Horbiry; Joanna his wife; Adgnes Hughet Slander Attached Adam son of Jordan de Horbiry and Joanna his wife were attached to answer Agnes Hughet who alleged that Joanna called Agnes a false thief and jade to her damage etc. Adam and Joanna come and deny force etc. and say they are not guilty?. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 48 Women 96 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William son of Hugh de Stanley; Robert Lepar; Alice his wife; Hugh de Stanley Trespass Not recorded William son of Hugh de Stanley sues Robert Lepar and Alice his wife in a plea of trespass; pledge for prosecution, Henry de Stanley. Alice daughter of Hugh de Stanley sues Robert Lepar and Alice his wife in a like plea; like pledge. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 49 Women 97 22/01/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Margery Strekeis; Geoffrey son of Matilda Holme False jury presentment Attaint jury appointed Margery Strekeis sues Geoffrey son of Matilda and seeks an inquest of 24 to attaint the 12 jurors who made a false inquiry concerning 16 acres and a rood in Holne. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 49 Women; attaint jury; land 98 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Skamedene in respite until next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 49 99 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Couper; Juluana formerly wife of Richard de Bately; Adam Isabell Debt; non-attendance Distrained; 2d and 3d fines John Couper plaintiff offers himself by attorney against Juliana formerly wife of Richard de Bateley in a like plea. Juliana, summoned, does not come and is amerced 2d. Order is given to distrain her. Likewise against Adam Isabell in a like plea. Adam, likewise, 3d. Like order. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 50 Women; attorney 100 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Walter Gune; Hugh de Stanley Debt; non-attendance Re-summoned Walter Gune plaintiff offers himself against Hugh de Stanley in a like plea. Hugh, summoned, does not come. Order is given to resummon him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 50 101 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Nicholas Ters; Richard his son; Ralph de Kerlinghawe Cutting wood Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether Nicholas Ters, Richard his son and Ralph de Kerlinghawe cut down more wood than they bought. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 50 Wood; inquiry 102 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert Goldesmyth; Adam del Grene; Richard Erkyn Debt; non-attendance Distrained Robert Goldesmyth plaintiff offers himself against Adam del Grene and Richard Erkyn in a plea of debt. Adam and Richard, summoned, do not come. Order is given to distrain them. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 50 103 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Ketelstorp; John Shephird Depasturing; property damage; debt Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether Thomas de Ketelstop cut wood of John Shephird, and also broke the enclosure, and depastured and trampled corn and grass of John with his beasts to his damage. And whether he detains 18d from John for a quarter of oats bought from him to his damage. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 51 Animals; enclosures; wood; crops 104 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John son of Roger junior; Thomas son of Roger del Brighous; John son of William del Brighous; William Bande; John Hanson del Both; Adam del Bothes; John de Staynclif; William de Hengangrode; Richard son of Simon; Richard de Shipdene; John del Northend; John Pynder; William del Bothes de Hiperom; William de Aula; William son of Thomas Property damage; jury non-attendance Distrained; various fines Order was given at the last court to the grave of Hipperholme to call an inquiry to determine whether John son of Roger senior, John son of Roger junior; Thomas son of Roger del Brighous, John son of William del Brighous and William Bande broke the lord's fold and carried off timber to Hiperom. The defendants come but the jurors do not come and are amerced, namely John Hanson del Both <6d>, Adam del Bothes <3d>, John de Staynclif <4d>, William del Hengangrode <3d>, Richard son of Simon <3d>, Richard de Shipdene <3d>, John del Northend <3d>, John Pynder <3d>, William del Bothes de Hiperom <3d>, William de Aula <3d> and William son of Thomas <3d>. Order is given to distrain them. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 51 Wood; jury 105 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Philip Sagher; John Anot Debt; non-attendance Distrained; 2d fine Philip Sagher plaintiff offers himself against John Anot in a plea of debt. John, summoned, does not come and is amerced 2d. Order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 51 106 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John del Bothom; Robert Lepar; Henry son of Richard Poket; Austin Pelliparius; Richard servant of Laurence Trespass with pigs Various fines John del Bothom <8d>, Robert Lepar <6d>, Henry son of Richard Poket <8d>, Austin Pelliparius <6d> and Richard servant of Laurence <2d> acknowledge that they put their pigs in the lord's woods in pannage time without agistment. They are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 51 Animals; forest; servants 107 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert de Deusom; Robert de Wyronthorp; John Sagher Trespass with pigs Inquiry opened Robert de Deusom , Robert de Wyronthorp and John Sagher put themselves on an inquiry asserting that they made no trespass with their pigs in pannage time. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 51 Animals; law; forest; inquiry 108 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Richard Pescy; Thomas Rolle; William Cussing; Thomas Kay; Hugh Cort Trespass with pigs Distrained Distrained Order is given to attach Richard Pescy , Thomas Roller, *William Cussing*, Thomas Kay and Hugh Cort to answer concerning a trespass made In the lord's wood without agistment. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 51-2 Animals; forest; law 109 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William son of Hugh de Stanley; Alice his sister; Robert Lepar; Alice his wife; John de Castelforth Trespass Essoined William son of Hugh de Stanley and Alice his sister, plaintiffs in two claims against Robert Lepar in a plea of trespass, essoins for the first time by John de Castelforth. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 52 Women; essoin 110 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Hugh Iveson; Thomas his brother; John Baret; Thomas del Hagh; Henry Shilving; Thomas Gardiner; William de Thornes Snapethorpe Depasturing Inquiry opened Hugh Iveson, Thomas his brother, John Baret, Thomas del Hagh and Henry Shilving were attached to answer Thomas Gardiner who offers himself by attorney in a plea alleging that they depastured with their beasts his corn growing in Snaypthorp, damage 5s. They say that they found the corn sown in the fallow of Snaypthorp, in their common, and they depastured that as was lawful for them to do, and they seek an inquiry. Order is given to the grave to bring an inquiry, and the defendants put William de Thornes in their place. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 52 Animals; crops; commons; inquiry; attorney 111 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Shephird; John, William, and Henry his sons; Thomas de Ketelsthorp Trespass Distrained Order is given to distrain John Shephird and John, William, and Henry his sons to answer Thomas de Ketelsthorp who offers himself in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 52 112 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert Pynder; Henry son of John de Holgate Debt; non-attendance Distrained; 3d fine Robert Pynder plaintiff offers himself against Henry son of John de Bourlegh who offers himself by attorney in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 52 Attorney 113 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Henry de Blakewode de Sourbi Rescue Voided Likewise to attach Henry de Blakewode de Sourbi to answer the lord concerning a rescue made from the grave. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 52 Animals 114 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry de Stanley New park; great wood Vert 12d fines For vert: Henry de Stanley in the new park 6d, the same Henry in the great wood 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 53 Wood; forest 115 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert Theker Great wood Vert 2d fine Robert Theker likewise in the same wood, 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 53 Wood; forest 116 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Thomas Iveson New park Vert 3d fine Thomas Iveson likewise in the new park, 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 53 Wood; forest 117 19/02/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Henry Smyth de Stanley; Adam son of Robert son of Walter de Stanley; Henry Doker; Richard Roller; Thomas del Wodhous Great wood Vert; property damage Various fines For vert in the great wood: Henry Smyth de Stanley 3d, Adam son of Robert son of Walter de Stanley 6d, Henry Doker likewise [and] for breaking palings. Richard Roller pledges Thomas del Wodhous for his beasts. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 53 Wood; forest; animals 118 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert Goldesmyth; Adam del Grene; Richard Erkyn Deb; non-attenance Distrained; 3d fines Robert Goldsmyth plaintiff offers himself against Adam del Grene <3d> and Richard Erkyn <3d> in a like plea. They do not come, and they and their pledges are amerced; order is given to distrain them. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 54 119 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Harvey Faber de Stanley; Henry Gune Failure to prosecute; trespass 4d fine Harvey Faber de Stanley does not prosecute against Henry Gune in a plea of trespass. He and his pledge are amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 54 120 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme The wood; Brighouse Property damage; trespass In respite The inquiry of Hiperom concerning the breaking of the fold and trespass in the wood in respite until Brighous tourn. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 54 Forest 121 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Austin Pelliparius; Richard Swan Debt; non-attendance Distrained Austin Pelliparius plaintiff offers himself against Richard Swan in a plea of debt. Richard, distrained, does not come. Order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 54 122 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas Kay Trespass with pigs 4d fine Thomas Kay acknowledges that he had his pigs in the wood in pannage time. He is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 54 Animals; wood; forest 123 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden Brighouse In respite The judgement of the tenants of Skamedene in respite until Brighous tourn. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 55 124 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Ketilthorp; John Shephird Depasturing; property damage 8d damages; 4d fine An inquiry finds that Thomas de Ketilthorp cut down wood of John Shephird, and depastured corn of John with his beasts ; damage 8d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 55 Animals; enclosures; crops; wood 125 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard Prodefot; John Elyot; William de Bilton Non-attendance 2d fines Richard Prodefot does not come and is amerced 2d. John Elyot likewise 2d. William de Bilton likewise 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 55 126 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry Brounsmyth Non-attendance Pardoned Pardoned Alverthorpe:- Henry Brounsmyth likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 55 Pardon 127 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert Lepar; Alice his wife; William son of Hugh de Stanley; Alice his sister Trespass; non-attendance Distrained Order is given to distrain Robert Lepar and Alice his wife to answer *Walter* William son of Hugh de Stanley and Alice his sister in a plea of trespass in two claims. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 56 Women 128 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Shephird; John, William, and Henry his sons; Thomas de Ketelsthorp Sandal church 30/11/1338 Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to the next court [to determine] whether John Shephird and John, William and Henry his sons assaulted Thomas de Ketilthorp, and beat and ill-treated him on Monday the feast of St Andrew the Apostle last [30 November 1338] in the church at Sandale, damage 39s. The defendants say they are not guilty, and request an inquiry, as does the plaintiff. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 56 Violence; inquiry 129 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry son of John del Holgate; Robert Pynder Debt; non-attendance Distrained Henry son of John del Holgate does not come to answer Robert Pynder in a plea of debt and is amerced 6d. Order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 56 130 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John de Beurlegh; Robert Iveson Debt; non-attendance Distrained John de Beurlegh does not come to answer Robert Pynder in a plea of debt and is amerced 6d. Order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 56 131 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Swan; Robert Arthur Debt; trespass; non-attendance Distrained; 4d fine Order was given to distrain Richard Swan to answer Robert Arthur in two claims and trespass. He still does not come and is amerced 4d; order is given to distrain him. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 56 132 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John Drabell Non-attendance 6d fine John Drabell is amerced 6d because he does not come to court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 56 133 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert Gunne; Robert del Spen; Adam son of Robert son of Walter; Thomas Hodam; Thomas del Ker; Thomas Gunne; Henry Poket; John Swetygled; Robert Osborne; John del Bothem junior; Hugh Cord; Richard Caade; John son of John Flachard; Thomas Spynk Old park; great wood Vert Various fines For vert in the old park: Robert Gunne 3d, Robert del Spen 3d, Adam son of Robert son of Walter 4d, Thomas Hodam 2d, Thomas del Ker 3d, Thomas Gunne 3d, Henry Poket 3d. For one stump: John Swetygeld 6d, Robert Osborne 6d, John del Bothem junior 4d. For vert in the great wood: Hugh Cort 4d, Richard Caade 3d, John son of John Flachard 3d, Thomas Spynk 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 134 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakfield Alice del Abbay; William Hudelyn; Robert Meggson; William Atteline; William Archer; Thomas Molle Old park; great wood Vert Various fines For vert in the old park: Alice del Abbay 3d, William Hudelyn 2d, Robert Meggson 2d, William Atteline 2d, William Archer 2d. For trespass in the great wood: Thomas Molle 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest; women 135 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Henry de Holgate; Adam del Burgh; Thomas Preist; Thomas del Dene Non-attendance Various fines For not coming to court: Henry de Holgate 6d, Adam del Burgh 6d, Thomas Preist 3d, Thomas del Dene 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 136 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Thomas de Salonstall; Richard his son; William de Salonstall; Thomas Iveson; Alice del Ternes; Adam del Southclif; Thomas son of Agnes; Adam son of Alexander; Richard son of Margery; Thomas son of Henry; Richard Smyth; Annot del Brodrode Vert Various fines For vert: Thomas de Salonstall 6d, Richard his son 6d, William de Salonstall 4d, Thomas Iveson 4d, Alice del Ternes 3d, Adam del Southclif 2d, Thomas son of Agnes 2d, Adam son of Alexander 2d, Richard son of Margery 2d, Thomas son of Henry 6d, Richard Smyth 3d, Annot del Brodrode 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 137 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Richard son of John de Horbiry Vert 2d fine For vert: Richard son of John de Horbiry 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 138 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry de Stanley Great wood Cutting wood 6d fine For one cartload of wood in the great wood: Henry de Stanley 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest; cart 139 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert Daveson de Westegate Great wood Cutting wood 6d fine For the same: Robert Daveson de Westegate 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 140 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Fyndhirnd; Martin de Wyromthorp; Thomas Martyn de Wyromthorp Wood of Stanley Vert Various fines For vert in the wood of Stanley: John Fyndhirnd 2d, Martin de Wyromthorp 2d; Thomas Martyn de Wyromthorp 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 141 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby William Bothrod; Henry Pate; Hnery del Bank; Robert del Brigg; William Couper; Roger Couper; Thomas Preist; William de Skyrcotes Vert Various fines For vert: William Bothrod 3d, Henry Pate 3d, Henry del Bank 3d, Robert del Brigg 2d, William Couper 4d, Roger Couper 12d, Thomas Preist 3d, William de Skyrcotes 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 142 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Thomas Iveson; John Baret; Robert Iveson Horbirulighes Vert Various fines For vert in Horbirylighes: Thomas Iveson 6d, John Baret 6d, Robert Iveson 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 58 Wood; forest 143 12/03/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Nicholas Ters; Richard his son; Ralph de Kerlinghawe Hipperholme Cutting wood Various fines Nicholas Ters <40d>, Richard his son and Ralph de Kerlinghawe <40d> are convicted by an inquiry of cutting more stumps of oak and underwood in Hyperom than they bought . They are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 59 Wood; forest 144 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Seyvill; Hugh del Okes; William del Okes; Henry de Langefield Non-attendance Various fines John de Syvill is amerced because he does not come to make his suit. He comes later. Similarly Hugh del Okes, 3d; William del Okes, 3d; Henry de Langefield, 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 59 145 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Alexander Carter; Thomas Robyn 31/03/1338 Assault Damages; 40d fine Alexander Carter plaintiff offers himself against Thomas Robyn alleging that a year and three days ago Thomas assaulted beat, ill-treated and committed other enormities against him to his damage. Thomas comes and cannot deny it. He is to satisfy and is amerced 40d, which he fines for trespass against the lord. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 60 Violence 146 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh Cort Bail 40d fine Hugh Cort, indicted, gives 40d to the lord for having bail until the first delivery. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 60 147 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme The wood; Hipperholme Property damage; trespass The inquiry at Hyperum touching breaking the fold and trespass in the wood in respite until Brighous tourn. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 60 148 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh Hervyman; Robert Lepar Non-attendance Distrained Order is given again to distrain Hugh Hervyman to answer Robert Lepar who offersh himself in a like plea. Order is given as elsewhere to distrain Hugh de Stannelay to answer Walter Gunne in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 60 149 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden Brighouse In respite The judgement of the tenants of Skamendene in respite until Brighous tourn. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 60 Tourn 150 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert Lepar; Alice his wife; William son of Hugh de Stanley; Alice his sister Non-attendance Distrained Order is given to distrain Robert Lepar and Alice his wife to answer William son of Hugh de Stannelay who offers himself in a plea of trespass. Likewise to answer Alice daughter of Hugh de Stannelay likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 61 Women; 151 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Richard de Estewode; William le Smith Heppeworth Cutting wood Inquiry opened Order is given to the grave of Holne to bring an inquiry to determine whether or not Richard de Estewode cut down the trees of William le Smith in Heppeworth, damage 30s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 61 152 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Henry Bythebrok; Adam del Rodes Non-attendance Distrained Order is given to distrain Henry Bythebrok to answer Adam del Rodes in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 61 153 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Iveson; John de Burlegh Non-attendance Distrained Likewise Robert Iveson to answer John de Burlegh who offers himself by attorney in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p.61 Attorney 154 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Wright; Adam Michel; Robert del Bothe Non-attendance Distrained Order is given as elsewhere to distrain William Wright and Adam Michel to answer Robert del Both who offers himself in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 61 155 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Wythundes; John Attebarre; Emma his wife Theft In respite The suit between Richard Wythundes plaitniff and John Attebarre and Emma his wife in a plea of detention of a light helmet in respite until next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 61-2 Women 156 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William son of Robert de Castelford; John de Gairgrave Livestock theft Essoined William son of Robert de Castelford sues John de Gairgrave in a plea of taking and detaining a cow; pledge for prosecution etc. William son of Robert de Castelford, plaintiff against John de Gairgrave in a plea of taking and detaining a cow, essoins for the first time be John de Castelford. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 62 Animals; essoin 157 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William son of John Shephird; Thomas de Ketelsthorp; John Shephird Assault Half a mark damages; 4d fine An inquiry finds that William son of John Shpehird hit, beat and wounded Thomas de Ketelsthorp as was told in the preceding court, damage taxed by the jurors at half a mark. William is to satisfy and is amerced 4d; pledge, John Shephird his father, for the damage and the amercement. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 63 158 02/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John son of John Shephird; Henry and William his brothers; John Shephird; William son of Gregory; Thomas de Ketelsthorp' Thomas Pelleson; Robert Pynder Pledged to keep peace Penalty of 20s John son of John Shephird and Henry and William, his brothers, find John Shephird and William son of Gregory as pledges for keeping the peace with Thomas de Ketelsthorp under a penalty of 20s. The same Thomas finds Thomas Pelleson and Robert Pynder as pledges for keeping the peace with John, Henry and William, sons of John Shephird, under a penalty of 20s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 63 Violence 159 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Salonstall Thomas del Dene Salonstall Depasturing 18d damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that Thomas del Dene depastured the meadow of the community of Salonstall, damage taxed by the jurors at 18d. He likewise 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 64 Crops; commons 160 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Richard de Northland The park; Stodelaybrok Depasturing 12d fine Richard de Northland is amerced 12d because he depastured grass at a certain place between the park and Stodelaybrok. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 64 Grass; crops 161 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Nigel de Hadirschelf; William Couper; Alan de Thwong; Thomas de Ourum; John Culpon; Roger Couper Cutting wood Various fines For cutting holly: Higel de Hadirschelf 40d, William Couper 4d, Alan de Thwong 12d, Thomas de Ourum 6d. For cutting two alders: John Culpon, 8d. For cutting three alders: Roger Couper, 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 66 Wood; forest 162 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Margery daughter of Matilda de Ovenden; Thomas de Kent; Henry son of William de Halifax; Richard son of Bate Lister; Agnes daughter of Thomas. Vert 2d fines For vert, all at 2d: Margery daughter of Matilda de Ovenden, Thomas de Kent, Henry son of William de Halifax, Richard son of Bate Lister, Agnes daughter of Thomas. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 66 Wood; forest; women 163 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Adam del Brighous Cutting wood 6d fine For holly: Adam del Brighous, 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 66 Wood; forest 164 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John del Hole; Adam del Brighous; John Couper junior; William de Motrihole; Alan de Kynirschagh; John de Kynirschagh; Gilbert son of Richard del Brigge; William Fayrchild; William de Schagh; Matilda de Hovuml Ellen daughter of Ralph; John del Hirst; William son of Hauwe; Roger son of Ede Vert Various fines For vert: John del Hole 2d, Adam del Brighous 6d, John Couper junior 2d, William de Motirhole 2d, Alan de Kynirschagh 4d; all at 2d: John de Kynirschagh, Gilbert son of Richard dek Brigge, William Fayrchild, William del Schagh, Matilda de Hovum, Ellen daughter of Ralph, John del Hirst, William son of Hauwe, Roger son of Ede. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 66 Women 165 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Wakfield John son of Michael de Routonstall Non-attendance 6d fine; distrained John son of Michael de Routonstall does not come and is amerced 6d. Order is given to distrain him to answer the lord. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 66 166 20/04/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Warley John Alcok Non-payment Order is given to distrain John Alcok to answer the lord because he entered into his father's land without paying the heriot. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 66 Heriot; land 167 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme Adam de Steyncliff; William del Hygandrode Trespass; assault; slander; breach of contract; debt 20s damages; 12d fine An inquiry of 12 jurors finds that when there were diverse suits and trespasses [against the] peace between Adam de Steyncliff and William del Hyandrode [an agreement was made] under such conditions that is one of them committed any trespass against the other after that agreement, the trespasser should pay the other 20s. After this William assaulted Adam, committed other enormities against him and slandered him, and also broke an agreement with him concerning an amercement of 40d in the lord's court of which William ought to have paid half and did not pay. Adam is to recover against William the said 20s, and William is amerced 12d. He concedes half of the damages to the clerks. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 67-8 Violence; inquiry 168 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Scammonden John Godeir de Skamendene; Richard Gentilman; William son of William del Hole; Nicholas de Haycroft Cutting wood Various fines For cutting holly: John Godeir de Skamendene 6d, Richard Gentilman 4d, William son of William del Hole 6d, Nocholas del Haycroft 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 68 Wood; forest 169 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Scammonden Adam son of William de Skamendene; John del Frith; Henry son of Richard; Thomas de Skamendene Vert Various fines For vert: Adam son of William de Skamanedene 2d, John del Frith 2d, Henry son of Richard 2d, Thomas de Skamanedne 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 68 Wood; forest 170 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Scammonden Alan del Heye Livestock theft 12d fine For carrying off a swarm of bees: Alan del Heye, 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 68 Animals 171 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Rastrick Thomas son of Juliana; Abbot of Fountains Wood of Bradeley; Fountains Abbey Cutting wood 8d damages; 3d fine An inquiry finds that Thomas son of Juliana took and carried off boards and other timber of the Abbot of Fountains in the wood of Bradeley, damage taxed at 8d. Thomas is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 68 Wood; forest; clerics; inquiry 172 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme John del Cliff; William de Haldeworth; Roger Fox Cutting wood Various fines John del Cliff is amerced 12d for cutting one oak and one stump, as an inquiry finds. Also for cutting three birch trees and carrying them away. For cutting one oak: William de Haldeworth, 6d. For one stump: Roger Fox, 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 68 Wood; forest; inquiry 173 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme John son of Thomas del Rode; Adam del Wro; Henry son of Ellen; William del Bothes Vert Various fines For vert: John son of Thomas del Rode 2d, Adam del Wro 4d, Henry son of Ellen 4d, William del Bothes 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 68 Wood; forest 174 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme Robert son of Christiana; Agnes daughter of William; the community of Brighous Brighouse Property damage Various fines For carrying off hedging: Robert son of Christiana 4d, Agnes daughter of William 4d. For breaking the lord's fold and carrying it off: the community of the township of Brighous, 6s 8d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 69 Wood; communal; women; enclosures 175 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme Tenants of Hipperholme; Richard son of Nicholas Ters; Alice daughter of Warde; Richard de Shipdene; Richard del Wro; John le Pynder; Peter del barne; Thomas Hare; Elliot de Walis Hipperholme; Briniscoles; Shipdene Property damage; cutting wood Various fines The tenants of Hyperum are amerced 2d because they removed a certain hedge near Briniscoles in prejudice of the lord. An inquiry finds that Richard don of Nicholas Ters frequently cut underwood of the lord in Shipdene and carried it off. He is amerced 20s. For carrying off hedging, all at 2d: Alice daughter of Warde, Richard de Shipdene, Rixhard del Wro, John le Pynder, Peter del Barme, Thomas Hare, Ellot de Walis. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 69 Wood; forest; enclosures; communal 176 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme John son of Elias Vert 2d fine For vert: John son of Elias 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 69 Wood; forest 177 21/04/1939 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Rastrick Thomas son of Juliana Vert 2d fine For vert: Thomas son of Juliana, 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 69 Wood; forest 178 22/04/1939 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Richard de Estewode; William le Smith Cutting wood; false claim 12d damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that Richard de Estewod cut down and carried off trees of William Smyth, damage taxed at 12d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. The jurors say that Richard de Estewod did not break any agreement with William Smith as he alleges. William is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 70 Wood 179 22/04/1939 00:00:00 Burton Court baron William Turnur; John Drabel; Thomas de Hengecliff; Feoffrey Benet; Henry de Holnestigh; William de Carteworth; Alan del Dam; Matthew de Rommesdan; William de Heppeworth; Robert de Birton; John de Brounhill; Adam de Erneschagh; William del Brigg; Robert del Bothe; Thomas del Hole; Adam del Bothe; William Godesclagh; Richard del Bothe; John Mariot; Adam de Hoggelay; John son of Roger; Ellen de Longelay; John son of Adam de Longelay; Henry le Waynwright; Isabelle daughter of Jordan; Margery daughter of Jordan; William de Lawe Cutting wood Various fines For five alders: William Turner 10d. For cutting holly: John Drabel 6d, Thomas de Hengecliff 3d, Geoffrey Benet 2d, Henry de Holnestigh 6d, William de Carteworth 4d, Alan del Dam 6d, Matthew de Rommesden 3d, William de Heppeworth 4d, Robert de Birton 2d, John de Brounhill 2d, Adam de Erneschagh 4d, William del Brigg 2d, Robert del Bothe 6d, Thomas del Hole 4d, Adam del Bothe 2d, William Godesclagh 6d, Richard del Bothe 2d, John Mariot 3d, Adam de Hoggelay 2d, John son of Roger 2d, John Mariot 3d, Adam de Hoggelay 2d, John son of Roger 2d, Ellen de Longelay 3d, John son of Adam de Longelay 2d, Henry le Waynwright 4d, Isabella daughter of Jordan 2d, Margery daughter of Jordan 2d, William del Lawe 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 70-1 Wood; forest 180 22/04/1939 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme John Drabel; John son of Adam de Holne Holme Eating deer In respite; 6s 8d fee The jurors say that John Drabel and John son of Adam de Holne found a wounded hind which had been hit by an arrow outside the lordship of Holne, and which fled within the said lordship and there it died twelve years ago, and they took its meat and carried it home and from there made their meal. They give 6s 8d for respite until the coming of the lord. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 71 Forest; animals; meat 181 22/04/1939 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Adam del Grene Wood of Holme Damaging trees In respite; 6s 8d fee Adam del Greene with his sheep nibbled at the lord's trees, namely holly and other wood, in the wood of Holne. He likewise 6s 8d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 71 Animals; forest; wood 182 23/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh Hervyman; Robert Lepar; Hugh de Stanley; Walter Gunne Non-attendance Distrained Order is given again as elsewhere to distrain Hugh Hervyman to answer Robert Lepar who offers himself in a plea of debt. Order is given again as many times to distrain Hugh de Stannelay to answer Walter Gunne likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 73 183 23/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement against the tenants of Skamendene in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 73 184 23/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert Lepar; Alice his wife; William son of Hugh de Stanley; Alice his daughter Non-attendance Distrained Order is given again to distrain Robert Lepar and Alice his wife to answer William son of Hugh de Stanlay and Alice his daughter in a plea of trespass in two claims. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 73 Women 185 23/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Ketelstorp; John Shephird Trespass Day given for law At the request of the parties, a day is given until the next court to Thomas de Ketelsthorp and John Shephird in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 74 Law 186 23/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Lorimer; John son of Robert Ster; Robert de Grotton Sandal church 04/04/1339 Assault; slander In respite John Lorimer sues John son of Robert Ster in a plea that on Sunday after Easter, 13 Edward III [4 April 1339], he assaulted and slandered him, calling him a thief to his damage. And besides this comes Robert de Grotton, bailiff of the rector of the church at Sandale, and petitions the court as if he were a tenant of the rector, and it is granted to him that he shall have justice in the said court, whenever it returns. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 74 Violence; clerics 187 23/04/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett John Cartewright; John de Heton; Hugh Wildebore; William son of Hugh; Matthew de Osset Depasturing Damages; 8d fine John Cartewright, John de Heton, Hugh Wildebore and William son of Huh acknowledge that they depastured corn of Matthew de Osset in Osset to his damage. Later they agree and the defendants are amerced 8d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 75 Crops 188 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Scamendene in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 80 189 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William son of Hugh de Stanley; Alice his sister; Robert Lepar; Alice his wife Trespass; failure to prosecute Day given for law William son of Hugh de Stanley and Alice his sister plaintiffs and Robert Lepar and Alice his wife have a day until the next court in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 80 Law; women 190 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William son of Robert de Castilford; John de Gergrave Livestock theft; failure to prosecute 3d fines William son of Robert de Castilford plaintiff does not prosecute against John de Gergrave in a plea of taking a cow. He and his pledge for prosecution are amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 80 Animals 191 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Ketelstorp; John Shephird Trespass 4d fine Thomas de Ketilthorp plaintiff and John le Shephird likewise [agree] in a plea of trespass. John is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 80 192 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Isbel; William Isbel; Elizabeth his wife Debt; non-attendance Distrained Order is given to distrain Adam Isbel to answer William Isbel and Elizabeth his wife who offer themselves in a plea of debt. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 80 Women 193 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Henry Bythebrok; Modesta; Thomas de Totehill Debt; non-attendance Distrained Order is given to distrain Henry Bythebrok to answer Modesta formerly wide of Thomas de Toerehill in a plea of debt. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 81 Women 194 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick William de Totehill; Thomas Lightriche; William del Okes 22/08/1338 Depasturing Day given for law William de Totehill plaintiff offers himself against Thomas Lightriche , alleging that, on Saturday after the Assumption of the Blessed Mary last [22 August 1338] at Fekesby, he with his beasts depastured and damaged corn and grass of William, damage half a mark. Thomas comes and says he is not guilty, and puts himself on his law; pledge for law. William del Okes. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 81 Animals; crops; law 195 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick William de Totehill; Thomas Lightriche; William del Okes Fekesby 08/05/1339 Depasturing; cutting wood Day given for law William de Totehille plaintiff likewise against Thomas de Lightriche , alleging that on Saturday after the feast of Discovery of the Holy Cross last [8 May 1339] at Fekesby, he with his beasts depastured and damaged grass of William, and also his trees growing there, namely he cut down and carried off birch threes worth 40d, damage half a mark. Thomas likewise, same pledge. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 81 Animals; crops; wood; law 196 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Langfeld Non-attendance 4d fine Henry de Langfeld, because he does not come to make his suit, is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 82 197 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Isbel; his wife Rescue Distrained Order is given to distrain Adam Isbel for a rescue made from the grave of Stanley. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 82 Animals; women 198 28/05/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam son of Robert de Southwode; William de Bouderode Ossett Propery damage; breaking attachment Distrained Order is given to distrain Adam son of Robert de Southwide to answer the lord concerning a broken attachment, namely carrying off of timber of William de Bouderode at Ossett against the prohibition of the grave of Osset. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 82 Wood 199 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Scamendene in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 83 200 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William son of Hugh de Stanley; Alice his sister; Robert Lepar Debt; failure to prosecute 2d fines William son of Hugh de Stanley and Alice his sister do not prosecute against Robert Lepar in a plea of debt. He and his pledge for prosecution are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 83 Women 201 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Thomas de Lightriche; William de Totehill Trespass One mark damages; 9d fine Thomas de Lightriche fails to make his law against William de Totehill in a plea of trespass. William is to receive damages according to his plea, namely half a mark, and Thomas is amerced 6d. The same Thomas likewise against the same William in a like plea. William likewise half a mark, and Thomas likewise 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 84 202 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Isbel; his wife Rescue Distrained Order is given again to distrain Adam Isbel and his wife to answer the lord concerning a rescue made from the grave of Stanley. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 85 Animals 203 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam de Southwode Breaking attachment Acquitted Adam de Southwode has a day at the next [court] to make his law that he did not break an attachment as in the previous court. Later he makes his law and is quit. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 85 Quit 204 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William de Thorns; John Bulnais; William Filche Livestock theft; debt; abuse of office Inquiry opened William son of William de Thorns was summoned to answer John Bulnais on a charge that he unjustly took an ox belonging to John at Thorns in le Falghfold and impounded it, damaged 40d. William comes and claims that it was a just capture on William Filche? certain meadow at Ehodeyate in Thorns that William Filche holds at the same time with other trnants of the lord by service and 10d per annum. Because he was 10d in arrears of rent, he claims a just capture, and seeks judgement and return etc. John says that William son of William took the ox in le Falghfeld as is charged, and ? in the meadow was was claimed, and he puts himself on an inquiry. William similarly. ? and the bailiff is ordered to bring an inquiry of 4 graveships. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 87 Animals; officials; commons; inquiry 205 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Filcokeson de la More; William son of William de Thorns Livestock theft; abuse of office Inquiry opened The same recognizance and the same conclusion between William Filcokeson de la More plaintiff and William son of William de Thorns concerning the seizure of an ox etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 87 Animals; inquiry; officials 206 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard Prodefot; William son of William de Thorns Livestock theft; abuse of office Inquiry opened Likewise between Richard Proudefot plaintiff and the said William son of William likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 87 Animals; inquiry; officials 207 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William de Bilton; William son of William de Thorns Livestock theft; abuse of office Inquiry opened Likewise between William de Bilton plaintiff and the said William son of William likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 87 Animals; inquiry; officials 208 11/06/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry de Stanley; Joanna his wife; Henry Bronsmyth; Christiana his wife Trespass; non-attendance Distrained Order is given to attach Henry de Stanley and Joanna his wife to answer Henry Bronsmyth and Christiana his wife who offer themselves in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 87 Women 209 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the judgement concerning the tenants of Scamendene in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 88 210 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John Bulnais; William son of William de Thornes; William son of Philip de Mora; Richard Proudefot; William de Bilton Livestock theft; abuse of office In respite The jury between John Bulnais plaintiff and William son of William de Thornes in respite etc. as in the preceding court. Likewise between William son of Philip de Mora plaintiff and the said William son of William. Likewise between Richard Proudefot plaintiff and the said William son of William. Likewise between William de Bilton plaintiff and the said William son of William. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 90-1 Animals; officals 211 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam de Southwode Commotion in court 3d fine Adam de Southwode is amerced 3d for a commotion in court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 91 212 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Grave of Ossett Stray Distrained A honeycomb is in the custody of the grave of Ossett valued at 18d. Order is given to distrain him to have it in readiness for the next etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Animals; insects 213 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam de Gaukethorp; Hugh de Disceford; Robert Couhird; Escape Various fines For the escape of pigs: Adam de Gaukethorp 2d, Hugh de Disceford 6d. Robert Courhird for trespass there, 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Animals 214 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Thomas Pynder; Thomes Pees; Henry Withoundes; Richard Attonende Dry wood 2d fines For dry wood, all at 2d: Thomas Pynder, Thomas Pees, Henry Withoundes, Richard Attonende. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest 215 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Alice de Birkenschagh; Robert de Pery; Robert Ibbotson; John son of Ralph Willeson; John son of Raplh Mason; William de Sculbrok; Robert son of Richard Milleson Dry wood Various fines For dry wood: Alice de Birkenschagh 2d, Robert de Fery 2d, Robert Ibbotson 1d, John son of Ralph Willeson 2d, John son of Ralph Malson 3d, William de Sculbrok 3d, Robert son of Richard Milleson 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest; women 216 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Henry de Stanley; William Hirnyng Vert; property damage Various fines Henry de Stanley for breaking palings, 6d. William Hirnyng for vert, 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest 217 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Gelleson; Robert Oldeshrewe The parl Trespass 4d fines For entering the park in the prohibited time: John Gelleson 4d, Robert Oldeshrewe 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Forest 218 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Matilda daughter of William Colynson; Joanna daughter of Dykeman; Joanna Arthur; William Alleline Dry wood 2d fines For dry wood, all at 2d: Matilda daughter of William Colynson, Joanna daughter of Dykeman, Joanna Arthur, William Alleline. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest; women 219 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert de Mickelfeld; Thomas Hidebier; Hervey Smyth; Willaim Attonende senior; Ryk Richard; Robert de Deweson; John del Bothem; William de Ouchethorp; Richard Spynk Escape; fallen branches Various fines Robert de Mickelfeld for escape of beasts, 3d. For fallen branches: Thomas Hidebier 2d, Harvey Smyth 3d, William Attonende senior 2d, Ryk Richard 2d. Robert de Deweson for 6 lambs, 2d. John del Bothem for escape of beasts, 4d. For fallen branches: William de Ouchethorp 2d, Richard Spynk 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest; animals 220 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Damysel; John Gelle; Alice de Abbey; Elias son of Peter Fallen branches 2d fines Likewise all at 2d: William Damysel, John Gelle, Alice del Abbey, Elias son of Peter. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest; women 221 02/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John son of Annabel de Wyrunthorp; Robert Poket Fallen branches Various fines Likewise: John son of Annable de Wyrunthorp 2d, Robert Poket 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 93 Wood; forest 222 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Scamenden in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 94 223 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Robert son of Ivo; Thomas Gardyner Unspecified claims Day given for law Again at the request of the parties a day is given until the next etc. to Robert son of Ivo plaintiff and Thomas Gardyner in 4 claims. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 95 Law 224 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William de Thornes; John Bulnais; William son of Philip de Mora; Richard Proudefot; Willaim de Bilton Elidyate; le Falghfeld Livestock theft; debt; abuse of office; false claims Various fines An inquiry of 12 jurors finds that William son of William de Thornes justly took an ox of John Bulnais for arrears to the lord of rent in a meadow called Elidyate, and not in le Falghfeld as John claims. William is to have return of the ox and John is amerced 6d for a false claim. Rhe same inquiry finds that one said William, grave of Thorns, justly took an ox of William son of Philip de Mora as above. The grave to have return, and William son of Philip is amerced 6d. Likewise Willian son of William, grave, justly took an ox of Richard Proudefot as above. The grave to have return, and Richard is amerced 3d for false claim. Likewise the said William son of William justly took an ox of William de Bilton as above. He is to have return, and William de Bilton is amerced 6d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 95 Animals; officials; inquiry 225 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Henry Bronsmyth; Christian his wife; Henry de Stanley; Joanna his wife Assault; slander Day given for law Henry Bronsmyth and Christiana his wife plaintiffs offer themselves against Henry de Stanley and Joanna his wife alleging that they assaulted Christiana, calling her false and a thief, and by thus destroyed her good name, damage half a mark. Henry and Joanna come and say that they are not guilty, and they put themselves on their law; pledge for law, John Attebarre. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 95 Violence; women; law 226 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton William de Usflet; Thomas de Birstall; Richard de Woderove; John Tailliour de Mormanton; Thomas de Birstall Livestock theft Day given for law William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, plaintiff against Thomas de Birstall , for taking a stray, essoins the second time by Richard de Woderove. And because etc. The same Thomas, likewise, by Robert de Grotton, etc. John Tailliour de Normanton, plaintiff against Thomas de Birtsall de Normanton in a plea of taking beasts, likewise. John offers himself by attorney and a day is given. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 96 Animals; essoin; clerics; attorney 227 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam del Dene Digging coal Attached Order is given to attach Adam del Dene for digging coal on land which he holds from the lord in bondage. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 97 228 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Alice de Heton Stray; livestock theft 18d fine Alide de Heton is amerced 18d for carrying off a stray beehive. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 97 Women; animals; insects 229 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Proudefot; Thomas del Hagh Livestock theft; abuse of office Robert Proudefot is amerced 4d for unjustly taking beasts of Thomas del Hagh. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 97 Animals; officials 230 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Arthur; Matilda daughter of Gelle Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not corn of Robert Arthur at Thorns was depastured and suffered damage through the defect of an enclosure hedge of Matilda daughter of Gelle. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 97 Animals; crops; enclosures; women 231 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Heton John de Seyvill Cultivating waste Attached Order is given to attach John de Seyvill to answer the lord because he appropriated to himself from the lord's waste at Heton. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 99 Waste; land 232 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Alice de Wyk Not send for ale-tasters 2d fine Alice de Wyk is amerced 2d because she did not send for the ale-tasters. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 99 Women; ale 233 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the judgement concerning the tenants of Scamenden in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 100 234 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Joanna wife of Henry de Stanley; Henry Bronsmythl Christiana his wife Trespass Essoined Joanna wife of Henry de Stanley, defendant against Henry Bronsmyth and Christian his wife in a plea of trespass unto law, essoins the first time by Thomas del Clof. Because Henry, and Henry and his wife offer themselves, a day is given. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 100 Women; essoin 235 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Garbot; Richard Swan; William Wolf Non-attendance 2d fines John Garbot is called to an inquiry and does not come. He is amerced 2d. Richard Swan likewise 2d. William Wolf likewise 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 100 Inquiry 236 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton Thomas de Birstall; Willaim de Usflet; John Tailliour de Normanton Livestock theft; non-attendance Distrained Order is given to distrain Thomas de Birstall de Normanton to answer William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, in a plea of taking a stray and the lord for default. Likewise to answer John Tailliour de Normanton in a plea of taking beasts and the lord for default. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 101 Animals; clerics 237 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William de Thornes; William son of Philip de Mora Trespass; false claim Pardoned Pardoned because poor. William son of William de Thornes is amerced for false claim against William son of Philip de Mora in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 102 Pardon; women 238 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Alice del Kerheved; Alice formerly wife of Richard Hirner; Richard del Kerheved Assault; theft; depasturing; fraud Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Alice del Kerheved ejected Alice formerly wife of Richard Horner from her house and mowed and carried off her meadow, damage half a mark. And also whether or not Alice del Kerheved took away and removed the goods and chattels of Richard del Kerheved fraudulently and with malice and to deceive the court so that the officials of the lord could not levy a distraint on Richard to make him come to answer Alice formerly wife of Richard Horner. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 102 Violence; women; crops 239 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Bronsmyth; Christian his wife; Henry de Stanley; Joanna his wife Trespass Day given for law A day is given to Henry Bronsmyth plaintiffs and Henry de Stannelee and Joanna his wife in a like plea. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 102 Women; law 240 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William de Bilton; William Filche Thornes Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not William de Bilton depastured and damaged with his beasts meadow at Thorns of William Filche, damage 20s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 102 Animals; crops 241 13/08/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Wife of John de Wyk Weak ale 12d fine The wife of John de Wyk is amerced 12d for weak ale. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 104 Women; ale 242 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the judgement concerning the tenants of Scamendene as in etc. in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 105 243 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Joanna wife of Henry de Stanley; Henry Bronsmyth; Christiana his wife; Thomas del Clif Trespass Essoined Joanna wife of Henry de Stanlee, defendant against Henry Bronsmyth and Christiana his wife in a plea of trespass unto law, essoins the second time by Thomas del Clif. Because Henry de Stanlee, and Henry and his wife offer themselves, a day is given. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 105-6 Essoin; women 244 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Stanley; Joanna his wife; Henry Bronsmyth; Christiana his wife Trespass; false claim Distrained; 3d fine Order is given to distrain Henry de Stanlee *and Joanna his wife* to answer Henry Bronsmyth and Christiana his wife in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 106-7 Women 245 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William Filche; William de Bilton Trespass In respite The jury between William Filche plaintiff and William de Bilton in a plea of trespass, as in the previous court, in respite. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 107 246 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard Proudefot; Robert Wolf Property damage; depasturing; false claim Inquiry opened; 2d fine An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Richard Proudefot depastured and damaged <2[d] for false claim> corn of Robert Wolf at Thorns, damage 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 108 Inquiry; crops 247 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam del Bothem; Richard Ricard; John del Bothem Non-attendance Various fines Adam del Bothem is called for an inquiry and does not come. He is amerced 2d. Richard Ricard likewise 2d. John del Bothem likewise 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 108 Inquiry 248 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Swayn le Wyse Ossett Non-attendance; unpaid rent Distrained; 4d fine Swayn Does not come and is amerced 4d. Order is given to distrain him to answer the lord because he pays nothing for half an acre of villein land which he holds in Osset, as 12 jurors present. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 109 Land 249 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas de Birstall Many defaults 6d fine Thomas de Birstall is amerced 6d for many defaults. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 109 250 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton Thomas de Birstall de Normanton; John Tailliour de Normanton Normanton; Brokehirst 26/06/1339 Livestock theft; abuse of office Day given for law Thomas de Birstall de Normanton was summoned to answer John Tailliour de Normanton because he unjustly took beasts of John, namely an cow and a calf, on Saturday after the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist 13 Edward III [26 June 1339] on the high road at Normanton, and there impounded them and detained them impounded against surety until delivery was made by the bailiff of the jury, damage 30s, and thus he makes his suit. Thomas claims a just capture on Brokehirst, which is his indicudal holding, because he found the beasts grazing on his grass and damaging. Therefore he took the beasts in that place which is his holding and not on the king's road, and he puts himself on his law; pledge for law, Richard de Birstall. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 109 Animals; roads; officials; crops 251 03/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton William de Usflet; Thomas de Birstall de Normanton Normanton; high road; Wodehousemersshe 13/05/1339 Livestock theft; stray; abuse of office Day given for law Likewise to answer William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, because he unjustly took a stray of William on Thursday before the feast of Pentecost 13 Edward III [13 May 1339] on the high road at Wodehousmersshe in Normanton and carried it off to his house in that township, and there detained it against surety and pledge until delivery was made by the bailiff of the jury, damage 20s, and this he makes his suit. Thomas claims a just capture in Wodhehousmersshe and not on the high road, because he is lord of the township of Normanton in which place William could claim no right to pasture his beasts, and because he found William's servant digging turves, so he claims he took it. He likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 109-10 Animals; roads; officials; servants 252 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the judgement concerning the tenants of Scamenden in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 110 253 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Stanley; Henry Bronsmyth; Christiana his wife Trespass 2d damages; 2d fine Henry de Stanlee is amerced 2d because he fails to make his law against Henry Bronsmyth and Christiana his wife in a plea of trespass, damage taxed at 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 110 Law; women 254 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Joanna Gyge; her daughter; Nichalas del Stockes; Juliana his wife Assault 3d damages; 4d fine Joanna Gyge plaintiff offers herself against Nicholas del Stockes and Juliana his wife, alleging that they beat her daughter through which she lost her service, damage 40d. Nicholas cannot deny it, and seeks assessment of damage, which is taxed at 3d. Therefore etc. and he is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 111 Violence; women 255 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry Bronsmyth; his wife; Henry de Stanley False claim 3d fine Henry Bronsmyth and his wife are amerced 3d for false claim against Henry de Stanlee in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 111 Women 256 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Isbel; William Isbel Depasturing 2d fine William Isbel comes and acknowledges that he depastured and damaged corn of Adam Isbel with his beasts, and seeks assessment of damages, which in respite until the next etc. Therefore etc. [blank] and he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 112 Animals; crops 257 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Wolf; Richard Proudefot False claim 2d fine Robert Wolf is amerced 2d for false claim against Richard Proudefot in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 113 258 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton John Tailliour de Normanton; Thomas de Birstall de Normanton; Richard Woderove; Geoffrey de Normanton; William Usflet; John Malet; Robert de Mora Livestock theft; abuse of office Essoined John Tailliour de Normanton, plaintiff against Thomas de Birstall de Normanton in a plea of taking beasts unto law, essoins the first time be Richard Woderove. Thomas de Birstall likewise by Geoffrey de Normanton. William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, plaintiff against Thomas de Birstall de Normanton in a plea of taking a stray , essoins the first time by John Malet. The same Thomas likewise by Robert de Mora. