macro "PAGIS_v09_i"{ //THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING THE THESIS ITERATON OF THE //PHASE ANALYSIS OF GRAYSCALE IMAGES CODE, PAGIS //VERSION: 09.i. verNo = "09_i"; //PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE //WILL BE DULY RELEASED UNDER: //Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) //THIS CODE CAN BE RUN WITH AN IMAGEJ PACKAGE SUCH AS FIJI //VIEWING OF CODE IS RECCOMMENDED WITH A TEXT READER SUCH AS NOTEPAD++ //JavaScript LANGUAGE SETTINGS PROVIDE A SUITABLE MARKUP STYLE //Feature request: CHECK HERE FOR VALID STARTING FILE TYPE myFileName=getInfo ("image.filename"); //get path to file dir myFileDir=getDir("image"); ogDirNames = getFileList(myFileDir); myFilePath=myFileDir + myFileName; //Create a local temp dir and save image, clearing any redundant one tmp = getDirectory("temp"); if (tmp=="") exit("No temp directory available"); tempDir = tmp+"fijiTemp"+File.separator; //Old temp folder check and deletion if (File.exists(tempDir)){ oldTempFilenames = getFileList(tempDir); for (index= 0; index < oldTempFilenames.length; index++) { File.delete(tempDir+oldTempFilenames [index]); } File.delete(tempDir); } File.makeDirectory(tempDir); if (!File.exists(tempDir)) exit("Unable to create temp directory"); //Remove scalebar, adjustable for any user image resolution/edge scalebar location print("\\Clear"); run("Close"); setTool("rectangle"); waitForUser("Select image area excluding scalebar and hit OK"); getSelectionBounds(x,y,width,height); makeRectangle(x, y, width, height); run("Crop