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 113 Animals; officials; essoin 259 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Nicholas del Stockes; Juliana his wife; Alice daughter of Joanna Gyge Trespass Attached Order is given to attach Nicholas del Stockes and Juliana his wife to answer Alice daughter of Joanna Gyge in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 114 Women 260 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanlee; Robert de Mora Rescue Attached Order is given to attach Hugh de Stanlee to answer the lord concerning a rescue made from Robert de Mora, bailiff. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 114 Animals 261 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas Gardyner; Robert son of Ivo Using church court 40d fine Thomas Gardyner is charged because he impleaded Robert son of Ivo in the ecclesiastical court in matters neither testamentary nor matrimonial. He cannot deny it and is amerced 40d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 114 Church court 262 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard son of Ivo; Robert de Mora; Henry Shilvyng; Thomas del Hagh Rescue Various fines Richard son of Ivo is amerced 40d for a rescue made from Robert de Mora, the lord's bailiff. Henry Shilvyng likewise 2s. Thomas del Hagh likewise, 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 114 Animals 263 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William de Bilton Contempt of court 12d fine William de Bilton is amerced 12d for contempt of court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 114 264 24/09/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry son of Richard Digging coal 6s 8d fine Henry son of Richard is charged because he digs pits for coal on land held from the lord in bondage. He cannot deny it and is amerced 6s 8d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 114 265 10/10/1939 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron and tourn Sowerby Roger Couper Non-attendance 4d fine Roger Couper is amerced 4d because he does not come YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 116 266 11/10/1939 00:00:00 Rastrick; Brighouse Court baron and tourn Rastrick Hugh Wymarkeson; Thomas son of Peter Wood of Thomas Trespass 1d damages; pardoned Hugh Wymarkeson is amerced for trespass made in the wood of Thomas son of Peter, damage 1d, pardoned because poor. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 119 Pardon 267 11/10/1939 00:00:00 Rastrick; Brighouse Court baron and tourn Rastrick Thomas le Smyth; Thomas del Wodeheved Livestock theft; abuse of office 6d damages; 3d fine An inquiry finds that Thomas le Smyth unjustly impounded beasts of Thomas del Wodeheved, damage 6d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 119 Animals; officials 268 13/10/1939 00:00:00 Burton Court baron and tourn Richard son of Richard Michel; Henry son of Juliana Assault 6d damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that Richard son of Richard Michel beat Henry son of Juliana, damage 6d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 121 Violence 269 15/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Scamendene in respite etc. as in etc. until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 127 270 15/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Langfeld Non-attendance 4d fine Henry de Langfeld is amerced 4d for not coming to make suit of court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 127 271 15/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Filche; William de Bilton Trespass 2d fine William Filche plaintiff and William de Bilton agree by licence in a plea of trespass. William de Bilton is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 128 272 15/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton John Tailliour de Normanton; Thomas de Birstall de Normanton; Thomas del Clif; R. de Grotton; William de Usflet; Adam Cat Livestock theft; abuse of office Essoined John Tailliour de Normanton, plaintiff, against Thomas de Birstall de Normanton in a plea of taking beasts unto law, essoins the second time by Thomas del Clif. Thomas likewise by R. de Grotton. William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, plaitniff against Thomas de Birstall de Normanton in a plea of taking a stray unto judgement, likewise by Adam Car a second time. Thomas likewise by Richard his father. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 128 Animals; clerics; officials; essoin 273 15/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Nicholas del Stockes; Juliana his wife; Alice daughter of Joanna Gyge Trespass Essoined Nicholas tourn held at Halifax. Adam comes and fines to the lord 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 130 Violence; tourn 277 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Skamenden in respite as in etc. until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 133 278 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Langfeld Non-attendance 4d fine Henry de Langefeld is amerced 4d for not coming to make his suit. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 133 279 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton Thomas de Birstall; John Taillur Livestock theft; abuse of office 4d fine Thomas de Birstall wagered his law as he ought against John Taillur in a plea of taking a cow and a calf. John is amerced 4d for false claim, and Thomas has return of the said beasts. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 134 Animals; law; officials 280 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton William de Usflet; Thomas de Birstall de Normanton Livestock theft; abuse of office; stray In respite The suit between William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, plaintiff and Thomas de Birstall in a plea of detention of a stray in respite until the next court, saving to the parties their arguments. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 134 Animals; officials; clerics 281 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Alice daughter of Joanna Gige; Nicholas del Stockes; Juliana his wife Trespass 3d fine Alice daughter of Joanna Gige plaintiff and Nicholas del Stockes and Juliana his wife agree in a plea of trespass. Nicholas is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 135 Women 282 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William; John Bulneys; Alexander de Wakefield Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not William son of William and John Bulneys broke a fence of Alexander de Wakefield in Thornes, and whether Alexander's corn was depastured and trampled by their beasts. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 135 Animals; crops; enclosures; inquiry 283 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanley; Robert de Mora Rescue Attached Order is given to attach Hugh de Stannelay to answer the lord concerning a rescue made from Robert de Mora, the lord's bailiff. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 135 Animals 284 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam del Dene; his mother Property damage Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Adam del Dene cut down trees and made waste the land, gardens, and houses which his mother held as dower, and which she leased to him for digging coal. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 135 Inquiry; wood; land; women 285 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Wilcokson; Robert de Mora Abuse of office Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not William Wilcokson levied 7«d from the farm of Robert de Mora for his own purpose (opus) and not for the good (commodum) of the lord. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 136 Officials; inquiry; tax 286 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas son of Richard Clericus Rescue Attached Order is given to attach Thomas son of Richard Clericus to answer the lord concerning a rescue made from John Attebarre, grave of Alverthorp. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 137 Animals 287 05/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Alice de Wyk Not sending for ale-tasters 2d fine Alice de Wyk is amerced 2d because she did not send for the ale-tasters. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 139 Women; ale 288 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh del Okes; William del Okes Non-attendance 2d fines Hugh del Okes is amerced 2d because he does not come to make his suit. William del Okes, likewise, 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 139 289 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The judgement concerning the tenants of Skamendene in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 139 290 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton William de Usflet; Thomas de Birstall Livestock theft; stray; abuse of office Day given for law A day is given until the next court without essoin to William de Usflet parson of the church at Normanton, and Thomas de Birstall in a plea of detention of a stray unto judgement. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 140 Animals; law; clerics; officials 291 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh de Stanley Rescue 12d fine Hugh de Stannelay comes into court and acknowledges that he made a rescue from the bailiff. He is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 140 Animals 292 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Gourle; Margery his wife; Richard her brother; Thomas Robert 17/08/1338 Assault Day given for law John Gourle and Margery his wife have a day at the next court to wager their law that Margery did not hit nor assault Thomas Robert on Monday after the feast of the Assumption of Blessed Mary, 12 Edward III [17 August 1338]; pledge for law, Richard her brother. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 140 Violence; women; law 293 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Wilcokson; Robert de Mora Abuse of office Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether or not William Wolcokson levied 7«d from the farm of Robert de Mora for his own purpose. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 141 Officials; inquiry; law 294 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas son of Richard Clericus; John Attebarre Rescue 2d fine Thomas son of Richard Clericus acknowledges that he made a rescue from John Attebarre the grave. He is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 142 Animals 295 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Moseley; Henry Payn Depasturing Day given for law Thomas de Moseley has a day to wager his law at the next court against Henry Payn on a charge that Henry depastured grass and corn of Thomas. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 142 Crops; law 296 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John de Neuton; Andrew de Wyrunthorp; John Hode Stanley highway 02/11/1339 Assault Day given for law John de Neuton plaintiff offers himself against Andrew de Wyrunthorp and complains that on Tuesday after the feast of All Saints, 13 Edward III [2 November 1339], on the township of Stannelay in the highway, Andrew assaulted, beat him, hit him on the shoulder with a staff and knocked him to the ground because he lost 16s, damage 39s. Andrew says he is not guilty and thus he will wager his law; pledge for law, John Hode. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 142-3 Violence; roads; law 297 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Anot; Philip Sagher; Nicholas de Batelay Debt; jury fraud Attached John Anot sues Philip Sagher in a plea of debt and alleges that the jurors of a certain inquiry take between them swore a false oath; pledge for prosecution, Nocholas de Bately. Order is given to summon Philip, and to attach the jurors, and to inform the court of their names. Also 12 etc. are to come. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 144 Jury; attaint 298 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam del Grene; James Monk Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Adam del Grene assaulted James Monk, and similarly beat him, against the peace. Similarly whether James hit Adam or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 144 Violence; inquiry 299 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stanley; Robert Deusom; Agnes his wife 18/08/1337 Depasturing 4d damages; 2d fine Hugh de Stanley was attached to answer Robert Deusom and Agnes his wife in a complaint that Hugh, on Monday after the feast of the Assumption of Blessed Mary 11 Edward III [18 August 1337] at Stanley, with his beasts trampled Agnes's oats when she was sole and depastured them to her damage. Hugh comes and cannot deny it. She is to receive damages taxed at 4d, and Hugh is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 146 Animals; women; crops 300 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William Wright Enclosing commons 12d fine It was found at the tourn that William Wright enclosed a certain plot in the common of the township of Horbury. He is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 147 Commons; land; enclosures 301 26/11/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John Hode Enclosing commons 12d fine An inquiry found at the tourn that John Hode enclosed a certain plot where the township of Horbiry has its common. He is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 147 Commons; land; enclosures 302 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Langfeld Non-attendance 4d fine William de Langfeld does not come to make his suit and is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 150 303 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the judgement concerning the tenants of Skamendene in respite until the coming of the lord's council. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 150 304 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton Thomas de Birtsall Pledge of fealty 20s per year Thomas de Birstall holds the township of Normanton by homage and fealty and for service renders 20s per annum. He makes three-weekly suit of court at Wakefield, and as is found in the lord's memorandum, [holds] by knight service. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 150 Fealty 305 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Normanton William de Usflet; Thomas son of Richard de Birstall; Robert de Grotton Livestock theft; stray; abuse of office 4d fines William de Usflet, parson of the church at Normanton, and Thomas son of Richard de Birstall agree in a plea of detention of a stray. Robert de Grotton puts himself in mercy for them, 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 151 Animals; officials; clerics 306 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William Wolf; William de Castleford Livestock damage Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not William Wolf hit a horse of William de Castleford through which he lost its work. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 151 Animals; violence; inquiry 307 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John son of Walter Rescue 12d fine John son of Walter is convicted in court of having made a rescue from the lord's bailiff. He is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 151 Animals 308 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas Gardiner Rescue 2s fine Thomas Gardiner is convicted of having made a rescue from the lord's bailiff. He is amerced 2s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 152 Animals 309 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Anot; Philip Sagher Attaint jury In respite The jury of 12 to attaint 6 between John Anot and Philip Sagher in respite until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 154 Attaint 310 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Jordan Scort; Adam del Dene; John Broun; Walter Flecok; Agnes del Dene; John Sonman; Hugh Sonman; Richard le Wyse Horbury mill Withdrawal from mill Various fines Jordan Scot <4d>, Adam de Dene <3d>, John Broun <3d>, Walter Felcok <3d>, Agnes del Dene <2d>, John Sonman <3d>, Hugh Sonman <3d> and Richard le Wyse <3d> acknowledge that they withdraw their suit from Horbiry mill, and are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 155 Mill; women 311 17/12/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Robert Broun; Alice de Heton; Alice formerly wife of Robert Couper; Walter Armerau; Adam de Gaukethorp; William Spilwod; Richard Sutor; Robert his son; Hugh de Dissheford; William Couhird; Robet servant of the Couhird; Adnes maid of Margery Horbury mill Withdrawal from mill Distrained Order is given to distrain Robert Broun, Alice de Heton, Alice formerly wife of Robert Couper, Walter Armerau, Adam de Gaukethorp, William Spilwod, Richatd Sutor, Robert his son, Hugh de Dissheford, William Couhird, Robert servant of the Couhird and Agnes maid of Margery to answer the lord concerning withdrawal of suit from Horbiry mill. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 155 Mill; women; servants 312 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite Again the charge concerning the tenants of Skamenden in respite until the next court. 313 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas Prest; William Templer; Thomas Molot Rescue; disparaging officer Day given for law Thomas Prest has a day at the next court to wager his law that he did not make a rescue from William Templer nor did he disparage him in his official capacity: pledge for the law, Thomas Molot. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 156YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 157 Animals; officials; law 314 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John de Holgate; Henry de Holgate; Thomas de Moseley; Robert Isoud; Robert Pynder; his wife False presentment 6d damages; 12d fines The jurors say that John de Holgate, Henry de Holgate, Thomas de Moseley and Robert Isoud, presenters at the last tourn, made a false presentment against Robert Pynder, stating that Robert's wife brewed and sold ale, but she did not sell. Robert is to recover 6d. The defendants are amerced <12d each>. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 157 Ale; wome; tourn 315 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Anot; Philip Sagher False claim 6d fine John Anot is amerced 6d for false claim against Philip Sagher in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 158 316 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William; Richard Proudfot; Philip Proudfot; William son of Robert de Lupseheved Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not William son of William assaulted Richard Proudfot and Philip Proudfot and beat them and ill-treated them. Also if Philip Proudfot hit William son of Robert de Lupseheved. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 162 Violence; inquiry 317 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Hugh de Sayvill; daughter of Adam del Dene Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come [to determine] whether or not Hugh de Seyvill hit the daughter of Adam del Dene through which he lost her service. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 163 Violence; women 318 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas de Suitale; Thomas Spink; William his brother Great wood Vert Various fines For vert in the great wood: Thomas de Suitale 4d, Thomas Spink 3d, William his brother 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 163 Wood; forest 319 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John Eliot; Nicholas del Stockes; Thomas Gige; Annabel Webster; John Nutt webster; John son of John son of Hugh Vert Various fines Likewise: John Eliot 6d, Nicholas del Stockes 2d, Thomas Gige 3d, Amabel Webster 2d, John Nutt webster 3d, John son of John son of Hugh 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 163 Women; wood; forest 320 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Simon servant of Thomas de Kent; John Carter Vert Various fines Likewise, each at 3d: Simon servant of Thomas de Kent, John Carter. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 163 Wood; forest; servants 321 14/01/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Martin de Wironthorp; John Osborne; John Cokespor de Stanley; John Walhoc Great wood Vert Various fines Martin de Wironthorp for vert in the great wood, 3d. John Osborne for dry maple., 2d. For vert: John Cokespor de Stanley 6d, John Walhoc 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 163 Wood; forest 322 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden In respite The lord's suit touching the tenants of Skamenden in respite until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 164 323 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas Prest Rescue 6d fine Thomas Prest had a day for wagering his law that he did not make a rescue from the lord's bailiff and still does not come. He is satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 164 Animals 324 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Peni; John son of Robert Pelleson Depasturing 2d fine Henry Peni acknowledges that he depastured corn of John son of Robert Pelleson, damage taxed at [blank]. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 165 Crops 325 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William; Richard Proudfot; Philip Proudfot; William son of Robert de Lupseheved Assault Damages; 6d fine The jurors say that William son of William <6d> assaulted and beat Richard Proudfot, damage half a mark, and that William son of the said William hit Philip Proudefot, damage 18d. Philip Proudefot <6d> hit William son of Robert de Lupseved, damage 12d. They are to satisfy and are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 167 Violence 326 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Hugh de Sayvill; daughter of Adam del Dene Assault 12d damages; 12d fine Hugh de Seyvill acknowledges that he hit the daughter of Adam del Dene, damage taxed at 12d. He is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 167 Violence; women 327 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Wife of Harvey Faber; wife of Philip Sagher; John son of Nicholas; William Isbel Not sending for ale-tasters 3d fines For not sending for the ale-tasters, each at 3d: the wives of Harvery Faber, Philip Sagher, John son of Nicholas and William Isbel. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 169 Women; ale 328 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Wife of Hugh de Seyvill Not sending for ale-tasters 3d fine The wife of Hugh de Seyvill likewise 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 169 Women; ale 329 18/02/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard Withoundes; John son of Mariot; William son of William de Thornes; Richard Proudfote; his sons; Robert Malin; Rober Peger Pledged to keep peace 40s penalty Richard Withoundes and John son of Mariot are pledges for William son of William de Thornes keeping the peace with Richard Proudfote and his sons under penalty of 40s. Robert Malin and Robert Peger likewise for Richard Proudfote and his sons keeping the peace with William son of William under a like penalty. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 170-1 Violence; peace 330 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden; John de Seyvill Appropriating from waste In respite The suit touching the tenants of Skamenden and John de Seyvill because he appropriated to himself from the lord's waste in respite until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 171 Waste; enclosures 331 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Hode; Peter Hode; John Erl; William Jonot; Robert Walker False presentment In respite The jury between John Hode plaintiff and Peter Hode, John Erl, William Jonot and Robert Walker in a plea of false presentment as in the preceding court in respite due to a lack of jurors. An inquiry is to come. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 173 Inquiry 332 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of William; Simon son of Thomas Depasturing; property damage William son of William has a day to wager his law that de did not cut hedging of Simon son of Thomas nor trample his corn nor depasture it. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 174 Crops; wood; enclosures 333 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick John son of Ellen Livestock theft; stray 4d fine John son of Ellen is amerced 4d for taking his cow without leave, which was taken as a stray. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 174 Animals; stray 334 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Wife of Stephen Erkyn; Alice de Wik Weak ale 2d fine From the wife of Stephen Erkyn, 2d, for weak ale. Alice de Wik likewise 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 174 Women; ale 335 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Thomas de Hengecliff; William Stekeys Holme Jury fraud 6s 8d fine Thomas de Hengecliff acknowledges that he suborned 12 jurors to swear a false oath concerning 1 « acres in Holne which he sought against the heirs of William Strekeys. He is amerced 6s 8d. Nevertheless he remitted to the heirs all right in the said land. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 174 Land; jury 336 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Isoud; Thomas Stubber; Richard son of Ralph; John Emmot; William del Grene; Richard Shephird; Adam del Holme; Thomas Monk Thurstanhagh Vert Various fines For vert in Thurstanhagh: Robert Isoud 2d, Thomas Stubber 2d, Richard son of Ralph 2d, John Emmot 2d, William del Grene 3d, Richard Shephird 3d, Adam el Holme 2d, Thomas Monk 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 175 Wood; forest 337 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Wright; Thomas son of Ellen; Thomas son of Robert Wright Property damage; breaking fold Attached Order is given to attach William Wright, Thomas son of Ellen and Thomas son of Robert Wright to answer the charge that they broke the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 177 338 10/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield The whole of Wakefield Not electing grave 6s 8d fine The whole graveship of Wakefield is amerced 6s 8d for not electing a grave. Order is given for distraint. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 177 Officials; communal 339 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh del Okes; William del Okes Non-attendance 2d fines Hugh del Okes is amerced 2d because he does not come to make his suit. William del Okes likewise, 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 177 340 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden; John de Seyvill Appropriating from waste In respite The suit touching the tenants of Skamenden and John de Seyvill because he appropriated to himself from the lord's waste in respite until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 177-8 Waste; enclosures 341 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William son of William; Simon son of Thomas Trespass; flase claim 2d fine William son of William makes his law against Simon son of Thomas in a plea of trespass. Simon is amerced 2d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 179 342 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Wright; Robert son of John Property damage; breaking fold 2d fine; distrained William Wright found a pledge, namely Robert son of John, to answer the lord concerning breaking the fold and does not come. He is amerced 2d and nevertheless is to be distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 180 343 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Richard Swaynson Rescue Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Richard Swaynson made a rescue from the grave of Osset. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 181 Animals; inquiry 344 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Erl; Peter Hode; Robert Walker; William Jonot; John Hode Kergate False presentment 3d fine An inquiry of 12 jurors finds that John Erl, Peter Hode, Robert Walker and William Jonot presenters made a true presentment to the great inquiry at the tourn concerning a fishpond in Kergate made by John Hode. He is amerced 3d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 181 Animals; tourn; inquiry; water 345 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas son of Ellen Property damage; breaking fold Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Thomas son of Ellen broke the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 181 346 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas son of Robert Wright Property damage; breaking fold Distrained Order is given to distrain Thomas son of Robert Wright to answer the lord concerning breaking the fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 181 347 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Couper; Robert Meggeson; William Anot; William Stele junior; William his brother; William son of Robert son of William; John his brother; John Hode; Thomas his brother; John Bround; Thomas son of Robert; John Jose; John Herward; Robert Tastard; Robert Walker; William Archer Taking wood Order is given to distrain William Couper, Robert Meggeson, William Anot, William Stele junior, William his brother, William son of Robert son of William, John his brother, John Bround, Thomas son of Robert and John Jose who carried off timber from the mill-pond and bridge of Wakefield. Also John Herward, Robert Tastard, Robert Walker, and William Archer because they bought said timber from the mill and bridge. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 182 Wood; mill; bridges 348 24/03/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert son of Walter Gunne The warren Trespass 10s fine Order is given to levy 10s from Robert son of Walter Gunne which is arrears of a 20s fine made in the time of Sir Simon de Baldreston for having respite until the coming of the lord for a trespass made in the warren. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 183 Animals; forest 349 07/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden; John de Seyvill Appropriating from waste In respite The suit touching the tenants of Skamenden and John de Seyvill because he appropriated to himself from the lord's waste in respite. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 186 Waste; enclosures 350 07/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Wright; William Wayte Property damage; breaking fold Acquitted An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether or not William Wright broke the lord's fold, and he finds William Wayte as a pledge for awaiting the inquiry. He is quit by inquiry. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 187 351 07/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Ellen; John Jose Property damage; breaking fold Acquitted An inquiry is to come between the lord and Thomas son of Ellen concerning the breaking of the lord's fold, pledge John Jose. He is quit by inquiry. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 187 352 07/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Wright Property damage; breaking fold Distrained Order is given again as elsewhere to distrain Thomas son of Robert Wright for the breaking of the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 187 353 07/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William son of Hugh de Stanley Non-attendance 2d fine William son of Hugh de Stanlay is amerced 2d because he does not come to make his suit. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 190 354 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Wythundes; Richard Swan; John Gerbot; John Attebarre Not paying grave Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether Richard Wythundes, Richard Swan, and John Gerbot as pledges for the township of Alvirthorp detain 10s from John Attebarre which they undertook to pay him for the office of grave of Alvirthorp. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 192 Inquiry; officials 355 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Proudefot; Matilda Gelledoghter Abuse of office; livestock theft 12d damages; 3d fine Robert Proudefot acknowledges that he unjustly distrained Matilda Gelledoghter by her cow to pay 4d for the office of grave that he unjustly detained it until it was almost dead where she held nothing except as her dower, damage 12d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 193 Animals; women; officials 356 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Sowerby hall Theft Inquiry opened Memorandum to inquire at Sourby tourn whether someone is carrying off timber from the kitchen at the hall of Sourby or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 194 Wood 357 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden; John de Seyvill Appropriating from waste In respite The suit touching the tenants of Skamenden and John de Seyvill because he appropriated to himself from the lord's waste in respite until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 194-5 Waste; enclosures 358 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Bround; John son of Robert son of William; William his brother; William Anot; William Couper; William Stele junior; William his brother; Robert Meggeson; John Jose; Robert Walker; Thomas son of Robert; Thomas Hode; William Archer; John Herward; Robert Tastard Taking wood Various fines The jurors say that John Bround milner took timber from the mill-pond and bridge at Wakefield to the value of 8d. John son of Robert son of William to the value of 12d. William his brother likewise 4d. William Anot likewise 12d. William Couper likewise 4d. William Stele junior likewise 8d. William his brother likewise 4d. Robert Meggeson likewise 2d. John Jose likewise 2d. Robert Walker likewise 3d. Thomas son of Robert likewise 6d. Thomas Hode likewise 3d. William Archer likewise 1d. John Herward likewise 2d. Robert Tastard likewise 1d. Fine 6s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 195 Wood; mill; bridges 359 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas Gates; Ellen Lister; Ralph de Kerlinghowe; Thomas Bul; John de Kynne; Robert de Bouderod; John de Bouderode; William Baycok; Richard Alkocson; Edmund Gutes; Adam de Lynne; John Walker Non-attendance Various fines For not coming to the great court held after Easter: Thomas Gates 6d, Ellen Lister 4d, Ralph de Kerlinghowe 6d, Thomas Bul 6d, John de Lynne 6d, Robert de Bouderod 6d, John de Bouderode 4d, William Baycok 6d, Richard Alcokson 3d, Edmund Gates 6d, Adam de Lynne 3d, John Walker 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 196 Women 360 21/04/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden; John de Seyvill Appropriating from waste In respite The suit touching the tenants of Skamenden and John de Seyvill because he appropriated to himself from the lord's waste in respite etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 197 Waste; enclosures 361 09/05/1940 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John Culpon; William son of Hugh de Lighthasels; Henry del Bank; Henry del Shagh; Thomas Swyft; Adam de Coventre; Peter del Grene; William de Soland; William Smithson Plea of covenant Attaint jury John Culpon sues William son of Hugh de Lighthasels in a plea of jury of 24 to attaint 12 jurors of a certain inquiry, concerning a plea of covenant taken between them. Order is given to summon the 24, and to attach Henry del Bank, Henry del Shagh, Thomas Swyft, Adam de Coventre, Peter del Grene, William de Soland, William Smithson and others. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 199 Attaint; jury 362 10/05/1940 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Scammonden Tenants of Scammonden; William de Staynland; Adam del croft; John del Frith; Thomas de Wodheved; John del Hole; William del Waterhous; Henry de Soland; Adam son of William; Alan del Heye; John Attestighel; Herny son of Richard Appropriating from waste Various fines The tenants of the lord in Skamendene formerly held by the grant of the lord all lands and all holdings, enclosed meadows, forest enclosures and pastures in Skamendene and the profit of all agistment in the pastures and commons there except the wood, saving to the lord's tenants and their fair allowance in the wood for building, burning and enclosing by the view and allowance of the forester, holding to themselves and their heirs following the custom of the manor by a fine which they made with the lord, paying rent from there per annum 5 marks. They [now] take from the lord's waste 97 acres and half a rood in Skamandene for enclosure and holding in severalty, namely William de Staynland takes 27 acres a 1 « roods, Adam del Crodt 15 acres, John del Frith 14 « acres, Thomas de Wodheved 5 acres, John del Hole 10 acres, William del Waterhous 1 acre and 1 rood, Henry de Soland 3 acres and half a rood, Adam son of William 3 acres and 3 « roods, Alan del Heye 6 acres, John Attestighel 3 « acres, henry son of Richard 8 acres, to hold to themselves and their heirs following the custom of the manor, together with the other holdings which formerly the took for the farm of the above; they fine for entry 24s 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 202-3 Waste; enclosures; forest; land 363 11/05/1940 00:00:00 Burton Court baron John Nayler; John de Rilay Assault 2d damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that John Nayler assaulted John de Rilay, damage 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 205 Violence 364 11/05/1940 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Adam del Scoles; Robert del Wode Cutting wood 2d damages; 6d fine The jurors say that Adam del Scoles cut wood of Robert del Wode, damage 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 205 Wood 365 11/05/1940 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme John son of Nicholas; Richard Sutor Breach of contract 12d damages; 6d fine Likewise that John son of Nicholas broke an agreement with Richard Sutor for compensation for work on a new house (restauracione sibi facienda de facta cuidam nova domus), damage 12d. Likewise 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 205 Buildings 366 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Swan; John Gerbot; Richard Withundes; John Attebarre Not paying grave 10s damages; 6d fine The jurors say that Richard Swan, John Gerbot and Richard Withundes owe John Attebarre 10s. They are to satisfy and are amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 207-8 Officials 367 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden All the tenants of Scammonden The suit touching the tenants of the lord of Skamendene [blank]. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 208 368 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Wright Propery damage; breaking fold Attached; distrained Distrained. Order is given again to attach Thomas son of Robert Wright to answer concerning the breaking of the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 209 369 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John Bulneys; John son of Mariot Cutting wood; false claim 2d fine John Bulneys is amerced 2d for false claim against John son of Mariot in a plea of cutting his trees. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 210 Wood 370 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard Proudefot; Robert Peger; Robert Proudfot; Hugh de Luppseved; John de Gairgrave Depasturing Damages; 2d fine Richard Proudfot, Robert Peger, Robert Proudfot and Hugh de Luppseved acknowledge that they depastured grass of John de Gairgrave at Thornes, damage taxed at [blank]. They are to satisfy and are amerced <2d each>. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 210 Crops 371 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard Proudefot; John Whitlof Property damage 2d damages; 6d fine An inquiry finds that Richard Proudfot broke and carried off fencing of John Whitlof, damage 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 210 Wood; enclosures 372 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Hode de Neuton Non-attendance 2d fine Robert Hode de Neuton is amerced 2d because he does not come. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 211 373 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas Alayn; William Parmenter; Adam son of Robert de Castelford; William Orfeure Non-attendance 6d fines Thomas Alayn is amerced for not coming to the tourn. William Parmenter likewise, 6d. Adam son of Robert de Castelford likewise, 6d. William Orfeure likewise, 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 211-12 374 12/05/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Iveson; John his son; Thomas Iveson Livestock damage Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether or not Robert Iveson and John his son broke the back of a pig of Thomas and also whether Robert and John broke the back of a stirk of Thomas. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p.. 212-3 Violence; animals 375 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Wright Property damage; breaking fold Attached Order is given again to attach Thomas son of Robert Wright to answer concerning the breaking of the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 215 376 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Thomas Iveson; Robert Iveson; John his son Livestock damage 8d damages; 2d fine Thomas Iveson swears that Robert Iveson and John his son broke the backs of his pig and stirk, damage taxed at 8d. They are to satisfy and are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 217 Animals; violence 377 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William de Mora; Robert Peger; Richard Proudefot; Robert Proudefot; John Bulneys; William Gardiner Depasturing 7d damages; 10d fine William de Mora, Robert Peger, Richard Proudefot, Robert Proudefot and John Bulneys acknowledge that they depastured corn of William Gardiner, damage taxed at 7d. They are to satisfy and are amerced 10d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 217 Crops 378 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Gardiner; William de Mora; Robert Peger; William de Bilton; Richard Proudefot Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come whether or not William Gardiner depastured with his beasts corn and meadow of William de Mora, Robert Peger, William de Bilton and Richard Proudefot. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 217 Animals; crops; inquiry 379 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal James del Okes; John Pollard Depasturing Inquiry opened Likewise to determine whether or not James del Okes depastured with his beasts corn of John Pollard, damage 10s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 217 Animals; crops; inquiry 380 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Henry son of Richard; Robert son of Walter Gunne Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Henry son of Richard hit and beat Robert son of Walter Gunne by which Robert was maimed, damage 100s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 218 Violence; inquiry 381 02/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William del Wro; Thomas son of Hugh del Wro; Robert son of Hugh del Wro; John de Amyas Rescue; cutting wood Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether to not William del Wro, Thomas son of Hugh del Wro and Robert son of Hugh del Wro made a rescue and haymsoken [against] John de Amyas, and also whether William del Wro, Hugh del Wro and John son of John son of Hugh cut wood of John, damage 20s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 218 Animals; wood 382 30/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Pollard; James del Okes Trespass 2d fine John Pollard plaintiff and James del Okes agree by licence in a plea of trespass. James is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 226 383 30/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert son of Walter Gunne; Henry son of Richard Assault; failure to prosecute 6d fine Robert son of Walter Gunne does not prosecute against Henry son of Richard in a plea of trespass. He is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 226 Violence 384 30/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Milnethorp; Emma his wife; James del Okes Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether Thomas de Milnethorp and Emma his wife assaulted James del Okes, beat him and ill-treated him, damage 20s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 227 Violence; women; inquiry 385 30/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John de Amyas; William del Wro; Thomas son of Hugh del Wro; Robert son of Hugh del Wro; John son of John son of Hugh Rescue; cutting wood 12d fines John de Amyas plaintiff and William del Wro, Thomas son of Hugh del Wro, Robert son of Hugh del Wro and John son on of John son of Hugh agree in a plea of trespass. William and the others are amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 227 Wood; animals 386 30/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William de Mora; Willian de Birton; Robert Pegar; Richard Proudfot; William Gardiner Depasturing; false claim 12d fines William de Mora, William de Birton, Robert Pegar and Robert Proudfot are amerced 12d for false claim against William Gardiner in a like plea, was was found by inquiry. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 227 Crops 387 30/06/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Wright Property damage; breaking fold Attached Order is given again to attach Thomas son of Robert Wright to answer concerning the breaking of the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 229 388 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Gardiner; Robert Proudfot Assault; false claim 2d fine William Gardiner makes his law that he did no damage to Robert Proudfot with his beasts. Robert is amerced 2d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 232 Violence; animals 389 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Richard de Thop; Ivo Webster; Henry del Rode Livestock theft; property damage; debt Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to the next court to determine whether or not Richard de Thop broke the hedge of Ivo Webster, and whether he detains from him a hay-rack. And whether Richard made Henry del Rode lose a cow by his default. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 233 Animals; enclosures; inquiry 390 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Shephird de Walton; John his son; William his son; Henry Pexi Walton highway 06/08/1339 Assault Day given for law; 12d damages; 3d fine John Shephird de Walton and John and William his sons were attached to answer Henry Pexi in a complaint that on Friday before the feast of St Laurence, 13 Edward III [6 August 1339], they assaulted him in the highway at Walton and beat him with a staff and committed other enormities, damage 20s. John and John come and say that they are not guilty and they they will make a defence by their law; pledge for law, each for the other. William comes and cannot deny it but seeks tax of the court, which is assessed at 12d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 233 Violence; roads; law 391 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Anot; Margery de Morlay Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not John Anot beat and ill-treated Margery de Morlay. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 234 Violence; women; inquiry 392 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas Roller; John Attebarre Depasturing Day given for law Thomas Roller has a day at the next court to wager his law that he did not depasture with his beasts grass of John Attebarre in the meadows of Neuton, to John's damage 12s. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 234 Animals; crops; law 393 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas Roller; John Attebarre Newtown commons 05/07/1340 Abuse of office; false claim 3d fine Thomas Roller plaintiff offers himself against John Attebarre in a plea that, on Wednesday after the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul on the 14th year [5 July 1340], John unjustly took 2 horses of Thomas in his common in the field of Neuton as in fallow time, and impounded them, and detained them impounded until they were delivered by the sworn bailiff, namely William Templer, to his damage. John comes and says that the capture of the horses was just because he took the horses in his individual meadow following the regulation by the agreement of the neighbourhood and seeks judgement. Thomas comes and cannot deny it. John is to have the return of the horses and Thomas is amerced 3d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 234 Animals; commons; enclosures; officials 394 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Peter Attbearre; John Attebarre; Robert Hode Newton; le Estefield Depasturing Day given for law; inquiry opened Peter Attebarre has a day to wager his law that he did not depasture grass of John Attebarre in the meadow at Neuton to his damage. Robert Hode likewise. An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Robert Hode depastured his grass in his croft at Neuton and also whether he depastured his grass and corn in le Estefeld. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 234 Crops; law; inquiry 395 14/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Attebarre; Thomas Roller; Robert Hode Depasturing Damages; 2d fine John Attebarre acknowledges that he depastured corn and grass of Thomas Roller with his beasts, damage taxed at [blank]. Likewise 2d. Likewise that he depastured half an acre of oats of Robert Hode with his beasts, damage taxed at [blank]. Likewise 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 235 Animals; crops 396 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Pexi; John Shephird; John his son Assault; failure to prosecute 2d fine Henry Pexi does not prosecute against John Shephird and John his son in a plea of trespass. He and his pledge for prosecution are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 238 Violence 397 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Ivo Webster; Richard de Thorp Trespass Inquiry opened Again an inquiry is to come between Ivo Webster and Richard de Thorp in a plea of trespass as in the preceding court. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 238 Inquiry 398 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Juliana formerly wife of Richard Rescue 3d fine Juliana formerly wife of Richard comes into court and acknowledges that she made a rescue from the grave of a distraint which he made by order of the court. She is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 238 Animals; women 399 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Thomas son of Juliana; Alice wife of Henry Rescue 6d fine An inquiry is to come [to determine] whether or not Thomas son of Juliana and Alice wife of Henry by ye brok made a recue from the grave of Rastrick. Later they come and acknowledge the trespass; fine for trespass 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 238 Animals; women 400 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam le Harpur; Cecily formerly wife of William le Eyr; Thomas del Cliff Depasturing Essoined Adam le Harpur has a day at the next court to wager his law that he did not depasture with his beasts grass of Cecily formerly wife of William le Eyr nor broke down her hedges to her damage; pledge for law, Thomas del Cliff. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 239 Animals; crops; women; enclosures; law; essoin 401 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Alice de Godelay; John son of Henry Smyth Rescue 6d fine Order was given to distrain Alice de Godelay to answer the lord concerning a rescue made from the grave. Alice found John son of Henry Smyth as pledge and does not come; amercement. Order is given to distrain her. Later fines 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 Animals; women 402 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Anot; Margery de Morlay Assault 6d damages; fine The jurors say that John Anot hit Margery de Morlay, damage taxed at 6d. He is to satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 Violence; women 403 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas Roller; John Attebarre Trespass 2d fine John Attebarre plaintiff and Thomas Roller agree by licence in a plea of trespass. Thomas is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 404 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Peter Attebarre; John Attebarre Newton Depasturing 12d damages; 3d fine Peter Attebarre fails to make his law against John Attebarre in a plea that he depastured grass of John Neuton, damage taxed at 12d. John is to recover the 12d, and Peter is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 Crops 405 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Attebarre; Robert Hode Trespass In respite A day is given until the next court to John Attebarre plaintiff and Robert Hode in a plea of trespass in 2 claims. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 406 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Wright Property damage; breaking fold Distrained Order is given again to distrain Thomas son of Robert Wright to answer concerning the breaking of the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 407 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Gardiner; William de Mora Slander Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not William Gardiner defamed William de Mora through which he has suffered loss. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 240 Slander 408 28/07/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam del Grene; Adam de Halifax; Robert Monk Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Adam del Grene sawyer assaulted and beat Adam de Halifax. Adam found Robert Monk to await the inquiry, and as pledge for a bond to keep the peace. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 241 Violence; peace; inquiry 409 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Ivo Webster; Richard de Thorp Trespass; failure to prosecute 3d fine Ivo Webster plaintiff does not prosecute against Richard de Thorp in a plea of trespass. He is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 244 410 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Attebarre; Robert Hode Trespass 2d fine John Attebarre plaintiff and Robert Hode agree in a plea of trespass. Robert is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 244 411 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Carpenter Property damage; breaking fold Distrained Order is given to distrain Thomas son of Robert Carpenter to answer concerning the breaking of the lord's fold. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 244 412 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William de Mora; William Gardiner Slander Day given for law A day is given [until] the next court to William de Mora plaintiff and William Gardiner in a plea of defamation unto inquiry. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 245 Slander; law; inquiry 413 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Joanna formerly wife of Hugh Forester; Alice her daughter; Cecily wife of Robert Fourbour Assault 6d damages; 3d fine The jurors say that Joanna formerly wife of Hugh Forester and Alice her daughter beat Cecily wife of Robert Fourbour, damage 6d. They are to satisfy and are amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 245 Violence; women 414 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam del Grene; Adam de Halifax Assault 6d damages; 3d fine The jurors say that Adam del Grene sawyer assaulted and abused Adam de Halifax, damage 6d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 245 Violence 415 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Hode de Neuton; John de Wright; wife of Richard de Colley Depasturing; theft Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not Robert Hode de Neuton mowed grass of John de Wright and carried off his hay from a third of a dole of meadow in Alvirthorp which he leased from the wife of Richard de Colley. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 247 Crops 416 25/08/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John del Bothem; John Walhoc; Dik Riccard; William Attetounend; Robert Cokespor; Philip Sagher Non-attendance 2d fines John del Bothem, John Walhoc, Dik Riccard, William Attetounend, Robert Cokespor and Philip Sagher do not come, <2d each>. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 247 417 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam Harpur; Cecily formerly wife of William Heyr Trespass; false claim 2d fine Adam Harpur makes his law against Cecily formerly wife of William Heyr in a plea of trespass. She is to take nothing by her claim but is amerced 2d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 250 418 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield William Gardiner; Henry de Swilington; John de Gairgrave Erlesenges; Wakefield Depastruing Day given for law William Gardiner has a day at the next court to make his law that he did not trample or depasture with his pigs grass of Henry de Swilington at Erlesenges at Wakefield; pledge for law, John de Gairgrave. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 250 Animals; law 419 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Robert Carpenter Property damage; breaking fold Distrained Order is given again to distrain Thomas son of Robert Carpenter to answer concerning the breaking of the lord's fold. He is distrained by an axe. Therefore etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 251 420 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Pexi; Henry de Holgate; John Shephird; John his son Trespass Distrained Order is given again as many times to distrain Henry Pexi to answer Henry de Holgate, John Shephird and John his son in a plea of trespass in 2 claims. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 251 421 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh de Stanley; Alice wife of Robert Lepar Assault 40d damages; 4d fine Hugh de Stanlay acknowledges by impleading that he beat Alice wife of Robert Lepar, damage taxed at 40d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 251 Violence; women 422 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Hode; John Wright Depasturing Damages; 2d and 3d fines The jurors say that Robert Hode depastured grass of John Wright, damage taxed at 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. And the same inquiry finds that John Wright mowed grass of Robert Hode, damage taxed at ¬ d. Likewise 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 252 Crops 423 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John de Mora; Henry de Holgate Breach of contract; depasturing; property damage; theft Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not John de Mora broke an agreement with Henry de Holgate concerning a solar. And whether he threw down a certain sheepfold which he took away from there and carried off the timber, and also broke the gate of his holding. And whether John's beasts depastured Henry's grass and broke the hedge around Henry's corn and carried it away. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 253 Wood; buildings; animals; crops; enclosures 424 15/09/1940 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Henry son of Richard Proudfot; William de Mora Assault; false claim 5s damages; 3d fines The jurors say that Joanna formerly wife of Hugh Forester and Alice her daughter beat Cecily wife of Robert Fourbour, damage 6d. They are to satisfy and are amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 253 Violence 425 08/01/1949 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Thomas de Holgate Tumult in Court 1d fine Thomas de Holgate for tumult in court is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 51 426 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Tenants of Salonstall Salonstall Occupying land without leave In respite Again the lord's charge against tenants of Salonstall who occupy a place of wood, moor, or pasture among certain leases in Salonstall is respited. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 60 Land; wood 427 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Grave of Horbury Abuse of office Amerced The grave of Horbury, because he does not do his office is in mercy, condoned. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 61 Officials 428 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John Culpon Tumult in court 1d fine John Culpon for tumult in court is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 61 429 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Wythundes; Robert Wolf Attaint jury 12d fine Richard Wythundes gives the lord 12d to have a jury of twelve to convict six jurors in a certain inquiry between Robert Wolf and Richard. Order is given to distrain the six said jurors and to summon twelve worthy and lawful men, etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 64 Attaint; jury 430 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Wythundes; Robert Wolf Breach of contract 2d fine Alverthorpe:- An inquiry finds that Robert Wolf did not break an agreement with Richard Wythundes over the value of the crop of a certain meadow. Richard is to take nothing by his plea and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 64 Land; meadow; inquiry 431 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Richard Salman Cutting wood Distrained Rastrick:- Order is given again to distrain (he denies) Richard Salman of Rastrick (inquiry) to answer for cutting and carrying off ash growing on the lord's villein soil to the value of 10s without license. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 66 Wood; forest; inquiry 432 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prior of St. Oswald's; William Pore Priour Road, Hipperholme; Snapethorpe; Ardsely Abuse of office Distrained Bailiff:- To distrain (again) the prior of St. Oswald's (pledge William Pore) for homage, fealty, and other services in arrears from a certain assart called Priour Rod in Hipperholem, and also for homage, fealty, and suit of court in Wakefield for tenements which he holds in Ardsely, and to show how he receives rent from the tenement of Richard Brounsmith in Snapethorpe. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 66 Officials; land; clerics 433 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Modysaul Horbury Abuse of office Distrained Again the abbot of Kirkstall to answer the lord as to why he unjustly exacts from Hugh Modysaul 13s 4d per year from 1 1/2 bovates which Hugh holds in Horbury by villein services, Hugh to be stopped from paying the money to the abbot until etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 66 Officials; land; clerics 434 20/01/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Eland; Richard del Ker Northowram; Netherrode 12/01/1349 Abuse of office; livestock theft Suit made John de Eland knight is attached to answer Richard del Ker in plea as to why John took Richard's beasts viz 2 oxen worth 16s the monday before the feast of St. Hilary in the twenty-second year, 12 January 1329, at Northowram in a certain place called Netherrode and drove them to his manor at Elland and imponded them there and detained them impoended until the following Thursday, 15 January 1349, on which day they were delivered by Robert son of John the bailiff known and sworn, to damages of 20s. Concerning this he produces suit, and John comes and defends tort and force etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 67 Animals; officials 435 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stephen, prior of Pontefract; Richard Philepp Pontefract; Sitlington Non-attendance Distrained; 3d fine Likewise Stephen prior of Pontefract [is distrained] for homage, fealty, and other services in arrears from 6 bovates in Sitlington; he was mainperned by Richard Phelipp and does not come, so Richard is amerced 3d because he does not have the prior. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 69 Officals; clerics; fealty 436 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Prior of St. Oswald's; William Pore Priour Rode; Snapethorpe; Ardsely Abuse of office; non-attendance Distrained; 2d fine Order was given to distrain the prior of St. Oswald's for homage, fealty, and other services in arrears from a certain assart called Priour Rode in Hipperholem, and also for homage, fealty, and suit of court at Wakefield for tenements which he holds in Ardsley, and also to show how he receives rent from the tenement of Richard Brounsmith in Snapethorpe; he was mainperned by William Pore and does not come, so William is amerced 2d because he does not have the prior, and nonetheless order is given to distrain the prior. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 69 Land; officials; clerics; fealty 437 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Modysaule Kirkstall; Horbury Abuse of office Distrained; rent frozen Order is given again to distrain the abbot of Kirkstall to answer the lord as to why he unjustly exacts from Hugh Modysaule 13s 4d per year from 1 « bovates which Hugh holds in Horbury by villein services, Hugh to be stopped from paying the 13s 4d to the abbot until etc; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 69-70 Land; clerics; officials 438 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John, son of Hugh; Simon, son of Thomas. Gilbetrode Cutting wood; false plea 4d fine The same [inquiry] finds that John son of John son of Hugh did not cut branches of Simon son of Thomas's young oak in Gilbetrode. Simon is to take nothing by his plea and is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 72 Wood; inquiry 439 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John Eliot; Henry del Hill; Henry Presteknave; John Godale; William de Gayrgrave's Horbury Cutting wood Day given for law John Eliot, Henry de Hill, Henry Presteknave and John Godale have a day to make law that they did not break the hedges of William de Gayrgrave's enclosure in Horbury with their beasts nor cut and carry off William's trees, viz young oaks, alder, hawthorn, hazel, and holly to damages of 20s, pledge for the law each for another. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 72 Animals; wood; enclosures; law; crops 440 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John Melyn; Hugh son of Elias; John Elison; Robert Elison; William del Wro; Agnes del Wro; Juliana de Lupsete; John Brunn of Horbury; hugh Shoter; Robert son of William; Agnes Modisaul; Isolda Modisaul; Hugh son of John Melyn; John son of Jordan; Thomas de Horbir; John Hudson; Richard Hudson. Horbury Depasturing; property damage; cutting wood Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come at the next court as to whether John Melyn, Hugh son of Elias, John Elison, Robert Elison, William del Wro, Agnes del Wro, Juliana de Lupsete, John Brunn of Horbury, Hugh Shoter, Robert son of William, Agnes Modisaul, Isolda Modisaul, hugh son of John Melyn, John son of Jordan, Thomas de Horbir, John Hudson and Richard Hudson broke the hedges of William's enclosure in Horbury and trampled and depastured his grass with their beasts and cut and carried off his wood, or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 72-3. Animals; wood; enclosures; inquiry; women; crops 441 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Lepar; William de Mora; Henry Stut; Adam Rudde; John Nickson; Peter Attebarrl John Mariotson; Richard Wythundes; Robert Wolf. Jury fraud 3d fine; jurors in gaol The inquiry taken by Robert Lepar and his fellow jurors finds that William de Mora, Henry Stut, Adam Rudde, John Nickson, Peter Attebarr and John Mariotson (4d each), jurors in a certain inquiry between Richard Wythundes plaintiff and Robert Wolf falsely made their oath in saying that Robert did call Richard a robber to Richard's damages taxed at half a mark. Richard is to recover the said pence against Robert who is amerced 3d. The said six jurors in the earlier inquiry are committed to gaol until etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 73. Inquiry; jury 442 03/02/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Henry Stut; Adam de Pudesay; Thomas Robert; John Peny; Alice Millie. Depasturing Inquiry opened Henry Stut, Adam de Pudesay, Thomas Robert, and John Peny cannot deny that they trampled and depastured with their beasts the crop of Alice who was wife of William Mille to damages etc. The grave is ordered to make an inquiry come to tax the damages etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 73. Animals; crops; women; inquiry 443 03/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Richard Seman Cutting wood Acquitted An inquiry finds that Richard Seman did not cut more than 2 ashes growing in villein land other than to mend a house which he holds of the lord by villein services, so he is quit. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 79 Wood; acquitted 444 03/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John Eliot; William de Gayrgrave. Cutting wood; depasturing; property damage 6d damages; 2d fine John Eliot failed in the law against William de Gayrgrave concerning William's grass trampled by him.. of this that he entered and broke his enclosure and broke his fences. William is to recover.. John damages taxed at 6d, and John is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 79 Wood; enclosures; inquiry; crops 445 03/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William de Gairgrave; Henry de Hill; Henry Presteknave; John Godale False claim; trespass Amerced William de Gairgrave plaintiff for false claim against Henry de Hill, Henry Presteknave, and John Godale? plea of trespass is in mercy. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 79 446 03/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Wolf; Richard Wythundes Attaint jury 2s fee Robert Wolf gives the lord 2s to have an attaint jury of twenty-four to convict twelve jurors of a certain inquiry recently held between Richard Wythundes plaintiff and Robert. Richard and the twenty-four are to be summoned and the twelve distrained to be etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 85 Attaint; jury; inquiry 447 17/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Proudfot; William Bate Depasturing; cutting wood; property damage Day given for law Robert Proudfot (puts himself in mercy) has a day to make law that he did not break the hedge of William Bate and cut and carry off his wood nor trample and depasture his grass to damages of 5s; pledge for the law Robert Maly YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 89 Animals; crops; enclosures; wood; law 448 17/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Thomas prior of St. Oswlad's Priour Rode; Hipperholme; Ardsley Abuse of office; non-attendance Day given A day is given to Thomas prior of St. Oswald's (respite) for hamge, fealty and other services in arrears from a certain assart called Priour Rode, in Hipperholme, and also for suit of court and other services for tenements in Ardsley, and to show how he receives a certain annual rent from the tenement formerly Richard Brounsmith's. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 90 Officials; clerics; land; fealty 449 17/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Modisaul Kirkstall; Horbury Abuse of office Distrained; rent frozen again to distrain the abbot of Kirkstall (respite) to show why he unjustly exacts 13s 4d a year from Hugh Modisaul from 1 « bovates which Hugh holds in Horbury by villein services, Hugh being stopped from paying the abbot the 13s 4d until he comes etc; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 90 Land; clerics; officials 450 17/03/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Wolf; Richard Wythundes Failure to prosecute Amerced Robert Wolf plaintiff does not prosecute against Richard Wythundes (his relative) in a plea of attaint; he and the pledge for the prosecution are in mercy. (Richard puts himself in mercy). YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 91 Attaint; jury 451 05/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Alice Dobson Rescue 3d fine The same [inquiry] finds that Alice wife of John Dobson and with her household took from the fold a beast taken and put there by the grave for a fine for some land, She is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 101 Animals; officials; land; women; inquiry 452 05/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Sagher Threatening ale taster Attached William son of Philip Sagher to answer the lord for threatening the ale-taster in doing his office; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 104 Ale; officials 453 05/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Walhot; Joan de Stanley Livestock damage Inquiry opened Again an inquiry is to come at the next court as to whether John Walhot by himself or his men broke the haunch of a cow of Joan who was wife of Henry de Stanley to damages of half a mark or not; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 104 Animals; violence; inquiry 454 12/05/1949 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Warley John de Holyngegge; Agnes de Holyngegge. Rescue Distrained Order is given to distrain John de Holyngegge and Agnes his wife to answer for Agnes's removal of a certain cow taken by the grave and placed in the fold etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 107 Animals; officials 455 13/05/1949 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme Vicar of Halifax Halifax; Hipperholme Depasturing Distrained Order is given to distrain the vicar of Halifax to be at the next Wakefield court to answer the lady queen as to why he overburdened pasture in Hipperholme to the prejudice of the lord and opposition of the tenants. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 110 Animals; clerics; commons; crops 456 13/05/1949 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Hipperholme Grave of Hipperholme Neglect of office 2d fine The grave of Hipperholme because he did not do his office and similarly for his false response is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 110 Officials 457 13/05/1949 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Roger Attetounend; Henry de Bentelay Abuse of office 6d damages; 2d fine An inquiry finds that Roger Attetounend took a beast of Henry de Bentelay unjustly for a certain tax of a fifteenth to damages of 6d. He is to satisfy and amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 111 Animals; tax; officials 458 13/05/1949 00:00:00 Brighouse Court baron Rastrick Thomas Taillour; Richard Salman Property damage 10d damages; 2d fine an inquiry finds that Thomas Taillour damaged the houses of Richard Salman to damages taxed at 10d. He is to satisfy and amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 111 Buildings; inquiry 459 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley John de Holyngegge; Agnes de Holyngegge. Rescue Distrained Order is given again to distrain John de Holyngegge and Agnes his wife to answer the lord for Agnes's removal from the fold of a certain cow taken and placed there by the grave; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 119 Animals; officials; women 460 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Halifax Vicar of Halifax Halifax; Hipperholme Depastruing Distrained Order is given again to distrain the vicar of Halifax to be at the next court to answer the lord as to why he overburdened pasture in Hipperholme to the prejudice of the lord and tenants? YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 120 Animals; commons; clerics; officials 461 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William del Hyngandrode; Adam de Steyncliff Rastrick Trespass; breach of contract Day given for law William del Hynganrode has a day at the next court to make law against Adam de Steyncliff (essoins by Elias de Birton) that de does not owe nor detain from Adam 20d (in part payment of 4s 2d which he owed this Adam) from a certain agreement made between them concerning diverse complaints against William for trespass done to Adam, Also he has a day to make law that de does not detain nor owe him 15s in part payment of 20s which he owed etc, as he says from the verdict of twelve worthy men before Sir W. de Scargill (recently steward) sworn at Rastrick, of which by charge of 20s William pad? and 15s was respited on his behaviour, who behaves badly, as he says, to damages etc; pledge for the law Henry son of Matthew. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 121-2 462 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett John Walhoc; Adam de Southwod; William Attetouned False claim 3d fine John Walhoc succeeded in making law against Adam de Southwod that he was not pledge of William Attetounend for 16s except 5s of this. Adam is to take nothing by his plea and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 122 463 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Henry de Heton; Adam Michel; Hugh Sonman Jury misconduct 12d fine Henry son of John de Heton because he contradicted (the verdict) of his eleven fellow jurors in a certain inquiry between Adem Michel and Hugh Sonman is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 123 Inquiry; jury 464 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Hugh Sonman Contempt of court 6d fine Hugh is amerced 6d for contempt in court. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 123 465 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Walhoc; Joan de Stanley Livestock damage 3d fine; 15d damages An inquiry finds that John Walhoc broke the haunch of a cow of Joan who was wife of Henry de Stanley to damages taxed at 15d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 123 Animals; violence; women 466 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley German Bele; Alice Osbern Depasturing; livestock theft; rescue; property damage 2d fine; 12d damages German Bele cannot deny that he broke the impounding of 2 pigs which Alice Osbern took in her crop doing damage, and cut Alice's rope, to damages of 12d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 123 Animals; women; crops; enclosures 467 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John de Bately; John Anot Rodeland; Stanley Unfit to hold office; flase claim 6d fine John son of Nicholas be Bately seeks against John Anot 3s in money as for the office of grave imposed on John Anot by tenants of the graveship of Stanley (for lands which he holds in the same graveship) and which he unjustly detains, as he says, to damages etc. John Anot says that the action to sue for the said pence for John is not competent in this regard because he says that he does not hold any land of the bovates except only land called Rodeland by which he ought not to have to be grave or give aid to the grave's office, and he seeks an inquiry into this. John son of Nicholas says that the land of which John Anot is tenant is land of the bovates and not land called Rodeland, and that tenants of rodeland ought well enough to be grave for their turn and make aid to the grave's office just as tenants of the bovates, He seeks an inquiry into this. The other similarly. Whence an inquiry is taken by the four graveships, viz by oath of Henry Stus, Adam son of Jordan, John Gerbot, William de Mora of Thornes, Robert Peg, John son of Elias, Hugh de Dissheford, and John Croft, who say on their oath that John Anot does not hold any land in the graveship of Stanley except only Rodeland and that tenants of this kind of land do not owe it to be grave nor pay aid to the grave's office. John is to go hence quit, and John son of Nicholas is amerced 6d for false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 125 Land; officials; inquiry 468 26/05/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Sagher Threatening ale-tasters Distrained again to distrain William son of Philip Sagher (inquiry) to answer the lord for threatening the ale-taster doing his office; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 126 Ale; officials 469 23/06/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Sagher; John son of Henry Forester Stanley Threatening ale-tasters Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come at the next court as to whether William son of Philip Sagher (confesses and puts himself in mercy) threatened John son of Henry Forester, one of the ale-tasters of Stanley, and impeded him in doing his office in contempt of the lord and to damages etc., or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 133 Ale; officials 470 14/07/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley John del Holingegge; Margery del Longbothem Property damage; theft Damages; 2d fine John del Holingegge failed in the law he waged against Marger del Longbothem over burning her timber and taking utensils of hers. Margery is to recover against John damages taxed at? and John is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 134 Wood; women 471 14/07/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam del Grene; Thomas Pelleson; Elias Goldhore; William Wynk; Richard Shephird; Thomas de Holgate; John Tomelyn Fugitive felon Goods confiscated Adam del Grene, Thomas Pelleson, Elias Goldhore, William Wynk, Rochard Shephird, and Thomas de Holgate are the jurors to appraise all goods and chattels of John Tomelyn fugitive felon and to certify to the steward of the value at the next court, and also what tenements he held of the lord and how much they are worth per year according to the true value. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 139 Felon 472 14/07/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Sagher Threatening ale-tasters 4d fine William son of Philip Sagher cannot deny that he threatened John son of Henry For[ester] ale-taster of Stanley and impeded him in doing his office. He is amerced 4d; pledge Hugh son of Philip. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 139 Ale; officials 473 14/07/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Roger Spilwode; Robert de Lynton; Thomas del Wode Sowerby; Wakefield 2 July 1349; 11 November 1348 Livestock theft; abuse of office Day given for law Roger Spilwode (essoins by Elias de Birton unto judgement) platintiff offers himself against Robert de Lynton and Thomas del Wode and complains that Robert and Thomas, the Thursday before the Feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr in the twenty-third year of the present king, 2 July 1349, at Sowerby, unjustly took Roger's beasts, viz 2 cows worth 12s, in the common there and drove them thence to Wakefield and there impounded them and kept them impounded and still detain them to Roger's damages of 30s. Concerning this he produces suit etc. and makes delivery of the said cows to pledges etc. Robert and Thomas come and defend their tort and force etc., and Robert says that Roger demised the cows (with their produce) at farm to one William Milner to have from Martinmas last, 11 November 1348, until the same feast next, and Robert as bailiff of this court, because he had it in an order to distrain William by his beasts until he satisfied one Adam Grenhod for 30s which he recovered in court by judgement against William, took the cows on the said day as William's cows, and thus did not take Roger's cows, as he alleges in pleading, and is ready to defend this against the same by compurgation, under etc. As to Thomas the same says that he came with Robert as bailiff to help in making the distraint without doing any injury to Roger. He is ready to defend etc. Roger seeks judgement out of this from both Robert and Thomas and it is expressly recognised that the cows were Roger's, and that through the demise to farm which they allege no proprietary right in the said cows was transferred to the person of William and if he makes compurgation in this regard they ought to be in mercy etc. Robert and Thomas seek judgment out of this; they offer a certain compurgation that they did not take cows from Roger on the day he alleges in pleading, which compurgation he renounces etc. On this a day is given to the parties until the next court to hear judgment saving to their principals there the speaking to this. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 141 Officials; animals; enclosures 474 14/07/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Vicar of Halifax Halifax; Hipperholme Depasturing Distrained; voided and the vicar of Halifax to be at the next court to answer the lord as to why he overburdened with his beasts pasture in Hipperholme to the lord's prejudice and his tenants' damage; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 143 Animals; commons; clerics; officials 475 20/10/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas White; Hugh Vyrun Snapethorpe; Alverthorpe Livestock theft 3d damages; 3d fine An inquiry finds that Thomas White unjustly drove 6 sheep of Hugh Vyrun from Snapethorpe to Alverthorpe to damages taxed at 3d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 147 Animals 476 10/11/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William Gerbot; John Gerbot; Richard Schort Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry (respite) is to come at the next court as to whether William and John Gerbot with their beasts depastured and trampled 7 acres of oats and meadow of Richard Schort, or any of them, last autumn, to Richard's damages of 20s, or not; YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 152 Animals; crops 477 01/12/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Herny Nondy Misuse of church court 12d fine Henry son of William Nondy cannot deny that he summoned the lord's tenants in the court Christian; he is amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 155 Church court 478 01/12/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Henry Sagher; William Jonot; Joan Roo; Alice Roo; John Hardy; Joan de Stanley Misues of church court 2s fine; damages Hugh Ilhore comes her in court and recognises that he impleaded Henry son of Philip Sagher, William Jonot of Stanley, Joan Roo, Alice her daughter, the wife of John Hardy, and Joan daughter of John de Stanley, tenants of the lord, in the court Christian, concerning goods not touching matters testamentary or matrimonial, to the prejudice of the court here and to the tenants' damages? viz Henry 3s, William 2s, Joan Roo 8d, Alice her daughter 8d, the wife of John Hardy 10d,? Joan daughter of John 8d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2s; pledge Robert Ilhore. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 156 Church court 479 22/12/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Fitzwilliam Emley Refusal of service; non-attendance Distrained The bailiff was ordered to distrain John Fitzwilliam for services in arrears from his tenements in Emley. John found Richard Coltman and Adam Long as his pledges to answer and now does not come, so Richard and Adam are amerced 6d because they do not have the person they pledged. Nontheless order is given to distrain. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 161 Tenant service 480 23/09/1949 00:00:00 Sandal Court baron Joan de Ossett; William Orefeour Theft Damages; 2d fine Joan who was wife of John de Osset cannot deny that she unjustly detains from William Orefeour 2s for rye and a (half) a quarter of rye which Joan borrowed from William at his damages taxed at ? She is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 196 Crops; women 481 23/09/1949 00:00:00 Sandal Court baron Sowerby Thomas del Wode; Hugh Wade Theft 26s 8d damages; 2d fine Thomas del Wode cannot deny that he unjustly detains from Hugh Wade 26s 8d for grain sold to him. He is to satisfy and amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 197 Crops 482 30/11/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William de Walton; John Peresson; Nicholas de Stockes Property damage; theft Day given for law William de Walton chaplain has a day at the next court to make law that he did not break the door of John Peresson at Sandal not take his hay nor carry it of to his damages at half a mark; pledge for the law Nicholas de Stockes. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 207 Crops; buildings; law 483 21/12/1949 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Walton; John Peresson False claim 2d fine William de Walton chaplain succeeded in making the law he waged against John Peresson as he should. John is amerced 2d for a false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 217 Law 484 12/01/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William Gerbot; John Gerbot; Richard Schort Depasturing 4d fine An inquiry finds that William Gerbot and John Gerbot with their beasts depastured and trampled the crop and grass of Richard Schort to his damages taxed at 1 « quarter of oats. They are to satisfy and are amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 165 Animals; crops; inquiry 485 12/01/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Richard Hirnyng; Adam de Southwod Depasturing 2d damages; 1d fine Richard Hirnyng cannot deny that his beasts depastured the crop of Adam de Southwod to his damages taxed at 2 sheaves worth 2d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 1d for the trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 165 Animals; crops 486 09/04/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Alice Maunsel; Walter Maunsel Cutting wood; debt Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come at the next court to recognise as to whether Alice Maunsel cut down and carried off wood of Walter Maunsel at Ossett to the value of 5s, and also whether she detains 6d from him, or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 173 Women; wood 487 30/04/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Wolf; Richard de Thorne; John, earl of Warenne 02/09/1338 Abuse of office; debt; property damage Day given for law Robert Wolf offers himself against Richard de Thorne rector of Kirkburton and complains that he and Sir John recently earl of Warenne unjustly took from Robert victuals for the earl's use, viz wheat, bread, and ale to the value of 17s 4d, for which they delivered 5 tallies to Robert, the which 5 tallies Richard on the Wednesday before the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary in the twelfth year, 2 September 1338, took from Robert and broke and threw in the fire. So that Robert had nothing by which he produces suit. Richard says that he never took nor broke such tallies of Robert's, nor threw them in the fire as alleged. He wages law concerning this; pledge for the law William de Kyrkby etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 175 Officials; clerics; law 488 30/04/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron David de Wodkyrk; John de Doynglawe Cutting wood Damages; 2d fine David de Wodkykr cannot deny that he cut down and carried off wood of John de Donynglawe to his damages taxed at? He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d for the trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 175 Wood 489 30/04/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Peger; Thomas Bate Depasturing. 10d damages; 1d fine Robert Peger cannot deny that he with his beasts depastured the crop of Thomas son of Ralph Bate to his damages taxed at 10d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 176 Crops; animals 490 21/05/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard de Southwod; Thomas de Lepton Depasturing Damages; 2d fine Richard de Southwod cannot deny that he depastured with his beasts and trampled the crop of Thomas de Lepton to his damages taxed at ? He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 179 Crops; animalse 491 21/05/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard de Southwod; Robert de Welles; John de Welles Depasturing Damages; 2d fine The same Richard likewise that with his beasts he depastured and trampled the crop of Robert and John de Welles to their damages taxed at ? He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 179 Crops; animals 492 21/05/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas del Hagh de Pont'; William Malynson; Alice de Helay; Thomas de Seyntswythanes Wakefield Outwood Escape of animals Various fines Thomas del Hagh de Pont' for escape of 2 horses in the Outwood of Wakefield where he had no common is amerced 2s; pledge W. Malynson. William Malynson of Ardsley for escape of 10 beasts there is amerced 3s. Alice widow of John de Helay for escape of 6 horses there, 12d; pledge Thomas de Seyntswythanes. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 180 Animals; wood 493 21/05/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William Atte Kyrk Escape of animals 18d fine William atte Kyrk for escape of 3 beasts there, 18d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 180 Animals 494 11/06/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Richard de Thorne; Robert Wolf Abuse of office; debt; property damage 10s damages; 2d fine Richard de Thorne rector of Kirkburton recognises he should pay Robert Wolf 10s for the trespass of which he complained as in the preceding court. He is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 181 Officials; clerics 495 02/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John son of Nicholas; Beatrix Judson; Adam Judson; Robert Malyn Depasturing Day given for law John son of Nicholas has a day at next court to make law that he did not mow any grass of Beatrix daughter of Adam Judson, nor carry off her hay, as Adam Judson alleges. Pledge for the law Robert Malyn. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 184 Crops; law; women 496 02/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Ivesson; Thomas Ivesson; Robert Wolf Snapethorpe Depasturing; theft Day given for law Robert Ivesson has a day at next court to make law that he did not take nor carry away the crop of Robert Wolf at Snapethorpe as is alleged, viz 9 thraves of oats worth 6s; pledge for the law Thomas Ivesson. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 184 Crops; law 497 23/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Ivesson; Robert Wolf Depastruing; theft 6s damages; 2d fine Robert Ivesson failed in the law he waged against Robert Wolf. Robert Wolf is to recover against Robert 6s for the damages which he sought against him as in the preceding court, and Robert Ivesson is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p.186 Crops; law 498 23/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam Judson; John son of Nicholas Trespass; failure to prosecute 2d fine Adam Judson does not prosecute against John son of Nicholas in a plea of trespass; he and the pledge for the prosecution are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 186 499 10/09/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Christiana de Flansawe; William de Flansawe; William del West Depasturing Inquiry opened Likewise [an inquiry to come at the next court] as to whether Christiana de Flansawe and William her son with their beasts depastured the crop of William del West to his damages at 5s? YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 190 Animals; crops; women 500 10/09/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Adam de Southwod; John Saustemer Depasturing Day given for law Adam de Southwod has a day at the next court to make law that he did not with 2 oxen depasture and trample the oat crop of John Saustemer to damages? YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 190 Animals; crops; law 501 17/09/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas Permonter; Christiana de Flansawe Depasturing Damages; 1d fine Thomas Permonter recognises in pleading that he harvested and cut the crop harvest growing on 3 [?bovates] of land of Christiana de Flansawe to her damages taxed at ? He is to satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 190 Crops; women 502 17/09/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Adam de Southwod; John Saustemer Depasturing 10s damages; 3d fine Adam de Southwod failed at the law he waged against John Saustemer. John is to recover against Adam 10 ...for the damages which he claimed against him as in the preceding court. Adam is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 1, p. 192 Animals; crops; law 503 17/09/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Hugh; Thomas son of Richard Depasturing 8d damages; 1d fine Hugh cannot deny that he with his beasts depastured and trampled the crop of Thomas son of Richard to Thomas' damages taxed at 8d. He is to satisfy and amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 1, p. 192 Animals; crops 504 01/02/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Philipot de Norwyche; Thomas Pelleson Depasturing Damages; 6d fine Philipot de Norwyche cannot deny that the beasts which he had in his custody depastured and trampled the crop of Thomas Pelleson to his damage, the taxation of which is respited to the next court, to 4 quarters of oats. He is to satisfy and is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 222 Animals; crops 505 22/02/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Philipot de Norwyche; Thomas Pelleson; John Alayn; Margaret Alayn Sandal Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come at the next court as to whether the beasts of the rector of Sandal of which Pihlipot de Norwyche had custody last autumn depastured and trampled the crop, namely oats, of Thomas Pelleson to the damage of 22 quarters or not, and also depastured at the same time the crop of John Alayn and Margaret his wife there to their damages, or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 223 Animals; crops; clerics; inquiry; women 506 28/05/1950 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme William del Morehous; Thomas de Boterlay; Emma del Holme; John Ibson Depasturing 12d damage; 12d fine An inquiry finds that William del Morehous, Thomas de Boterlay, and Emma del Holme with their beasts depastured the crop of Agnes widow of John Ibson to damages taxed at 12d. They are to satisfy and are amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 229 Animals; crops; women; inquiry 507 18/03/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Philipot de Norwyche; John Alayn Depasturing Quarter of oats damages; 6d fine Philipot de Norwyche recognises that he owes John Alayn a quarter of oats for damage by beasts. He is to satisfy and amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 234 Animals; crops 508 29/04/1950 00:00:00 Walefield Court baron Holme Richard son of Adam de Foughelston; John Michel Depasturing Bushel of oats damages; 1d fine Richard son of Adam de Foughelston cannot deny that with his beasts he depastured the crop of John Michel to John's damages taxed at a bushel of oats. He is to satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 239 Animals; crops 509 20/05/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam de Staynton; Thomas Beweshire 16 May 1350 to 11 November 1350 Taking servant; breach of contract 1d fine; reconciled Adam de Staynton has a day to make law at the next court that he took away from Thomas Beweshire a servant in fealty to serve him from Whitsun 16 May, 1350 until Martinmas, 11 November, without making any other agreement. After they are reconciled and Thomas put himself in mercy, 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 240 Servants 510 10/06/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Geoffrey, son of Matilda; Agnes de Birstall; Juliana de Birstall Depasturing 12d damages; 1d fine Geoffrey son of Matilda cannot deny that with his beasts he depastured the crop of Agnes de Birstall, whose executrix Juliana de Birstall is, to damages taxed at 12d. He is to satisfy and amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 242-3 Animals; crops; women 511 18/05/1950 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn John del Botherod; Roger Courhid; Richard Fox; Henry Bythebrok; Roger Dyconson; Richard Johnson Betsom; Thomas Gilleson; John Elynson; Henry Alysaunde; Roger Taylloure; Alice Smith; Henry del Oakes Forest attachments; trespass Various fines Attachments of the forest:- John del Botherod for trespass in the lord's wood there is amerced 3d; Roger Courhid 2d; Richard Fox 2d; Henry Bythebrok, Roger Dyconson, Richard Johnson Betson and Thomas Gilleson 3d each; John Elynson 2d; Henry Alysaunde 3d; Roger Taylloure 2d; Alice Smith 2d; Henry del Oakes 1d, for the same YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 251 Forest; women 512 01/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Pelleson; John Raynald; William Bronn Sandal Milne Depasturing 3s 6d damages; 1d fine John Pelleson, John Raynald, and William Bronn (1d each) cannot deny that with their beasts they depastured and trampled the meadow of the lady countess at Sandal Milne to the value of 3s 6d. They are to satisfy and amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 253 Animals; crops; officials 513 22/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas del Oles; William Brounn; Henry Shephird Depasturing 2d damages; 2d fine (Thomas) del Oles and William Brounn cannot deny that with their beasts they depastured the meadow of Henry Shephird to his damages taxed at 2d. They are to satisfy and are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 255 Animals; crops 514 22/07/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Shephird Sandal Depasturing Damages; 3d fine Henry likewise that he depastured with his beast the meadow of the lady countess at Sandal in le Tonnyng to damages taxed at ? Amercement 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 255 Animals; crops; officials 515 09/09/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal James de Halle; John son of Thomas cleric; John de Osset; Henry Shephird Le Tonnyng Depasturing 12d damages; 3d fines An inquiry finds that James de Halle, John son of Thomas cleric, John son of Richard de Osset (3d each) and Henry Shephird with their beasts depastured and trampled the lady's park at Sandal called le Tonnyng, to the lady countesses damages taxed at 12d. They are to satisfy and are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 258 Animals; crops; clerics; officials 516 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Parchment damaged James de Halle; Elizabeth Pelleson Depasturing Day given for law James de Halle has a day at the next court to make his law that he did not depasture or trample the hay of Elizabeth Pelleson with his beasts as charged, to her damage of 4s. Pledge for the law. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 1 Animals; crops; women; law 517 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Parchment damaged John Reynald; Elizabeth Pelleson; Margery de Shirclif; John Pelleson; James de Halle Depasturing 10d damages; 1d fine John Reynald, 1d, Elizabeth Pelleson doghter 1d, Margery de Shirclif 1d, and John Pelleson 1d cannot deny that they depastured the rye of James de Halle with their beasts to damage taxed at 1 bushel, price 10d: therefore they should satisfy and are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 1 Animals; crops; women 518 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Parchment damaged William Shephird; John del Overhalle Depasturing 1d damages; fine It is found that William Shephird mowed and carried away the grass of John del Overhalle to damage taxed at 1d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 1-2 Crops 519 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Grenhod; William Shephird False claim; theft Fine John Grenhod is amerced for a false claim against William Shephird, in that he carried away no hay. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 2 Crops 520 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Parchment damaged William del Grene; John Grenhod Depasturing 10d damages; fine William del Grene cannot deny that he depastured the oats of John Grenhod with his beasts to damage taxed at 20 sheaves, price 10d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 2 Animals; crops 521 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Parchment damaged James de Halle; John Reynald Depasturing 1d damages; 2d fine James de Halle cannot deny that he depastured the corn of John Reynald with his beasts to damages taxed at 1d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 2 Animals; crops 522 21/10/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Lynlay; William del Storthes; Thomas de Wallay Theft; non-attendance Distrained; 6d fine William de Lynlay who carried away the toll at Birton, found William del Storthes and Thomas de Wallay to be his pledges at this court to answer therefore, and he has not come: therefore the said William del Storthes and Thomas are amerced 6d and distrained because they have not the person they pledge. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 2 Officials 523 25/10/1950 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Hipperholme William de Hipperom; Thomas son of William Livestock damage 6s 5d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that a certain cow of William son of Adam de Hipperom was killed by default of Thomas son of William de ?, to his damage taxed at 4s 5d: therefore he should satisfy him therein and for the trespass is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 5 Animals; violence 524 26/10/1950 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Hipperholme John del Frith; William de Bradelay Depasturing 10d damages John del Frith cannot deny that he depastured the corn and oats of William de Bradelay with his beasts, to damage taxed at 3 thraves, price 10d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 7 Animals; crops 525 26/10/1950 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Rastrick Henry de Okes; Thomas Gibson; John de Rastrick Depasturing 5d damages; fine Henry de Okes and Thomas Gibson cannot deny that they depastured the corn of John son of Ellen de Rastrick with their beasts to damage taxed at 5d: therefore they are to satisfy and are amerced for the said trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 7-8 Animals; crops 526 26/10/1950 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Richard de Aderichegate; John de Staynclyff Defamation 4d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that Richard de Aderichegate defamed John de Staynclyff to damages taxed at 4d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 8 527 26/10/1950 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Hipperholme John del Rode; John Pynder Depasturing 10d damages; 1d fine John son of William del Rode cannot deny that he depastured the corn of John Pynder with his beasts to damages taxed at 10d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 8 Animals; crops 528 18/11/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Elizabeth Pelleson; James de Halle Failure to prosecute; trespass Fine Elizabeth Pellesondoghter did not prosecute James de Halle in a plea of trespass: therefore she is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 10 Women 529 18/11/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam Fletcher; Richard Queriour Theft 9d damages; fine Adam Fletcher of Walton cannot deny that he reaped and carried away the crop namely oats from one rood of Richard Queriour to his damages taxed at 3 bushels, price 9d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 10 Crops 530 18/11/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Watson; Johanna del Lane 05/08/1350 Breach of contract 10s damages; fine John Watson of Wakefield complains against Johanna the daughter of Henry del Lane that she broke an agreement with him in this: that she should have served him from the feast of Pentecost last past [16 May 1350] to the same feast immediately following [5 June 1351], for which he would give her 7s and also proved her food: and the said Johanna del Lane served him from the said feast of Pentecost until the feast of St. Oswald [5 August] and then withdrew from his service, to the damage of the said John Watson 20s. And the said Johanna del Lane said that she withdrew by license. John Watson says that he gave her no license to withdraw, and was prepared to make his law here in court. Johanna del Lane does not come and therefore is amerced: and it is judge by the court that he should recover against the said Johanna del Lane. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 10 Servants; women 531 18/11/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron James de Halle; Elizabeth Pelleson Depasturing 1d damages; fine James del Halle cannot deny that he depastured the hay of Elizabeth Pelleson with his beasts, to her damage taxed at 1d: therefore it is judged that he should satisfy her therein and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 10 Animals; crops; women 532 02/12/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam Peresson del Grove; Hugh Wade Trespass; debt; theft Distrained It is ordered likewise that Adam Peresson del Grove answer Hugh Wade in a plea of trespass: likewise the same Adam answer the same Hugh in a plea of detention of one cow: likewise the same Adam answer the same Hugh in a plea of debt: YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 12 Animals 533 23/12/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam Peresson del Grove; Hugh Wade Trespass; debt; theft Distrained It is ordered likewise that Adam Peresson del Grove (he submits) answer Hugh Wade in a plea of trespass: likewise the same Adam answer the same Hugh in a plea of detention of one cow: likewise the same Adam answer the same Hugh in a plea of debt. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 14 Animals 534 23/12/1950 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William del Grene; Isolda, relict of Thomas Annotson Depasturing; property damage Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come at the next court to find whether or not William del Grene depastured with his beasts and trampled the corn of Isolda the relict of Thomas Annotson, to the damage of 10s. Also an inquiry is to be held at the next court to find whether or not the same Isolda broke and carried away the fence of the said William, and, further, whether she depastured the corn of the said William, as she is charged. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 14 Animals; crops; enclosures; women 535 26/10/1950 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn John del Frith; William de Bradela Depasturing 10d damages John del Frith cannot deny that he depastured the corn and oats of William de Bradelay with his beasts, to damage taxed at 3 thraves, price 10d YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 7 Animals; crop 536 02/01/1952 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Rastrick William son of Thomas of Berkesland; Roger Dyconson Trespass; failure to prosecute 2d fine William son of Thomas of Berkesland did not prosecute Roger Dyconson of Rastrick in a plea of trespass: therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 69 537 19/01/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry de Wodthorp; John Tomasson; John Grayne Trespass; failure to prosecute Various fines Henry de Wodthorp, plaintiff, and John Tomasson clerk have agreed in [a plea of] trespass. The said John submits: and is amerced 3d. The same John Tomasson does not prosecute Henry de Wodthorp in [a plea of] trespass: therefore he is amerced 2d. The same John did not prosecute John Grayne in a plea of trespass, therefore amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 75 538 19/01/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William de Quallay; William Sayton Failure to prosecute 2d fine William de Quallay did not prosecute William Sayton in a plea of covenant: therefore amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 75 539 19/01/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Peny; Agnes Peny; Stephen Erkyn Depasturing 10d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that Henry Peny and his wife Agens with their beasts [depastured] the oats and barley of Stephen Erkyn to his damage which is taxed at 10d. Therefore they should satisfy him therein, and are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 75-6 Animals; crops 540 09/02/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Philip de Northwych; Adam de Heyrod; Thomas Pelle Theft Day given for law Philip de Northwych has a day to make his law at the next court that neither he nor any of his servants took or carried off 100 laths price 4d from Adam de Heyrod and Thomas Pelle as he is charged. Pledge for law etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 77 Servants; law 541 09/02/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John son of Richard of Osset; Philip de Northwyche Depasturing 8d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that John son of Richard of Osset depastured and trampled down with his beasts the corn of Philip de Northwyche to damage taxed at 8d. Therefore he should satisfy him therein and is amerced 2d for the trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 77-8 Animals; crops; inquiry 542 01/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Philip de Northwych; William Shephird; Thomas Pelle; Adam de Herod Trespass; failure to prosecute 2d fines Philip de Northwyche did not prosecute William Shephird in a plea of trespass: therefore he is amerced 2d. William Shephird did not prosecute Philip de Northwyche in a plea of trespass: therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 79 543 01/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Henry del Shaghe; Thomas del Bothe; William del Croft Trespass; non-attendance 4d fine; distrained Henry del Shaghe and Thomas del Bothe, summoned to answer to William del Croft in a plea of trespass, have not come: therefore they are amerced 4d and distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 79 544 01/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Thomas Shenthogh Illegal construction; taking wood 4s fine One place in Hiperom Wod devised to Thomas Shenthogh for the building of a certain forge thereon, rendering for it «d weekly to the countess until etc (sic). Thomas Shenthogh is amerced 4s for cutting wood belonging to the countess for the said forge without licence. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 80 Officials; buildings; forest; wood 545 22/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William Casson; Margery relict of Richard Elker; John Wilkynson Trespass; non-attendance 4d fine; distrained William Casson of Middelton offers himself against Margery relict of Richard Elker in a plea of trespass, and since Margery is bailed by John Wilkynson and does not come the said John is amerced 1d because he has not the one he pledged. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 82 Women 546 22/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Henry del Shagh; Thomas del Bothe; William del Croft Trespass; non-attendance 4d fine; distrained Henry del Shagh and Thomas del Bothe are distrained to answer to William del Croft in a plea of trespass and do not come: therefore they are amerced 4d and distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 82 547 22/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Grave of Scammonden Non-attendance 3d fine The grave of Scammonden is amerced 3d because he does not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 82 Officials 548 22/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John de Mallyngs; Thomas Pelle; Adam de Heyrod; Robert del Bothe Plea of covenant; contempt of court 6d fine; distrained John de Mallyngs, Thomas Pelle and Adam de Heyrod, keepers of the work at the church of Sandale, offer themselves against Robert del Bothe in a plea of covenant. And because the said Robert, seen in court, withdrew in contempt of court his amerced 6d and distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 82 549 22/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Adam del Rode; Richard del Thorpe; John Dykson del Hole Taking wood Various fines Adam del Rode is amerced 4d for a birch tree cut down in the lord's wood at Hiperom. Richard del Thorpe is amerced 6d for the same there. John Dykson del Hole is amerced 12d for one oak and one birch there. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 83 Wood; forest 550 22/03/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Robert del Dene Taking wood 5s fine Robert del Dene is amerced 5s for stripping the bark of 40 oak saplings. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 83 Wood; forest 551 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John son of Thomas Clerk; Richard de Ossett; Grave of Sandal Livestock theft; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained John son of Thomas Clerk offers himself against Richard de Ossett of Walton in a plea of detention of a horse. And because the said Richard, attached by the grave, does not come, the grave is amerced 2d because he has not the one he pledged and he is distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 84 Animals 552 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Thomas del Wod; Adam de Horbure Debt; trespass; failure to prosecute 4d fine Thomas del Wod did not prosecute Adam de Horbure in a plea of debt: therefore he is amerced 2d. The same Thomas did not prosecute the same in a plea of trespass: therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 84 553 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley John Wassher; William del Slak Trespass; failure to prosecute 2d fine John Wassher did not prosecute William del Slak in a plea of trespass: therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 84 554 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William Casson; Margery relict of Richard de Wolker False claim; theft 2d fine William Casson of Middelton is amerced 2d for a false claim against Margery relict of Richard de Wolker in a plea of detention of chattels. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 84 555 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Henry del Sagh; Thomas del Bothe; William del Croft Trespass; non-attendance 4d fine; distrained Henry del Sagh and Thomas del Bothe are distrained to answer William del Croft in a plea of trespass and do not come: therefore they are amerced 4d. And further it is ordered that they should be distrained in all [their goods]. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 84 556 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Grave of Warley Non-attendance Came later The grave of Warhillay is amerced [blank] for not coming. He came later. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 84 Officials 557 12/04/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley William Milner; Henry Walker Trespass 2d fine William Milner, plaintiff, and Henry Walker of Waddeswrth are agreed in a plea of trespass, and the said Henry submits and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 85 558 24/05/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert de Santinglay; Stephen Erkyn; Hugh Wallay Trespass; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained Robert de Santinglay offers himself against Stephen Erkyn in a plea of trespass and the said Stephen, bailed by Hugh Wallay, does not come. Therefore the said Hugh who has not the one he pledged is amerced 2d, and is distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 87 559 24/05/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden William del Croft; Henry de Sagh; Thomas del Bothe; Henry Sayvill Trespass; non-attendance 3d fine; 2d fine William del Croft, plaintiff, and Henry del Sagh are agreed in a plea of trespass. And the said Henry submits and is amerced 3d. The same William offers himself against Thomas del Bothe in a plea of trespass: and because the said Thomas is bailed by Henry Sayvill and does not come the said Henry is amerced 2d because he has not the one he pledged. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 87 560 05/06/1952 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Henry Pygill; Thomas Wade Depasturing 3d damages; 1d fine Henry Pygill admits that he depastured the oats of Thoams Wade, the damaged taxed at 3d. He should satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 92 Crops 561 05/06/1952 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Simon de Thwong; Cecilia de Holgate Debt; false claim 2d fine Simon de Thwong is amerced 2d for a false claim against Cecilia de Holgate in a plea of debt. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 92 Women 562 08/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Thomas del Wroo; John de Mawdesley; John Broun Property damage; theft 26s 8d damages; 2d fine Thomas del Wro failed in the law which he waged against John de Mawdesley that he did not break the stop placed by the said John on the corn and tools of John Broun, a tenant of John Mawdesley, nor carried them away as he is charged, to the damage of the same John de Mawdesley 26s 8d. Therefore it is judged that the said John de Mawedesley should recover the aforesaid damages from the said Thomas: who for the said trespass is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 95 Crops; enclosures 563 08/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Withed; Robert del Dene Digging coal 4d damages; 2d fine John Withed cannot deny that he dug coal in Robert del Dene's pit to damage taxed at 4d: therefore it is judged that he should satisfy him therein and he is amerced 2d for the said trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 95 Coal 564 08/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Tomasson; Richard de Osett Trespass 2d fine John Tomasson clerk, plaintiff, and Richard de Ossett of Walton are agreed in a plea of trespass: and the said Richard submits and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 95 565 08/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Henry Sklater; Richard Gybson; Gilbert del Bothe; Isabella daughter of Jordan Holnefrith Taking wood Various fines Henry Sklater is amerced 6d for cutting and carrying away green wood from the lord's woods in Holnefrith. He is attached. Richard Gybson of Melton through the pledge of Gilbert del Both is amerced 12d for the same. He is attached. Isabella daughter of Jordan for the same there is amerced 1d. Attached. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 95 Wood; forest; women 566 14/06/1952 00:00:00 Burton Tourn William chaplain of Laghton Using church court 2s fine Also the twelve present that William the chaplain of Laghton by letter summoned the tenants of the lords here to the court Christian concerning things not touching wills of marriage, to the prejudice of the lord's court here. He is amerced 2s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 96 Clerics; church court 567 14/06/1952 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Robert del Bothe; Matthew de Romesdon Depasturing Damages; 2d fine Robert del Bothe cannot deny that his pigs scoured and depastured the corn and grass of Matthew de Romesdon to his damage which is taxed at [blank]. Therefore he should satisfy him therein and is amerced 2d for this trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 97 Animals; crops 568 28/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Grave of Scammonden Non-attendance 2d fine The grave of Scammonden is amerced 2d because he does not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 99 Officials 569 28/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Grave of Rastrick Non-attendance 6d fine The grave of Rastrick is amerced 6d because he did not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 99 Officials 570 28/06/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Grave of Hipperholme Non-attendance 6d fine The grave of Hiperom is amerced 6d because he did not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 99 Officials 571 19/07/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Grave of Rastrick Non-attendance 2d fine The grave of Rastrick is amerced 2d because he did not come to court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 102 Officials 572 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas Monk; John son of William Fox Depasturing Damages; 2d fine Thomas Monk cannot deny that he depastured the oats of John son of William Fox with his beasts, the damage tax at [blank]. Therefore it is judged that he should satisfy and he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 104 Animals; crops 573 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Grave of Rastrick Non-attendance 2d fine The grave of Rastrick is amerced 2d because he did not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 104 Officials 574 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Grave of Hipperholme Non-attendance 2d fine The grave of Hiperom is amerced 2d for the same. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 104 Officials 575 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Grave of Warley Non-attendance 1d fine The grave of Warhillay is amerced 1d for the same. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 104-5 Officials 576 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Matthew de Romesden Avoden Taking wood 12d fine Matthew de Romesden is amerced 12d for cutting holly in Avoden. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 105 Wood; forest 577 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John Jonson de Lytilwod; Robert Hayward; Matilda de Coldwell; Adam Jonson de Wolfvedale Romesden Vert Various fines John Jonson de Lytilwod is amerced 2d for vert. Robert Hayward is amerced 4d for the same in Romesden. Matilda de Coldwell is amerced 3d for the same. Adam Jonson de Wolfvedale is amerced 3d for the same. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 105 Wood; forest; women 578 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Margery del Milne Taking wood; selling crokkes 46d fine "Margery del Milme is amerced 6d for felling [trees]. The same Margery is amerced 40d for selling 6 ""crokkes""." YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 105 Wood; forest; women 579 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Henry Adamson Wade; Robert Laweson del Dame; William Hanson Hudson; Robert de Berdeshill; Gilbert del Bothe; Geoffrey Benet; William del Clif; Richard de Coldwell; Matthew Tomasson Vert Various fines Henry Adamson Wade is amerced 2d for vert. Also amerced for the same, Robert Lawesom del Dame 2d, William Hanson Hudson 12d, Robert de Berdeshill 2d, Gilbert del Bothe 3d, Geoffrey Benet 4d, William del Clif 3d, Richard de Coldwell 2d; Matthew Tomasson 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 105 Wood; forest 580 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Daughters of Nicholas de Avoden; Matthew de Romesden; John Johnson of Lytilwod; Adam del Brounhill; William de Craven; Adam de Erneschagh; William Wade; Johanna Michell; Thomas Drable; Matthew Thomasson Gibson. Nutting Various fines The two daughters of Nicholas de Avoden are amerced 8d for nutting. Also amerced for the same, Matthew de Romesden 12d, John Johnson of Lytilwod 4d, Adam del Brounhill 2d, William de Craven 2d, Adam de Erneschagh 2d, William Wade 2d, Johanna Michell 3d, Thomas Drable 3d, Matthew Thomasson Gibson 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 105 Forest; nuts; women 581 09/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John Mocock; William Hudson; Gilbert del Bothel Geoffrey Moldson; Thomas de Hynglif; William Hanson Hudson; Geoffrey Benet; Margery del Dame; Adam Megson; Margery Juddoghter Nutting Various fines John Mocock; William Hudson; Gilbert del Bothel Geoffrey Moldson; Thomas de Hynglif; William Hanson Hudson; Geoffrey Benet; Margery del Dame; Adam Megson; Margery Juddoghter YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 105 Forest; nuts 582 30/08/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Grave of Hipperholme Non-attendance 4d fine The grave of Hiperom is amerced 4d because he did not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 106 583 27/09/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal James del Halle; John Grenhode Ketilhorp Taking wood Inquiry opened An enquiry is to be held at the next court to find whether or not James del Halle cut and carried away any wood belonging to John Grenhode in Ketilhorp, as he is charged, to damage of 20s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 108 Wood 584 27/09/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Thomasson; Henry de Wodtorp Theft 2s damages; 3d fine John Tomasson failed in the law which he waged against Henry de Wodthorp, that he did not carry away a stack of rye belonging to the said Henry, price 2s: therefore he should recover the said damages from the said John; who is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 108 Crops 585 27/09/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William Templer; William Dykson del Hole Trespass 2d fine William Templer, plaintiff, and William Dykson del Hole are agreed in a plea of trespass: and the said William Dykson submits and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 108 586 27/09/1952 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley John Tomasson; Richard son of William of Saltonstall Trespass 2d fine; distrained John Tomasson of Saltonstall is summoned to answer Richard son of William of Saltonstall in a plea of trespass. Therefore he is amerced 2d and distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 108 587 20/01/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh Wade; Adame Peresson del Grove Livestock theft; trespass; debt 12d fine Hugh Wade, plaintiff, and Adam Peresson del Grove are agreed in a plea of trespass; and the said Adam submits and is amerced 6d. The same Hugh, plaintiff, and the same Adam are agreed in a plea of detention of one cow; and the said Adam submits and is amerced 3d. The same Hugh, plaintiff, and the aforesaid Adam are agreed in a plea of debt; and the said Adam submits and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 15 Animals 588 20/01/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William del Grene; Isolda, relict of Thomas Annotson Depasturing; false claim; trespass It is found that William del Grene depastured with his beasts the corn of Isolda relict of Thomas Annotson to damage taxed at half a thrave, price 7d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. William del Grene is amerced for a false claim against Isolda in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 15 Animals; crops; women 589 20/01/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Isolda, relict of Thomas Annotson. Depasturing 2 3/4 d damages; fine It is found that Isolda relict of Thomas Annotson depastured the corn of William del Grene, to damage taxed at 4 sheaves, price 2 ¬ pence, and therefore she should satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 15 Crops; women 590 03/01/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Holme Thomas del Holme; William son of Juliana Depasturing; flase claim; trespass 2d fine It is found by inquiry that Thomas del Holme did not depasture the corn of William son of Juliana as he is charged. Therefore it is judged that the said William should receive nothing of his suit and is amerced * for a false claim. William son of Juliana is amerced 2d for a false claim against Thomas del Holme in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 18 Crops 591 03/01/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Richard Milner; John de Thornetlay Theft Damages; 3d fine Richard Milner cannot deny that he carried off the corn of John de Thornetlay, namely oats, to damage taxed at [blank]. Therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 18 Crops 592 03/03/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Holgate Horbury mill Milling 4d fine Henry de Holgate cannot deny that he ground his corn at a mill other than the mill at Thornstanagh, at which mill he owes suit; therefore he is amerced 4d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 22 Crops; mill 593 03/03/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Philipot Sandal mill Withdrawal of suit Philipot, lately churchwarden of Sandal, asmits that he withdrew his suit from the mill there, and is therefore amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 22 Officials; mill 594 24/03/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Richard Magson; John de Feri de Horbure Depasturing Damages; 2d fine Richard Magson cannot deny that he [depastured] with his sheep and horses the oats of John de Feri de Horbure, to damage taxed at [blank]: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 25 Animals; crops 595 24/03/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Reynald; Johanna Reynald; William Orfeour Depasturing 3d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that John Reynald and Johanna his wife depastured with their beasts the corn, namely wheat, of William Orfeour to damage taxed at 6 sheaves price 3d. Therefore they should satisfy and are amerced 2d for the said trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 25 Animals; crops; women 596 07/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam de Horbure; Adam de Elfletburgh; John Hobkynson Trespass; non-attendance Pledge amerced and distrained Adam de Horbure offers himself against Adam de Elfletburgh in a plea of trespass. And because the said Adam de Elfletburgh, bailed by John Hobkynson, does not come, the said John is amerced because he has not the one whom he pledged and is distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 28 597 07/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas del Wod; Alice de Sourby Theft; failure to prosecute 2d fine Thomas del Wod is amerced 2d because he does not prosecute Alice daughter of Robert de Sourby in a plea of taking and detention of chattels. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 28 Women 598 07/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Irland Flotten Prosecuting in the wapentake 6d fine John de Irland of Flotten cannot deny that he impleaded in the wapentake the tenants of the queen to the prejudice of this court; and he is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 29 Wapentake 599 07/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Robert Magson; John de Fery Depasturing Damages; 2d fine Robert Magson cannot deny that he depastured the corn of John de Fery with his sheep, to damage taxed at 8 sheaves; therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 29 Animals; crops 600 07/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John de Fery; Agnes de Horbure; Richard Magson Depasturing 1d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that John de Fery and Agnes the relict of Elias de Horbure depastured the oats of Richard Magson with their beasts to damage taxed at 2 sheaves price 1d; therefore they should satisfy and are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 29 Animals; crops; women 601 07/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas del Wroo; William de Dounom Depasturing 3d damages; 2d fine Thomas del Wroo cannot deny that he depastured the barley of William de Dounom with his beasts, to damage taxed 3d; therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 29-30 Animals; crops 602 21/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam de Elfletburgh; Adam de Horbure 03/05/1350 Breach of contract Day given for law Adam de Elfletburgh has a day at the next court to make his law that he did not make an agreement with Adam de Horbure concerning 7s 6d which is claimed against the said Adam de Elfletburgh since the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross [3 May] last year, as he is charged. Pledge for the law. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 31 Law 603 21/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas Shephird; Robert Souter; John atte Ferry Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not Thomas Shephird depastured and trampled down with his beasts 4 acres of oats belonging to Robert Souter, to damage of 10s. An inquiry is to be held at the next court to find whether or not the same Thomas depastured with his beasts one acre of oats belonging to John atte Ferry, to damage of 5s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 31 Animals; crops; inquiry 604 21/04/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Grave of Hipperholme Non-attendance 2d fine The grave of Hiperom is amerced 2d for not coming to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 32 Officials 605 19/05/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh Wade; Adam de Horbure Depasturing Damages; 1d fine The same Hugh [Wade] admits that he depastured the corn of the said Adam [de Horbure] , to damage taxed at 1 bushel of oats; therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 33 Crops 606 19/05/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert del Bothe; Thomas Drable; Matthew de Romesdene Livestock damage Summoned to assess damage Robert del Bothe cannot deny that he stood bail for Thomas Drable to satisfy Matthew de Romesdene for the loss of his sheep which were savaged by the dog of the said Thomas: therefore it is ordered that the grave should summon men to assess the damage. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 33 Animals; violence 607 19/05/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam de Horbure; Hugh Wade Property damage 1d fine Adam de Horbure cannot deny that he depastured with his beasts the corn of the said Hugh [Wade], to damage taxed 1« bushels of oats. He is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 34 Animals; crops 608 19/05/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Walter Maunsel Horbiry lightes Taking wood 2d fine Walter Maunsel is amerced 2d for cutting holly in Horbire lightes. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 34 Wood; forest 609 09/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Richard Magson; John de Ferry Depasturing Fine Richard Magson cannot deny that he depastured the corn of John de Ferry by his fault, to damage to the same John which is taxed at nothing: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 35 Crops 610 09/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas Shephird; Robert Souter; John de Ferry Depasturing Damages; fine It is found by inquiry that Thomas Shephird depastured with his beasts the corn of Robert Sutor to damage which is taxed at half a quarter of oats, price 12d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. It is found by inquiry that Thomas Shephird depastured with his beasts the corn of John de Ferry, to damage which is taxed at 4 sheaves, price 2d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 35 Animals; crops 611 09/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Dounom; Thomas del Wroo Depasturing 2 1/2 d damages; fine It is found by enquiry that William de Dounom depastured with his beasts the peas of Thomas del Wroo to damage with is taxed at «d, and that the corn of the said Thomas was depastured by the fault of the said William to damage taxed at 2d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 1d for the said trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 35 Animals; crops 612 09/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Dounom; Thomas del Wroo Flase claim; trespass 1d fine William de Dounom is amerced 1d for a false claim against Thomas del Wroo in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 35 613 30/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett John of Osset; William Jonot Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not John son of Richard of Osset depastured with his beasts and trampled the corn of William Jonot to his damage of 5s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 38 Animals; crops 614 30/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Dounom; Thomas del Wroo Failure to prosecute; debt; trespass Fine William de Dounom does not prosecute Thomas del Wroo in a plea of debt: therefore he and the pledge for the prosecution are amerced. Thomas del Wroo does not prosecute William de Dounom in a plea of trespass: therefore he is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 38 615 30/06/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Grave of Hipperholme; Grave of Sowerby Hipperholme; Sowerby Non-attendance 1d fine The grave of Hiperom 1d and the grave of Sourby 1d did not come to the court: therefore they are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 38 Officials 616 21/07/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Grenhod; John de Sandale Ketilhorp Depasturing Inquiry opened An enquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not John Grenhod with his beasts entered the close at Ketilhorp of John son of James de Sandale, who offers himself by attorney, and there depastured his grass to the damage of the same John son of James, of 100s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 40 Animals; crops; inquiry; enclosures; attorney 617 21/07/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett John of Ossett; William Jonot Depasturing Inquiry opened An enquiry is still to be held at the next court to find whether or not John son of Richard of Ossett depastured with his beasts and trampled the corn of William Jonot as he is charged, to damage of 5s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 40 Animals; crops; inquiry 618 21/07/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Rachedale; John de Slanden Breach of contract; failure to prosecute 1d fine Henry de Rachedale does not prosecute John de Slanden: therefore it is judged that the same John should recover against the same Henry 9s by reason of a certain broken agreement: and he is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 40 619 25/07/1951 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn William Milner; William de Sagh Non-attendance Fine William Milner, constable of Stansfield, does not come and is amerced. William son of Henry de Sagh, constable of Waddesworth, is amerced for the same. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 43 Officials 620 25/07/1951 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Warley John Wynther; Thomas del Cliff Warley Rescue Damages John Wynter cannot deny that he made a rescue form the grave of Warhillay, and he finds Thomas del Cliff as his pledge to make satisfaction therein. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 43 Animals; officials 621 Birton Tourn Matilda Sewer; William Wolfe Livestock damage 18d damages Matilda Sewer agrees to give satisfaction to William Wolfe for 1 stirkett price 18d, killed by the son of the said Matilda. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 46 Animals; violence; women 622 Birton Tourn Holme Adam Acreland; Robert de Rylay Depasturing 2d damages; 2d fine Adam Acreland cannot deny that he depastured with his beasts the corn, namely oats, of Robert de Rylay to his damage taxed at 8 sheaves, price 2d: therefore he should satisfy him therein and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 47 Animals; crops 623 11/08/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Grave of Sandal Non-attendance Fine The grave of Sandale is amerced because he did not come. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 48 Officials 624 11/08/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stephen Erkyn; Thomas Pelle Tomscrofte Depasturing; property damage Fine Stephen Erkyn cannot deny that he broke the hedges around a certain croft of Thomas Pelle called Tomscrofte so that the corn and herbage of the said Thomas were depastured: and he claims an assessment therefore, which is respited until the next court. And he is amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 48 Crops; enclosures 625 11/08/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Grenehod; John son of James de Sandale Ketilhorp Depasturing 20s damages; 2d fine It is found by enquiry that John Grenehod with his beasts entered the close of John son of James de Sandale at Ketilhorp and there depastured the herbage of the said John, to damage taxed at 20s: therefore he should satisfy an is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 48-9 Animals; crops; enquiry 626 11/08/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett John son of Richard of Ossett; William Jonot Depasturing 3d damages; 1d fine It is found by enquiry that John son of Richard of Ossett [depastured] with his beasts the corn, namely wheat, of William Jonot, to damage taxed at 2 sheaves, price 3d: therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 49 Animals; crops 627 01/09/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Thomas Schenthough; Roger de Thornyales; John son of Richard del Hole Depasturing; livestock damage Day given for law; damages; 2d fine Thomas Schenthough and Roger de Thornyales have a day at the next court to make their law that their dogs did not kill 13 lambs of John son of Richard del Hole, price 16s, as is claimed against them. Each is pledge for the other's law. The same Thomas cannot deny that he depastured the corn of John son of Richard del Hole, to damage taxed at [blank]. He is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 50 Animals; crops; violence 628 01/09/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Johanna Forester; wife of Thomas Dobson; wife of William Pedder Not sending for ale taster; bad ale 2d fines Johanna Forester is amerced 2d for brewing low-grade (debilitati) ale and for not sending for the ale-taster. The wife of Thomas Dobson is amerced 2d because she did not send for the ale-taster. The wife of William Pedder is amerced 2d for brewing low-grade ale. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 50 Ale; women 629 25/09/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Thomas Schenthough; Roger de Thornyales; John son of Richard del Hole Livestock damage 16s damages; 3d fines Thomas Schenthough 3d and Roger de Thornyales 3d failed in the law which they waged against John son of Richard del Hole. It is ordered that John should recover from the said Thomas and Roger the damages which he claimed against them in court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 51 Animals; violence 630 25/09/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Richard Child; Robert del Bothes; Adam de Ernschagh False plea; livestock theft 2d fine Richard Child is amerced 2d for a false claim against Robert del Bothes, Adam de Ernschagh and associates in a plea of taking and keeping one cow. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 52 Animals 631 25/09/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John son of Thomas Clerk; Richard son of Philip Breach of contract; theft 16d damages; 3d fine It is found by enquiry that John son of Thomas Clerk broke an agreement with Richard son of Philip concerning a cartload of marl, to damage taxed at 6d. And by default of the said John the said Richard's marl was stolen, to his damage taxed at 2 cartloads of marl price 10d: therefore he should satisfy him therein and is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 52 632 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Grave of Sandal Non-attendance 2d fine The grave of Sandale is amerced 2d because he has not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 54 633 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Raynald; John Launce; John son of Richard of Osset Trespass; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained John Raynald offers himself against John Launce in a plea of trespass. And because John Launce is bailed by John son of Richard of Osset and does not come, John son of Richard is amerced 2d because he has not the one he pledged and his is distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 54 634 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John son of Henry del Lane; Henry Pygill; Adam de Ovynden Trespass; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained John son of Henry del Lane offers himself against Henry Pygill in a plea of trespass. Henry is bailed by Adame de Ovynden and does not come, therefore Adam is amerced 2d because he has not the one he pledged and he is distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 54 635 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby William Milner; William Couper; Thomas del Wod; Nabbe Waynwright; Thomas Culpon; William del Hole; Thomas del Hole; William Milner of Soland; Adam del Milne Theft; destroying lord's land Various fines William Milner of Sourby 40d cannot deny that he seized and carried off a cottage of alder blown down by the wind, recently belonging to William Couper, and similarly part of a certain house of oak belonging to the same William Couper. Thomas del Wod admits that he seized and carried off a certain house of alder blown down by the wind, lately belonging to Nabbe Waynwright. Also Thomas Culpon 3d William hel Hole 12d Thomas del Hole 12d and William Milner of Soland 6d, admit that they took and carried away a certain house of alder blown down by the wind, lately belonging to Adam del Milne, so wasting and destroying the lord's villein land there. Therefore they are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 54-5 Wood; buildings; women; land; weather 636 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam de Bentlayrod; John son of Henry del Lane; John Hobkynson Trespass; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained Adam de Bentlayrod, summoned to answer John son of Henry del Lane in a plea of trespass, did not come: therefore he is amerced 2d, and is distrained. John Hobkynson likewise. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 55 637 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John Sklater; Henry Sklater. Trespass; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained John Sklater summoned to answer Henry Sklater in a plea of trespass did not come: therefore he is amerced 2d and distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 55 638 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Richard de Langlay; Thomas de Danford False claim; trespass 2d fine Richard de Langlay is amerced 2d for a false claim against Thomas de Danford in a plea of trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 55 639 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Peny; James de Sandale; Robert Jakson; Adam Trubbe; Richard Robyn; Richard Hanson; Adam del Grene Non-attendance 2d fines Henry Peny 2d; James de Sandale 2d; Robert Jakson 2d; Adam Trubbe 2d; Richard Robyn 2d; Richard Hanson 2d; and Adam del Grene 2d are amerced because they did not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 55 640 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William Hanson; John de Haylay; Thomas Smith; Richard Bateson; Henry de Rysshewrth; John del Hengandrod Non-attendance 2d fines William Hanson 2d, John de Haylay 2d, Thomas Smith 2d, Richard Bateson 2d, Henry de Rysshewrth 2d, and John del Hengandord 2d, are amerced because they did not come to the court. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 55 641 27/10/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Richard de Cokcroft; John de Cockcroft; John de Smale; Robert del Brigg; Richard del Brigg; John Waker; John Hobkynson; Robert Magotson; Henry Pygill; Adam de Bentlayrod; Hugh Otesson; Thomas de Brampton; Thomas de Langlay; Thomas de Hylyleigh; Simon de Thwong; John de Sothill; William Clerksonl heir of Richard de Northland Non-attendance Various fines Richard de Cokcroft 2d, John de Cokcroft 2d, John de Smale 2d, Robert del Brigg 2d, Richard del Brigg 1d, John Waker 2d, John Hobkynson 2d, Robert Magotson 2d, Henry Pygill 2d, Adam de Bentlayrod 1d, Hugh Otesson 2d, Thomas del Brampton 2d, Thomas de Langlay 1d, Thomas de Hylyleigh 2d, Simon de Thwong 2d, John de Sothill 1d, William Clerkson 1d, and the heir of Richard de Northland 1d, are amerced because they did not come. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 55 642 15/11/1951 00:00:00 Burton Tourn John del Stockes; Hamo son of Simon Cutting wood 3d fine It is found by enquiry that John del Stockes cut down one beech tree belonging to Hamo son of Simon. He is amerced 3d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 57 Wood; inquiry 643 15/11/1951 00:00:00 Burton Tourn William de Wortlay; William del Holme Imitating bailiff 2s 4d damages; 6d fine William de Wortlay made himself bailiff in order to seize the corn of William del Holme without licence, to damages taxed at 2s 4d. He is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 58 Officials; fraud 644 15/11/1951 00:00:00 Burton Tourn William del Holme; Alice del Rodes Breach of contract 20d damages; 2d fine William del Holme cannot deny that he broke the agreement with Alice del Rodes in that he did not guard her houses (non custodit domos) according to the agreement made between them, to damage taxed at 20d. He should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 59 Women; buildings 645 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Thomas de Shenthogh; John son of Richard del Hole Failure to prosecute 2d fine Thomas Shenthogh did not prosecute John son of Richard del Hole in a plea. Therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 61 646 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John son of Henry del Lane; Henry Pygill Trespass 2d fine John son of Henry del Lane, plaintiff, and Henry Pygill are agreed in a plea of trespass and the said Henry submits and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 61 647 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam de Bentlayrod; John son of Henry del Lane Property damage Inquiry opened An inquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not Adam de Nentlayrod broke and carried away the hedges of John son of Henry del Lane as he is charged. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 61 Enclosures; inquiry; hedges 648 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Launce; John Raynald Depasturing 3d damages; 2d fine It is found by inquiry that John Launce depastured with his beasts and trampled down the oats and pasture of John Raynald to his damage which is taxed at 3d. Therefore he should satisfy him therein and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 61 Animals; crops 649 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John Hobkynson; Henry del Lane Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not John Hobkynson broke and carried away the fences of John son of Henry del Lane. YAS Rolls Vol. 6. p. 61-2 Enclosures; wood; buildings; fences 650 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Richard Ribyn; Adam de Moselay Failure to prosecute 1d fine Richard Robyn did not prosecute Adam de Moselay in a plea of trespass. Therefore he is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 62 651 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Peny; Henry Shephird; John Thamasson; John de Halyfax; John Pellesson Sandal rectory Depasturing; property damage An inquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not Henry Peny, Henry Shpehird, and John Tomasson clerk depastured with their beasts the oats growing on 1 « acres of land belonging to John de Halyfax and John Pelleson, and depastured the tithes of Sandale which they had bought, and broke the lord's hedges and ditches around the Rectory garden there, which they had bought. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 62 Animals; crops; enclosures 652 17/11/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Roger Walker; Cecilia de Thornetlay; Robert de Rylay Trespass; non-attendance 1d fine; distrained Roger Walker offers himself through his attorney in a plea of trespass against Cecilia de Thornetlay. And because Cecilia was bailed by Robert de Rylay and does not come the said Robert is amerced 1d because he has not the one he pledge: and he is distraned. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 62 Attorney 653 08/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William de Seyton; William de Qwallay Livestock theft; failure to prosecute 2d fine William de Seyton did not prosecute William de Qwallay in a plea of detention of one mare: therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 63 Animals 654 08/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John son of Henry del Lane; Adam de Bentlayrod; John Hobkynson Trespass 2d fines John son of Henry del Lane, plaintiff, and Adam de Bentlayrod are agreed in a plea of trespass, and the said Adam submits an is amerced 2d. The same John plaitniff and John Hobkynson are agreed in a plea of trespass. And the said John Hobkynson submits and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 63 655 08/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Richard Robyn Non-attendance 2d fine Richard Robyn, summoned to a certain inquiry, does not come: therefore he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 63 Inquiry 656 08/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Peny; Henry Shephird; John Thomasson; John Thrift; John son of Richard of Ossett; John de Halyfax; John Pelleson Depasturing 2d fines; 3s 6d damages; 10d fine It is found by inquiry that Henry Peny 2d, Henry Shephird 2d, John Tomasson clerk 2d, John Thrift 2d, John son of Richard of Ossett 2d, depastured with their beasts the corn and grass of John de Halyfax and John Pelleson to their damage which is taxed at 3s 6d. Therefore it is judged that they should satisfy therein and they are amerced 10d for the said trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 63-4 Animals; crops 657 08/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Roger Walker; Cecilia de Thornetlay; Robert de Rylay Trespass; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained Roger Walker offers himself by his attorney against Cecilia de Thornetlay in a plea of trespass. And the said Cecilia, bailed by Robert de Rylay, does not come, therefore the said Robert is amerced 2d because he has not the one he pledged: and he is distrained. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 64 Women; attorney 658 08/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Launce; Henry Peny Depasturing 6d damages; 2d fine It was found by inquiry that John Launce depastured the grass of Henry Peny to his damage which is taxed at 6d. Therefore he should satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 64 Crops; inquiry 659 22/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Thomson; Henry de Wodthorp Assault Inquiry opened An inquiry will be held at the next court to find whether or not John Tomson clerk assaulted Henry de Wodthorp and wounded and ill-treated him, to damages of 20s. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 66 Violence; inquiry 660 22/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Dyconson; Robert Wylymot; William del Grene; Richard Robyn; Henry Shephird Non-attendance 2d fine each John Dyconson 2d, Robert Wylmot came later, William del Grene came later, Richard Robyn 2d, Henry Shephird 2d, were summoned to an inquiry and did not come. Therefore they are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 66 Inquiry 661 22/12/1951 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Dyconson; William Broun Failure to prosecute 2d fine John Dyconson did not prosecute William Broun in a plea of debt and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 6. p. 66 662 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Hewer Cutting wood Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come at the next court as to whether Adam Hewer himself or by others cut a young oak and an ash growing in the lord's villein land as was presented by the forester, or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 1 Forest; wood; inquiry 663 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Prior Thomas of St. Oswald; Thomas de Baghill Nostell Owing homage; non-attendance 6s 8d fine; distrained Order was given to distrain Thomas, prior of St. Oswald's of Nostell, for homage, fealty, and other services in arrears from a certain assart called Priur Rode in Hipperholme, and also for suit of court for tenements in Ardsley. He was mainpered by Thomas de Baghill and does not come, so he is amerced 6s 8d because he does not have the prior; nonetheless order is given to distrain. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 1 Clerics; fealty 664 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Modisaul Kirkstall Abuse of office Distrained; rent frozen Order is given to distrain the abbot of Kirkstall to answer the lord as to why he unjustly exacts from Hugh Modisaul 13s 4d per year for 1/2 bovates which Hugh holds by villein services; the tenant is to be stopped from paying the money until etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 1 Officials; land; clerics 665 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowebry Simon de Thwong Non-attendance 2d fine Simon de Thwong who does not come to answer when summoned is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 2 666 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley John Roger; Jordan de Barneburgh Non-attendance Distrained John Roger of Wakefield plaintiff offers himself against John de Barneburgh in a plea of debt. Because Jordan resummoned does not come, order is given to distrain. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 2 667 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William de Walton Occupying land without license Day given for law William de Walton chaplain because he occupied the lord's villein land without license; order is given to seize the land, viz a third part of the messuage and a third part of half an acre, into the lord's hand. He has a day until the next court to answer both to the lord and to the party. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 3 Land; clerics 668 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John de Qwerneby False presentment 2d fine John de Qwerneby because he made false presentment in court is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol 2, p. 3 669 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Tenants of Dewesbury Dewesbury wood Non-attendance Amerced Those tenants of Dewesbury wood who owe attendance at the courts held after Michaelmas and Easter and did not come are in mercy because they owe attendance at the tourn YAS Rolls Vol 2, p. 3 Forest 670 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Tenants of Warley Tumult in court 12d fine Tenants of the graveship of Warley for tumult in court are amerced 12d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 3 671 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Carter; Andrew de Wyruntorp; John Caid Contempt in court Amerced; condoned John Carter, Andrew de Wyrunthorp, and and John Caid for contempt in court are in mercy, condoned. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 3 672 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Margery Clerk; William Genison Jury corruption Amerced The jury of Sandal between Margery who was wife of Thomas Clerk and William Genison because they put their verdict in the mouth of one who is insufficiently knowledgable are in mercy. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 4 Jury 673 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Hagh Abuse of office Amerced; condoned John del Hagh sub-bailiff because he took councel with men muttering in court is in mercy, condoned. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 4 Officials 674 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John del Wro; Richard son of John Hudson Tumult in court 2d fine John del Wro and Richard, son of John Hudson for tumult in court are amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 4 675 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William del Dene Non-attendance Distrained William del Dene who does not come is in mercy. Because he is elected to the office of grave, he is to be distrained to make his oath. Order is given to seize all his lands and tenements. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 4 Officials 676 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas del Wode Rescue 2d fine Thomas del Wode cannot deny that he by his servants took his beasts that had been impounded by the grave; he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 5 Servants; animals 677 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William de Balne Quarrying Distrained Order is given again to distrain William de Balne to answer the lord for stone quarried in the lord's villein land without license. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 5 Stone; land 678 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Thomas Smith; John de Godelay Occupying land without license 6d fine An inquiry finds that Thomas Smith of Halifax occupied a rood of meadow of the lord's villein land which John de Godelay demised to him by charter; Thomas is amerced 4d and John 2d because he demised by charter meadow held by the rod. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 5 Land 679 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Richard de Haselhorst; Richard Pynder; Richard del Dene Non-attendance 6d fine Richard de Haselhorst, Richard son of Jordan Pynder, and Richard son of Simon del Dene (2d each) do not come to the first court and are amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 6 680 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley William Jonolt Tumult in court 2d fine William Jonolt of Stanley for tumult in court is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 6 681 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Richard Bogher; Richard de Raupighel Non-attendance 6d fine; distrained Richard Bogher because he does not come to take 3 1/2 acres with a cottage there on that (Roger de Raupighel) surrendered into the hand of the grave is amerced 6d. Order is given to distrain. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 6 Land 682 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Tenants of Salonstall; tenants of Scammonden Salonstall; Scammonden Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against tenants of Saltonstall who occupy a place of wood, moor, or pasture among certain leases of Saltonstall as appears among seven proceeding courts is respited; likewise that against tenants of Scammonden for occupying many arable lands there without rent against the form of their lease, until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 2. p. 8 Land 683 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William de Balne Quarrying Distrained Order is given again to distrain William de Balne to answer the lord for quarrying stones in the lord's villein soil without license and selling them to different people. YAS Rolls Vol. 2. p. 8 Stone; land 684 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Richard Robyn Non-attendance 2d fine Richard Robyn, tenant of villein land, does not come to court so is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 9 685 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Wolf; Richard Wythunds Defamation; breach of contract Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come as to whether Robert Wolf defamed Richard Wythunds and called him false and a robber to his damage; and as to whether Richard broke an agreement with Robert relating to a meadow demised to Robert for the term of two years, or not. Richard cannot deny that he unjustly detains from Robert 6d for bread sold to him; he is to satisfy and is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 13 686 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William Gerbot; Richard Wythunds Defamation; depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come as to whether William Gerbot broke an ash of Richard Wythunde's and trampled and depastured Richard's grass and crop with his beasts and also whether he defamed Richard saying that he killed his uncle to his damages, or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 13 Animals; crops; wood; inquiry 687 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Prior Thomas of St. Oswalds of Nostell Nostell; Priour Rode, Hipperholme; Ardsley Owing homage; non-attendance In respite The lord's charge against the prior of St. Oswald's of Nostell (respite at the instance of the master of Woodkirk) for homage, fealty and other services in arrears for a certain assart called Priour Rode in Hipperholme and also for suit he owes to court for tenements in Ardlsey is respited until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 14 688 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Abbot of Kirsktall; Hugh Modisaul Kirkstall; Horbury Abuse of office Distrained Order is given again to distrain the abbot of Kirkstall to answer the lord as to why he unjustly exacts from Hugh Modisaul 13s 4d per year from 1 1/2 bovates which Hugh holds in Horbury for villein services, Hugh to be stopped from paying the money until etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 14 Clerics; land 689 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Adam Hewer Cutting wood Acquitted An inquiry finds that Adam le Hewer did not cut or carry off a young oak nor an ash from the lord's villein soil as was presented by the forester, so is quite of this. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 15 Wood; forest; acquitted 690 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Thomas de Sancto Swithynno; Henry Poket; Alice Poket Theft; trespass; property damage 60s damages; 6d fines The inquiry in which Thomas son of John de Sancto Swithynno plaintiff and Henry Poket senior and his wife Alice put themselves finds that Henry and Alice detain from Thomas 20s and a robe worth 6s 8d, to damages taxed by the jurors at 40d, and that the broke the locks of the doors of Thomas's houses while he was in the king's service at Calais and entered his houses and took and carried off his goods and chattels, to damages taxed by the jurors at 40s. Thomas is to recover against Henry and Alice the said 60s and they are amerced 6d both for unjust detention and the trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 16 Women 691 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Tenants of Salonstall Salonstall Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against tenants of Saltonstall who occupy a place of wood, moor, or pasture among certain leases in Salonstall as appears in nine preceeding courts is respited. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 16 Land 692 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Tenants of Scammonden Scammonden Occupying land without license In respite likewise against the tenants of Scammonden for occupying many arable lands there without rent against the form of their lease, until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 16 Land 693 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William de Balne Quarrying Distrained Order is given again to distrain William de Balne to answer to the lord for quarrying stones in the lord' villein soil without license. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 17 Stone 694 21/10/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Hugh del Okes Contempt in court 6d fine Hugh del Okes for contempt in court is amerced 6d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 17 695 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prior of St. Oswald's Nostell Nostell Owing homage; non-attendance In respite Again the lord's charge against the prior of St. Oswald's Nostell for homage, fealty, and other services owed in arrears from a certain assart called Priour Rode in Hipperholme and also for suit which he woes for tenements in Ardsley is respited until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 19 Land; clerics; fealty 696 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Grave of Warley False presentment 1d fine The grave of Warely for false response in court is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 19 Officials 697 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas Wade Non-attendance 1d fine Thomas Wade because he does not come is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 19 698 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Clerk Non-attendance 4d fine John son of Thomas Clerk because he does not come to pay heriot on the lands of Thomas his father is amerced 4d. Order is given to distrain. (Afterwards he comes). YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 21 Land 699 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Malyn; John Gerbot; William Gerbot; John Peny Alverthorpe Abuse of office 3d fine Robert Maly, John Gerbot, and William Gerbot swear in court that John Peny owes and detains unjustly from tenants of the vill of Alverthorpe 14d from the time he was collector of the wools there, saying that Robert Malyn took a horse of John Peny's in name of distraint for the said money by common assent of the vill, whence John Peny complains etc. John is to take nothing of his plea and is amerced 3d for a flase claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 21 Animals; officials; tax 700 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Elizabeth de Bately; Robert Gunne Wrenthorpe Theft; property damage; false claim 2d fine [An inquiry] finds that Elizabeth de Bately did not carry off the door of Robert Grunne's house in Wrenthorpe as Robert claims. Robert is to take nothing of his plea and is amerced 2d for a false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 22 Women; inquiry; buildings 701 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Agnes Bele; Nicholas de Wyrnothorpe Assault; trespass 6d fine Likewise that Agnes wife of German Bele struck Nicholas de Wyronthorpe's wife with a certain stick to damages taxed at 6d. She is to satisfy and is amerced 6d for trespass. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 22 Women; violence 702 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Agnes de Bele; Nicholas de Wyronthorpe; Richard de Fynchedene Livestock damage; defamation; false claim 2d fine Likewise that Agnes did not defame Nicholas in this that he should have taken Richard de Fynchdene's sheep and slaughtered them as Nicholas complains. Nicholas is to take nothing of his plea and is amerced 2d for a false claim. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 22 Animals; violence; women 703 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Mudysaul Kirkstall; Horbury Abuse of office Distrained Order is given again to distrain the abbot of Kirkstall to answer the lord as to why he unjustly exacts from Hugh Mudysaul 13s 4d per year for 1 1/2 bovates which Hugh holds in Horbury by villein services, Hugh to be stopped from paying the money to the abbot until etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 23 Clerics; land; officials 704 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard de Southwode Late attendance 1d fine Richard de Southwod because he came much too late when summoned is amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 23 705 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Henry Prestman Contempt in court 2d fine Henry Prestman for contempt in court is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 23 706 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Robert son of William; John son of Elias; Richard de Horbir; Thomas Magson Milling Day given for law Robert son of William (succeeded) has a day at the next court to make law with six hands that he did not mill grain at any other mill than Horbury Mill after Michaelmas; John son of Elias (succeeded) has the same day to make likewise; likewise Richard son of John de Horbir (failed), Thomas Magson (failed). YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 24 Mill; law 707 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William de Southwod; John de Fernelay; John Alayn Milling; non-attendance Distrained; amerced William de Southwod (failed). John de Fernelay (condoned) does not come to answer for suit to Horbury Mill withdrawn by him, so to distrain. John Alyn of Ossett recognises that he milled at a mill other than Horbury Mill. He is in mercy. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 24 Mill 708 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Gerbot Cutting wood 6d fine An inquiry finds that John Gerbot cut and carried off 12 young oaks each worth... growing in the lord's villein land without license. He is amerced 6d and not more because he took the wood to build on the same land. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 24 Wood; forest; buildings 709 18/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Tenatns of Salonstall; tenants of Scammonden Salonstall; Scammonden Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against the tenants of Salonstall who occupy a place of wood, moor, or pasture amid certain leases in Salonstall is respited until the next court; likewise against tenants of Scammonden for occupying many arable lands without rent there against the form of their lease. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 25-6. Land 710 26/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Emley Thomas Autay; John Maron Assault 2s fine Thomas Autay drew blood from John Maron, 2s. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 31 Violence 711 26/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Emley William Flosche; William Hotcher Assault 18d fine William Flosche likewise from William Hotcher, 18d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 31 Violence 712 26/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thomas, son of Beatrix; Thomas le Wright Assault 2s fine (bailiff) presents that Thomas son of Beatrix drew blood from Thomas le Wright, 2s. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 31 Violence 713 26/11/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Ossett Hugh de Dissheford; William de Seyvill Raising the hue 12d fine The vill of Soothill (Ossett) presents that Hugh de Dissheford, 12d, raised the hue unjustly on William de Sayvill, parson of Hoyland. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 31 Hue 714 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Thomas del Ker Non-attendance 2d fine Thomas del Ker because he does not come is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 36 715 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam del Dene; Hugh Shoter Tumult in court 1d fine Adam del Dene and Hugh Shoter for tumult in court are amerced 1d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 36 716 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam de Southwode; Adam del Dene; John Hughson Tumult in court 1d fines Adam de Southwode, Adam del Dene, Stanley:- John Hughson, 1d each, for the same. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 36-7 717 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John del Cliff; Richard Maunsell Depasturing; assault Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come (respite at the tourn) at the next court as to whether John del Cliff trod and depastured with his beasts the crop of Richard Maunsell and struck Richard's wife, to their damages, or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 37 Violence; women; animals; crops; inquiry 718 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Tenants of Salonstall Salonstall Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against the tenants of Salonstall who occupy a place of wood, moor, or pasture amid certain leases in Salonstall is respited until the next court. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 37 Land 719 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Richard Salman Cutting wood Distrained Order is given to distrain Richard Salman of Rastirck to answer the lord for cutting ash growing in the lord's villein land to the value of 10s etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 37 Wood; forest 720 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prior of St. Oswald's Nostell Nostell; Priour Rode, Hipperholme Owing homage Distrained Order is given to distrain the prior of St. Oswald's of Nostell for homage, fealty, and other services in arrears from a certain assart called Priorrode in Hipperholme, and for suit he owes from tenements in Ardsley. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 38 Land; clerics 721 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Mudysaule Kirkstall; Horbury Abuse of office Distrained; rent frozen Again to distrain the abbot of Kirkstall to the answer to the lord as to why he unjustly exacts 13s 4d per year from Hugh Mudysaule from 1 1/2 bovates which Hugh holds in Horbury by villein services. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 38 Land; clerics; officials 722 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Scammonden Tenants of Scammonden Scammonden Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against tenants of Scammonden for occupying many arable lands there without rent against the form of their lease respited. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 39 Land 723 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury William de Southwod Horbury mill Milling 2d fine William de Southwod failed in the law which he waged against the law that he did not mill at any mill other than Horbury Mill; he is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 39 Mill; law 724 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Thomas Magson Horbury mill Milling 2d fine Thomas Magson failed in the law he waged against the lord that he did not mill at any other mill than Horbury Mill. He is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 40 Mill; law 725 09/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Stut; Adam de Pudesay; Thomas Roberd; John Peny; Alice Depastruing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come (again) at the next court as to whether Henry Stut, Adam de Pudesay, Thomas Roberd, and John Peny with their beasts trampled and depastured the crop of Alice who was wife of William son of Richard to her damages of half -?- or not. YAS Rolls Vol. 2. p. 42 Animals; crops; women; inquiry 726 23/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Warley Tenants of Salonstall Salonstall Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against tenants of Salonstall who occupy a place of wood, moor, or pasture among certain leases in Salonstall is respited. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 46 Land 727 23/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Richard Salman Cutting wood Distrained Order is given again to distrain Richard Salman of Rastrick to answer the lord for cutting down and carrying off an ash growing in the lord' villein land to the value of 10s without a license, YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 46 Wood; forest 728 23/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prior of St. Oswald Priour rode, Hipperholme; Ardsley Abuse of office Distrained the prior of St. Oswald's for homage, fealty, and other services in arrears from a certain assart called Priour Rode in Hipperholme, and also for suit which he owes to Wakefield court for tenements ion Ardsley, and to show how he receives rent in Snapethorpe. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 46 Land; clerics; officials; fealty 729 23/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Abbot of Kirkstall; Hugh Modysaul Kirkstall; Horbuy Abuse of offive Distrained; rent frozen The abbot of Kirkstall to answer the lord as to why he unjustly exacts 13s 4d per year from Hugh Modysaul for 1 1/2 bovates Hugh holds in Horbury by villein services; Hugh to be stopped from paying until etc. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 46 Land; clerics; officials 730 23/12/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Tenants of Scammonden Scammonden Occupying land without license In respite Again the lord's charge against the tenants of Scammonden for occupying many arable lands there without rent against the form of their lease. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 47 Land 732 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Dewsbury Adam de Lynne; John de Warren; Alan de Furneys; William the Bailiff Livestock theft; non-attendance Distrained Adam de Lynne is plaintiff against John de Warren, Rector of the church of Dewesbiry, Alan de Furneys, and William the Bailiff [servientem] of Dewesbiry re a plea of unjust detention of cattle. The defendants were distrained in two horses, but did not appear, therefore a further distress is to be levied. YAS Record Series Vol 57, p. 1 Animals; officials; clerics 733 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Anabilla Wlf; William son of Thomas Slander Licensed to agree; 3d fine Anabilla Wlf, 3d, for license to agree with William, s. of Thomas, on a charge of slander. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, 2 734 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John de Quithill Contempt of court 6d fine John de Quithill, 6d, for contempt YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 2 735 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Henry de Wald; John Pager; Robert Peger Theft Damages; 2s fine Henry de Wald sues John Peger for taking his corn from the scales [?] [scaloppa] of the mill, and throwing it down in the mill. John acknowledges it, and is to pay damages; fine 2s. Surety: Robert Peger. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 3 Mill 736 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Adam Gerbot; German Swerd False claim 3d fine Adam Gerbot, 3d, for false claim against German Swerd. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 3 737 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William Hyrnyng; Robert Sonneman; Richard Hirning; Ralph Hyrnyng; Peter du Londe Gaukethorp Friday after the Feast of St. Dionysus, 23 Edw. I Trespass 12d fine William Hynyng sues Robert Sommerman for 1/2 bovate of land in Gaukethorp, part of his ineritance from Richard Hirning, his father, into which Robert had entry through Ralph Hyrning, plaintiff's brother, who had no right therein, as is shewn by the rolls of Peter du Londe, at the Court held at Wakefield on Friday after the Feast of St Dionysus, 23 Edw. I. Defendat cannon deny, so William is to recover; fine 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 3 Land; fields; enclosures 738 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Peger; Agnes Wlf; Earl Earl's meadow Slander; escape Damages; 6d fine An inquisition finds that Robert Peger slandered Agnes Wlf, by saying that she loosed her horses feeding on the common, with a view of their escaping into the Earl's meadow, for which she is amerced 40d; he is to pay damages, fine 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 3 Animals; common; demesne; meadow; women 739 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Nicholas de Bately; Robert Leper; Simon de Monte; John Cockespore Pannage Various fines Nicholas de Bately, 6d; Robert Leper, 4d; Simon de Monte, 2d; John Cockspore, 1d; all for pannage. YAS Record Series Vol. 57; p. 4 Forest; animals 740 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Baron Stanley John Page; Richard del Bothem Taking acorns 3d fine John Page, serving-man of Richard del Bothem, 3d, for shaking down acorns YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 4 Forest 741 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John de St. Swithin Dead wood 3d fine John de St. Swithin, 3d. for dead wood; YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 4 Forest; wood 742 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Julian the Diker Breaking plaings 2d fine Julian the Diker, 2d, for beasts carried outside the paling [sic, but quaere]; YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 Forest; animals 743 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Beatrice Gunne; Robert del Spen; Benedict del Stan;ey; Peter the Pinder Escapes Various fines Beatrice Gunne, 3d; Robert del Spen's widow, 2d; the wife of Benedict de Stanley, 3d, all for the same; Peter the Pinder, 6d, for escapes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 Women; animals 744 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Broun; Adam Wlf; Henry Wlf; Adam Gerbot Escape Various fines John Bround, 6d; Adam Wlf, 2d; Henry Wlf, 3d; and Adam Gerbot, 4d, for escapes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 745 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Richard Snart; Henry Alcok's wife; Alice wife of the Carpenter; Swayn de Ossete; Richard Pasmer; John son of Richard; Roger the Colier's wife Wood, etc. Various fines Richard Snart, 6d; Herny Alcok's wife, 2d.; Alice, wife of the Carpenter, 2d; Swayn de Ossete, 4d; Richard Pasmer, 5d; John, s. of Richard, 2d; Roger the Coier's wife, 2d, for wood, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 Women 746 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert the Mareschall; John Peger; Julian the Roper; Juliam Yolmer; Johanna Leget; the Daughter of Rober the Goldsmith, senior; Ellen daughter of Robert de Vrennegate; Alice Coy; the son of Rober son of Ralph; William the Goldsmith; John Clement's handmaid; the daughters of Robert Wassche and Adam de Castelforthe; Elias son of Peter; Walter Ape; John Leche's daughter; handmaids of William Bull and Henry Bull; John Kay; Thomas the Roller; Robert Liftfast's handmaid; Robert the Couper's wife; son of Hugh the Chapman; John Clement; Robert the Yunger; daughter of Robert the Walker; Alice the Roller; daughter of Matilda Franceys; Robert Broun and John Dun's daughters; Idonia Pollard; Isabel Roper; Adam son of Laurence; John Tassche; John de Amyas Escapes, dry wood Various fines Rober the Mareschall, 6d; John Peger, 3d; Julian the Roper, 2d; Juliana Yolmer, 2d; Johanna Leget, 2d; the daughter of Robert the Goldsmith, senior, 3d; Ellen d. of Robert de Vrennegate, 2d; Alice Coly, 2d; the son of Robert s. of Ralph, 3d; William the Goldsmith, 2d; John Clement's hanmaid, 2d; the daughters of Roger Wasschle and Adam de Castelforthe, 2d, each of Elias s. of Peter, and Walter Ape, 3d each; John Leche's daughter, 2d; the handmaids of William Bull and Henry Bull, 2d each; John Kat, 4d; Thomas the Roller, 3d; Robert Liftfast's handmaid, 2d; Rober the Couper's wife, 2d; the son of Hugh the Chapman, 2d; John Clement, 3d; Robert the Yunger, 2d; the daughter of Rober the Walker, 2d; Alice the Roller, 2d; the daughter of Matilda Franceys, 2d; Robert Bround and John Dun's daughters, 2d. each; Idonia Pollard, 2d; Isabel Roper, 2d; Adam s. of Laurence, 4d; John Tassche, 2d; and John de Amyas, 2d; for escapes, dry wood, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 Women 747 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Alice Graffard; Phillip de Mora Escapes Various fines Alice Graffard, 2d; Philip de Mora, 6d. for escapes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 748 06/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Monkes; Adam de la Grene Escapes Various fines John Monkes, 6d; Adam de la Grene, 3d. for escapes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 4 749 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sothill Non-attendance The township of Sothill shewed contempt to the jury, refusing to come when summoned. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 5 Jury 750 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thomas Bull; John Brown; Henry Schepe Assault Attachment; 12d fine Thomas Bull and John Brown assaulted Henry Schepe at night, whilst he was standing in his own house; and Henry reaised the hue; they are to be attached; 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 5 Violence; buildings; enclosure 751 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Wakefield John Hode Kergate, Wakefield Obstructing road 12d fine John Hode had blocked up the pathway at the end of the town of Wakefield. in Kergate, between Hesperode and Schiterike; 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 5 Road 752 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John Dun; Henry de Ayketon Theft Attached John Dun raised the hue on henry de Ayketon for carrying off his corn in the night; Henry to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 5 Crops 753 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William the Goldsmith; Henry Erl Theft; raising the hue 12d fines William the Goldsmith raised the hue on Henry Erl, who is amerced 6d; and another 6d for raising the hue on the said William, when he rescued the corn Henry was carrying off. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 5 Crops 754 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Nicholas Nodger; Robert Heward; Alan Tumbald Trespass Attached Nicholas Nodger raised the hue on Robert Heward and Alan Tumbald, for entering his garden without his consent, with a view of doing mischief there; they are to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 5 Enclosure 755 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William Suerdsliper Wandering the town, armed Attached William Suerdsliper, to be attached for wandering about the town at night, armed. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 6 Weapons 756 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Adam the Painter of Crigelston Crigelston Diverting river Attached Adam the Painter of Cregelston to be attached for deflecting a little syke at the head of the town of Crigelston, to the injury of all the neighbours. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 6 Water; river 757 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Richard, son of John de Bretton; Robert del Hay; Robert, son of John de Bretton Murder Imprisoned In prison.- Richard s. of John de Bretton, wounded Robert del Hay in the head with a sword, in which he was helped by Robert, his brother. Robert del Hay died of his wounds, and his murdered fled. They were to be taken. They are taken and are in prison. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 6 Violence; weapons 758 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thomas the Fisher the Earl's parks; the old park Trespass; killing deer Thomas the Fisher is a constant offender in the Ealr of Warenne's parks, especially as regards a deer he killed in the old park in John Walton's time. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 6 Animals; park; forest; enclosures 759 12/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Alverthorpe William Dodeman; Richard, his brother Assault Imprisoned In prison.- William Dodeman wounded Richard, his brother, so that his life was dispaired of; he is taken and in prison. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 6 Violence 760 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John the Milner; Robert de Saltonstal; Richard del Feld Luddingdene Livestock theft 10d damages; 40d fine John the Milner of Sourby, accused of cutting a swarm of bees from an oak in Luddingdene, is found guilty by an inquisition. He is to pat they value of the bees, 10d, and fine, 40d. Sureties: Robert de Saltsonstal and Richard del Feld. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 7 Insects; animals; trees; wood; inquiry 761 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Robert son of John de Sourbu; Agnes de Holgate; Thomas son of John de Miggelay; wife of Richard son of Stephen; wife of John de Hole; wife of John son of John; wife of Henry son of Robert; daugters of Amabilla del Bothom, John the Harper, and of Henry son of Nalle; son of John de Miggeley; Richard Attetounend; Henry son of Bete; Alice del Mere; Ellen Gose; John Sourmilch; Ivo son of William; Philip servant of Hanne son of William; William de Lithesels; Hancoke de Soland Taking nuts Various fines Robert, s. of John de Sourbi, 4d; Agnes de Holgate, 2d; Thomas, s. of John de Miggelay, 2d; the wife of Richard, s. of Stephen, 1d; the wife of John del Hole, 1d.; the wife of John, s. of John, 2d; the wife of Henry, s. of Robert, 2d; the daughters of Amabilla del Bothom, John the Harper and of Henry, s. of Nalle. 1d each; John de Miggeley's son, 1d; Richard Attetounend of Sourby, 1d; Henry, s. of Bete, 3d; Alice del Mere, 3d; Ellen Gose, 1d; John Sourmilch, 1d; Ivo, s. of William, 1d; Philip, serving-man of Hanne, s. of William, 3d; William de Lithesels, 1d., and Hancoke de Soland, 2d for nuts. YAS Record Series Vol. 57., p. 7 Forest; nuts; women 762 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John, son of Hugh the Frere; Adam, his brother; John de Holgate, junior; John Culpun's daughter; Elyas de Waddisworth; John, son of Radulph; Amery de Stodeley; daughter of Magge ad Pontem; Dobbe del Castilstede; John, son of Amery; Richard de Azerlaye; John del Westwood; John son of Dobbe; Hugh, son of Walter; Thomas de Royeslet; Richard the Smith; servants of Thomas de Lithesels and Hugh de Lithesels Escape; taking nuts Various fines John s. of Hugh the Frere, 4d and 6d; Adam, his brother, 2d; John de Holgate, junior, 2d; John Culpun's daughter, 2d; Elyas de Waddisworth's son, 3d; John, s. of Radulph, 2d; Amery de Stodeley, 3d; the daughter of Magge ad Pontem, 2d; Dobbe de Castilstede, 4d; John s. of Amery. 2d; Richard de Azerlaye, 2d; John del Westwood, 1d; John, s. of Dobbe, 2d; Hugh, s. of Walter ...; Thomas de Royeslet, ...; Richard the Smith, ...; the servants of Thomas de Lithesels and Hugh de Lithesels, ..., for escapes and nuts. YAS Record Servies Vol. 57. p. 7 Forest; animals; nuts; women 763 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Henry de Altonstal N/A Elected grave grave- Henry de Saltonstal, grave of Sourby last year, is continued for this year. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 7 Officials 764 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Richard son of Hugh son of Reginald de Warloley; Hugh son of Reginald; Henry de Holgate; John del Gledeholt; Adam-at-Townend; Henry de Saltonstall; Elias son of Ivo The Earl's chases Tresspass in Earl's chases Mainprised for keeping the peace Richard, s. of Hugh s. of Reginal de Warloley, is charged and indicted for sundry trespasses in the Earl's free chases, finds the following mainprisers for keeping the peace, etc.: Hugh, s. of Reginald, Henry de Holgate, John del Gledeholt, Adam-at-Towned of Miggeley, Henry de Saltonstall, and Elias, s. of Ivo. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 7 Forest 765 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Court baron Hipperholme Henry de Coppeley; John del Clif Not eligible for office Henry de Coppeley was elected grave of Hyperum for a bovate of villein land [terra nativa] that he held in the said graveship; he came and said he is a free man, and did not wish to be grave on account of the said land, which he surrendered. And John del Clif, the Earl's villein [nativus], fined 40d to take the said bovate. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 9 Officials; land 766 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Court baron Hipperholme William the Milner False presentment 12d fine William the Milner of Brighouses, 12d. for false presentment. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 9 767 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Court baron Hipperholme Roger de Clifton; Roger the Forester Keeping bees Acquitted Roger the Clifton, charged with having a stray swarm of bees, says the forester gave them into his charge, to keep for the benefit of the lord; Roger the Forester confirms thes, and they are now committed to Roger to keep during the year, for half the profits. YAS Record Servies Vol. 57, p. 9 Forest; insects; animals; stray 768 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Court baron Hipperholme Celia, formerly wife of Roger de Brighouses Taking bees 15d damages; 12d fine An inquisition finds that Cecilia, formerly wife of Roger de Brighouses, junior, carried off a waif swarm of bees, worth 15d; she is to pay the 15d, and 12d fine. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 9 Insects; animals; stray; women 769 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Court baron Hipperholme Robert de Weteker's daughter; Jordan del Hou; Agnes Crymbel; William de Lynnelay's daughter; John de Lyyneley's son; Adem de Lynneley's son; Ote de Lynneley's son Taking nuts Various fines Robert de Weteker's daughter; Jordan del Hou and Agnes Crymbel, 3d each; William de Lynneley's daughter, John de Lyyneley's son, Adam de Lynneley's son and Ote de Lynneley's son, 2d each for nuts. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 9 Forest; nuts; women 770 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Court baron Hipperholme John del Botherode; Roger the Forester; William of the Bothes; grave of Halifax; Henry del Rode Escapes Various fines John del Botherode, 3d; Roger the Forester, 3d; William of the Bothes, 6d; the grave of Halifax, 4d; Henry del Rode, 3d. for escapes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 9 Animals; forest 771 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Tourn People of Berkesland Barkesland Contempt of court 40d fine The township of Berkesland, 40d for contempt of the twelve. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 10 772 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Tourn Emma the Younger; Mariota Bele; William Nelot Trespass Emma the Younger sues Mariote Bele for trespass. Surety: William Nelot. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 10 Women 773 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Brighouses Tourn Ossett John Mauncell; Thomas; William Hyrning Trespass John Mauncell sues Thomas ... for trespass. Surety: William Hyrning. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 10 774 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Birton Court baron Holme Robert del Scoles; Adam son of Elyas Trespass License to agree Robert del Socles has license to agree in a plea of trespass with Adam, s. of Elyas, because he is poor. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 10 775 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Birton Court baron Holme Adam Strekeise; Richard del Bothe False claim License to agree; 6d fine Adam Strekeise and Richard del Bothe agree; and Richard amerced 6d for false claim against Adam. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 11 776 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Birton Court baron Holme Agnes daughter of John son of Hugh; John son of Thomas False claim Pardoned Agnes, d. of John s. of Hugh de Holne, pardoned for false claim against John, s. of Thomas, concerning a little pot [pocenetto], because she is poor. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 11 Women; objects; pardon 777 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Birton Court baron Holme John the Couper; Johanna the Webster Assault 3s 4d fine John the Couper of Wlvedale, 3s 4d for beating Johanna the Wesbter deliberately, against the prohibition of the Earl's bailiff. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 12 Women; wiolence; officials 778 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Birton Court baron Holme Emma Fabbe; Agnes daughter of Jordan; Peter Bulloc; John son of Geoffrey; John son of Magge; Juliana de Cartwrth; William de Cartwrth; Adam de Dalton; John son of Matilda; Richard de Cartewrth; Thomas Fayrbef; John the Couper; Richard del Bothe; William Strkeyse; Jordan the Milner; Robert son of Ralph; Adam the Bray; William son of Thomas del Rode; Elyas son of Henry; Henry son of Richard; John son of Thomas; son of William; Alice daughter of Alice; Adam son of Nicholas Taking nuts Various fines Emma Fabbe, 3d; Agnes, d. of Jordan, 3d; Peter Bulloc, 4d; John, s. of Geoffrey, 12d; John, s. of Magge, 4d; Juliana de Cartwrth, 12d; William de Cartwrth, 6d; Adam de Dalton, 2d; John, s. of Matilda, 2d; Richard de Cartewrth, 2d; Thomas Fayrbef, 6d; John the Couper, 3d; Richard del Bothe, 4d; William Strekeyse, 4d; Jordan the Milner, 2d; Robert s. of Ralph, 3d; Adam the Bray, 3d; William, s. of Thomas del Rode, 12d; Elyas, s. of Henry, 3d; Henry, s. of Richard, 2d; John, s. of Thomas, 2d; the son of William, s. of Wilkes, 2d; Wlice, d. of Alice, 2d; and Adam, s. of Nicholas, 4d for gathering nuts. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 12-13 Forest; women; nuts 779 18/10/2013 00:00:00 Birton Tourn Adam Tresal; Margery daughter of Geoffrey; Matilda de Pomerio Attempted theft; assault; trespass Attached Adam Tresal pursued Margery, d. of Geoffrey, with a view of robbing her of a jug of ale; and she was in the house of Matilda de Pomerio, and shut the door; and Adam broke open the door, entered and searched the house for her and the said ale, but did not find either. He is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 13 Buildings; animals; ale; objects 780 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John son of Walter Deferring office Half a mark fine John, s. of Walter of Northourum, is elected grave of Hyperum, but pays half a mark that his term of office may be deferred. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Officials 781 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett John Mauncell; Thomas Pees False claim; contempt of court 12d fine John Mauncell, 6d for false claim against Thomas Pees, and 6d for contempt. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Contempt 782 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Simon Attedene; John son of Walter Elected grave grave- Simon Attedene is elected grave, and sworn in place of John, s. of Walter, elected above, who is respited this year. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Officials 783 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas But; John Broun; Henry Chepe Assault Thomas But and John Bround, for assaulting by night Henry Chepe. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Violence 784 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Ayketon; John Dun Theft Henry de Ayketon for carrying off by night the corn of John Dun. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Corn 785 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Howard; Alan Thrumball; Nicholas Stodger Trespass Robert Howard and Alan Thrumball, for entering the garden of Nicholas Stodger without his consent with the object of evil doing. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Enclosures 786 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Philip Damson; Nicholas Carpenter Assault Attached Philip Dampson, for assaulting Nicholas Carpenter by night in his own house. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 15 Violence; buildings 787 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Swedsliper Carrying arms at night Attached William Swerdsliper, because he wanders by night in the town carrying arms, for which he has been indicted at the Turn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Weapons 788 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam the Painter Crigleston Diverting river Attached Adam the Painter of Crigleston, for one sike turned aside from its course at the Town-end of Crigleston to the damage of the neighbours. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Water 789 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas the Fisher Warnefeld Killing deer Attached Thomas the Fisher of Warnefeld, because he is a common evil-doer in the Earl's free chaces, and for having slain a doe in the Old Park in the time of John de Wanton, whereof he was indicted at the Turn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Animals; forest 790 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam Trostell; Margery daughter of Geoffrey Assault Attached Adam Trostell, for assaulting Margery d. of Geoffrey, with the object of taking from her a jug of ale. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Theft; violence; ale; women 791 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert son of Robert; Matilda the Ragged Assault Attached Robert, s. of Robert, for violently drawing blood from Matilda the Ragged, indicted at the same Turn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Violence; women 792 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Symon the Clerk Thurstanland Ploughing footpath Attached Symon the Clerk of Thurstanland, for a footpath ploughed up there. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Roads 793 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Handmaid of Henry Bul; William the Theker; William Richard; handmaids of William Bul; Robert Capoun; Nicholas Hog; daughter of Ralph son of Malle; handmaid of John de Skulbroke; Hugh Bylle's daughter; handmaid of German the Gardiner; William de Sandale; Richard the Clerk Dry wood Various fines The handmaid of Herny Bul, 1d; William the Theker, 2d; William Richard, 2d; the hadnmaids of William Bul. 3d; Robert Capoun, 2d; and Nicholas Hog 1d; the daughter of Ralph s. of Malle, 2d; John de Skulbroke's handmaid, 2d; Hugh Bylle's daughter, 1d; the handmaid of German the Gardiner, 2d; William de Sandale, 2d; and Richard the Clerk, 2d for dry wood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Forest; wood; women 794 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh Findiren; Peter Pinder; John Peger; Henry Campion Vert Various fines ...- Hugh Findiren, 6d; surety Peter Pinder; John Peger, 6d, and Henry Campion ... 1d for vert, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 16 Forest; wood 795 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert the Roller Taking logs 3s fine Robert the Roller, 3s. for three logs carried away by the flood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16 Wood; river 796 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Handmaids of William Wyles; John Pollard; servant of Henry son of Ellen; son of Robert Goldsmith; Jordan the Mawer; Peter Spynk; Robert Liftfast; Robert Hodde; Robert Hood; John Broun; Adam de Castleford; Robert son of Ralph Ters; Joan daighter of Sybil Vert; taking nuts Various fines The handmaids of William Wyles, 4d, and of John Pollard, 2d; the serving-man of Henry, s. of Ellen, 2d; Robert Goldsmith's son, 2d; Jordan the Mawer, 2d; Peter Spynk, 4d; Robert Liftfast, 2d; Robert Hodde, 6d; Robert Hood of Wakefeud, 4d; John Bround, 3d; Adam de Castelford, 3d; Robert, s. of Ralph Ters, 3d; Joan, d. of Sybil, 3d. for vert, acorns, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 16-17 Forest; wood; nuts; women; servants 797 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Margery Hawe; daughter of Thomas Viron; Joan Costel Dry wood Various fines Margery Hawe, 2d; Thomas Viron's daughter, 2d; Joan Costel, 3d for dry wood, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 17 Wood; forest; women 798 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Gilbert de Horbiry Vert 2s for vert Gilbert de Horbiry, 2s for vert. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 17 Wood; forest 799 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam Sprigonel; Margery de Monte; Robert de la Grene; William de Notton; Thomas Monks; Hugh Tubbyng's son Escapes; dry wood Various fines Adam Sprigonel, 3d; Margery de Monte, 3d; Robert de la Grene, 3d; William de Notton, 4d; surety, Thomas Monkes; Hugh Tubbyng's son, 2d, for escapes and dry wood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 17 Wood; forest; animals; women 800 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John Poket Vert; dry wood 6d fine John Poket, for very and dry wood, 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 17 Forest; wood 801 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Tup; Alice Gerbod; Alice, wife of Roger; John Swan; Adam Wlf; Walter del Hill Dry wood; vert Various fines John Tup, 6d; Alice Gerbod, 2d; Alice, wife of Roger, 3d; John Swan, 2d; Adam Wlf, 2d; Walter del Hill, 2d; for dry wood and vert. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 17 Forest; wood; women 802 28/10/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam servant of Robert de Ossette; John Maunsel; William de Heton Vert; taking acorns; breaking palings Various fines Adam, serving-man of Robert de Ossete, 6d; John Maunsel, 12d; William de Heton, 2d for vert, acorns, palings broken. etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 17 Forest; wood; nuts; servants 803 16/11/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Willia, the Harpur; William del Storthes; Alice his wife Dewesbury Using church chourt Padoned William the Harpur of Deuwesbirir, in the mercy for impleading William del Storthes and Alice, his wife, in the consistory, on a plea of debt contrary to the King's statute. Afterwwards pardoned, because he bought the suit to this court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 18 Church; debt; women 804 16/11/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Robert son of Robert; Matilda the Ragged Assault 12d fine Robert, s. of Robert, 12d. for shedding the blood of Matilda the Ragged. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 18 Violence; women 805 16/11/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William del Storthes; Alice, his wife; William the Harpur Dewesbury Using church court 5s damages; 2s fine William del Storthes and Alice, his wife, sue William the Harpur of Deuesbiry for impleading them in the Consistory, and afterwards making default, in consequence of which the officer granted the, their expenses. William cannot deny; an order is therefore given for plaintiffs to recover expenses, taxed at 5s. William the Harpur fined 2s. Surety: Thomas Pes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 19-19 Church; women 806 08/12/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert de Thornes; Richard the Clerk; Peter de Acom; Nicholas de Bateley Failure to answer Distrained Robert de Thomas to be distrained by all his cattle to answer Richard the Clerk, Peter de Acom, and Nicholas de Bateley. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 20 Animals 807 08/12/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Erl; William son of Robert de Crigelston Crigglestone Breach of contract 100s damages; 6d fine Henry Erl sues William, s. of Robert de Crigelston, on an agreement, under which William bought 3 pieces [placeas] of underwood in different places in Crigelston, with the understanding he could cut what wood he liked between Easter and Whitsuntide [3 Edw. II], but should then leave what he was standing to grow till the following Michaelmas; for which he paid 40s. He broke the condition by cutting wood before the term specified; damages 100s. William cannot deny; is fined 6d, and to pay the damages. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 20 Wood 808 08/12/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam de Wodesom; John de Amyas; Henry Calf Walton; Wakefield; Thorstonhagh mill; Sandal mill Livestock theft; debt Adam de Wodesom sues John de Amyas for driving 2 cows of his from Walton to Wakefield, and detaining them; damages, 6s 8d. John acknowledges the seizure, saying he farmed the said town of Wakefeud, with the mill, and its apperturances; and that he leased the new mill under Thorstanhagh, with Sandale mill, to one Henry Calf, for 9 marks for last year; and Adam was surety for 6 marks of the rent, 2 of which were in arrears. Adam denys any arrears [The entry is unfinished]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 20 Mills; debt; animals 809 08/12/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John son of Robert Pollard; Alice his wife; Adam son of William de Hobiry Horbury Attaint jury 2s fee John, s. of Robert Pollard, and Alice his wife, give 2s for an attaint of 24 jurors on a jury of 12 as to a bovate land with buildings in Horbiry, against Adam, s. of William de Horbiry. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 20 Land; jury; attaint 810 21/12/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Erl; Thomas son of Ralph de Crigleston Crigglestone Damaging underwood 100s damages; 12d fine Henry Erly sues Thomas, s. of Ralph de Crigleston, for damaging and destroying his growing underwood in three places in Crigleston; damages, 100s. Defendant cannot deny. To pay damages, which are to be taxed, and 12d fine. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 20 Wood 811 21/12/2013 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John the Tailor; Alan, servant of John de Horbiry Wakefield Trespass; livestock theft 6s 8d damages; 6d fine John the Tailor of Wakefeld sues Alan, servant of John de Horbiry, for taking a horse from his enclosure in Wakefeld; damages, 6s 8d; Alan fined 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 24 Animals; enclosures 812 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John the Clerk; Richard son of Robert de Radeclifes; John Patrikes Livestovck theft Day given for law John the clerk of Herteshed sues Richard son of Robert de Radeclifes, jun., for taking cattle, by John Patrikes. A day is given. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 25 Animals 813 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam de Linne; Master John de Warrene, parson; Alan de Fourneys; William, bailiff Dewesbury Removed to King's Bench The suit between Adam de Linne and Master John de Warrenne, parson of Deusbury, Alan de Founreys and William, bailiff of Deusbury, removed into the Bench by the King's writ. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 25 Officials; king; clerics 814 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry the Diker; William del Spen False claim 4d fine Henry the Diker, 4d, for false claim against William del Spen. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 25 815 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John son of Robert Pollard; Alice his wife; Adam son of William Horbery Horbury; Ossett; Alverthorpe; Stanley; Thornes Land dispute In respite The [Inquest of] Attaint in regard to the 12 nonjurors in the cause between John, s. of Robert Pollard, and Alice his wife, plaintiffs, and Adam s. of William of Horbery, re one messuage and one bovate of land in Horbery, is respited until the next Court on account of the jurors of the Attaint having made default. And the 12 jurors came and the Attaint [i.e. the jury thereof] did not come. Therefore the graves of Horbery, Ossett, Alerthorpe, Stanley, and Thornes are enjoined by writ to cause a view of the aforesaid tenements to be made before the next Court, and to see that they have here 12 recognitors from any [quolibet] of the graveships. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 25-6 Land; attaint; jury; officials 816 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Walter Gunne; Henry de Walda Depasturing 6d fine Walter Gunne, 6d for allowing 60 beasts in his charge to graze on Henry de Walda's grass. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 26 Animals; fields; crops; grass 817 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wife of Adam Spinkes; wife of Nicholas de Bateley Not sending for ale-taster 6d fines The wives of Adam Spinkes and Nicholas de Bately, 6d each for weak ale, and for not sending for the wardens of the assize. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 26 Ale; women 818 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Suerdsliper Wandering town at night armed Acquitted The same inquisition finds William Suerdsliper is not guitly of wandering about the town at night armed, for which he was indicted at the Tourn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 26 Weapons; inquiry 819 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Pollard Hipperholme Stray 2s fine John Pollard, 2s for a waif hog, sent from Hiperim, with which the grave of Wakefield is chargeable. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 27 Animals; stray 820 13/01/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John Graffard Diverting path 2d fine John Graffard, 2d for turning [a path] [quia deviavit]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 27 Roads 821 05/02/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John de Westwod; William Strikes Warley Cutting tree 12d fine John de Westwod sues William Stirkes of Warlolay for cutting down and carrying away a tree in Warlolay belonging to the plaintiff, worth 3s; damages, 20s. William makes no defence; and he is convicted; fine, 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 28 Trees; wood 822 05/02/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John de Gairgrave Hipperholme Stray 6s 8d fine John de Gairgrave, 6s 8d for a waif cow that came from Hipperum YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 29 Animals; stray 823 05/02/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme William de Lockewod Ossett Stray 18d William de Lockwod, 18d for a waif hog stopped in the graveship of Ossset. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 29 Animals; stray 826 22/02/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Maid of John son of William Margery The park Trespass 6d fine The handmaid of John, s. of the same William Margery, 6d for going into the park at night. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 33 Park; forest; women; servants 827 16/03/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Alcokes, grave of Rastrick Concealing plaints 12d fine Alcokes, grave of Rastrick, 12d for concealing two plaints. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 36 Officials 828 15/03/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas Bunny; John Attebarre Resisting distraint 6d fine Thomas Bunny, 6d for resisting distraint by John Attebarre, the grave. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 36 Officials 829 15/03/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Thomas Martin; John son of Robert Slenges; Robert Nelotes; Robert son of John Roller Fishing 40d fines Thomas Martine, John, s. of Robert Slenges, Robert Nelotes and Robert, s. of John Roller, 40d each for fishing at night in forbidden waters and taking water-wolves. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 36 Rivers; animals; fish 830 15/03/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Ivo Smith Dog (uncertain) 3d Ivo the Smith, 3d for his dog. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 37 Animals 831 05/04/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Robert Pees; William son of William de Balne; William Wildbor; William de Heton False arrest Attached The township of Ossete presents that Robert Pees took and imprisoned William, s. of William de Balne, the Earl's villein [nativus], keeping him in his house till he was delivered by William Wildbor and William de Heton, who mainprised him. Robert is to be attached for contempt. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 39 Officials 832 05/04/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Earl's bailiff; John son of Henry de Fekesby; Thomas de Tothill; Earl of Lancaster Jurisditictional dispute Day to wage law The Earl's bailiff charges John, s. of Henry de Fekesby, with bringing the Ealr of Lancaster's bailiffs into Earl Warenne's fee to distrain on Thomas de Tothill. John wages his law. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 39 Officials; Earl of Lancaster 833 05/04/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert Walker Interfering with mill 6d fine "Robert Walker, 6d for putting a ""fish-lepp"" in the mill-pond." YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 40 Mill; animals; fish 834 26/04/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert de Alta Ripa; Thomas de Holgate Stray mare 4s fee A waif mare, hitherto in the keeping of thr grave of Sandale, sold to Robert de Alta Ripa [and] Thomas de Holgate for 4s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 41 Animals; stray 835 26/04/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Edmand de Normaund; William de Lockeuod; William Goldsmith Contempt of court 2s fine Edmund the Normaund, 2s for contempt of court. Sureties: William de Lockeuod and William Goldsmith YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 41 836 26/04/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John son of Robert Pollard; Alice his wife; Adam son of William de Horbury; Simon, father of Alice; John de Horbury False claim 12d fine; imprisoned The attaint of 24 (for which John, s. of Robert Pollard of Wakefield, and Alice his wife, fined, against Adam, s. of William de Horbery), on the verdict of 12 jurors, who returned that after the death of Simon, father of the plaintiff Alice, a messuage and bovate of land in Horbery were left unoccupied for 4 years on the hands of Dom. John de Horbery, whereby Alice lost her rights therein, is taken by the oath of Henry le Wyte, Adam Heperoum [?], Hugh ... , John Siklelyng, Adam de Goukthorp, Robert Sonman, Rochard del Dene, Richard Armerawe .... Hirnyng, Richard Passemer', John Maunsel, Richard s. of Broun de Alvirthorp, John, s. of ..., ... Colley, John Swan, Henry del Bothom, Richard Withoutndes, Richard, s. of Philip, and Robert, s. of Symon [?], who find for the defendant. John and Alice go to prison for their recrimination. [In the margin is 12d.] YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 42 Attaint; jury; women; land 837 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Alice the Mercer; Wymarka, daughter pf Seye False Claim 2d fine Alice the Mercer, 2d for false claim against Wymarka, d. of Seye. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 43 Women 838 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Hipperholme John de Sonderland; Michael de Routonstall False claim 6d fine John de Sonderland, 6d for false claim against Michael de Routonstall. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 43 839 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Elyas son of Ivo; Matilda the Webster Witholding oats 3d fine Elyas, s. of Ivo, 3d for wrongfully witholding 1/2 quarter of oats from Matilda the Webster. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 44 Women; crops 840 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Philip the Waleys; John de Miggeley; William son of Ivo de Soland; Thomas the Geldhird Witholding felon's goods Charged with default The twonship of Soubry presents that the goods and chattels of Philip the Walets, fugitive, were collected to the value of 100s and more, and given over to John de ..., E... More, who were ... of the said Philip. And the township of Soland, after the flight of the said Philip, were distrained for wrongfully witholding the said [goods] and chattels, etc., by eleven beasts, which were sold by the said John de Miggeley, and by William, s. of Ivo de Soland, and Thomas the Geldhird for 55s, which the said three men received. And the whole township of Soland is charged with the default of the said John and the others, with regard to the felon's goods. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 44 Felon; officials; animals 842 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Eva, wife of Richard de Salonstal; Adam the Wild Assault 12d fine Eva, wife of Richard de Salonstal, drew blood from Adam the Wild in defending herself in her own house. Adam is therefore fined 12d for assaulting her. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 45 Violence; women; buildings 843 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Thomas, son of Christian Skot; Matthew the chaplain; Alice, wife of Adam; Robert son of Jordan Livestock theft Imprisoned Thomas, s. of Christian Skot of Extwysel, which Thomas is called Cockehakel, is a common thief, and stole 3 cows from Dom. Matthew chaplian; one from Alice, wife of Adam, and a steer from Robert, s. of Jordan. He is to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 45 Animals; women; clerics 844 13/05/2014 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Hugh de Lyghthesels Soland Encroaching on lord's land Attached Hugh de Lyghthesels made an encroachment of about 20 feet by 10 feet [as is testified by divers neighbours] on the lord's unoccupied land. He is to be attached. The township of Soland conceled this encroachment. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 45 Land 845 14/05/2014 00:00:00 Brighouses Tourn Thomas de Tothill; John son of Henry de Fekesby Livestock theft 24d fine Thomas de Tothill raised the hue on John, s. of Henry de Fekesby; and John is fined 12d for breaking Thomas' fold, and taking his cattle, and 12d for raising the hue without cause on the said Thomas, for taking a pledge of him, when trespassing. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 47 Animals; enclosures 846 14/05/2014 00:00:00 Brighouses Tourn John de Avenlay Barkisland; Willestrichell; Evostrichell Blocking road 12d fine John de Avenlay, 12d for blocking up a pathway within the bounds of Berkesland, between Willestrichel and Evotestrichell. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 47 Roads 847 16/05/2014 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Roger son of Matthew de Schepely; William Brid; William de Schefeld; Thomas Brid; Adam Keneward Trespass License to agree; sureties given Roger, s. of Matthew de Schepely, and William Brid [6d] agree. William finds sureties that he will not trespass in the wood or meadows of William de Schefeld, viz. Thomas de Brid and Adam Keneward. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 48 Forest; meadows; fields; enclosures 848 16/05/2014 00:00:00 Burton Court baron John son of Adam de Heppeworth; Thomas son of Richard; Nicholas son of John son of Gilbert; Richard his brother Property damage ... la Rode sues John, s. of Adam de Heppeworth, Thomas, s. of Richard, Nocholas, s. of John s. of Gilbert, and Richard, his brother, for destroying the ditches and fences of a certain royd that he took from the lord ... YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 48 Fileds; enclosures 849 16/05/2014 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Alan del Dam Wlvedale Blocking road 6d fine Alan del Dam, 6d for blocking up a lane in Wlvedale with his timber and dung-heap, so that cattle cannot water. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 48 Roads; animals; wood 850 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Symon de Thurstanland Blocking road 6d fine A jury at the tourn at Burton testify that Symon de Thurstanland had concealed [the matter of] the path for which he had been indicted at the previous tourn; which path is now straightened. Amerced 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 49 Roads; jury 851 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Thomas de Tothhill; John son of Henry de Fekesby Oldrode Depasturing 5s damages; 6d fine Thomas de Tothill sues John, s. of Henry de Fekesby, for damage done by his cattle to plaintiff's grass in a place called the Oldrode; damages, 5s, and grass consumed, 6s 8d. John wages his law, but fails to make it; fine 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 50 Animals; enclosures; fields; crops; grass 852 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Henry de Saltonstall Stray 2s fee An infirm mare, found waif, sold to Henry de Saltonstall for 2s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 50 Animals; strays 853 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Roger Viron; Richard the Carpenter; Ivo the Smith Assault Day given for law Roger Viron sues Richard the Carpenter for assaulting him as they were leaving Ivo the Smith's house in Snaypthorp, striking him with a stick on his head and shoulders; damages, œ10. Richard wages his law. Surety: Ivo the Smith YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 50 Violence; buildings 854 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Adam Cappe; Robert the Sclatter Non-attendance 6d fine Adam Cappe, 6d for not coming to answer Robert the Sclatter. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 50 855 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Poket; Henry de Walda; William de Locwod; Philip the Syour Defamation 2s 6d fine John Poket, 2s 6d for defamation against Henry de Walda, William de Locwod, and Philip the Syour, of which he is convicted by inquisition. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 50 Inquiry 856 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William de Lokcewod Stray 3s fee A waif calf, found in the graveship of Osset, sold by the Steward to William de Lokcewod for 3s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 51 Animals; stray 859 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Richard the Shepherd; John de Thornhill; Henry de Eland; Thomas de Heton; William Lighthesels; William Haliday Assault Richard the Shepherd, John de Thornhill in Heton, and Henry de Eland, servant of Thomas de Heton, were taken by William Lighthesels to assault William Haliday, and they received two sheep for beating him, and they violently drew blood from the said William. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 51 Animals; violence; servants 860 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William de Clayton; William Haliday; Richard the Shepherd; Henry de Eland Assault William de Clayton and William Haliday in self-defence drew blood from Richard the Shepherd amd Henry de Eland. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 51 Violence 861 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Robert Pees Ossett Assault ... has a grudge against Robert Pees of Ossett, and followed and assaulted him ... YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 Violence 862 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John de Morl; Thomas Laverok de Morlay; Hugh the Chaoman Wakefield; York Murder (?) Imprisoned ... John de Morl [?] killed [?] Thomas Laverok de Morlay in the house of Hugh the Chapman of Wakefield ... he is sent to York Gaol. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 Violence; York 863 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John de Heton; John the Bocher Assault 12d fine John de Heton assaulted John the Bocher, pursuing him into his own chamber; amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 Violence; buildings 864 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Gilbert le Tincker Wandering at night Attached Gilbert le Tincker came and walked about the town at night; he is not obedient to law, and has no sufficient property with which to answer; he is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 865 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Hugh the Chapman; his wife Receiving evildoers Attached Hugh the Chapman, his wife, and all his family receive evildoers into their house; they are to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 Buildings 866 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Elizabeth, daughter of Alan Raising disputes Attached Elizabeth, d. of Alan, is constantly raising disputes with her neighbours, and insulting them. She is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 Women 867 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Henry de Adingham Wrennegate Blocking road 12d fine Henry de Adingham created a nuisance on the King's highway in Wrennegate, with his dung-heap; amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 52 Roads 868 17/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William del Clogh Enclosing commons 12d fine William del Clogh raised a bank round a piece of meadow in the town-common, which was presented at a previous tourn, since then he has raised the bank afresh; amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Meadows; fields; commons; enclosures 869 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Cloghe; Nicholas de Bateley Various defaults; using wront court 6d fine William del Cloghe, 6d, for many defaults. And the imparlance between Nicholas de Bately and the said William is removed into the Burgess Court, because they are burgesses. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Burgess court 870 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Roger Viron; John Carpenter; Ivo the Smith Painelholton Assault Day for law Roger Viron sues John Carpenter of Paineholton for assault; damages, œ10. John wages his law. Surety: Ivo the Smith YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Violence 871 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holne John Kenward; Adam Strekeyse; Richard del Both Non-attendance 12d fine John Kenward, one of the jurors on the inquisition between Adam Strekeyse and Richard del Both, 12d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Jury 872 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holne John de la Grene Non-attendance 12d fine John de la Grene, 12d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Jury 873 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry Gaton; Roger Bele; John Isabel; Philip Isabel Debt 18d fine Henry Ganton sues Roger Bele, John Isabel and Philip Isabel for 14s 2d, being part payment for a horse bought by Roger of plaintiff last year, for 26s. Defendants cannot deny, amerced 18d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Animals 874 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Thomas son of Stephen; Richard son of Robert de Bately Assault; withdrawal of suit 12d and 6d fines Thomas, s. of Stephen, sues Richard, s. of Robert de Nateley, for assault; damages, 100s; defendant cannot deny it; amerced 12d, and 6d for withdrawing his suit against the said Thomas. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 53 Violence 875 24/05/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alice Barill; Richard Tilly; Alice his wife; Elyas de Birton Theft Alice Barill sues Richard Tilly and Alice his wife, for deraining a chest. Surety: Elias be Birton. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 55 876 29/06/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Grave of Rastrick Stray 6d fee for skin The waif mare in the keeping of the grave of Rastrick is dead; her skin was sold for 6d by the grave. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 56 Animals 877 29/06/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Erl; Margery wife of Henry Erl; Hugh Clay; William the Goldsmith; German Filkoces the Holmes; Crigleston; Wakefield Livestock theft Day for law William Erl sues Margery, formerly wife of Henry Erl, for driving his mare from a place called Holmes in the town of Crigleston, to the town of Wakefield, where she kept it in Hugh Clay's fold till it was delivered by William the Goldsmith, the sworn bailiff; damages, 40d. Defendant wages her law. Surety: German Filkoces. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 56 Animals; enclosures 878 29/06/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John son of Jordan de Warlolay; Henry the Clerk Warlolay Selling unwarranted firewood Inquiry John, s. of Jordan de Warlolay, sues Henry the Clerk of Warlolay for giving him the trunk of a tree to burn for Christmas time a year ago, for which trunk he was afterwards amerced 13s 4d, Henry having faild to warrant him. Both parties request an inquisition. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 57 Wood; inquiry 879 29/06/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Robert de Bentlayrode; Agnes daughter of Emma de Asserlay; Richard de Asserlay; Emma his wife Sowerby wood Burning an oak 12d fine Robert de Bentalyrode sues Agnes, d. of Emma de Asserlay, and Richard de Asserlay and Emma his wife, for burning an oak in Sourby wood on plaintiff's land, for which he was amerced 13s 4d. Agnes cannot deny the fact, and the forest swears the other defendants received Agnes contrary to the forester's prohibition. They are therefore to answer for her trespass, and are amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 57 Wood; forest; women 880 29/06/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Roger del Mere The park Breaking gate 12d fine Roger del Mere, 12d for breaking the lock of the park gate. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 58 Enclosures; park; fences 881 13/07/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Margery, wife of Henry Erle; William Wrle False claim 6d fine Margery, formerly wife of Henry Erle, makes the law she waged against William Erle; he is amerced 6d for faled claim. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 59 Women; law 882 13/07/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas son of Roger Crigleston; Margery wife of Henry Erle; John son of Gilbert Crigleston; the Holmes Livestock theft Love-day granted Thomas, s. of Roger de Crigleston, sues the said Margery in a similar suit [see above, p. 58]. Margery says the seizure of the cattle was made not in Thomas's house in Crigleston but in a place called the Holmes, which forms part of a bovate of land held of the said Margery by John, s. of Gilbert, for homage, fealty, and free service of 14s yearly, which is a year in arrears; she seized the cattle by way of distraint. The parties have a love-day at their own request. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 59-60 Women; land; animals 883 10/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John the Carpenter; Roger Wyron; Robert de Wyrunthorp Withdrawal of suit Damages [John the Carpenter of H]oton Paynell withdraws from the law he waged against Roger Wyron; and is therefore to pay damages to be taxed. Surety: Roger de Wyrunthorp. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 62 Law 884 10/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Dade; Agnes Wlf; William de Castelforth Livestock theft John Dade sues Agnes Wlf for seizing a horse. Surety: William de Castelforth YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 64 Animals 885 30/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Thomas de Tothill; John son of Henry de Fekesby Fekesby Depasturing Thomas de Tothill sues the said John for damage done to his oats in Fekesby ... YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 64 Crops; fields 886 30/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Philip Damysell; John Kyde; Thomas de Whytteley Theft Distrained The bailiff to distrain on Philip Damysell, for satisfaction to John Kyde, etc., for corn of his seized by Philip, though Thomas de Whytteley, the sworn bailiff, had prohibited the seizure on the lord's name. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 64 Crops; officials 887 30/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Henry son of Eva; Robert Peger; Amabilla his wifel Adam son of Walter Assault Inquiry opened Henry, s. of Eva, sues Robert Peger and Amabilla, his wife, for assaulting him, and preventing him from impounding their cattle found in the meadow of Adam, s. of Walter, his master. An inquisition is to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 64 Crops; meadow; fields; animals; servants; violence 888 30/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Henry de Werlulley Non-attendance 12d fine Henry de Werlulley, grave of Sowerby, 12d for not attending the court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 65 Officials 889 30/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Symon del Dene Non-attendance 12d fine Symon del Dene, grave of Hyperum, 12d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 65 Officials 890 30/08/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Alexander de Wodehous Non-attendance 12d fine Alexander de Wodehous, grave of Rastrick, 12d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 65 Officials 891 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Richard Passemer; William de Lyghthesels Non-attendance 6d fine Richard Passemer, 6d for not having William de Lyghthesels in court, according to his surety. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 66 892 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Gilbert Tynkler Receiving malefactors Acquitted Gilbert Tynkler is acquitted by an inquisition of receiving malefactors in to the town by night. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 66 Inquiry 893 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hugh the Chapman Receiving malefactors Acquitted Hugh the Chapman and his family are also acquitted of the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 66 Inquiry 894 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard de Collay; Roger Preest Thedt Forgiven Richard de Collay's amercement forgiven for detaining 12d from Roger Preest. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 66 895 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Richard son of Robert de Southwod Contempt of court 2s fine Richard, s. of Robert de Southwod, [?] 2s for contempt in court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 66 896 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Henry son of Eva; Roger Peger; Amabilla his wife Assault 6d fine Henry, s. of Eva, and Roger Peger and Amabilla, his wife [6d.], agree. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 66 Violence; women 897 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Agnes Wlf; John Dade Livestock Theft Moved to town court Agnes Wlf to be attached to answer John Dade, in the town court, re detention of a horse. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p.67 Animals; women; town court 898 21/09/2014 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme William de Hinganrodes; Alexander, his brother; Andrew the Forester Rescue; threatening forester Attached to answer The grave of Hiperum to attach William del Hinganrodes and Alexander, his brother, to be before the steward at Rastrick tourn, for making a rescue and threatening Andrew the Forester, when he found them committing evildoing in his graveship. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 67 Animals; officials; violence 899 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Dande Despoiling land Land confiscated Renewal of the order to take into the lord's hand the villein [nativa] land held by John Dande, and all goods and cattle found on the said land, because John has despoiled it of 18 oak saplings, 4 ashes, and other timber. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 68 Land; wood; trees; animals 900 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Wakefeld; Margaret de Schepelay; John de Schepelay Non-attendance 3d and 6d fine Henry de Wakefeld, surety for the essoin of Margaret de Schepelay at the last court, amerced 3d for not having her present. The said Margaret, 6d for not coming to make her law against John de Schepeley. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 68 Women 901 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John the Clerk of Schepeley; Margarat de Schepeley; William Marjoriman Withdrawal of suit 6d fine John the Clerk of Schepely, 6d for withdrawing his suit against Margaret de Schepeley; he acknowledges himself liable to the whole of the above amercements. Surety: William Marjoriman. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 68 Women 902 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe German Swerd; John Broun Theft 6d fine German Swerd and John Broun [6d] agree in the matter of wood carried off. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Wood 903 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas de Tothill; William son of Adam de Leye; William del Boure; John Pareikes; Henry de Wakefeld Trespass Distraint Thomas de Tothill opposed himself against Willia,, s. of Adam de Leye, in a plea of trespass, who has been distrained by 12 acres of oats, and 5 marks in the hands of William de Boure, but does not come; further distraint to be made. Thomas appoints John Patrikes or Henry de Wakefeld his attorney. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Crops; attorney 904 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Marjoriman; William del Lye; William del Boure Theft William Marjoriman presents that William del Leye and William del Boure have carried off the corn attached by him as bailiff. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Crops 905 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William del Grene; John Dande Failure to prosecute 3d fine William del Grene, 3d for not prosecuting his suit against John Dande. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 906 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John de Heton; Alice Graffard License to agree 6d fine John de Heton and Alice Graffard [6d] agree. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Women 907 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Adam son of Laurence; Robert del Neubigginges; Robert son of Pelle Walton Theft 12d fine Adam, s. of Laurence, sues Robert del Neubigginges and Robert, s. of Pelle, for 2 thraves of corn of St. Peter's [blad' beati Petri], which they took this year from the manor of Walton, having no right in the said corn this year. Dedendants say the bailiff of the said manor paid them nothing for the said grass last year, when they had it by demise of the plaintiff, and that the grass in question was paid them in staisfaction thereof. They were to have come to warrant this assertion at this court: by default they are judged convicted, and are amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Crops; officials; grass 908 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Gerbot Theft 6d fine Robert Gerbot, 6d for carrying his hay on which a prohibition had been laid by the grave of Alverthorpe. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Crops; officials 909 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Walter del Hill; Richard de Collay Depasturing; property damage; livestock theft 2s fine An inquisition finds that Walter del Hill's cattled fed on and trampled a rood of oats belonging to Richard de Collay; damages, 6 sheaves. For this, and breaking Richard's enclosure and carrying off his cattle, Walter is amerced 2s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Crops; enclosures; animals; inquiry 910 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert the Mareschal; John the Carpenter; William Wytbelt; Robert de Heyerode Wakefield new park Livestock theft Inquiry opened Robert the Mareschal of Wakefeld sues John the Carpenter of Walton for carrying off a young bull worth 10s from the new park of Wakefeld, which Robert had agisting there, and detaining it; damages 20s. An inquisition to be taken. Sureties: William Wytebelt and Robert de Heyrode. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 69 Animals; forest; inquiry 911 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Cay; William Wiles Non attendance Fined John Cay and William Wiles amerced for not coming to elect the grave, being tenants of villein [nativa] land. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 71 Officials 912 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Cay Refusal to do office Distrained The whole of the graveship of Wakefield elected John Cay as grave of Wakefeld; he refused office, and his land was seised into the lord's hand. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 71 Officials 913 06/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Cay; Robert Hipel Falbankes Entering into land without license Land seized An acre of land and meadow under the Falbankes, into which John Cay entered into without license, to be seized into the lord's hand. The land was demised to Cay by one Robert Hipel, bastard. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 71 Land 914 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Henry del Holgate; Richard de Salonstall; William the Horsknave; Henry de Salnstall; Thomas de Rothelsete Sowerbyshire Neglecting official duties 6s 8d fine each Henry del Holgate, grave of Sourby, Richard de Salonstall, grave of Sourby after said Henry, William the Horsknave, grave after said Richard, Henry de Salonstall, grave after said William, and Thomas de Rothelsete, grave after said Henry, successively graves of Sourby, 6s 8d each, for not taking into their keeping the lord's wild pigs in Sourbischire, and giving no account thereof to their successors. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Animals; officials 915 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Thomas de Rothelsete; John de Coumale; Henry de Salonstall Neglecting official duties 12d fine Thomas de Rothelsete, 12d for giving up without authority a sow [treetum] by which he had distrained John de Counal to answer Henry de Salonstall. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Animals; officials 916 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Robert son of John son of Richard; John del Tounl Adam Attetownend Breach of contract; refusing services 6d fines Robert, s. of John s. of Richard, 6d for breaking an agreement with John del Toun of Northland, with regard to an exchange of cattle, and also for refusing [quia dedixit] an inquisition; and 6d for refusing to be sworn on the inquisition on Adam Attetownend [ad capud ville] de Miggeley, stockkeeper [instaurator]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Animals; inquiry 917 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Emma wife of Richard de Asserlay; Juliana Wade Slander 6d fine each Emma, wife of Richard de Asserlay, and Juliana Wade amerced 6d each for slandering one another. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Women 918 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John Pikeston Contempt of court 6d fine John Pikeston, 6d for contempt, is amerced 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 919 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Adam de Routonstall Non-attendance 40d fine Adam de Routonstall, 40d for not coming at the lord's command. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 920 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John the Milner; John Pykeston; Henry de Luddyngdene; Robert de Salonstall Putting oxen in the yoke 3d damages; 12d fine John the Milner of Sourby sues John Pykeston for putting one of his oxen to the yoke at night without his consent; this is acknowledged by the defendant, and damages are taxed at 3d. Sureties: Henry de Luddyngdene and Robert de Salonstall. Fine, 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Animals 921 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Adam Attetowned Salonstall Theft Sentenced at lord's will The inquisition on Adam Attetownend [ad capud ville] de Miggeley, formerly the lord's stockkeeper in Sourbyshire, finds that he kept 11 sheep on the lord's hay during the winter in the vaccary at Salonstall; sentence is at the lord's will. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Animals; enclosures; crops; lord; inquiry 922 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Township of Sourby Not repairing bridge 13s 4d fine The township of Sourby, 13s 4d for not repairing Sourby bridge, as presented at the last tourn. The bridge is to be put into repair before next tourn under a penalty of 100s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 72 Water; buildings 923 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John de Migeley; Henry de Soland; Jordan de Wirkeslay; Philip the Walsse; Henry son of Say de Soland Soland Flase claim 2s damages; 6d fine An inquisition of twelve jurors finds that John de MIgeley was charged by Henry de Soland before Jordan de Wirkeslay, formerly Receiver of the Green Wax in the county of York, with having sold 11 beasts from the township of Soland, with which he satisfied the King for the share he had had of the goods of Philip de Walsse, and afterwards causing the township of Soland to be amerced for the said beasts, of which the aforesaid John was elsewhere acquitted by a Jury of 24; the said charge against him led to his being sued and annoyed. The damages are taxed at 2s, which Henry is to pay, and he is amerced 6d. Surety: Henry, s. of Say de Soland. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 73 Animals; officials; jury; inquiry 924 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby John de Migeley; John del Toun; John the Harpur; Richard del Whiteleye; Thomas de Heytfeld; William son of Ivo de Warlolay Neglect of services 20s fine The said John de Miggelay, charged with receiving from the Earl 10s in money, and two oaks worth 10s, for the purpose of repairing a certain chapel and kitchen (built aforetime by the grandfather of the present Earl in the said John's courtyard), and not having completed the repairs to the said chapel and kitchen as ordered, finds the following sureties for paying the 20s unless he can obtain easter terms from the lord, viz:- John del Toun de Northland, John the Harpur de Northland [?], Richard del Whiteleye, Thomas de Heytfeld, and William s. of Ivo de Warlolay. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 73 Lord; wood; buildings 925 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby John Pikeston; Henry del Loue; John the Cobbler Assault 12d fine each John Pikeston, Henry del Loue, and John the Cobbler drew blood from one another: 12d each. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 73 Violence 926 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby William de Wynter; his daughter; John son of Mokoce Assault 40d fine William de Wynter raised the hue on John, s. of Mokoce, for coming to his house to ravish his daughter; John amerced 40d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 73 Violence; women 927 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby William de Sothill Waddesworth Diverting river 40d fine William de Sothill, senior, amerced 40d for deflecting a water-course in Waddesworth to the injury of the neighbours, and for raising a bank. The latter is to be levelled. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Water; river 928 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Matthew, servant of Henry de Salonstall; Adam servant of Ivo Assault 2d fine Matther, serving-man of Henry de Salonstall, drew blood from Adam, serving-man of Ivo; amerced 2d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Servants; violence 929 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Robert de Midelton Wythenes; Turneleye mosse Trespass; kidnap Robert de Midelton, a common malefactor in the Earl's free chases, came, together with other malefactors, to the vaccary of the Wythenes, and lodged there at night, and the keeper of the said vaccay fled and hid himself in the hay, and in the morning they carried off the boy of the keeper of the vaccary aforesaid as far as Turneleye mosse. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Park; forest; animals; violence; servants 930 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Roger Spillewood; vicar of Halifax Non-attendance Forgiven Roger Spillewood did not come to the tourn; he is amerced, but is forgiven at the instance of the vicar of Halifax. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Clerics 931 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Roger de Bedeforth; Adam de Coventre Theft Attached Roger de Bedeforth stole a tunice, worth 6d, from Adam de Coventre, and Adam went to the constable, and the constable and several others followed Roger, and he cast away from him the tunic and escaped. He is to be attached when found. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Officials 932 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Adam son of Roger de Walssedene; Roger his father; Roger Rotel; Richard son of Alota Haderschelf Killing deer Attached; 2 marks fine Adam, s. of Roger de Walssedene, killed a doe at Haderschelf, and took the carcase to his father's house with his father's knowledge, and dealt with it at his will. They are both to be attached. Adam constantly trespasses in the free chace, with his father;s knowledge. Roger, the father, fines 2 marks to be acquitted. Sureties: Roger Rotel and Richard, s. of Alota. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Animals; park; forest 933 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Amabilla, wife of Henry the Fuller; Henry the Fuller; Cecilia de Wygan Assault 6d fine Amabilla, wife of Henry the Fuller, together with her said husband, drew blood from Cecilia de Wygan; 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Violence; women 934 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Bate de Halyfax; Richard son of Bate; John the Webster; German de Grenewod; John the Badger Concealing presentment 5s fine This was concealed by Bate de Halyfax, Richard, s. of Bate, John the Webster, German de Grenewod, and John the Badger, jurors of the township of Halifax in the first inquisition; they are therefore amerced 5s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 74 Jury 935 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Bate the Lister of Halifax; Sarah his wife Brewing; concealing presentment 6d fine; 5s fines Sarah, wife of Bate the Lister [tinctor] of Halifax, brewed at 1d; and this was concealed by Bate and the other jurors; she is amerced 6d; and they 5s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 Ale; women; jury 936 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Alice daughter of Robert de Sourby; Robert de Sourby; John the Milner; Richard del Field; John son of Henry; Robert son of John Brewing; concealing presentment 12d fine; 5s fines Alice, d. of Robert de Sourby, 12d for the same at 3/4d. This was concealed at the first inquisition by Robert de Sourby, John the Milner, Richard del Field, John, s. of Henry, and Robert, s. of John, jurors in the said inquisition; they are amerced 5s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 Women; ale; jury 937 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Richard the Tynkler; Thomas the Grave; John Gretword; Roger de Illyngworth; William de Haldworth; Peter del Bathe Non-attendance; concealing presentment 6d fine; 5s fines Richard the Tynkler, 6d for not coming to the tourn. This was concealed in the first inquisition by Thomas, the Grave, John Gretword, Roger de Ilyngworth, William de Haldworth, and Peter del Bathe; amerced 5s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 Jury 938 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Richard son of Roger de Estwode Stansfeld Non-attendance; concealing presentment 40d fine; 6s 8d fine Richard, s. of Roger de Estwode of Stansfeld, 40d for not coming at the lord's command, and for not attending the tourn. The township of Stansfeld, 6s 8d for a similar offence. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 939 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Richard son of Christiana de Northland Northland Non-attendance; concealing presentment 40d fine; 6s 8d fine Richard, s. of Christiana de Northland, and the township of Northland, 40d and 6s 8d for a similar offence. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 940 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Henry de Byri Halifax Non-attendance; concealing presentment 40d fine Henry de Byri of Halifax is guilty of the same; his amercement os forgiven because he is poor, and the township of Halifax for concealing his default is amerced 40d, but forgiven because it is poor. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 941 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Henry Stelyng Waddesworth Non-attendance; concealing presentment 40d fine; 6s 8d fine Henry Stelyng of Waddeworth, and the township of Waddesworth, 40d and 6s 8d as above. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 942 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby William del Foldes Heptonstall Non-attendance; concealing presentment 12d fine; 40d fine William del Foldes of Heptonstall, and the township of Heptonstall, 12d and 40d as above. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 943 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Adam de Walssedene Sowerby Non-attendance; concealing presentment 12d fine; 40d fine Adam de Walssedene of Sourby, and the township of Sourby for the same; the township pays 40d; his fine is forgiven because he has fled. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 75 944 21/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme Roger de Brighouse; Richard son of Walter of Northourum Neglecting duties 1 mark fine Roger de Brighouse, grave of Hyperum, is amerced a mark for not having seised into the lord's hand, nor entered on the Steward's roll, the land held by Richard, s. of Walter of Northourum, who died before Whitsuntide. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 Official; land 945 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Rastrick Andrew Forester Stray 2s A waif beast in the custody of Andrew Forester is sold for 2s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 Stray; animals 946 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme William de Sunderland Hipperholme Fined to respite duties 6s 8d fine William de Sunderland, elected grave of Hiperum, fines 6s 8d in order to have respite of office this year. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 Officials 947 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme Thomas son of Thomas de Hiperum Hipperholme Contempt; fined to respite duties 6s 8d fines Thomas, s. of Thomas de Hiperum, 6s 8d for contempt, and 6s 8d in order not to be grave this year. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 Officials 948 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme Henry de Coppeley; Robert del Laue; Thomas de Lyghtclyfes Hipperholme wood Encroachment 12d fine each Henry de Coppeley, Robert del Laue, and Thomas de Lyghtclyfes, 12d each for encroachments along the edge for Hyperum wood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 Land; forest 949 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme Hipperholme wood Concealing encroachments Fined The township of Hyperm, for concealing these encroachments at the last tourn, is amerced ... YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 950 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme William del Rode; Thomas son of Thomas; Henry de Northclifes; John son of Ralph de Bayrstowe; John de Schepeley; Alexander del Brighouse; Alexander the Waynwricht Encroachment 6d fine each William del Rode, Thomas, s. of Thomas, Henry de Northclifes, John, s. of Ralph de Bayrstowe; John de Schepeley; Alexander del Brighouse; Alexander the Waynwricht YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 76 Land 951 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Roger del Grene Non-attendance 2s fine Roger del Grene, 2s for refusing to come to the tourn YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 77 952 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Abbot of Fountains Fountains Abbey; Bradeley bridge Not repaiting bridge 40s fine; distrained The Abbot of Fountains [de Fontibus] is bound to keep Bradeley bridge in order; and it is now in disrepair. He is amerced 40s, and is distrained by 13 horses. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 77 Clerics; animals; buildings 953 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Like 50 people Non-attendance 3d fines Look it up another time. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 78 954 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Hipperholme William son of Adam de Hyperum Theft; neglecting service 6s 8d fine The house of William, s. of Adam de Hyperum, was burglariously broken into in August, and sundry goods and chattels stolen from it. The township of Hyperum would not arrest, nor follow the thieves with the hue; they are amerced 6s 8d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 78 Violence 955 22/10/2015 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Hipperholme Neglecting duties Half a mark fines The above burglary was presented at this tourn by the township of Hyperum, and the twelve jurors were unwilling to enter the said burglary as it was presented to them by the aforesaid township. Therefore they are amerced half a mark. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 78 Jury 956 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Gilbert del Dene; John son of Nicholas Kenward Depasturing Damages; 6d fine Gilbert del Dene, 6d, and to pay damages to John, s. of Nicholas Kenward, for damage to his corn, amounting to the loss of 12 sheaves, by Gilbert's cattle. Surety: John the Couper YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 79 Animals; crops; fields 957 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Matthew son of Thomas; Henry de Cartworth Eviction 6d fine Matthew, s. of Thomas, 6d for unjustly evicting [deforciandi] Henry de Cartworth. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 80 Land 958 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme William son of Wikles, junior Heppeworth spring Blocking path 12d fine William, s. of Wikles, junior, blocked up a certain path by Heppeworth spring, 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 80 Roads 959 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Richard son of Robert de Birton; Richard Wlvet Assault 2s fine Richard, s. of Robert de Birton, drew blood from Richard Wlvet with a knife; 2s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Violence 960 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn John son of Nicholas de Schelley; John son of John son of Alice Assault 2s fine; attached John, s. of Nicholas de Schellay, and John, s. of John s. of Alice, for fighting together; 2s. Both are attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Violence 961 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn John Tyupp of Schelley Non-attendance 3d fine John Tyupp of Schelley, 3d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 962 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Adam son of Jounet Non-attendance 3d fine Adam, s. of Jouuet, 3d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 963 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn William son of Hugh de Thurstanland; Simon the Clerk of Thurstanland Assault 2s fine William, s. of Hugh de Thirstanland, drew blood from Simon the Clerk of Thurstanland, amerced 2s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Violence 964 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Robert Argent Non-attendance 3d fine Robert Argent of Skelmerthorp, 3d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 965 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Ellen wife of Adam de Holne; John Honheved Theft; concealing presentment Arrested; 6s 8d fine Ellen, wife of Adam de Holne, four years ago stole 9s in silver and half a stone of wool from the chest [huchia] of John Honheved, and this has been concealed up to the present by the township of Holne. She is to be taken; and the township amerced 6s 8d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Buildings; jury 966 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme John de Holne Livestock theft; injuring livestock Arrested John de Holne stole and killed a waif pig in the last pannage. He is to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Animals; forest; stray; violence 967 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Henry de Cartworth; Matthew son of Thomas Cartworth Blocking path To be seen by steward. Henry de Cartworth blocked up a lane in Carthworth to the injury of Matthew, s. of Thomas. It is to be seen by the Steward. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Roads; officials 968 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Adam son of Jordan; Gilbert del Dene Assault 12d fine each Adam, s. of Jordan, and Gildbert del Dene, 12d each for drawing each other's blood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Violence 969 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Adam Cheward; William Wlfes Alstanley Non-attendance 3d fines Adam Cheward and William Wlfes, the latter of Alstanley, 3d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 970 24/10/2015 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme John de Kesseburgh; Robert son of Nicholas; Robert the Milner; Adam the Shepard Brewing; concealing presentment 3d fine; 2s fine .... wife, 3d for brewing etc; and John de Kesseburgh, Robert, s. of Nicholas, Robert the Milner, and Adam the Shepherd, 2s for concealing the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 81 Ale; women; jury 971 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John de Holne; John de Heppeworth; Richard del Bothem; Richard Michel; Adam de la Grene; Adam Kenward; Matthew son of Thomas Livestock theft 20s fine John de Holne, taken for stealing a waif pig, whereof he was indicted at the tourn of Birton; gives 20s [pro suavitate prisone habend] until the delivery of York Gaol. Sureties: John de Heppeworth, Richard del Bothem, Richard Michel, Adam [de] la Grene, Adam Kenward, and Matthew, s. of Thomas. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 82 Theft; animals; jury 972 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Ellen wife of Adam de Holne Theft 13s 4d fine Ellen, wife of Adam de Holne, 13s 4d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 82 973 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas del Holgate; John Dande Wasting villein land 40d fine Thomas del Holgate, the grave, 40d for allowing John Dande to waste villein [nativa] land of oak, ash, and other timber, bought from the said John. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 82 Land; wood; officials 974 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert son of Isolde Buying illegal timber 40d fine Robert, s. of Isolde, 40d for buying part of the said timber. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 82 975 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John Dande Wasting villein land Land and buildings seized It is ordered that the villein land held by John Dande be seized and all the goods and chattels found thereon, because the said John committed waste on the said land in regard to 18 oaks, 4 ash trees, 4 sloes [?] [bullect] and -? [trenell'] and was convicted thereof by the inquisition. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 83 Land; wood; inquiry 976 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thomas de Tothill; William son of Adam de Leye Fekesby Breach of contract 20s damages; 6d fine Thomas de Tothill sues the said William under an agreement by which William was to remove a certain house belonging to the said Thomas in Fekesby for 18d; and he received as a god's-penny, 12d, and did part of the work, but went off, leaving the house unfinished. William makes no defence; damages, 20s; fine, 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 83 Buildings 977 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Hugh Tragge Non-attendance 6d fine Hugh Tagge, 6d for not coming YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 83 978 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Richard son of John de Ossett; Robert Pees; Richard Passemer; John son of Richard; Robert Scote; Reginald Snart; John Maunsel Assault Sureties to make amends; imprisoned An inqusition of 12 finds that Richard, s. of John de Osset, Robert Pees, Richard Passemer, and John, s. of Richard, and Robert Scote, procured Reginal Snart to assault John Maunsel. Reginald and those who procured him go to prison. They afterwards find sureties for making amends, viz. Richard, s. of John, Richard, s. of Robert de Southwod, William Wyldebor, John de Northewod, William Graffard, Robert de la Grene; Richard Snart and Jordan Elyot being sureties for Reginald himself. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 83 Assault; inquiry; jury 979 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert Mareschall; John the Carpenter Walton; Wakfield; New Park Livestock theft; false claim 6s 8d fine An inquisition of twelve jurors of Wakefield and Walton finds that Robert Mareschall made a false charge against John the Carpenter of Walton, in saying that he had unjustly taken a young bullock from the New Park, for the said young bullock was calved from a cow of the said John there grazing. Amerced 6s 8d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 83 Animals; park; forest; inquiry 980 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Amabilla de Flansawe; Robert Gerbot False claim 3d fine Amabilla de Flansawe, 3d for false claim against Robert Gerbot. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 83 Women 981 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Township of Schellay; Robert del Rodes Schellay Non-payment of rent 6s 8d fine The township of Schellay, 6s 8d, for concealing for the last six years a rent of 2s, which the Earl used to receive from land lately belonging to Richard del Rodes, the Earl's villein YAS Record Series Vol. 57, 84 Land; rent; Earl 982 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Adam de Lynne; John Fox Assault 12d fine Adam de Lynne drew blood from John Fox; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Violence 983 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Henry de Adyngham; William Wlmer Wrennegate Blocking path 12d fines each The King's highway in Wrennegate is impaired by the dung-hills of Henry de Adyngham and William Wlmer; 12d each. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Roads 984 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Symon Fox; William Pichakes; John de Kendale Kergate Blocking path 12d and 6d fines The highway in Kergate by Symon Fox's dung-hill; fine, 12d. Also by the dung-hills of William Pichakes and John de Kendale; 6d each. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Roads 985 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Ibbota Ilhore; John the Piper Plegewykes Theft Arrested Ibbota Ilhore stole an overtunic, worth 8d, and a sheet, worth 2d, from John the Piper's house at Plegewykes. She is to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57. p. 85 Women 986 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John the Smith; William Fox; Peter Humbloc; William the Milner Assault 12d fines John the Smith of Clifton drew blood from William Fox; 12d. Peter Humbloc from William the Milner; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Violence 987 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Reginal Snart; John Maunsel Assault No amercement Reginald Snart from John Maunsel. No amercement here because the matter is before the Court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Violence 988 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William Wiles; Laurence son of Odam Assault 12d fine William Wiles from Laurence, s. of Odam; 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Violence 989 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Robert Mareschall Godwynrode Blocking path 12d fine Robert Mareschall, 12d for blocking up a public path leading past [ultra] Godwynrode. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Roads 990 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thomas Bunny; William Dodde Assault 12d fine Thomas Bunny drew blood from William Dodde; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Violence 991 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Walter de Monte; Alice Mokoc Assault 12d fine Walter de Monte from Alice Mokoc; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 85 Violence; women 992 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thomas son of Henry; John the Leeche; Walter Adam Concealing presentment 6s 8d fine Thomas, s. of Henry, John the Leeche, and the other jurors of the town of Wakefield, for concealing an encroachment made by Walter Adam, under his solar, 6s 8d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 86 Land; jury 993 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Robert Estrild; Philip Pykescull Non-attendance 6d fine each Robert Estrild and Philip Pykescull, 6d, each for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 86 994 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Jurors of Wakefield Concealing absence 40d fine The jurors of the town of Wakefield, 40d for concealing their absence. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 86 Jury 995 25/10/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Alverthorpe William son of Walter; Richard Bunny; William de Birkynschaye Livestock theft William, s. of Walter, sues Richard Bunny for seizing a cow. Surety: William de Birkynschaye. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 86 Animals 996 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Matilda de Apelyerde; Dyonisia Crabbe Non-attendance Matilda de Apelyerde, for not producing Dyonisia Crabbe, for whom she was surety. Dyonisia afterwards came, as appears below. YAS Records Series Vol. 57, p. 87 Women 997 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Mabel de Holynworth; John the Harpur Livestock theft; false presentment 2s 6d fine Mabel de Holynworth proved a cow seized by the forester of Sourbyschire was hers; valued at 5s. Surety: John the Harpur of Northalnd. She paid a fine of 2s 6d for custody, herbage and view, and the grave of Sowerby is charged therewith. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 87 Animals; officials; forest; women 998 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Gilber the Lister; Dyonisia Crabbe License to agree 3d fine Gilbert the Lister [tinctor] and Dyonisia Crabbe [3d] agree. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 87 Women 999 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John son of John de Chikynley; Robert Pees Non-attendance Distrained John, s. of John de Chikynley, appears against Robert Pees; and because the said Robert appeared at the least court, but did not come [sic], and made default after appearing, he is to be distrained to answer the default, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 87 1000 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Paldene; William de Balne; John de Merkynfeld; Jordan son of Symon; John de Schepely; Earl of Lancaster Schepely Livestock theft Acquitted Henry de Paldene comes and says he bought a cow from William de Balne, bailiff of Dom. John de Merkynefeld; and it escaped from the custody of Jordan, s. of Symon, his own bailiff, and was seized at Schepeley by John de Schepely's bailiff; and when the said Jordan found it there, John and his bailiffs refused to give it up, but removed the cow into the Earl of Lancaster's fee. An inquisition taken finds John not guilty. [No record of amercement]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 87 Animals; officials; Lancaster; inquiry 1001 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Grave of Wakefield; Elizabeth del Rodes; Adam del Rodes Concealing rent Reckoning to be made A reckonging to be made between the graves of Wakefield and Elizabeth del Rodes as to the rent of Adam del Rodes' land, which has been concealed, and it is found to be 5 years in arrears last Michaelmas. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 87 Land; women; officials 1002 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William son of Adam de Leye; his father Removing crop 40d fine William, s. of Adam de Leye, and his father, 40d for removing a crop on which the lord's bailiffs had laid a prohibition on his behalf. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 87 Crops; officials 1003 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Richard del Bothe Removed from bailiwick 40d fee Richard del Bothe, grave of Holne, pays 40d to be removed from his bailiwick. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Officials 1004 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Thomas de Elwardhuls Elected grave grave- Thomas de Elwardhus is elected grave of Holne. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Officials 1005 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert son of Ralph Postponed office 2s fee Robert, s. of Ralph, elected grave of Stanley, gives 2s. that his appointment may be postponed this year. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Officials 1006 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry the Truncer; his wife; Thomas de Holgate Cursed; assault 12d fine each An inquisition of twelve finds that Henry the Truncer and his wife cursed [maledixerunt] Thomas de Holgate, the grave, because he struck Henry, and drew blood from him. And the said Henry struck the said Thomas in return, and drew blood from him. Both of them amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Officials; violence; inquiry 1007 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett RIchard Snart; Reginald his son; William Graffard; Jordan Elyot; Richard de Southwod; Walter de Southwod; Robert de Milkefeld; John Broun; John de Northwod Assault 6s 8d fine; mainprised Richard Snart and Reginald, his son, wounded William Graffard so that he lies in peril of death; they are fined 6s 8d, to be under the mainprise of Jordan Elyot, RIchard de Southwod, Walter de Southwod, Robert de Milkefeld of Stanley, John Broun, and John de Northwod, until the next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Violence 1008 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William de Neuton Newton Building bank; false claim 6d fine An inquisition finds that William de Neuton consented to the throwing up of a bank in the Neuton fields, for which the township of Neuton was amerced in the tourn; he is therefore to pay the grave for his share of the amercement, and is amerced 6d for false claim. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Land; officials 1009 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Bunny Retired from office 12d fee Richard Bunny gives 12d for license to retire from the office of grave. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 88 Officials 1010 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert son of Robert son of Walter Elected grave Robert, s. of Robert s. of Walter, is elected grave of Stanley. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 89 Officials 1011 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry del Bothem Elected grave grave- Henry del Bothem is elected grave of Alvirthorp. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 89 Officials 1012 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Nelot Contempt 40d fine John Nelot, 40d for contempt YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 89 1013 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Nelot Elected grave John Nelot is elected grave of Wakefield. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 89 1014 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Broun; Walter del Bothem; John Graffard Livestock theft John Broun sues Walter del Bothem for seizing cattle. Surety: John Grafford YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 90 Animals 1015 15/11/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Thomas the Clerk of Waddesworth; Robert de Salonstall; Richard son of Alot; Henry de Luddingdene; Adam son of Ivo; William the grave of Warley; John Sourmylk Livestock theft Thomas the Clerk of Waddesworth sues Robert de Salonstall, Richard, s. of Alot, Henry de Luddingdene; Adam [son of Ivo, William] the grave of Warloley, for seizing cattle. Surety: John Sourmylk. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 90 Animals; officials 1016 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William the Wylde Being a neif In respite William the Wylde, charged with being a neif, and arrested on that account at Wakefield, fined 5s to have respite until this court; for which the grave of Sandale is answerable. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 91 1017 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John de Gayrgrave Stray 3s fee A waif beast sold to John de Gayrgrave for 3s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 91 Animals; stray 1018 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Thomas del Ryding; John de Rylay Stray 12d fine Thomas del Ryding of Hopedale proved that a heifer, reputed to be a waif and stoppped in Holnefrith, was his property. He fines 12d for the custody. Surety: John de Rylay. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 91 Anaimals; stray 1019 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Roueley; William del Clogh; Peter Spynkes Escape 40d fine William de Roueley proves his ownership of 19 beasts stopped by the Earl's bailiffs at Hipperum; they are valued at œ6; he fines 40d for the custody and escape. Sureties: William del Clogh and Peter Spynkes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 91 Animals; forest 1020 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Bradeley; William de Kellet; William de Mallom; John de Gairgrave; William de Notton; William chaplain of Gairgrave; Nicholas son of Roger de Overton Livestock theft Arrested; in respite William de Bradeley and William de Kellet, bailiffs of William de Mallom and of the Abbot of Fourneys, are attached by John de Gairgrave and William de Notton, sureties for their prosecuting William de Roweley for stealing 19 cattle, belonging to their masters and to William, chaplain of Gairgrave. Defendants says he bought the said cattle in good faith from one Nicholas, .s of Roger de Overton in Westmerland; and as the said William de Rowley had not the said Nicholas forthcoming to warrant the said cattle, he and the beasts are arrested till the next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 Animals; officials; clerics 1021 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Henry Gunne; John son of Robert del Spen Failure to prosecute; slander 6d fine Henry Gunne, 6d for not prosecuting John, s. of Robert del Spen, on a plea of slander YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 1022 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John de Gayrgrave Stray 18d fee Three waif lambs sold to John de Gayrgrave for 18d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 Animals; stray 1023 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Broun; Walter del Bothem; Walter del Hill Depasturing; property damage Damages; 6d fine John Bround, 6d, for damage done by his sow in Walter del Bothem's garden. by breaking his gate and trampling down the oats; damages, 1/2 quarter of oats. Surety: Walter del Hill. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 Animals; enclosures; crops 1024 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Walter del Bothem Livestock theft 3d damages Walter del Bothem, 3d for keeping the said sown impounded, contrary to his pledge and promise. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 Animals; enclosures 1025 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Graveship of Ossett Non-attendance 40d fine The whole of the graveship of Ossett, 40d for not coming when summoned. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 1026 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert Mareschall; Robert de Fery; RIchard son of Mille; German Hareward; John Tasse; Richard the Wayte; Elyas Bulneys; Robert Peger; William del Rodes Non-attendance Various fines Robert Mareschall, 3d; Robert de Fery, 6d; Richard, s. of Mille, 12d; German Hareward, 6d; John Tasse, 6d; Richard the Wayte, 6d, for not coming when summoned, to answer for taking land from Elyas Bulneys and Robert Peger and William del Rodes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 Land 1027 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William Gardiner senior Non-attendance Distrained William Gardiner, senior, summoned for the same, is ill; his land therefore to be seized. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 92 1028 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Magota wife of William Peger; German Hodelyn Non-attendance 6d fine each Magota, wife of William Peger, and German Hodelym summoned for the same, amerced 6d each for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 93 Women 1029 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Amabille, wife of William Lacer; John the Cobbler; Alice wife of Thomas Nundy Non-attendance Various fines Amabilla, wife of William Lacer, 3d; John the Cobbler [Sutor], 6d; and Alice, wife of Thomas Nundy, 3d, for not coming to answer as above. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 93 Women 1030 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Wife of Walter Bille; Richard Wayte; Henry Gontoun; John Tasse; William Malyn Non-attendance Various fines The wife of Walter Bille, 3d; Richard Wayte, 6d; Henry Gontoun, 12; John Tasse, 12d; for not appearing to answer for land taken from William Manyn, who is amerced 10d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 93 Land; women 1031 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Robert Swerd Trespass 2d fine Robert Swerd, for trespass with his cart, 2d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 94 Vehicles; forest 1032 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Richard del Ker Adultery; breaking court proscriptions 6s 8d fine The Earl's villeins [nativi] of Stanley complain, as they have frequently done before, that Richard del Ker has lived an incestuous life amongst them, and has allowed the harlot, forbidden by the Steward, to return again, the penalty assigned being 40s. He was, therefore, attached and came, saying it was true the harlot lived in the house with him, to bring up his children [pueris], but he had no relations with her. An inquisition is taken of the whole graveship, who find otherwise. He pays 6s 8d of the above penalty at once, and the remainder is held over to see how he conducts himself. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 94-5 Women; inquiry; officials 1033 06/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Schipleye; John son of Roger; Alexander del Brighouse; John de Sonderland; William del Bothes Livestock theft John de Schipleye, John, s. of Roger, and Alexander del Briggehous, sue John de Sonderland and William del Bothes for seizing cattle. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 96 Animals 1034 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Robert the Herde Dalkenden; Pede of Walscheden; John de Thornhull Theft; propery damage 13s 4d fine Robert the Herde Dalkendedn, incted at Halfixa tourn of breaking into the house of ... Pede of Walscheden, fines 13s 4d to have favour and leniency [pro favore et suavitate habend]. Surety: Dom. John de Thornhull. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 96 Buildings 1035 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John de Schepeley Resuce 6d fine John de Schepely, 6d for making a resuce from the grave, in contempt of the lord. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 96 Animals; enclosures; officials 1036 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William de Roualy; William de Bradley; William de Kelet; William de Dewesbury; John Patrik; Richard de Salsamara; Robert de Heirode; John de Mora; Richard de Crosseland; Adum Sprygonel; John Dade of Wakefield; William del Okes; Richard de Birstall; German Swerd of Wakefield; Richard son of John de Osset Livestock theft Acquitted William de Roulay taken and arrested at the suit of William de Bradley and William de Kelet, who do not appear, pleads not guilty to the charge of stealing 19 cattle. An inquisition is taken by the oaths of William de Dewesbury, John Patrik, Richard de Salsamara, Robert de Heirode, John de Mora, Richard de Crosseland, Adam Sprygonel, John Dade of Wakefield, William del Okes, Richard de Bristall, German Swerd of Wakefield, and Richard, s. of John de Osset, who find him not guilty, and he is acquitted. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 97 Animals; jury; inquiry 1037 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William de Roulay; Ralph de Scheffeld; John de Gayrgrave; William del Clogh; Robert the Yongher Fines for aid œ6 13s 4d fine William de Roualy, arrested here with 19 beasts, as recorded above, gives œ6 13s 4d for an aid [auxilium]. Sureties: Ralph de Scheffeld, parson of the church of Thronton in Cravene, John de Gaygrave of Wakefield, William del Clogh, and Robert the Yongher. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 97 Clerics; animals 1038 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam son of Ivo de Warmelee Buying ox Half a mark fee Adam, s. of Ivo de Warmlee, bought an ox seized into the lord's hand, which was stolen by a thief, beheaded at Sourby, for half a mark. And the rest of the value of the ox was handed over to a certain boy, who procured sentence on the said theft [qui fecit predicto latrocinio judicium [or ? indicium] suum]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 98 Animals 1039 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert Ster Breaking fences 2s fine Robert Ster of Sandal, 2s for breaking down and carrying off the fences of the Earl's garden. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 98 Enclosures; fences 1040 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal William de la Grene Encroaching on land; Felling tree 12d fine An inquisition finds that William de la Grene encroached on the lordship, by erecting a fence farther on the common than he ought to have done. He is amerced 12d for this and for felling a young oak on villein [nativa] land. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 99 Land; commons; fences; enclosures; wood 1041 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Township of Criggleston Concealing encroachment 2s fine The township of Crigleston, 2s for concealing the encroachment at the last turn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 99 Land; enclosures; commons 1042 21/12/2015 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Richard del Bothem Stanley wood Making inadequate palings 12d fine Richard del Bothem, pale setter in Stanley wood, 12d for not making an adequate paling. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 99 Forest; fences; enclosures 1047 09/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert son of Adam; William de Abathia Concealing rent 6s 8d fine Robert, s. of Adam, grave of Sandale, 6s 8d for concealing 1 1/2 bovates held by William de Abathia, for which the service has not been rendered in court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 100 Land; officials 1048 09/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron William Cussing; Thomas de Scheffeud Wakefield mill; Old Park Increase of rent; resigning office 12d per acre increase William Cussing, who holds 2 1/2 acres of Bordland, has Dom. Thomas de Scheddeud's license to retain the same at an increased rent of 12d per acre, paying suit to Wakefield mill, give aid in hunting in the Old Park, but to be quit of serving the office of grave, and from tallage and other servile claims. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 102 Land; officials; forest 1049 09/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Jyde Increase of rent; resigning office 12d per acre increased John Kyde, who held 1 1/2 acres of the Bordland, commutes as above, for 12d an acre. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 102 Land; officials; forest 1050 09/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John son of Magge Taking palings 2d fine John s. of Magge, 2d for carrying away 2 posts of the old paling. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 103 Forest; enclosures; fences 1051 09/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Thomas Assolf; Robert son of Nicholas Nodger The wood Refusing to shut gates 6d fine each Thomas Assolf and Robert, s. of Nicholas Nodger, 6d each for refusing to shut the gates of the wood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 103 Forest; enclosures; gates; fences 1052 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Dande; Robert son of Isolde; Thomas de Holgate Cutting wood 12d fine; distrained John Dande's land is again ordered to be seized. He is fined 12d [being poor], for the offence of cutting down timber from villein [nativa] land. Sureties: Robert, s. of Isolde, and Thomas de Holgate. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 104 Land; wood 1053 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Thomas de Sottoun; John son of Adam de Loewod; Richard de Crosselaund Sowerbyshire Trespass in woods 26s 8d fine Thomas de Sottoun, taken in the Earl's free chase in Sourbyschire, having entered it with other malefactors to commit a trespass, is fined 26s 8d, paying a moiety thereof at each of the next courts. Sureties: John, s. of Adam de Locwod, and Richard de Crosselaund. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 104 Forest 1054 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Roger Bele; Mariota his wife; John de Heton Failure to prosecute 6d fine Roger Bele and Mariota, his wife, 6d for not prosecuting suit against John de Heton. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 104 1055 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Henry de Ayketon; Isabel de Everyngham; Ellena her sister Failure to prosecute 6d fine Henry de Ayketon, 6d for the same against Isabel de Everyngham and Ellena, her sister. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 104 1056 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam de Byrcloughl John Dade Sowerbyshire Trespass in woods 33s 4d fine Adam de Byrclough, taken in the Earl's free chase in Sourbyschire, is fined 33s 4d. Surety: John Dade YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 106 Forest; enclosures 1057 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Richard Fylly; Richard de Birkestalle; Thomas de Wytlay Livestock theft Richard Fylly sues Richard de Birkestalle for taking a mare. Surety: Thomas de Wytlay. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 106 Animals 1058 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John atte Barre; Richard Bonny; Thomas Alayn Livestock theft John atte Barre sues Richard Bonny for taking cattle. Surety: Thomas Alayn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 107 Animals 1059 30/01/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John del Gledeholte; Hugh, son of Reginalde de Warloulay; Richard his son; William de Locwode Assault John del Gledeholte sues Hugh, s. of Reginald de Warloulay, and Richard, his son, for assault. Surety: William de Locwode. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 107 Violence 1060 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme John Kenward; Ralph de Coningburgh; Alice daughter of Simon de Hepworth; wife of John Kenward Adultery; non-attendance 6s 8d fine John Kenward of Hepworth summoned by Master Ralph de Conningburgh to come here, on account of Alice, d. of Simon de Hepworth, whom he holds in adultery, and for whose sake he drove his wife from his house; fined 6s 8d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 108 Women 1061 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Richard son of Thomas de Aunlay; Thomas de Tothulles Failure to prosecute 12d fine Richard, s. of Thomas de Aunlay, 12d for not prosecuting his suit against Thomas de Tothulles. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 108 1062 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff John de Russcheleye; Thomas de Langfield; Ellen his wife; Thomas Alayn Receiving stolen goods Attached; 20s fine to keep the peace John del Russcheleye attached for receiving goods and chattels of Thomas de Langfeld, from Ellen, wife of the said Thomas, fined 20s. to have peace thereon. Surety : Thomas Alayn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 108 Women 1063 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Henry son of Hychecokes de Rachedale; Thomas de Aula; John de la Rode Livestock theft 26s 8d fine for auxilium Henry, s. of Hychecokes de Rachedale, indicted at a tourn at Halifax for thieving oxen, cows, etc., fines 26s. 8d for an auxilium. Sureties : Thomas de Aula and John de la Rode YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 109 Animals 1064 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prison Henry son of Hychecokes de Rachedale; Emma del Storthes Wolvedale fields 7 Edw. II Livestock theft; false claim Imprisoned The said Henry is taken for stealing an ox and a cow, at the suit of Emma del Storthes, who says he stole them in Feb., 7 Edw. II, from Wolvedale fields. Henry begs the decision of a jury, viz.:-Thomas del Bellehous, Robert le Drapour of Stanlay, Robert de la Grene of Osset, William del Okes, Richard de Salsa mara, Robert de Heirode, Henry de Adyngham, Richard de Crosseland, John Hod, Adam Sprigonel, and Richard, s. of John de Osset, who find Henry innocent ; Emma is therefore sent to prison. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 109 Animals; jury; inquiry 1065 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John del Gledeholt; Hugh son of Reginald; Richard his son; Ivo de Saltonstall; son of Ivo; Thomas de Roldesheved Assault 10s damages; 13s 4d fine John del Gledeholt sues Hugh, s. of Reginald, and Richard, his son, for assaulting him ; the father held him by the throat while the son beat him on the head with a stick ; damages, 100s. An inquisition finds defendants guilty; fined, 13s 4d. damages taxed at 10s. Sureties : Ivo de Saltonstall, ... , s. of Ivo, and Thomas de Roldesheved YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 109 Violence; inquiry 1066 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Richard son of Hugh Cutting wood without license 18d damages; 6d fine Richard, s. of Hugh, is amerced 6d. for cutting up an oak blown down by the wind, worth I8d., without license ; and for taking the profit thereof to himself. He has also to pay the value of the oak. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 109 Wood; weather 1067 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Thomas de Wadesworth Mythumrode; Blacker Excluded from office 40s fine Thomas de Wadesworth, clerk, elected grave of Sourby on account of the land he holds in the Mythumrode and in the Blacker, has not sufficient property to serve that office ; he therefore made a fine of 40.s., so that he may not be grave nor stockkeeper all his life, on account of the said land. Sureties : Roger, s. of Amabilla de Sourby, and Ivo de Saltonstall. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 109 Officials; land 1068 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Sprigonel Crigleston; Thurstanhage; Southwode; Blacker Appointed to office Henry Sprigonel is made forester of the town in Thurstanhaghe, Southwode, Blacker, and warenner of land and water throughout the whole graveship [sic] of Crigeleston, and is sworn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 110 Officials; forest; water 1069 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Bonny Contempt of court 6d fine Richard Bonny, 6d for contempt in court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 110 1070 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Richard Bonny; John Attebarre Neuton Livestock theft Damages; 6d fine An inquisition finds that Richard Bonny wrongfully imponded sheep belonging to John atte-Barre, in his common of Neuton; to the damage of done puncheon [punchetti]. He is to make satisfaction, and is amerced 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 110-1 Animals; commons; inquiry; enclosures 1071 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas son of Roger; John son of Hugh; John son of Alexander; John son of Thomas; Alexander Shepherd; Alexander del Dritker Non-attendance 3d fines each Thomas, s. of Roger ; John, s. of Hugh, and John, s. of Alexander, 3d. each for not coming, when summoned, to answer John, s. of Thomas. Alexander Shepherd and Alexander del Dritker to be resummoned for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 111 1072 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Walter Hog; Robert son of Ralph Ters Non-attendance 3d fine Walter Hog, 3d for not coming to answer Robert, s. of Ralph Ters. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 111 1073 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes John Pymerich; John Dade; German Swerde Mekeslorgh Living out of Earl's fee 13s 4d fine John Pymerich of Thornes, villein [nativus], arrested, fines 13s. 4d. for license to dwell out of the Earl's fee, at Mekeslorgh, for 6 years, and finds sureties for returning with his goods and cattle to the neif land at the end of that time, and for keeping up his land properly, viz. John Dade and German Swerd YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 111 Animals; land 1074 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff John de Bolling; Alice his wife; Thomas de Tothull; Ingellard, vicar of Halifax Halifax Theft John de Bolling and Alice, his wife, sue Ingellard, vicar of Halifax, for withholding a gold ring. Surety: Thomas de Tothull. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 111 Clercis 1075 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Richard son of John de Osset Postponing office 10s fee Richard, s. of John de Osset, elected grave of Osset, fines 10s. for postponement of office this year. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Officials 1076 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Hugh Cort; Robert atte Oke Postponing office 3s and 5s fee Hugh Cort and Robert atte Oke successively elected graves of Horbiry, fine 3s. and 5s. respectively for a like postponement. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Officials 1077 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John del Redykere; Thomas de Solande Postponing office 13s 4d fine each John del Redykere and Thomas de Solande successively elected bailiffs of Sourby, fine 13s. 4d. each for similar post-ponements. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Officials 1078 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Henry de Salonstall Neglecting service; non-attendance 12d fine; distrained Henry de Saltonstalle, 12d. for not coming ; he is to be distrained to come to next court because he has not completed Sourby chamber [quia non perfecit cameram de Sourby] as he was instructed. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Buildings 1079 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam son of Ivo Elected grave Adam, s. of Ivo, is elected grave of Sourby, and received and sworn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Officials 1080 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William de Locwode; John Rate; Thomas Alayn Theft William de Locwode sues John Rate for carrying away wood. Surety : Thomas Alayn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Wood 1081 27/02/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John de Gairgrave; Richard del Houndes; Henry del Bothem Livestock theft John de Gairgrave sues Richard del Houndes for unlawfully impounding. Surety : Henry del Bothem YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 Animals; enclosures 1083 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Sprigonel; Robert the Yongh Non-attendance Amerced Herny Sprigonel, surety for ... against Robert the Yongh, amerced ... because he does not come. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 112 1084 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Alice daughter of Simon de Hepworth; John Kenward Adultery Abjured The grave of Holne is ordered to cause Alice, d. of Simon de Hepworth, to come and abjure her adultery with John Kenward, who comes and abjures the same under pain of deprivation and disheriture of lands and chattels. Alice afterwards abjures the same at the tourn at Birton, under the same penalty. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 113 Women 1085 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Thomas son of Richard del Rode; John Kenward; John son of Adam False presentment 40s fine Thomas, s. of Richard del Rode, is amerced for a false presentment regarding the whole neighbourhood [patria]. The grave is ordered to confiscate all his goods and chattels, and to seize his land into the lord's hand. He afterwards comes and fines 40s. Sureties : John Kenward of Hepworth and John, s. of Adam YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 113 Officials 1086 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Thomas Bole Non-attendance; refusing office 40d fine; land seized Thomas Bole of Dewesbury, elected grave of Osset on account of the villein [nativa] land he holds of the lord, 40d. for not coming when summoned by the grave of the same to receive office. The land to be seized into the lord's hand. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 114 Officials 1087 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William Bernard Non-attendance; refusing office 40d fine; land seized William Bernard, elected grave of Osset, 40d. for a similar offence, and his land seized. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 114 Officials 1088 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverhtorp John Rate; William de Locwode Non-attendance; theft 3d fine John Rate, 3d for not coming when summoned to answer William de Locwode, re a plea of carrying away wood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 114 Wood 1089 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Nicholas de Batelay; John Pymme; Robert Pymme; John Dade Debt; abuse of office Attached Nicholas de Batelay sues John Pymme, the heir of Robert Pymme, his brother, in a plea of debt, and because the said John Pymme was distrained by one horse at the house of John Dade, which the said John Dade promised to sell contrary to the Bailiff's attachment, it is ordered that the said John Pymme and John Dade be attached by the next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 114 Officials; animals 1090 12/03/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John de Gairgrave; Richard Withehoundes Livestock theft; rescue Inquiry opened John de Gairgrave sues Richard Withehoundes for having impounded the cattle of the said Richard found in his corn, and the said Richard broke the pinfold and carried away the cattle. Richard denies the charge, and an inquisition is ordered. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 115 Animals; enclosures; officials 1091 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Adam son of Ivo; John the Brewster Non-attendance 12d and 6d fine Adam, s. of Ivo, grave of Sourby, and John the Brewster of Skirecotes, 12d., and 6d. for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 115 Officials 1092 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron Sowerby Robert de Sourby; Adam son of Ivo Elected to office; theft Imprisoned Robert de Sourby, elected grave of Sourby, is received and sworn, because Adam, son of Ivo, previously elected and received, is now indicted for theft, and is taken and sent to the prison of Wakefeud. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 116 Officials 1093 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron William de Wolronwall; Thomas son of Robert de Russecheworth; Thomas son of John de Staynland; William de Wolronwall; Robert de Wolronwall; Robert de Saltonstall; Adam de Coventre Livestock theft 13s 4d to have grace of prison William de Wolronwall, indicted for alienating an ox, gives 13.s 4d. for having grace [suavitas] of prison till the next court at Wakefeld, under the mainprise of Thomas, s. of Robert de Russche- worth, Thomas, s. of John de Staynland, William de Wolronwall, Robert de Wolronwall, Robert de Saltonstall,and Adam de Coventre. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 116 Animals 1094 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Court baron John son of Hanne de Skirecotes Jury non-attendance Amerced John, s. of Hanne de Skirecotes, elected one of the twelve, is amerced for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 116 Jury 1095 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Adam son of Riger de Walschedene; Herny Schorthose; John son of Nicholas de Warlolay; Alice de Coplay; William the Milner Warley Theft Taken Adam, s. of Roger de Walschedene, Henry Schorthose and John, s. of Nicholas de Warlolay, burgled Alice de Coplay's house, and carried off a robe of linen cloth [tela] containing 40 ells. and other goods, etc. They also broke into the house of William the Milner, carrying off goods worth 40s. They are to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 116-7 Women; buildings; 1096 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Elias de Haderschulf Southstrinede Buying stolen goods Attached Elias de Haderschulf met with a thief in the Southstrinede [Southst'nede], and took from him a russet cloth, 10s. in silver, a hood, and a sheet, without a warrant. He is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 1097 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Adam the Tornour Non-attendance 6d fine Adam the Tornour, 6d for not coming to the turn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 1098 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Peter de Crosseleye; Adam de Whytworth Assault 12d fine Peter de Crosseleye drew blood from Adam de Whytworth; 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Violence 1099 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Adam son of Isolde; Matthew Dolfyn Livestock theft Taken Adam, s. of Isolde, stole 3 oxen from Matthew Dolfyn of Clyvache. He is to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Animals 1100 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn William de Clifton; Richard the Eremite Assault 12d fine William de Clifton drew blood from Richard the Eremtie. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Violence 1101 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Ralph son of the vicar of Birstall; Robert de Russcheworth; Walter de Aderichgate; a woman of Northourum Birstall; Northourum Livestock theft Taken Ralph, s. of the vicar of Birstall, stole an ox from Robert de Russcheworth ; 2 cows from Walter de Aderichgate, and one from a woman of Northourum. He is to be taken YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Animals; clerics; women 1102 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Ingelard de Eclesey; Margery del Wod Theft; propery damage Taken Ingelard de Eclesley and other thieves unknown broke into Margery del Wod's house. They are to be taken YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Women; buildings 1103 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Adam Laverok Non-attendance 6d fine Adam Laverok, 6d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 1104 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Adam son of Ivo; William de Salonstall Luddyngdene forth Breach of contract; blocking road Taken; 12d fine Adam, s. of Ivo de Warloley, to be taken for cheating Henry, s. of William de Saltonstall, over the exchange of a sow for a pig. He is amerced 12d. for blocking up a path at Luddyngdene forth. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Animals; roads 1105 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Roger son of Henry de Soland; Oto de Lyhtheseles Assault 12d fine each Roger, s. of Henry de Soland, drew blood from Oto [Otone] de Lyhtheseles ; 12d.; and Oto from Roger, 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Violence 1106 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Ellen daughter of Henry del Holgate; Alice wife of John Sourmilk Assault 12d fine Ellen, d. of Henry del Holgate, drew blood from Alice, wife of John Sourmilk ; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Violence; women 1107 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn William de Godelay jumior; William the Horsknave Selling stray animal Taken William de Godelay, junior, sold an ox in town of Wakefeld, and the ox afterwards returned to William's house, and he sold it again to William the Horsknave of Soland. He is to be taken for alienating the said ox, which is the lord's waif YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Animals; stray 1108 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Henry de Godelay; Lady of Russcheworth Russcheworth Livestock theft Attached Henry de Godelay took a sheep belonging to the Lady of Russcheworth, without her knowledge ; and when the neighbours reported [defamaverut] him for the sheep, he went to the Lady and offered her the sheep or the price thereof, but she would not accept either, upon which Henry drove the said sheep from his fold. He is nevertheless to be attached for the abduction. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 117 Animals 1109 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Robert de Wolrunwall Selling distrained animal Attached Robert de Wolrunwall sold a cow, which had been distrained by the town-constable and by the Earl's ervants, for a fine owing to the Earl. To be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 118 Animals; officials 1110 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Richard del Ker Stansfield Blocking path 12d fine Richard del Ker blocked up a path in Stansfeld; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 118 Roads 1111 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn William de Cokcroft; Alexander son of Michael de Ratschesdale; Robert de Wolrunwall Pontefract fair Livestock theft; non-attenandce Take; 6d fine William de Cokcroft stole a cow from Alexander, s. of Michael de Ratchesdale, four sheep from his father, and 2 oxen from Robert de Wolrunwall, which he sold at Pontefract fair. He is to be taken ; and is fined 6d. for not coming YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 118 Animals; fairs 1112 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn William del Snap; Thomas son of Robert; William de Wolrunwall; William Cokcroft Concealing absence 3s fine William del Snap, Thomas, s. of Robert, and William de Wolrunwall, jurors of the town, 3s. for concealing William Cokcroft's absence. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 118 Jury 1113 12/04/2016 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Richard son of Jordan Spivi Abuse of office 12d fine Richard, s. of Jordan Spivi, took toll above what was due, to the injury of the neighbourhood and the damage of the lord's market ; 12 d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 118 Officials; markets 1114 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme William Milner Contempt of court 12d fine William Milber, 12d for contempt. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 119 1115 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Hipperholme John Milner of Schipdene Contempt of court 12d fine John Milner of Schipdene, 12d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 119 1116 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Court baron Rastrick Richard son of Matilda de Rastrick; John de Donecastre 1310 Failure to perform repairs 6s 8d penalty Richard, s. of Matilda de Rastrik, laid waste a toft in Rastrik by pulling down a house, 6 years ago, in the time of John de Donecastre, then Steward, who enjoined him to rebuild the said house, or put up a better ; this he has not done. He is now ordered to rebuild before next term, under a penalty of 6s. 8d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 119 Buildings; officials 1117 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Ralph son of the vicar of Birstall; Robert de Russcheworth; Thomas de Burgh; Thomas de Wythill; Alice sister of Richard the Baggere Livestock theft Taken Ralph, s. of the vicar of Birstall, stole an ox from Robert de Russcheworth, a steer from Thomas de Burgh, an ox from Thomas del Wythill, and a cow from Alice, sister of Richard the Baggere of Northorum. To be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Animals; clerics; women 1118 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn John de Scolcotes Theft Taken John de Scolcotes of Northorum stole a tunic, a hood, and a sheet, etc., worth 6s 8d. To be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 1119 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn William de Morley; Ralph son of the vicar of Birstall Accomplice in theft William de Morley was an accomplice to the thefts of Ralph, s. of the vicar of Birstall, and received the hide of one of the oxen as his share of the theft. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Animals 1120 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Adam de Aldelay; Thomas de Aldelay Livestock theft Taken Adam de Aldelay stole a heifer from Thomas de Aldelay, his brother. To be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Animals 1121 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff John de Seville Non-attendance 12d fine John de Seiville, 12d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 1122 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Hipperholme Thomas the Webestere; Alice daughter of Henry de la Rode Assault Thomas de Webestere of Hyperum drew blood from Alice, d. of Henry de la Rode. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Violence; women 1123 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Hipperholme William son of Adam de Hyperum Town of Hipperholme Theft; not raising hue Town amerced 6s 8d The house of William, s. of Adam de Hyperum, was broken into by thieves, and two sheets and other things stolen, and the town of Hyperum would not raise the hue, so that the thieves escaped. They are amerced 6s 8d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Buildings 1124 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Richard de Avenlay; Thomas son of Presst of Elaund Assault 12d fine Richard de Avenlay drew blood from Thomas, s. of Presst of Elaund; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Violence 1125 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Adam son of Henry de la Rode; Richard de Avenlay Assault 12d fine Adam, s. of Henry de la Rode, from Richard de Avenlay; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Violence 1126 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Hipperholme John de Schipdene; Amabilla wife of Thomas de Schipdene Assault 12d fine John de Schipdene, from Amabilla, wife of Thomas de Schipdene; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 120 Violence; women 1127 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Adam Shepherd Fouleshaghe Clogh; Rybourne Bridge Blocking path 12d fine Adam Shepherd blocked up a public path at Fouleshaghe Clogh, at the head of Rybourne Bridge; amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Roads; bridges 1128 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Baliff John son of Henry de Fikesby; John son of William de Dyhtone; Adam Sparbottre Rastrick mill Not using demesne mill 6d fine each John, s. of Henry de Fikesby, John, s. of William de Dyhtone, and Adam Sparbottre, bd. each for not doing suit at Rastrik mill. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Mills 1129 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Alice de Lynlay; William de Lynley Receiving criminal 6d fine; attached Alice de Lynlay, 6d for receiving William de Lynley, her son, who was indicted 3 years ago. She is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Women 1130 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Richard the Pedder of Staynland Non-attendance 6d fine Richard the Pedder of Staynland, 6d for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 1131 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Ingelard de Eclesay; John de Avenlay; Henry del Rydynes; John son of Nicholas de Warlolay; Alice de ... Theft Taken Ingelard de Ecleslay, John de Avenlay, Henry del Rydynges, and John, s. of Nicholas de Warlolay, broke into the house of Alice de ..., and took goods worth 100s. [?]. They are to be taken. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Women; buildings 1132 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Henry son of Nalled de Northland; William del Bothem; Lady of Risscheworth Livestock theft Henry, s. of Nalle de Northland, stole an ox from the house of William del Bothem, who was one of the cattle stealers from the Lady of [? Risscheworth]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Women; animals; buildings 1133 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Christiana del Wodeheved; John de Avenlay; Henry son of Nalle de Northland Receiving thieves Attached Christiana del Wodeheved received the thieves John de Avelay and Henry, s. of Nalle de Northland, in their flight. To be attached YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Women 1134 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff William del Bothem; Ingelard de Eclesley Receiving thieves Attached William del Bothem received the same thieves, and also received Ingelard de Eclesley. To be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 1135 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff John the Pynder Rescue 6s 8d fine John the Pynder of Hiperum, 6s 8d, and to be attached, for making a rescue from the Earl's bailiffs. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Animals; officials 1136 13/04/2016 00:00:00 Rastrick Tourn Bailiff Thomas del Brigge of Querneby; William his servant Non-attendance 6d fine each Thomas del Brigge of Querneby and William, his serving-man, 6d each for not coming. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 121 Servants 1137 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Thomas son of Gilbert de Alestanley; Mariota wife of Peter de Wildeborleye Adultery Abjure; 10s and 40d fine Thomas, s. of Gilbert de Alestanley, is charged with adultery with Mariota, wife of Peter de Wildeborleye. They both acknowledge the same ; and both abjure the adultery under penalty of forfeiture of their lands, and confiscation of all their goods and chattels. Nevertheless, they are amerced 10s . and 40d. respectively YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 122 Women 1138 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Peter de Wildeborleye; Gilbert de Astanley; his sons Unknown disputesd License to agree; 5s fee The above suits between Peter de Wildeborleye and Gilbert de Alestanley and his sons, are terminated by agreements ; the plaintiff in each case fining for license to agree. Total of fines, 5s. YAS Record Sereis Vol. 57, p. 122 1139 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Holme Thomas de Elewardholes Refusing service 3d fine Thomas de Elewardholes, 3d for not carrying out the Sterward's order. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 122 1140 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Court baron Adam de Horn Contempt of court 3d fine Adam de Horn, 3d for contempt of court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 122 1141 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Court baron William de Halmschire; Roger del Oldefeld; William son of Wilkes; Thomas Brid Livestock theft; livestock damage 20d damages; 6d fine An inquisition finds that William de Halmschire drove a certain foal [pultrellum] belonging to Roger del Oldefeld from his common, with such violence that he broke its leg. It is valued at 20d., besides the price of the hide. Amerced 6 d., with an order for damages. Sureties : William, s. of Wilkes, and Thomas Brid. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 123 Animals; commons 1142 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Court baron William Brid; Richard de Thornotlay Breach of contract 12d damages; 12d fine An inquisition finds that William Brid broke an agreement with Richard de Thornotlay concerning an ox. Damages taxed at 12d.; amerced 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 123 Animals 1143 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Thomas son of Richard de Cartworth; Richard son of Juliana Assault 12d fine Thomas, s. of Richard de Cartworth, drew blood from Richard, s. of Juliana, 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 123 Violence 1144 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Richard son of the chaplain of Bradefeld; William son of Wilkes Livestock theft Taken; attached Richard, s. of the chaplain of Bradefeld, who is called Charthers, brought a calf to Heppeworth and sold it to William, s. of Wilks, and afterwards the same Richard brought two stirks, which the said Richard and William sold at Wakefeld fair, and Richard is suspected of being a cattle stealer. He is to be taken, when found ; and William to be attached YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 123 Animals; clerics 1145 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Holme Thomas son of Elyas; Alice wife of Thomas the Coupre Assault 12d and 6d fines Thomas, s. of Elyas, drew blood from Alice, wife of Thomas the Coupere, 12d.', and Alice from Thomas, 6d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 124 Violence; women 1146 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Burton Tourn Bailiff Robert Silver; Roger del Flosch Assault 12d fine Robert Silver [argent] drew blood from Roger del Flosch; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 124 Violence 1147 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Bailiff Henry son of Robert de Flokton; Alice daughter of Michael de Overhall Assault 12d fine Henry, s. of Robert de Flokton, assaulted Alice, d. of Michael de Overhall, so that she raised the hue on him. He is amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 124 Violence; women 1148 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Bailiff Ralph the Colier; William Cokewald Dewesbury Digging up road 12d fine each Ralph the Colier and William Cokewald, of the same, amerced 12d each for opening the King's highway in Dewesburi, in digging for coals, because it was to the injury of all travellers. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 124 Roads; coal 1149 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Bailiff Richard servant of the parson of Wakefield; Magota daughter of Richard Bround Assault 12d fine Richard, servant of the parson of Wakefield, drew blood from Magota, d. of Richard Broun of Alvirthorp, 12d, and she raised the hue upon him. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Violence; women 1150 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Bailiff Robert Marescall Snapethorpe; Alverthorpe Blocking road 12d fine Robert Marescall of Wakefield blocked up a way between Snaypethorp and Alvirthorp; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Roads 1151 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Error John de Mora Lopishevedfeld Blocking road John de Mora blocked up a certain path beyond Lopishevedfeld, where a common footpath is wont and ought to be. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Roads 1152 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thornes Richard Proudfot; William de la Rode Birstall Non-attendance Excused [?] Richard Proudfot and William de la Rode do not come; because they are burying their mother at Birstall. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 1153 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Thornes John del Hagh Snapethorpe Blocking road 12d fine John del Hagh blocked up a common path in Snaypthorp with the paling of his plantation; amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Roads; enclosures; fences 1154 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal Adam Schakelokes Holinthorp Enclosing path 12d fine Adam Schakelokes of Holinthorp enclosed 6 feet by 4 of the common street in Holnithorp by way of a bank; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Enclosures; roads 1155 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal John Goldhor Westwoodside Appropriating common waste Rolls to be examined John Goldhor appropriated to himself waste land in the commons in Westwodside ; he says it is in the Steward's roll. The rolls are to be examined at the next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Commons; enclosures 1156 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Bailiff John Hancokes; Thomas de Thynglawe Assault 6d fine John Hancokes drew blood from Thomas de Thynglawe, and is amerced 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Violence 1157 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Bailiff Henry Sprigonel; Robert Tailor Crigglestone Trampling corn 6d fine; attached Henry Sprigonel, warenner, raised the hue on Robert Tailor [cissor] of Wakefeld for going over the corn in Crigelestone carrying dung, and Robert would not attach himself ; 6d. He is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 125 Fields; crops 1158 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John Bullokes; Richard his son Digging coal on villein land 12d fine John Bullokes and Richard, his son, dug coal on the Earl's villein [nativa] land, and sold part and burned part ; amerced 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Coal 1159 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Reginal Snart; Richard Snart; William Graffard Assault 12d fine Reginald Snart, Richard Snart and William Gratfard, 12d. each for assaulting one another. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1160 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal William de Collay Crigglestone Digging coal on lord's land 12d fine William de Collay of Criglestone, 12d for digging coal on the lord's land, and selling it. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Coal 1161 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal Margery Carpenter Digging coal on villein land 6d fine Margery Carpenter [Carpentarix] of Criglestone for doing the same on villein [nativa] land. 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Women; coal 1162 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal Henry the Nonne Digging coal 12d fine Henry the Nonne dug a pit for a coal mine [fossura Carbonum], and took part of the coal out, and sold it. The lower part of the pit is stopped by water ; amerced, 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Coal 1163 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William Tyrsi; Robert Fynger Assault 12d fine William Tyrsi drew blood from Robert Fynger; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1164 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Henry Fauconberge Contempt of court; refusing oath 12d fine Henry Fauconberge, 12d for contempt in refusing to swear. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 1165 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Margery Peger; her daughter; John Wolmer Assault 12d fine Margery Peger and her daughter raised the hue on John Wolmer for beating them. John amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence; women 1166 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn William son of Hugh Wrengate Blocking path 12d fine William, s. of Hugh, [?] 12d for obstructing the common way in Wrengate by his tanning [tannum]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Roads 1167 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John son of Juliana; Geoffrey the Chapman Assault 12d fine John, s. of Julian, drew blood from Geoffrey the Chapman; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1168 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Jordan the Littester; Thomas the Taverner Assault 12d fine Jordan the Littester from Thomas the Taverner; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1169 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Richard the Wayte; John de Thwong Assault 12d fine Richard the Wayte from John de Thwong; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1170 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Wife of Robert Dodeman; Robert the Yongh; Hugh Mercer; John son of John Levediman Theft Taken "Robert Dodeman's wife stole a ""broddisch,"" worth 2d., a lb. of wool worth 4d., etc., from the houses of Robert the Yongh, Hugh Mercer [mercenarius], and John, s. of John Levediman. She is to be taken." YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Women; buildings 1171 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Hugh son of Katherine; William de Sandale Assault 12d fine Hugh, s. of Katherine, drew blood from William de Sandale; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1172 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Robert Dodeman; Philip Damoisele Assault 12d fine Robert Dodeman from Philip Damoisele; 12d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1173 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Philip Damoisele; Robert Dampson Assault 12d fine Philip Damoisele from Robert Dampson; 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Violence 1174 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Matilda wife of Henry Clerk; Robert the Yongh Livestock theft Attached Matilda, wife of Henry Clerk, stole a goose from Robert the Yongh, of the value of 3d. She is to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Animals; women 1175 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John de Kendale Wrengate Blocking path 3d fine John de Kendale, 3d for obstructing the common way in Wrengate; 3d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Roads 1176 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John Dun Constructing illegal entrances to villein land Fined John Dun, for making a way for entrance and exit, to which he was not entitled beyond [ultra ; Quare against] the lord's villein [nativa] land, and beyond the land of his neighbours, to the head of his garden, is amerced - YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Enclosures 1177 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Alexander de Mora Non-attendance 6d fine Alexander de Mora, 6d for not coming to the Tourn YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 1178 15/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn John Damyas Wakefield town; Millerodes; Keldre; Wakefield bridge Unlawful enclosure; constructing weirs 2s fine; 12d fine; other fine John Damyas, 2s. for making an unlawful enclosure with walls in the common of the town of Wakefield in the Millerodes; and 12d for obstructing the common way to the common ford over the Keldre, by two weirs wrongfully raised, so that Wakefield Bridge as well as the lord's mill is injured [?]. The weirs are to be cast down, and he is amerced - YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 126 Enclosures; roads; bridges; mills; water; rivers 1180 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas de Holgate Refusing service 6d fine Thomas de Holgate, grave of Sandal, 6d for not carrying out the Steward's command. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Officials 1181 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry del Bothem Refusing service 6d fine Henry del Bothem, grave of Alverthorp, 6d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Officials 1182 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury Adam son of William Refusing service 6d fine Adam, s. of William, grave of Horburi, 6d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Officials 1183 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett William de Hetone Refusing service 6d fine William de Hetone, grave of Osset, 6d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Officials 1184 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley John son of Thomas Refusing service 6d fine Rober, s. of Walter, grave of Stanley, 6d for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Officials 1185 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme William son of Wilkes; John son of Adam de Hepworth; Richard son of John son of Gilbert Earl of Lancaster's fee Receiving thief 20s fine William, s. of Wilkes, indicted at Birton Tourn for receiving a thief from the Earl of Lancaster's fee, fines 20s. for that trespass. Sureties : John, s. of Adam de Hepworth, and Richard, s. of John s. of Gilbert YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Lancaster 1186 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Henry Sprigonel; Thomas de Holgate Crigglestone Encroachment Damages; 6d fine An inquisition finds that Henry Sprigonel encroached upon Thomas del Holgate's land at Crigeleston ; he is to satisfy him, and is amerced 6d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 Land; enclosures 1187 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert son of Hugh Contempt; leaving court 6d fine Robert, s. of Hugh, charges with divers trespasses, left the bar contemptuously, and was amerced 6d YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127 1188 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff William de Godelay; Thomas son of Robert de Russcheworth; Thomas son of John de Staynland; William de Wolrunwall; Robert de Wolrunwall; Robert de Salonstall; Adam de Coventre Alienating an ox 26s 8d fine William de Godelay, indicted at the Halifax Tourn for alienating an ox, fines 26s 8d. Sureties: Thomas, s. of Robert de Russcheworth, Thomas, s. of John de Staynland, William de Wolrunwall, Robert de Wolrunwall, Robert de Salonstall. and Adam de Coventre. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 127-8 Animals 1189 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Henry de Godelay; William de Sonderland; William de Godelay senior Alienating stray sheep 50s fine Henry de Godelay, taken for alienating a stray sheep, fines 50s. Sureties : William de Sonderland and William de Godelay, senior. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 128 Animals; stray 1190 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Adam son of Ivo de Warlolay; Thomas de Aula; Robert de Salonstall; Adam at Townend de Megely Warlolay wood; Halifax Alienating a sow œ4 fine Adam, s. of Ivo de Warlolay, indicted for alienating a sow in Warlolay wood without licence, fines œ4 for that trespass, and for the amercements of four townships, which kept him out of Wakefeld prison at Halifax for one night. Sureties : Thomas de Aula, Robert de Saltonstall, and Adam at Townend de Megeley YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 128 Animals; forest 1191 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert son of Hugh de Chapelthorp; Agnes daughter of Henry de Vallibus Crigglestone Wasting land; cutting trees; digging coal 12d fine; land seized An inquisition finds that Robert, s. of Hugh de Chapelthorp, committed waste on a messuage held in villeinage [de nativitate] and 4 acres of villein [nativa] land he has in Crigelestone, as guardian of Agnes, d. of Henry de Vallibus, a minor, by cutting down ashes and apple-trees worth 8d, and making a ditch in seeking for coals ; and carrying the earth away from this land as a compost for his free land. The land is taken into the lord's hand. Amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 128 Land; women; wood; coal 1192 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff William son of Nalle of Northland Indicted for an ox 26s 8d fine William, s. of Nalle of Northland, indicted for an ox, fines 26s. 8d. for an aid to have deliverance at this court. Surety : Thomas de Aula. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 Animals 1193 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff William del Bothem; John de Wodeheved; Ingelard de Ecclesley; Thomas de Aula; Henry Clerk de Aula Receiving thieves 26s 8d fine; acquitted William del Bothem, indicted for receiving thieves, viz. John de Wodeheved and Ingelard de Ecclesley, none of whom are attached or convicted, fines 26s. 8d. and to be acquitted. Sureties : Thomas de Aula and Henry Clerk de Aula YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 1194 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Christiana de Wodeheved; John the Flemyng of Cliftone Receiving thieves 6s 8d fine Christiana del Wodeheved, indicted for a similar offence, fines 6s. 8d. for an aid to prevent her being attached. Surety: John the Flemyng of Cliftone, YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 Women 1195 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Elyas de Hadreschulf; Roger Rotel; Robert de Salonstall; Adam Townend; Jordan del Hirst Southstenede Meeting thief; buying stolen goods 20s fine Elyas de Hadereschulf, indicted for meeting a thief in the South- strenede, on his way from a robbery, and taking goods from him, fines 20s. for that trespass. Sureties : Roger Rotel, Robert de Saltonstall, Adam Townend, and Jordan del Hirst YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 1196 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff William de Cokcroft; John de Cokcroft; Henry de Warlolay Theft 40s fine William de Cokcroft, indicted in Halifax Tourn for divers thefts, fines 40s. for an aid to have deliverance at this court. Sureties : John de Cokcroft and Henry de Warlolay, clerk. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 1197 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Robert de Salonstall; Adam son of Ivo Resigning from office 2s fee Robert de Saltonstall, elected grave in the room of Adam, s. of Ivo, gives 2s. to retire till Michaelmas, and the said Adam is restored to office. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 Officials 1198 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John del Holyns Crigglestone common Raising bank 2s fine John del Holyns, indicted for raising a bank on Crigeleston common, fines 2s. for mercy, and for license to retain the said bank, so that it may not be destroyed. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 129 Enclosures; commons; land 1199 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Thomas Bele Mendacity 2d fine Thomas Bele, 2d for mendacity [mendacio]. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1200 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Henry de Salonstall; Adam son of Ivo; Robert de Salonstall Redemption for sold cow 6s 8d fine Henry de Salonstall, 6s 8d for taking the redemption money he received from Adam, s. of Ivo, 2s for one sow sold by Adam. Surety: Robert de Salonstall. YAS record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 Animals 1201 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Robert, s. of William Layron ; John the Couper ; Adam Wytbelt ; William, s. of Richard Saucemer ; Peter, s. of Ellen ; Thomas, s. of Elyas de Thorp ; William, s. of Walter de Toftclif; John Baker of Wodekirke ; Robert the Spencer ; Thomas Curtays ; William de Middeltone ; William de Wyrkelay ; John Passemer ; Henry Crogel ; John Carter ; William Cowhird ; Richard the Boner ; Adam Almoc ; William Thirse ; Roger Porker ; William Smith; and Elias Milner Non-attendance 2d fine each Robert, s. of William Layron ; John the Couper ; Adam Wytbelt ; William, s. of Richard Saucemer ; Peter, s. of Ellen ; Thomas, s. of Elyas de Thorp ; William, s. of Walter de Toftclif; John Baker of Wodekirke ; Robert the Spencer ; Thomas Curtays ; William de Middeltone ; William de Wyrkelay ; John Passemer ; Henry Crogel ; John Carter ; William Cowhird ; Richard the Boner ; Adam Almoc ; William Thirse ; Roger Porker ; William Smith [faber], and Elias Milner, 2d. each for not coming to the court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1202 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas Drille of Crigeleston ; William the Payntour ; John, s. of Margery ; Thomas, s. of William ; Thomas, s. of Nelle ; William Pykenot ; Hugh, s. of Elias Milner ; Robert, s. of Elias Milner; Richard, s. of Roger ; Thomas Felice ; Adam Tubbing ; John, s. of Hugh Tubbing ; William Elyot ; Hugh de Sevile; Henry, s. of Roger ; Adam Trubbe ; Adam, s. of Peter ; John, s. of Beatrix ; Matthew, servant of William de Stodley; and William, serving-man of Edith Non-attendance 2d fine each Thomas Drille of Crigeleston ; William the Payntour ; John, s. of Margery ; Thomas, s. of William ; Thomas, s. of Nelle ; William Pykenot ; Hugh, s. of Elias Milner ; Robert, s. of Elias Milner; Richard, s. of Roger ; Thomas Felice ; Adam Tubbing ; John, s. of Hugh Tubbing ; William Elyot ; Hugh de Sevile [or Senile] ; Henry, s. of Roger ; Adam Trubbe ; Adam, s. of Peter ; John, s. of Beatrix ; Matthew, servant of William de Stodley, and William, serving-man of Edith, 2d. each for the same YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 Servants; women 1203 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Thomas son of Robert de Sandal; William Fox; John Page Non-attendance 2d fine each Thomas, s. of Robert de Sandale ; William Fox ; and John Page, 2d. each for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p 131 1204 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Thomas del Bothem; Robert son of Walter del Spen; Henry son of Hugh Non-attendance 2d fine each Thomas del Bothem ; Robert, s. of Walter del Spen, and Henry, s. of Hugh, 2d. each for the same YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1205 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Cay Non-attendance 2d fine Robert Cay of Alvirthorp, 2d. for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1206 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Richard Mariot Non-attendance 2d fine Richard Mariot, 2d. for the same YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1207 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Horbury John son of Thomas Smith; Jordan Sir Non-attendance 2d fine each John, s. of Thomas Smith, and Jordan Sir, 2d. for the same YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1208 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo de Thornes; Henry Bulneys Non-attendance 2d fine each Robert, s. of Ivo de Thornes, and Henry Bulneys, 2d. each for the same YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 131 1209 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Roger Baker of Normanton ; Adam the Couper ; Adam Marmioun ; Ralph Pykard ; John Allerun ; Adam, s. of Hayne of Dewesburi ; Ralph the Colier ; Robert Trubbe ; William de Howorth ; Walter, s. of Richard de Armerawe ; William de Morlay ; Ralph de Wik of Bretton ; John Malle ; John Batty; Robert Milner ; Robert, s. of John ; William Batti ; John, s. of Henry ; John del Clay ; John Campe ; John, s. of John Batti ; Adam Pogge of Emeley ; Adam, s. of Dyonisia ; Peter de Wortlay ; William, s. of Til; Robert, s. of Hugh ; Thomas Stedman ; Henry, s. of William ; Adam, servant of Robert Carpenter ; Adam Ingoys ; Henry de Flokton ; John, s. of Juliana ; William de Grenegate ; Thomas, s. of William the Gardiner ; William, s. of Richard Mille ; Richard, s. of Adam the Couper ; Richard Danyel ; Robert Alayn ; Robert de Abathia; Alexander de Mora ; Simon Thrombald ; John, s. of Scolicia ; Richard Anoc ; John de Scharneston ; Thomas the Machoun ; John, s. of Agnes ; Richard de Stel; Adam the Wayte ; Thomas Forester ; Thomas, s. of Joseph ; William Takel ; John Swayn ; John de Methelay ; Thomas Tailor ; Robert Pollard ; German Herward ; Henry de Adyngham ; John the Rased, junior ; John, s. of Hugh Chapman ; Robert, s. of William de Sandale ; Thomas, his son ; John Wolmer ; Roger Preest ; John Wayteskath ; John Beek ; John Hood ; Robert Tailor, and Richard Wheelwright Non-attendance 2d fine each Roger Baker of Normanton ; Adam the Couper ; Adam Marmioun ; Ralph Pykard ; John Allerun ; Adam, s. of Hayne of Dewesburi ; Ralph the Colier ; Robert Trubbe ; William de Howorth ; Walter, s. of Richard de Armerawe ; William de Morlay ; Ralph de Wik of Bretton ; John Malle ; John Batty; Robert Milner ; Robert, s. of John ; William Batti ; John, s. of Henry ; John del Clay ; John Campe ; John, s. of John Batti ; Adam Pogge of Emeley ; Adam, s. of Dyonisia ; Peter de Wortlay ; William, s. of Til; Robert, s. of Hugh ; Thomas Stedman ; Henry, s. of William ; Adam, servant of Robert Carpenter ; Adam Ingoys ; Henry de Flokton ; John, s. of Juliana ; William de Grenegate ; Thomas, s. of William the Gardiner ; William, s. of Richard Mille ; Richard, s. of Adam the Couper ; Richard Danyel ; Robert Alayn ; Robert de Abathia; Alexander de Mora ; Simon Thrombald ; John, s. of Scolicia ; Richard Anoc ; John de Scharneston ; Thomas the Machoun ; John, s. of Agnes ; Richard de Stel; Adam the Wayte ; Thomas Forester ; Thomas, s. of Joseph ; William Takel ; John Swayn ; John de Methelay ; Thomas Tailor ; Robert Pollard ; German Herward ; Henry de Adyngham ; John the Rased, junior ; John, s. of Hugh Chapman ; Robert, s. of William de Sandale ; Thomas, his son ; John Wolmer ; Roger Preest ; John Wayteskath ; John Beek ; John Hood ; Robert Tailor, and Richard Wheelwright [carpentar rotarum], 2d. each for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 132 1210 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff William Cobbler; Robert de Ruscheworth; John de Batelay; Richard de Salsa-mara; Robert de Heyrode; Rochard de Birstall; John de Toftclif; Walter de Toftclif; John de Mora; Michael Dodeman; William de Haya; Richard de Crosseland; Thomas del Bellehous; William del Okes; William Bernard; John de Batelay Livestock theft Imprisoned William Cobbler [Sutor] of Morlay, taken for stealing an ox stolen from Robert de Ruscheworth, pleads not guilty ; John de Batelay sues him for the same in due form, the ox being his, in the custody of Robert de Russcheworth. An inquisition taken by the oath of Richard de Salsa-mara, Robert de Heyrode, Richard de Birstall, John de Toftclif, Walter de Toftclif, John de Mora, Michael Dodeman, William de Haya, Richard de Crosseland, Thomas del Bellehous, William del Okes, and William Bernard find him not guilty. John de Batelay is therefore committed to prison. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 133 Animals 1211 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prison Adam Wardelyn; Adam Cosyn; Adam Cappe; Constance Morre Thornhill Theft Imprisoned Adam Wardelyn of Thornhill attaches himself by his pledges, Adam Cosyn of Flokestone and Adam Cappe, against Custance Morre of Pontefract, saying that his house at Thornhille was broken into, and an overtunic, amongst other things, taken; and this was found in possession of Custance Murre. Defendant says she bought the overtunic honestly last Sunday in Pontefract, from two women who were carrying it about for sale. She is remanded [reposita] to prison, and ordered to have her warranty at the next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 133-4 Women 1212 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Hugh de Tothill; John son of Henry de Fikesby 1313 (5 Edward II) Debt; contempt; leaving court 12d fine Hugh de Tothill sues John, s. of Henry de Fikesby, for 5s, part of a tithe purchased from him, 5 Edw. II. Defendant comes and makes no defence, but leaves the bar with contempt; he is therefore convicted, and is amerced 12d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 134 1213 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John Sourmilk; Henry del Holgate Failure to prosecute 6d fine John Sourmilk and his pledge [surety] are amerced 6d for not prosecuting his suit against Henry del Holgate. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 134 1214 14/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Robert son of Pelle; Robert son of Adam Pontefract Livestock theft 2s damages; 2s fine An inquisition finds that Robert, s. of Pelle, had a horse stopped in Pontefract, which was being taken by Robert, s. of Adam, to sell at Pontefract market, for part of his arrears ; damages, 2s., which he is to pay, and he is amerced 2s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 134 Animals; markets 1215 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff William Tyrsi; his wife Assault; contempt of court 6s 8d fine; held to keep the peace on penalty of 40s William Tyrsi for contempt in Court of the Burgesses, by an assault made by himself and his wife on a certain strange man, 6s. 8d, and if he or his wife offend again, they are to pay the lord 40s. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 134 Violence; women 1216 16/04/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Robert son of Geoffrey Breaking paling 1d fine Robert, s. of Geoffrey, 1d for breaking the paling of the new coppice. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 135 Enclosures; fences 1217 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron John de Blackhoumore; Roger Walgar; Thomas de Seyuile; John de Leptone; Richard de Birstall; Robert de Heyrode; William del Okes; Richard de Crosseland; Adam Sprigonel; John Patrikes; John Hood; John de Megeley; Robert de le Grene; Robert de Salonstall Almanbury Theft Hanged John de Blakhoumore, taken at the suit of Roger Walgar of Almanbury, for breaking into his house at Almanbury, and stealing goods and chattels, value 10s., which goods were found in his possession and are brought into court, is asked what defence he can make for the said burglary and theft; he pleads not guilty. An inquisition taken by the oath of Thomas de Seyuile, John de Leptone, Richard de Birstall, Robert de Heyrode, William del Okes, Richard de Crosseland, Adam Sprigonel, John Patrikes, John Hood, John de Megeley, Robert de la Grene of Osset, and Robert de Saltonstall, finds him guilty. He is ordered to be hanged. He has no goods. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 136 Jury; inquiry; buildings 1218 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme John de Sonderland Concealement; false presentment 12d fine John de Sonderland, grave of Hiperum, amerced 12d for false presentment and concealment. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137 Officials 1219 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry Nonne; John Thorold Non-attendance 2d fine Henry Nonne amerced 2d for not coming when summoned to answer John Thorold. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137 1220 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Rastrick Henry son of John de Rastrick; Richard son of Jordan de Northorum; John le Couhirde False claim 6d fine Henry, s. of John de Rastrik, 6d. for false claim against Richard, s. of Jordan de Northorum, and John le Couhirde. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137 1221 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Alice formerly wife of Gerbode de Alvirthorp; Robert Gerbode Failure to prosecute 3d fine Alice, formerly wife of Gerbode de Alvirthorp, 3d for not prosecuting her suit against Robert Gerbode. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137 Women 1222 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Agnes Pymme; John Dade of Wakefield Withdrawn from suit License given Agnes Pymme has license to withdraw her suit against John Dade of Wakefeld. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137 Women 1223 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Prison Custance Murre; Adam Wardelein; John son of Robert Pollard Thornhill Theft Acquitted Custance Murre of Pontefract is found not guilty, and is acquitted of theft by an inquisition ; and she gives 3s. for an aid against Adam Wardelein of Thornhill for false accusation. Surety : John, s. of Robert Pollard. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137 Women 1224 04/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John Wilcokes; John Richard; Henry son of Richard Broun; William Goldsmith; Robert the Roller; William de Hetheneshale; John Wilcokes Abuse of office; kidnap Attached John Wilcokes and John Richard made themselves bailiffs, and took and bound Henry, s. of Richard Broun. They are, therefore, attached viz. John Wilcokes by William Goldsmith and Robert the Roller, and John Richard by William de Hetehneshale and John Wilcokes. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 137-8 Officials 1225 28/05/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff John Wilcokes; William Goldsmith; Robert the Roller; John Richard; William de Hetheneshale; John Wilcokes Non-attendance Sureties fined 6s 8d. ohn Wilcokes attached by pledges of William Goldsmith and of Robert the Roller, and John Richard attached by pledges of William de Hetheneshale and John Wilcokes, are amerced 6s. 8d. for not having them in court to answer. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 140 1226 28/05/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff John de Bollyng; Alice his wife; Ingelard vicar of Halifax Withdrawing suit License granted John de Bollyng and Alice, his wife, have license to withdraw their suit against Ingelard, vicar of Halifax, because he is dead. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 140 Clerics; women 1227 28/05/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff John de Leptone Non-attendance 3d fine John de Leptone, 3d. for not coming when summoned on the inquisition regarding the lands, etc., formerly held by Thomas de Langfeld. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 140 Land; jury; inquiry 1228 28/05/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Thomas de Schellay; Margery heis wife; Robert Stute; Juliana his mother False claim 6d fine Thomas de Schellay and Margery, his wife, fined 6d. under an inquisition for false claim against Robert Stute and Juliana, his mother. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 141 Inquiry; women 1229 28/05/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal Gilbert Gayrok; Robert Gerbod Failure to prosecute 3d fine Gilbert Gayrok, 3d. for not prosecuting his suit against Robert Gerbod. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 141 1230 28/05/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry Wolf Cutting trees 12d fine Henry Wolf, 12d. for throwing down an oak with another oak YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 141 Wood; forest 1231 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Hipperholme William de Bothes; Richard son of Ivo Withdrawing suit 2d fine William de Bothes withdraws his suit against Richard, s. of Ivo, because said Richard has no goods and cannot be attached ; fine, 2d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 143 1232 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Bailiff Robert Beausir; John de Byngelay; John son of Hugh de Ledes; Adam Sprigonel; Henry de Gouton Livestock theft Imprisoned; sureties fined 40d. Robert Beausir of Crigeleston, who appealed John de Byngelay and John, s. of Hugh de Ledes, for theft of a horse, came and acknowledged himself wrong in his appeal [et recognovit se de appello suo] ; he is sent to prison ; and Adam Sprigonel and Henry de Goutoun, his sureties, are amerced 40d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 143 Animals 1233 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Alverthorpe Henry del Bothem Contempt of court 6d fine Henry del Bothem, grave of Alverthorp, 6d. for contempt in court YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 144 Officials 1234 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sowerby Wymarka daughter of Seyer of Sourby; Richard del Feld; John Pykeston Failure to prosecute 6d fine Wymarka, d. of Seyer of Sourby, 6d., and her surety, Richard del Feld, for not prosecuting her suit against John Pykeston YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 144 Women 1235 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Rastrick Alexander del Briggehous; John son of Henry de Fikesby; Alexander del Wodehous Debt; false claim 6d fines Alexander del Briggehous, convicted by the jury and amerced 6d. for withholding 18d. from John, s. of Henry de Fikesby, as surety for Alexander del Wodehous. John is amerced 6d, for false claim for 2s. 3d. [sic] against the said Alexander. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 144 1236 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sowerby Roger son of Amabilla de Sourby Grazing beasts on Earl's land; depasturing 6s 8d fine Roger, s. of Amabilla of Sourby, 6s. 8d. for putting several beasts to graze in the Earl's garden, on his own authority YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 144 Animals; grass; enclosures 1237 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sandal Adam de la Grene; Thomas son of Pelle; William de Collay; Thomas son of Roger; grave of Sandal Failure to prosecute 9d fine Adam de la Grene, amerced 9d. for not prosecuting his suits against Thomas, s. of Pelle, William de Collay, and Thomas, s. of Roger. His surety, the grave, also amerced YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 Officials 1238 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Alverthorpe Robert Gerbode; Alice Gerbode Judgement postpones Robert Gerbode is ill, therefore Alice Gerbode's suit against him is postponed till next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 Women 1239 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sandal Warenner de Karlton; Thomas son of Richard Beausir; Agnes daughter of Richard Beausir; Thoams son of Roger Theft Inquiry opened Warenner de Karlton, guardian of Thomas and Agnes, children of Richard Beausir, on behalf of his said wards, sues Thomas, s. of Roger, for 4 quarters of oats, worth [?], and two sheep, worth 3s. 4d., which property was given by their parents to be appropriated to their use. Defendant acknowledges the two sheep, but says they were taken for the Earl's expenses, and he will make satisfaction therefor as soon as he is paid by the Earl's servants. The oats he denies, and prays that an inquisition be ordered YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 Animals; crops; women; officials; servants; inquiry 1240 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sandal Warenner de Karlton; Roger son of Richard Beausir Debt Inquiry opened The said Warenner sues Robert, s. of Richard Beausir, for debt. An inquisition is to be taken YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 Inquiry 1241 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sandal Warenner de Karlton; Thomas son of Roger; William the Bailiff Trespass Thomas, s. of Roger, sues Warenner de Karlton for trespass. Surety : William [the] Bailiff. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 1242 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sandal Margery the Wryhte; Agnes daughter of Geoffrey de Mewebyggyng Crigglestone chapel St. James' Day (25 July?) Assault Judgement not recorded Margery the Wryhte sues Agnes, d. of Geoffrey de Newebyggyng, for assaulting her in Crigeleston Chapel on St. James' day, and breaking her head with a shingle. Agnes says she has already made terms and reparation for the said assault. [Nothing further recorded. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 Churches; buildings; women; violence 1243 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Sandal Town of Crigglestone Crigglestone Concealing presentment 40d fine The town of Crigeleston, 40d. for concealing this shedding of blood. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 145 1244 25/06/2016 00:00:00 Wakfield Court baron Hipperholme Hugh de Rachesdale; William de Haylay; Simon de Tothill Livestock theft Hugh de Rachesdale sues William de Haylay for taking a horse. Surety : Simon de Tothill YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 146 Animals 1245 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Matilda de Newmarket; John son of Robert Mercer; Gregory Mercer; John Curzoun; John de Kelleley Livestock theft Attached Matilda de Newmarket [de Novo Mercato] sues John, s. of Robert Mercer [mercenarius] of Wakefeld, and Gregory Mercer, for detention of cattle. Surety : John Curzoun. She appoints John de Kellesley her attorney. The defendants to be attached. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 147 Women; animals; attorney 1247 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Henry Fletcher; Robert Pees Failure to prosecute 2d fine Henry Fletcher of Osset, 2d. for not prosecuting his suit against Robert Pees of Osset YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 147 1248 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Alice de Skrevyn; Richard chaplain of Hertesheved; Henry de Wakefield; Thomas de Wittelay; John de Hertesheved Kirkley Priory Livestock theft; non-attendance Attached; surety fined 6d Alice de Skrevyn, Prioress of Kirkley, sues Richard Chaplain of Hertesheved on a plea of taking cattle, by Henry de Wakfeld. Surety : Thomas de Wittelay. And John de Hertesheved, clerk, surety for the attaching of the said Richard, is fined 6d. for not having him in court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 147 Women; clerics; animals 1249 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John son of Margert del Holins; John Torold Non-attendance 3d fine John, s. of Margery del Holins, 3d . for not coming when summoned to answer John Toroid. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 147 1250 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John Bround; Robert de Wyverumthorp Non-attendance 3d fine John Broun of Alverthorp, the same against Robert de Wyverumthorp. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 147 1251 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John son of John de Megelay; Henry de Saltonstall; Roger son of Amabilla; John de Routonstall Enclosing land without license Various fines John, s. of John de Megelay, 2d., Henry de Saltonstall, 3d., and Roger, s. of Amabilla, 2d., for enclosing lands without license. John de Routonstall did not enclose land as presented YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 147 Women; enclosures; land 1252 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Hipperholme Richard del Wyndhill; wife of William de Stodelay; foresters; John de la More; William del Okes; Thomas del Bellehous; Richard de Salsa-mara; Richard de Birstall; Robert de Heyrode; Robert de la Grene; Richard de Crosseland; John Hood of Wakefield; John son of Hugh de Northland; Richard de Counhale Theft; assault Acquitted Richard del Wyndhill-taken as a suspected thief, because he came with a message from several thieves to the wife of the late William de Stodlay [? begging] victuals for the said thieves, and because he threatened the woman to burn her unless she sent food and money by him, and fled when the Earl's foresters tried to attach him for this, and shot at the said foresters with arrows- being asked what he has to say, denies the charges, and refers himself to the court. An inquisition is taken by the oaths of ... Thorneton, John de la More, William del Okes, Thomas del Bellehous, Richard de Salsa-mara, Richard de Birstall, Robert de Heyrode, Robert de la Grene, Richard de Crosseland, John Hood of Wakefeld, John, s. of Hugh de Northland, and Richard de Counhale-by whom he is found not guilty of frequenting the company of thieves, etc. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 148 Violence; women; officials; inquiry 1253 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Roger Preest; Robert Estrild; John Pollard; Henry son of Ellen; Robert Gonne; John Poket; Richard Poket; Robert son of Walter; Gerard Cussing; Rose wife of Roger Preest Since 1305 Encroaching land; false claim 3d fine The inquisition between Roger Preest and Robert Estrild for a rood of land which Roger says has been encroached on by Robert for the past eleven years, is taken by the oath of John Pollard, Henry, s. of Ellen, Robert Gonne, John Poket, Richard Poket, and Robert, s. of Walter, who say that Gerard Cussing, uncle of Rose, wife of Roger Freest, demised 3 butts [buttas] of land in the Rodes to defendant for his (Gerard's) life, with remainder after his death to his niece Rose ; and after Gerard's death defendant took a lease thereof for 20 years from Roger Freest and his wife. Roger is therefore amerced 3d. for false claim YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 149 Land; women; enclosures 1254 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thomas son of Roger; Thomas son of Richard Beausir; Agnes daughter of Richard Beausir; Wariner de Carltoun Theft 8s damages; 6d fine An inquisition finds that Thomas, s. of Roger, is withholding from Thomas and Agnes, children of Richard Beausir, 8s. for 4 quarters of oat's, a sheep, and the fleece of a diseased sheep [bident' de morina], delivered to him by Wariner de Carltoun, their guardian. He is to make satisfaction, and is amerced 6d. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 149 Animals; women 1255 25/07/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield Thoams son of Roger; Warenner de Carltoun Crigglestone 1314 (7 Edw. II) Breach of contract 40s damages; 6d fine Thomas, s. of Roger, sues Warenner de Carltoun, saying that in 7 Edw. II plaintiff took from him 3 roods of land in Crigeleston for 6 years ; and, after he had ploughed and manured the land, and had spent on it altogether 40s., the said Warenner made default of the service due on the said land to the Earl, whose servants entered the said land sown with corn, and ejected plaintiff; damages, 40s. Warenner makes no defence ; amerced 6d. Damages to be taxed at next court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 149-50 Land; officials 1256 06/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Elyas son of Henry de Heppeworth Enclosing land without license 6d fine Elyas, s. of Henry de Heppeworth, amerced 6d . for enclosing unoccupied land without license. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 152 Land; enclosures 1257 06/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John son of Margery del Holyns; John Torold Non-attendance Attached by crops John, s. of Margery del Holyns, to be attached to answer John Torold by the corn growing on his land, because no other distraint can be found. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 152 Land; fields; crops 1258 06/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John de Flansowe; John Torold Non-attendance 2d fine John de Flansowe amerced 2d. for not coming, when summoned, to answer John Torold. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 152 1259 06/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe William Carpenter Non-attendance 2d fine William Carpenter of Alverthorp, the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 152 1260 06/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sandal John son of Margery; Robert son of Pelle Non-attendance 3d fine John, s. of Margery, 3d for the same against Robert, s. of Pelle. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 152 1261 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Henry son of Richard del Hide; Robert the Harpour Eland Assault Acquitted Henry, s. of Richard del Hide of Rachesdale, sues Robert the Harpour for assault in the town of Eland, calling him false and unfaithful, and felling him to the earth with his bow ; damages, 100s. Robert says he is not answerable here, because he holds nothing in the fee ; he is therefore discharged. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 154 Violence 1262 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby Richard de Luddingdene; John Sourmilk Failure to prosecute 6d fine Richard de Luddingdene, 6d. for not prosecuting his suit against John Sourmilk. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 154 1263 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Sowerby John son of John de Miggelay; Julian Wade Failure to prosecute 6d fine John, s. of John de Miggelay, 6 d. for not prosecuting suit against Julian Wade YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 154 1264 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Stanley Richard Poket Contempt in court 6d fine Richard Poket, 6d. for contempt in court YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 154 1265 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe John de Flansowe; William Carpenter Non-attendance 2d fine each John de Elansowe and William Carpenter of Alverthorp, 2d. each for not coming to answer John Torold. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 154 1266 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Alverthorpe Whomas son of Laurence; Walter del Hill; Master John False claim Forgiven Thomas, s. of Laurence, is amerced for a false claim against Walter del Hill. He is forgiven at the instance of Master John. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 155 1267 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes William son of Roger Non-attendance 12d fine William, s. of Roger, grave of Thornes, 12d. for not coming to the court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 155 1268 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Thomas de Schellay; William the Wyte False claim 6d fine Thomas de Schellay, 6d. for false claim against William the Wyte. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 155 1269 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Adam son of William Concealing heriot 12d fine Adam, s. of William, formerly grave of Osset, i2d. for concealing the heriot due on the land of Hugh Pees, who died 2 years ago. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 155 Land; officials 1270 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Ossett Graveship of Ossett Concealing heriot 6s 8d fine The whole graveship of Osset, with the exception of William de Heton, 6s. 8d: for the same. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 155 1271 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Graveship of Thornes Non-attendance 40d fine The graveship of Thornes, 40d. for not coming to the court. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 155 1272 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Henry de Spotland; Thomas Alayn York gaol Theft Mainprised for 20s. Henry de Spotland, indicted at the tourn at Rastrik for sundry thefts, and taken, pays 20s. to be under mainprise till the delivery of York Gaol. Surety : Thomas Alayn. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 156 1273 29/08/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Wakefield John Nelot Concealing escape John Nelot, grave of Wakefeld, concealed an escape. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 156 1274 17/09/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Bailiff Matilda de Newmarket; John son of Robert Mercer; Gregory Mercer Failure to prosecute 2s fine Matilda de Newmarket, 2s. for not prosecuting her suits against John, s. of Robert Mercer of Wakfeld, and Gregory Mercer. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 157 Women 1275 17/09/2016 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Holme Matilda daughter of Nicholas de Litlewod; Peter Pede Enclosing land 12d fine Matilda, d. of Nicholas de Litlewod, gives 12d. as a fine on one acre of land, which she enclosed after the death of Peter Pede. YAS Record Series Vol. 57, p. 157 Land; women; enclosures 1278 14/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Wakefield William le Wright Enclosing commons Amerced; distrained William le Wright enclosed a piece of land which the township ought to have in common each third year and in open time; amerced. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 126 Enclosures; commons; land 1279 14/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sergeant Robert de Dewesome Non-attendance 6d fine Robert de Dewesome is amerced 6d because he does not come to the tourn. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 126 1280 14/10/1939 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Wakefield John Hode Enclosing common Attached John Hode enclosed a piece of land which the township ought to have in common each third year and in open time; to be attached. YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 126 Enclosures; commons; land 1282 30/09/1948 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley Nicholas de Wyrunthorpe; German Bele; Agnes Bele Assault 6d damages; 2d fine Nicholas de Wyrunthorp failed to make the law he waged against German Bele and Agnes his wife that he did not wound German's wife nor kill his cats. German is to recover against Nicholas damages taxed at 6d, and Nicholas is amerced 2d. YAS Rolls Vol. 2, p. 3 Animals; women; violence 1283 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff John de Carleton; John Delson de Wade Debt; distraint Distrained; 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained and amerced 2d: John de Carleton offers himself against John Delson de Wade in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse. He does not come, so John is in mercy and attached. Self Animals 1284 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff Thomas de Westerton; Robert Willeson Trespass; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Thomas de Westerton against Robert Willeson in a plea of trespass. And Thomas does not prosecute. Self 1285 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Rastrick John de Helay; Adam Oieson Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: John de Helay offers himself against Adam Oieson in a plea of debt and distraint for one dish. He does not come to make his suit and Adam offers himself. Self 1286 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Holme William Wyles; William son of William de Alstonley; Adam del Wode; Robert del Qam Jury non-attendance 2d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 8d: William Wyles 2d, William son of William de Alstonley 2d, Adam del Wode 2d, Robert del Qam 2d, do not come to an inquiry and are in mercy. Self Officials; inquiry 1287 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett William Hothosne; John Brown de Heton; Adam Brown; Adam Shepherd; Thomas Otffed Jury non-attendance 2d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 10d: William Hothosne 2d, John Brown de Heton 2d, Adam Brown 2d, Adam Shepherd 2d, Thomas Otffed 2d, do not come to an inquiry and are in mercy. Self Officials; inquir 1288 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Leche; John Broun Livestock theft 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: It is determined (computus) that Robert Leche unjustly detains from John Broun one cow that Robert unjustly captured, therefore Robert is in mercy. Self Animals 1289 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury John Dudson; Robert Leche Inury to livestock 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: John Dudson against Robert Leche in a plea of trespass that his dog killed (occidit) one sheep, and Robert offers himself. Self Animals; violence 1290 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury John Dudson; Robert Leche Injury to livestock 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same John against the same Robert that his dog killed another sheep. Robert offers himself and is in mercy. Self Animals; violence 1291 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury John Diconson; Robert Leche Livestock theft; debt 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: It is determined that John Diconson unjustly captured a cow of Robert Leche for 3s 1d farmed from the mill, therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals; mill 1292 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Thoams de Weston; William Wilkinson Assault Bound to keep the peace; 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: It is determined that Thomas de Weston was seen leading to that place (fua viis eorum qui conduxerunt) William Wilkinson to make an assault on (offensit) the grave for 18s, therefore he is to keep the peace (sacerpaciat) with the grave and he is in mercy. Self Violence; officials 1293 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury John Brounson; John Young; John Kerdale; John Shoter; John White; William de la Grene; Thomas de Westerton; John Judson; William Wilkinson Assault; conspiracy 16d fines; 40d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 16d: It is determined that John Brounson, John Young, John Kerdale, John Shoter, John White, William de Grene, Thomad de Westerton, and John Judson lead William Wilkinson to make an assault on the grave for 18s, which the aforesaid John Judson owes the said William and the tithe (decinent?) to damages of 40d. Therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Violence; officials 1294 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John de Burgh; Richard de Thornhill; John Saville; Richard Vicar of Halifax; Robert de Fynchedene; Robert Fencille Halifax vicarage Released from suit of court Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Fined 9s 10d: John de Burgh 4d, Richard de Thornhill 18d, John Saville 12d, John Drake 12d, Richard vicar of Halifax 12d, Robert de Fynchedene 12d, Robert Fencille 2d, fine to be released from suit of court. Self Clerics 1295 01/09/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court William de Wuerneby; Alicia de Dobson; heirs of Thomas Sprigonel; Henry de Shellay; Thomas de Manyngham; John Olinson de Rastrick; Thomas Plennyng; Katerina de Sheffield; John de Broundels del More de Thornes; Robert de Prestlat; Thomas del Wrigge; Isabelle de Crotton; William son of Hugo de Ossett; Adam de Buringham; Robert del Okes; John del Grene de Ossett; heirs Warren de Thornehill; John de Heton Non-attendance Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 5s 8d: William de Wuerneby 12d, Alicia de Dobson 2s, hedes Thomas Sprigonel 2d, Henry de Shellay 2d, Thomas de Manyngham 2d, John Olinson de Rastrick 12d, Thomas Plennyng 2d, Katerina de Sheffield 2d, John de Broundels del More de Thornes 12d, Robert de Prestlat 2d, Thomas del Wrigge 2d, Isabelle de Crotton 2d, William son of Hugo de Ossett 2d, Adam de Buringham 2d, Robert del Okes 2d, John del Grene de Ossett 2d, hedes Warren de Thornehill 2d, John de Heton 2d, owed suit of court and did not come therefore are in mercy and distrained. Self Women 1296 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Juliana wife of Robert Jonson; Thomas Pell; Robert Jonson Custodianship YAS/MD225/1/105 Juliana wife of Robert Jonson is custodian of the lands of Thomas Pell and the heirs of Robert Jonson. Self Women; land 1297 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John son of John de Roldale; Richard Taillur; Robert Hayward; John de Attelwode; William de Littlewood; Thomas del Wathes; John Snuch de Hill; William de Holme Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2s: John son of John de Roldale 3d, Richard Taillur 3d, Robert Hayward 3d, do not come to the election of the grave, for the same John de Attelwode 3d, William de Littlewood 3d, Thomas del Wathes 3d, John Snuch del Hill 3d, William de Holme 3d, are in mercy. Self Officials 1298 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Henry Tyting; Henry del Botham Livestock theft; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Henry Tyting against Henry del Botham in a plea of trespass and attachment by the grave, that he had captured ten pigs (decem porcellum), and he does not come. Henry Tyting fails to prosecute. Self Animals 1299 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John Anot; William Garbot Ploughing 18d damages; inquiry YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: John Anot seeks a judgement against William Garbot of 2s for ploughing (arruit) and William recognises 18d and therefore he is to pay. John seeks the judgement of an inquiry and William offers himself. Self Inquiry; land 1300 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Robert Taylor; Robert Stanley; John del Ker; William de Lokwode Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Robert Taylor 3d, Robert Stanley 3d, John del Ker 3d, William de Lokwode 3d, do not come to elect the grave. Self Officials 1301 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Richard Jonson; John de Sladene; Thomas Wene; Richard Pelle; John Shepherd; Thomas de Logherthorpe; John de Longrode; Robert del Dene; John de Wolrinwal; John de Haycroft; John del Dene; Thomas de Sidale; Thomas de Feldimor; John de Gaukrocher; Richard Robson; son of Thomas del Wade; John de Water; John Tauls Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 4s 6d: Richard Johnson 3d, John de Sladene 3d, Thomas Wene 3d, Richard Pelle 3d, John Shepherd 3d, Thomas de Logherthorpe 3d, John de Longrode 3d, Robert del Dene 3d, John de Wolrinwal 3d, John de Haycroft 3d, John del Dene 3d, Thomas de Sidale 3d, Thomas del Feldiminor 3d, John de Gaukrocher 3d, Richard Robson 3d, the son of Thomas del Wade, 3d, John de Water 3d, John Tauls 3d, do not come. Self 1302 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Rastrick Richard Woderode; John de Amilay; John de Tochehill; Henry Alissander; John Hanson Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 12d: Richard Woderode 3d, John de Amilay 3d, John de Tochehill 3d, Henry Alissander 3d, do not come. John Hanson, grave. Self Officials 1303 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley John Carter; William his son Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 6d: John Carter 3d, William his on 3d, do not come. Self 1304 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Hipperholme John del Bothe senior; John del Bothe junior; Richard Matthewson; John Simon; Richard Symson; John Wou; John Wilkinson; Robert Pinder; Robert de Wolfker; Henry del Cliffe; Henry de Rissheworth Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2s 9d: John del Bothe senior 3d, John del Bothe junior 3d, Richard Metthewson 3d, John Simon 3d, Richard Symson 3d, John Wou 3d, John Wilkonson 3d, Robert Pinder 3d, Robert de Wolkfer 3d, Henry del Cliffe 3d, Henry de Rissheworth 3d, do not come. Self 1305 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Scammonden William del Okes Non-attendance 3d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: William del Okes does not come. Self 1306 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Sandal John de Andessay; William Broun; John Tomson Non-attendance 3d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 9d: John de Andessay 3d, William Broun 3d, John Tomson 3d do not come. Self 1307 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Sandal William de Anondene; John Simento; John Greneheid Trespass YAS/MD225/1/105 William de Anondene against John Simento and John Greneheid in a plea of trespass and attachment for 2s. Self 1308 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Sandal Richard son of Henry Shepherd; John de Tathewalle Trespass YAS/MD225/1/105 Richard son of Henry Shepher against John de Tathewelle in a plea of covenant. Self 1309 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff William de Querneby; Alicia de Davuam; Adam Queringhick; Hugo Baille Fine for suit of court Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Fined 3s 6d: William de Querneby, Alicia de Davuam 6d, Adam de Queringhick 2s, Hugo Baille 12d, make fines for suit of the court this year. Self Women 1310 01/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff Heirs of Thomas Sprigonel; Henry de Shellay; Thomas de Manningham; Thomas Fleming; Rathina de Sheffield; Robert de Preselay; Thomas el Wrig; Isabella de Grotton; Robert del Okes; John del Grene de Ossett; Heirs of Wram de Thornehill; John de Heton Non-attendance Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2s: Heirs of Thomas Sprigonel 2d, Henry de Shellay 2d, Thomas de Manningham 2d, Thomas Fleming 2d, Rathina de Sheffield 2d, Robert de Preselay 2d, Thomas del Wrig 2d, Isabella de Grotton 2d, Robert del Okes 2d, John del Grene de Ossett 2d, heirs of Wram de Thornehill 2d, John de Heton 2d, owing suit of the court and do not come, and therefore are in mercy. Self Women 1311 02/10/1938 00:00:00 Wakefield Court baron Thornes Robert son of Ivo; Hugh Viro Assault 6d damages; 3d fine An inquiry finds that Robert son of Ivo assaulted Hugh Virun and hit him, damage 6d. He is to satisfy and is amerced 3d YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 4 Violence 1312 22/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Horbury Adam Foet Gilledene Enclosing land 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Adam Foet, 2d, made an enclosure on the road above Gilledene. Self Land; enclosures 1313 22/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Ossett Matilda Swanson Being a quareller 3d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Matilda Swanson, 3d, is a quarreller (litigatrix). Self Women 1314 22/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal Phillip de Northwyche Neglect of duties 8d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 A lane is in disrepair (dedorata), and the grave Phillip de Northwyche, 8d, does not pay [for repairs?], therefore he is in mercy. Self Officials; roads 1315 22/10/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sandal Shagbrook; Longderk Mill-ponds in disrepair Vill fined 12d YAS/MD225/1/105 Shagbrook and Longderk are not flooded, which the vill of Sandal is obliged to flood. Therefore the vill is amerced 12d. Self Mills; water 1316 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Robert Wul; Henry Merle Livestock theft; assault of animal; failure to prosecute Fined YAS/MD225/1/105 Robert Wul against Henry Merle in a plea that Henry had unjustly seized and bitten (moret) a sheep. Robert does not prosecute, therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals; violence 1317 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Robert Wul; Henry Merle Depasturing; failure to prosecute Fined YAS/MD225/1/105 obert Wul against the same Henry Merle in a plea of trespass, that beasts of Henry had caused damages valued at 40d, and the same Robert does not prosecute therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals; land 1318 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn John del Dam; John Alot Debt; distraint; non-attendance Distrained; 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained and amerced 2d: John del Dam offers himself against John Alot in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals 1319 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Acreland; Thomas Taillur Livestock theft; non-attendance 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Thomas Acreland against Thomas Taillur, who does not come, in a plea that he seized one cow. And Thomas is amerced for not coming. Self Animals 1320 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry reports that beasts of Thomas Tynker trespassed in the corn of Edward Rogerson to damages of 40d, and Thomas does not defend. The same Edward does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; land; corn; inquiry 1321 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Depasturing; failure to prosecute; fence-breaking 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and finds that beasts of Thomas Tynker destroyed the fence of Edward Rogerson and trampled his corn to damages of two marks. The same Edward does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; fences; land; corn; inquiry 1322 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry finds that Thomas Tynker entered into an enclosure and trampled the corn of Edward Rogerson to damages of 40d. The same Edward does not prosecute and is in mercy. Self Land; enclosures 1323 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson; his wife Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry finds that beasts of Thomas Tynker depastured the corn of Edward Rogerson and his wife, and Thomas caused damages of 40d. The same Edward does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; land; women 1324 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Since 1376 Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry finds that the beasts of Edward Rogerson for three years have depastured the meadow of Thomas Tynker to his damage [calculation of damages unclear]. And the said Thomas does not prosecute and therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals; meadow; land; inquiry 1325 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Assault of animal YAS/MD225/1/105 An inquiry finds that a dog of Edward Rogerson had bitten [agini] of Thomas Tynker to damages of 12d. [Rest of line is illegible] and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; violence 1326 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Depasturing YAS/MD225/1/105 Thomas Tynker against Edward Rogerson in a plea of trespass that beasts of Edward had depastured the corn of the said Thomas [rest of line is illegible] Self Animals; land; crops 1327 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Henry Merle; Robert Wul Livestock theft; fence-breaking; failure to prosecute None recorded YAS/MD225/1/105 Henry Merle against Robert Wul in a plea that he captured and impounded his beasts for repayment and broke his fence. Henry does not prosecute. Self Animals; fences 1328 24/10/1979 00:00:00 Brighouse Tourn Henry Merle; Robert Wul Livestock theft; fence-breaking; failure to prosecute Fined YAS/MD225/1/105 The same Henry against the same Robert that he had seized and impounded another of his beasts as restitution for trespass (trangsressus pro reddit) and broke his fence. And Henry does not prosecute and therefore he is in in mercy. Self Animals; fences 1329 25/10/1979 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Hugo de Tapelay; William del More Trespass; attachment; non-attendance 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Hugo de Tapelay against William del More in a plea of trespass and attachment by one ox, one pond (stag), one ininentam(??), and flour (farinam). He does not come and is in mercy. Self Animals 1330 25/10/1979 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Robert Law; William de Greenwood Debt 2d fine; 2d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Robert Law recognises that he owes William de Greenwood 7d for one cow, and damages are taxed at 2d. Therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals 1331 25/10/1979 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby John de Stodelay; William de Wrightworth; John Milner Breaking agreement 4d fine; 7d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 4d: It is determined that John de Stodelay and William de Wrightworth broke an agreement with John Milner over 12 acres demised to them, to damages of 7d. Therefore they are in mercy. Self Land 1332 25/10/1979 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Richard son of Robert Cogecroft; Robert del Wrig Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Richard son of Robert Cogecroft that he does not present against Robert del Wrig in a plea that Robert's beasts had depastured and trespassed in the corn of the said Richard. Therefore Richard is in mercy. Self Land; animals; crops 1333 25/10/1979 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Richard son of Robert Cogecroft; Robert del Wrig Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Robert del Wrig does not prosecute against Richard son of Robert Cogecroft in a plea that beasts of the said Richard had depastured the corn of Robert. Therefore he is in mercy. Self Land; animals; crops 1334 25/10/1979 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby John Attetownend; William del Hole Cutting wood 2d fine; 6d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: John Attetowned recognises that he cut down and laid bare (succidit et aperit) the wood of William de Hole to damages taxed at 6d, therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Wood; forest 1335 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme John de Ortlay; Thomas de Wrens Debt; extraction; non-attendance 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same John against the same Thomas in a plea of debt and extraction. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and attached. Self 1336 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Defamation 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 It is determined that Richard Alcokson unjustly defamed Thomas Sisson, and therefore Richard is in mercy. Self 1337 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson; his wife Livestock theft 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: It is determined that Richard Alcokson unjustly drove off (reicanit) an ox of Thomas Sisson and his wife, therefore Richard is in mercy. Self Women; animals 1338 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Depasturing 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Richard Alokson against Thomas Sisson that beasts of Thomas had trespassed in the corn of Richard. Thomas offers himself. Self Animals; crops 1339 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Trespass 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same Richard against the same Thomas that Thomas had trespassed in the gate (porta) of Richard. Thomas offers himself. Self Enclosures; fences; buildings 1340 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Trespass; property damage 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same Richard against the same Richard [possibly a scribal error, and Thomas is meant] carried away (asportanit) and burned the close and garden of Richard, and Thomas offers himself. Self Enclosures; crops; land; buildings 1341 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Trespass 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Thomas Sisson against Richard Alcokson in a plea that Richard had made trespass in the gate of Thomas, and Richard offers himself. Self Land; enclosure; gate 1342 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Depasturing 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same Thomas against the same Richard that the pigs and chickens of the said Richard made trespass in the oats of the said Thomas, and Richard offers himself. Self Animals; depasturing; crops 1343 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Alcokson; Thomas Sisson Trespass 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same Thomas against the same Richard that he had unjustly made trespass in the corn of Thomas, and Richard offers himself. Self Crops; land 1344 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Thomas Sisson; Adam Penson Assault on livestock 2d fine; 2s damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Thomas Sisson against Adam Penson in a plea of trespass that a bull of Adam had killed a pig of Thomas to damages of 2s. Adam comes and recognises the trespass, and petitions for the damages to be evaluated. And Adam is to pay and is amerced. Self Animals; violence 1345 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Thomas Sisson; Adam Penson; Joanna wife of Richard de Morechauces Assault on livestock 2d fine; inquiry opened YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Adam Penson against Johana wife of Richard de Morechauses, in a plea that the said Johana released (fuganit) a dog of Adam, whence the dog killed a pig of Thomas Sisson to damages of 2s. And Johana defends herself, saying she is not to blame (non culper), and petitions an inquiry. Self Animals; violence; inquiry; women 1346 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Thomas de Wanderode; Richard del Grene Breach of contract; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Thomas de Wanderode against Richard del Grene broke an agreement of custody for Robert del More for years. And the said Thomas does not prosecute and is amerced. Self 1347 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Thomas de Wanderode; Richard del Grene Livestock theft; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: The same Thomas against the same Richard that Richard seized an ox of Robert del More. And the same Thomas does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals 1348 26/10/1979 00:00:00 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Thomas Alterand; Richard Hyne Debt; extraction; non-attendance 2d fine; attached YAS/MD225/1/105 Attached, Amerced 2d: Thomas Atlerand against Richard Hyne in a plea of debt and extraction. He does not come therefore is in mercy and attached. Self 1349 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff John de Tollay; William Brounsmith Debt; distraint; non attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John de Tollay offers himself against William Brownsmith in a plea of debt and distraint for one pot, one wheel, one piece of cloth (par de cardes). He does not come therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self 1350 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John Milner de Bradeley; Richard Jankinson; William son of ?? Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John Milner de Wradeley offers himself against Richard Jankinson in a plea of debt and distraint for William son of onim(?). He does not come therefore is distrained and in mercy. Self 1351 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Juliana wife of Robert Jonson; Thomas her son; John de Woodale Trespass 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 2d: Juliana who was wife of Robert Jonson and custodian of the lands of Thomas her son and heir of Robert Jonson offers herself against John de Woodale in a plea of trespass. Self Women; children 1352 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Samson de Eakthorpe; William Brounsmith Debt; distraint; non-attendance Fined; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Samson de Eakethorpe offers himself against William Brownsmith in a plea of debt and distraint by two horses, one (uncertain- possilbly beehive, caveaum, or forge, caminus). He does not come therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals; insects 1353 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John; Simon Brounsmith Debt; distraint; non-attendance Fined YAS/MD225/1/105 The same John offers himself against Simon Brownsmith in a plea of debt and distraint for wheat (furmentum?). He does not come and therefore is in mercy. Self Crops 1354 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Son of Hugo de Ossett; William Alan Debt; distraint; non-attendance Fined; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 The son of Hugo de Ossett offers himself against William Alan in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained by nothing. Self Animals 1355 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John Wledebor junior; Richard Malinson Debt; non-attendance Fined; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 John Weldebor junior offers himself against Richard Malinson de Woodhall in a plea of debt for one dish. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained by nothing. Self 1356 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Richard Hayne; Simon Brounsmith Debt; distraint; non-attendance Fined; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Richard Hayne offers himself against Simon Brownsmith in a plea of debt and distrain for wheat (furmentum?). He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Crops 1357 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Thomas de Westerton; Robert Wilson Trespass None recorded YAS/MD225/1/105 Thomas de Westeron against Robert Willson in a plea of trespass. Self 1358 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John del Dam; John Alot Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: John del Dam offers himself against John Alot in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained by nothing. Self Animals 1359 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Thomas Acreland; Thomas Tailor Livestock theft; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Thomas Acreland against Thomas Tailor (does not prosecute) in a plea that he seized one cow and Thomas does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals 1360 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry determines that Thomas Tynker forced entry (interit invadeum?) into the pasture and corn of Edward Rogerson and made trespass to damages 40d. The said Edward does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; crops; inquiry; enclosures 1361 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Since 1376 Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquisition comes and says the beasts of Edward Rogerson for three years depastured the pasture of Thomas Tynker to damages [rest of the line is illegible]. The said Thomas does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; crops; pasture; inquiry 1362 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Thomas Tynker; Edward Rogerson Assault on livestock; failure to prosecute Fined YAS/MD225/1/105 An inquiry comes and says that a dog of Edward Rogerson bit an ewe/lamb (agnem) of Thomas Tynker to damages 12d. And Thomas does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; violence 1363 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Edward Rogerson; Richard de Hinchcliffe Depasturing Fined; 40d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 An inquiry comes and says the beasts of Edward Rogerson made trespass in the corn of Richard de Hinchcliffe to damages of 40d. Self Animals; crops 1364 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Richard de Hinchcliffe; Edward (Rogerson?) Depasturing 2d fine; 2 marks damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says Richard de Hinchecliffe made unjust [unclear] in the chase of Edward [remainder illegible], to damages 40d. Self Animals; crops; enclosures 1365 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John Hanson; Hugo Stanenson Depasturing None recorded YAS/MD225/1/105 John Hanson against Hugo Stanenson in a plea of trespass in his corn. Self Crops 1366 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Robert Wool; Henry Meler Depasturing None recorded YAS/MD225/1/105 Robert Wool against Henry Meler in a plea of trespass in his corn. Self Crops 1367 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court John de Burgh; Thomas del Wyke Debt None recorded YAS/MD225/1/105 The same John against Thomas del Wyke in a plea of debt for one horse. Self Animals 1368 18/11/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Sowerby John Mohuate; Thomas de Grokesbank; John de Morgateroad; Thomas del Oldfield; grave of Sowerby Warley mill; Luddingdene Construction of mill Ordered to rebuild and guard mill at Luddingdene YAS/MD225/1/105 Renewal and construction of the mill at Warley: The lord's mill at Warley has no power and the dam is dashed to pieces on account of the great age of the old mere, and it is determined by the grave that the water has made a new course below the land, whereby the lord's council determines that the said mill should be reconstructed in the usual fashion at Luddingdene, with the same building as at the previous place, as the water at that place is more suitable for the inundation of the mill. And John Mohuate, Thomas de Grokesbank, John de Morgateroad, and Thomas del Oldefiedl are ordered to repair and build the said mill at Luddingdene and to guard it until laid down, secured, and inundated. And the grave, by the steward of the court, is to keep sight of the above. Self Buildings; water; officials; weather 1369 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Richard son of Hugo de Ossett; William Alan Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: Richard son of Hugo de Ossett offers himself against William Alan in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained by nothing. Self Animals 1370 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett John del Grene de Ossett; Adam Jonson de Ossett Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: The same John offers himself against Adam Jonson de Ossett in a plea of debt and distraint for one cow. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals 1371 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Holme John del Dam; John Alot Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John del Dam offers himself against John Alot in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse. He does not come therefore is in mercy and is distrained by nothing. Self Animals 1372 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Holme William Wyles; William Turner; William Bennet; William del Holme; William Mathelman; Thomas Wonderoad; Richard Vital del Grene; Thomas Tynker; Adam Thomson Failure to agree with jury 2d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 18d: William Wyles 2d, William Turner 2d, William Bennet 2d, William de Holme 2d, William Mathelman 2d, Thomas Wonderoad 2d, Richard Vital del Grene 2d, Thomas Tynjer 2d, Adam Thomson 2d, do not come to make agreement with the jury (paciend iuratam) and therefore they are in mercy. Self Officials; inquiry 1373 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Sowerby William del Bothe; Richard de Walrinwall Debt; attachment; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: William del Bothe offers himself against Richard de Walrinwall in a plea of debt and attachment by 8 cows and three oxen. He does not come. Self Animals 1374 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Rastrick John Hanson; Hugo Stevenson Trespass; attachment; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John Hanson offers herself against Hugo Stevenson, distrained by one horse, in a plea of trespass and attachment of grass. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals; crops 1375 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury William Wilkinson; Thomas Henryson; Robert Jenkinson; William de Wyslay; Hugo Clark; John Vital Whyte; William del Grene; Bernard Bliston; John Shoter; John Hinryng; John Judson Not attending inquiry 2d fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2s: John Young 2d, William Wilkinson 2d, Thomas Henryson 2d, Robert Jenkinson 2d, William de Wyslay 2d, Hugo Clark 2d, John Vical Whyte 2d, William del Grene 2d, Bernard Bliston 2d, John Shoter 2d, John Hirnyng 2d, John Judson 2d, do not come to an inquiry and therefore are in mercy. Self Officials; inquiry 1376 02/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Wakefield Eilisot wife of Peter Wolf; William Philip Livestock theft 9s fine? YAS/MD225/1/105 Captures: One cow of Elisot wife of Peter Wolf captured by William Phillip grave of Wakefield, siezed for 28s 8d in rent. Elisot gives 9s [rest of line uncertain] Self Women; animals 1377 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff John del Grene de Ossett; Adam Johnson Depasturing 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: The same John offers himself against Adam Johnson in a plea of trespass that he depastured corn to damages 20s. Self Crops 1378 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff Adam Smith de Wodethorpe; Robert del Okes Depasturing 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: Adam Smith de Wodethorpe offers himself against Robert del Okes in a plea of trespass that he depastured [nature of the damage unclear- possibly oats?] Self Crops 1379 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley William Earl; Thomas Branson Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: William Earl offers himself against Thomas Bronson in a plea of debt and distraint by one horse. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals 1380 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley John Pedder; William Anondene Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John Pedder offers himself against William Anondene in a plea of debt and distraint for one horse and he does not come. Self Animals 1381 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley Robert Milner; Ellisot de Cogcroft Debt; attachment; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: Robert Milner offers himself against Elissot de Cogcroft in a plea of debt and attachment by one cow. He does not come and therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals 1382 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley John Hanson; Hugo Stevenson Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John Hanson offers himself against Hugo Stevenson in a plea of debt and trespass and distraint by one horse. He does not come and therefore is amerced. Self Animals 1383 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury John Hawteson; Robert Leche Debt; distraint; non-attendance 2d fine; distrained YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: John Haweston offers himself against Robert Leche in a plea of debt and distraint by one horse. He does not come therefore is in mercy and distrained. Self Animals 1384 23/12/1979 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff Beatrice, wife of Henry Jackson Claiming waifs 3s 3d fee YAS/MD225/1/105 Waifs 3s 3d: Unclaimed waifs are assessed at 3s 3d. And they go to Beatrice, who was wife of Henry Jackson de Walton, for the said price(?). Self Animals; women; strays 1385 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Adam Johnson; John del Green Depasturing 2d fine; 20d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says that the beasts of Adam Johnson made a trespass in the corn of John del Green to damages 20d. Self Animals; crops 1386 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Robert del Okes; Adam Smith Depasturing 2d fine; 10d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Robert del Okes recognises that his beasts made a trespass in the oats of Adam Smith to damages taxed at [assessment left blank], therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Animals; crops 1387 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Holme Richard del Grene; Thomas de Wonderode Curring wood; theft; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says that Richard del Grene cut and carried away the wood of Thomas de Wonderode to damges 40d. And Thomas does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Wood; inquiry 1388 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sowerby Thomas de Whimwal; John Sainil Debt 2d fine; damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Thomas de Whimwal recognises that he owes John Sainil 33s 4d for 20 cows bought from him. Richard de Whimwal stands as pledge, and the damages are taxed at [assessment blank]. Therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Animals 1389 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sowerby William de Whimwal; John Sainil Debt 2d fine; 33s 4d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: William de Whimwal recognises that he owes John Sainil 33s 4d for 20 cows. The pledge is Richard de Whimwal, and he is to pay. Self Animals 1390 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Sowerby John de Whimwal; John Sainil Debt 2d fine; 22s 4d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: John de Whimwal recognises that he owes John Sainil 22s 4d for 20 cows. The pledge is Richard de Whimwal, and he is to pay. Self Animals 1391 13/01/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Tourn Horbury John Diconson; Robert Hrining Westfield of Horbury Since 1364 Depasturing Inquiry called YAS/MD225/1/105 John Diconson against Robert Hirning in a plea of trespass that the beasts of the said Robert for 16 years depastured the grass and corn of the said John in the Westfield of Horbury, to damages taxed at 100s, and Robert defends himself that he is not guilty/culpable [culperis] and petitions an inquiry. Self Animals; crops; inquiry 1392 03/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court William Dudson Jonkinson de Ossett; Roger Taillur Depasturing 10s damages YAS/MD225/1/105 An inquiry comes and says the beasts of William Dudson Jonkinson de Osset made trespass in the corn of Roger Taillur to damages of 10s. Self Animals; inquiry; crops 1393 03/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Thomas Pinder; Ade Chantler Depasturing? 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 2d: An inquiry comes and says that Thomas Pinder and the beasts of Ade Chantler [details of offence illegible], and Thomas places himself in mercy. Self Animals; inquiry 1394 24/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Hirning; John Diconson Ustrode; Stothull Livestock theft 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: It is determined in the plaint between Robert Hirning and John Diconson that the said John unjustly captured the sheep of the said Robert in Ustrode and Srothull in land held by the said Robert, and the said sheep were unjustly impounded therefore Robert owes nothing and John is amerced. Self Animals 1395 24/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Hirning; John Diconson Westfield Depasturing 3d fine; 6d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: It is determined that the beasts of Robert Hirning made a trespass in the grass and corn of John Diconson in Westfield for 16 years, to damages of 6d therefore he is to pay and [is amerced]. Self Animals; crops 1396 24/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Hirning; John Diconson Westgate Depasturing 2d fine; half-penny damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: It is determined that Robert Hirning unjustly placed two horses in the pasture of John Diconson in Westgate to damages of a half-penny, therefore he is to make [restitution] and is in [mercy] Self Animals; pasture 1397 24/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Hirning; John Diconson Spercakrode Depasturing 3d fine; 1d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: It is determined that the same Robert with his beasts made trespass in the oats of John Diconson in Spercakrode to damages of 1d, therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Animals; crops 1398 24/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Hirning; John Diconson Storthrode Cutting wood 3d fine; 18d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: It is determined that John Diconson unjustly cut down (secidet?) and cleared (aperis) the woof of Robert Hirning in Storthrode to damages of 18d, therefore he is to pay an is in mercy. Self Wood 1399 24/02/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Horbury Robert Hirning; John Diconson Philiprode Depasturing 3d fine; 1d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: It is determined that the beasts, namely horses, of John Diconson made trespass in the corn of Robert Hirning in Philiprode to damages of 1d, therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Animals; crops 1400 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Bailiff William del Hill; Robert Hirning Trespass 2d fine; 18d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says that William del Hill owes Robert Hirning 6 [unclear] for previous trespasses indicated in the court, therefore Robert is to settle previous judgements and is to pay damages of 18d. Self Inquiry 1401 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Sandal Whomas de Whimwal; William de Whimwal; William de Querneby Debt 4d fine; damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 4d: Thomas de Wilerimwal at William de Wilerimwal come here in court and [remainder of line unclear] that William de Querneby 39s 11d and a half-penny for beasts and the said William petitions damages for the detention(?) which are taxed [space blank], therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Animals 1402 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Whomas de Whimwal; William de Whimwal; William de Querneby Debt 4d fine; damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 4d: The said Thomas and William recognise that they owe the priest (?) William de Querneby 39s 11d and a half-penny for beasts, and the said William determines at petitions for the damages to be taxed, and they are taxed at [blank], therefore they are to pay and are in mercy. Self Animals 1403 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Whomas de Whimwal; William de Whimwal; William de Querneby Tax of damages 4d fine; damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 4d: The said Thomas and William recognises that they owe the priest William 22s 8d and a half-penny, William capitulates and petitions for the damages to be taxed, and they are taxed at [blank[, therefore they are to pay and are in mercy. Self 1404 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Adam Jonson de Ossett; John del Grene Failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 2d: Adam Jonson de Ossett does not prosecute versus John del Grene in a plea of trespass. Self 1405 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett William del Hill; Robert Hirning Trespass; destruction of property 40d damages; attached YAS/MD225/1/105 Attached: William del Hill against Robert Hirning in a plea of trespass, that he burned (fregit) a close of corn to damages 40d. Inquiry. Self Crops; fire; inquiry 1406 16/03/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett William del Hill; Robert Hirning Depasturing Attached; inquiry opened YAS/MD225/1/105 Attached: The same William against the same Robert in a plea of trespass that his beasts entered a field of oats and unjustly made a path to damages 40d. Inquiry. Self Animals; crops; roads 1407 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Richard Attetownend; John Swaynson Cutting wood; failure to prosecute 3d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry: Amerced 3d: An inquiry comes and says that Richard Attetownend cut down and sharpened/roughened [asperit] an ash of John Swaynson, does not prosecute, to damages of 5s. And John does not prosecute the suit and therefore he is in mercy. Self Wood; inquiry 1408 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Robert Hirning; William del Hill Fence-breaking; depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says that Robert Hirning broke a gate of William del Hill, does not prosecute, and unjustly made a path through the pasture and corn of the said William, to damages of 40d. And the said William does not prosecute and therefore is in mercy. Self Enclosure; fences; buildings; roads; crops 1409 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Robert Hirning; William del Hill Depasturing; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says that the beasts of Robert Hirning made a trespass in the orchard and oats of William del Hill and unjustly made a path in his corn to damages of 40d. And the said William does not prosecute the suit and therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals; crops; inquiry 1410 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Robert Hirning; William del Hill Trespass YAS/MD225/1/105 Robert Hirning against William del Hill in a plea of trespass in three suits/quarrels [queret]. Addition at end of line uncertain. Self 1411 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley Richard Hirning; Richard del Ker Debt; distraint 2d fine; 2s 9d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Distrained, amerced 2d: Richard Hirning offers himself against Richard del Ker in a plea of debt of 2s 9d for the milk and calf of one cow. Richard recognises and is taxed 2d. Self Animals 1412 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Holme Thomas de Morehouse; Thomas de Ramesdene; Thomas Acreland Livestock theft Inquiry opened YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 6d: An inquiry comes and says that Thomas de Morehouse and Thomas de Ranesdene unjustly captured a horse of Thomas Acreland to damages of 6d. And Thomas and Thomas argue that they captured the horse for 40d they were owed and which had been assessed (forarit) by the grave. Thomas Acreland said that he had made the payment and petitions for an inquiry. Afterwards the said Thomas de Morehouse and Thomas de Ramesdene offer themselves. Self Animals; inquiry 1413 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Holme Adam Penson; John Wynthegate Depasturing 3d fine; 2d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 3d: An inquiry comes and says Adam Penson broke the garden of John Wynthegate and with his sheep depastured the oats of the said John to damages of 40d. It is determined that he is culpable and damages are taxed at 3d. Therefore he is to pay and is in mercy. Self Animals; enclosures; crops 1414 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett William Differd; Robert Donman; John Qul; Richard Malinson de Ossett; Thomas Difford; Thomas Bulder; Robert Bulder Taking wood; taking palings Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 4s 2d: The grave presents that William Differd 4d, Robert Donman 4d, John Qul 2d, Richard Malinson de Ossett 2d, Thomas Difford 2d, carry away green wood de pere?; and Thomas Bulder 2d, Robertus Bulder 2d, carry away palisades. Self Woof; forest 1415 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Ossett Thomas Bulder Taking wood Attached YAS/MD225/1/105 Attached: Thomas Bulder cut and carried away 12 saplings in the border(?) that he had not petitioned, therefore he is attached. Self Wood; forest 1416 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Stanley Henry Phillip; Thomas Spire de Loftus; John del Bothem senior; John de Hunselet; Robert Oak; William de Houghton; John Oldshrew; William de Kendal; John Walot Outwood Green wood Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 18d: Henry Phillip the forester presents that Thomas Spire de Loftus 4d, John del Bothem senior 2d, John de Hunselet 2d, Robert Oak 2d, William de Houghton 2d, John Oldshrew 2d, William de Kendal 2d, and John Walot 2d, carried away green wood in the Outwood and therefore are in mercy. Self Wood; forest 1417 13/04/1980 00:00:00 Wakefield Court Alverthorpe Roger Heseldene; William White de Ardeslaw; John de Layland; Oliver Hancock; Richard Willeson Malinson Outwood Green wood Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 14d: Roger Heseldene the forester presents that William White de Ardeslaw 4d, John de Layland tailor 6d, Oliver Hancock 2d, Richard Willeso Malinson 2d, carried away green wood in the Outwood and there are in mercy. Self Wood; forest 1418 17/04/1980 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Henry de Tatersale; John del Horspal; Henry de Cartwright Sunderland Cutting wood; failure to prosecute 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Henry de Tatersale against John del Horspal in a plea of trespass that he cut down and carried off wood belonging to the said Henry in Sunderland worth 20d. And the said Henry does not prosecute, and therefore he is in mercy. The same Henry against Henry de Cartwright in a plea of trespass that he had cut down and carried off wood belonging to him, and the same Henry does not prosecute and therefore is amerced 2d. Self Wood 1419 17/04/1980 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby William de More; Thomas del Wrig; William de Holgate; Adam del Bothe; Henry de Langfeld Wythins; Aringdene Depasturing 2d fines; 8d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 8d: William del More, 2d, Thomas del Wrig, 2d, William de Holgate, 2d, Adam del Bothe, 2d, recognise that their beasts made a trespass in the corn of Henry de Langfeld in Wythins(?) near Aringdene, and they ask that the damages be taxed and they are taxed at 8d. Therefore they are to pay and are in mercy. Self Animals; crops; women 1420 17/04/1980 00:00:00 Halifax Tourn Sowerby Thomas Ffeld junior; John de Ranenslawe Selling cow and calf 3d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: It is determined that Thomas del Ffeld junior unjustly to John de Rameneslawe sold one cow pregnant with a calf. Therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals 1421 Kirkburton Tourn Holme William Roger; Thomas de Ramesdene Depasturing 3d fine; 6d damages YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 3d: It is determined that William Roger, 6d, unjustly with his cow (inimerende) the corn of Thomas de Ramesdene. Therefore he is in mercy. Self Animals; crops 1422 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Jacob Capellinus; Robert Tinker Assault on livestock 2d fine YAS/MD225/1/105 Amerced 2d: Jacob Capellinus against Robert Tinker that his dog killed three sheep belonging to Jacob, and Robert offers himself and therefore is in mercy. Self Animals; violence 1423 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Robert del Dam; John del Dam; John SMith; Adam Wade; William Waron; Matthew; Richard Rogerson; Robert Hayward; William Brounhill; Adam Grene; Thomas Taillour; William Brownhill; Adam Jepson; John Grabill; Thomas Wade; Robert Lokus; John Grenshagh; Thomas Moreland; Adam Wilkinson; Robert de Rilay; Robert Perthing; Robert Robinson; William Josop; Adam Mikelwhart Green wood; figgin turves Various fines YAS/MD225/1/105 The foresters present Robert del Dam 2d, John del Dam 2d, John Smith 2d, Adam Wade 2d, William Waron 2d, Matthew 2d, Richard Rogerson 2d, Robert Hayward 2d, William Brounhill 2d, Adam Grene 2d, Thomas Taillour 2d, William Brownhill junior 3d, Adam Jepson 3d, John Grabill 2d, Thomas Wade 2d, Robertus Loukus 2d, John Grenshagh 2d, Thomas Moreland 2d, Adam Wilkinson 2d, for green wood therefore they are in mercy. Robertus de Rilay 2d, Roberts Perthing 2d, Robertus Robinson 2d, William Josop 2d, Adam Mikelwhart 2d, for digging turves in the lord's salo. Self Wood; forest; land 1424 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Adkinson; Robert Dewlhouse Depasturing 2d fine; agreement YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 2d: An inquiry comes and says that the oxen of Richard Adkinson made a trespass in four acres of grass belonging to Robert Dewllhouse to his damages 4s. They are able to agree and Richard offers himself in mercy. Self Inquiry; animals; crops 1425 Kirkburton Tourn Holme Richard Adkinson; Robert de Willhouse Since 1376 Depasturing 3d fine; agreement YAS/MD225/1/105 Inquiry, amerced 3d: An inquiry comes and says the beasts of Richard Adkinson made a trespass in the corn of Richard de Wilhouse for four years to his damages 4s. And Richard says that he has paid, whence they are able to agree and Richard offers himself. Self Inquiry; animals; crops 1426 1427 23/07/1939 00:00:00 Wakefiel Court baron Thornes Robert Arthur; Matilda daughter of Gell Depasturing Inquiry opened An inquiry is to come to determine whether or not corn of Robert Arthur at Thorns was depastured and suffered damage through the defect of an enclosure hedge of Matilda daughter of Gelle YAS Rolls Vol. 12, p. 97 Animals; crops; enclosures; wome 1428 Birto Tourn Holme Adam Acreland; Robert de Ryla Depasturing 2d damages; 2d fine Adam Acreland cannot deny that he depastured with his beasts the corn, namely oats, of Robert de Rylay to his damage taxed at 8 sheaves, price 2d: therefore he should satisfy him therein and is amerced 2d YAS Rolls Vol. 6, p. 47 Animals; crop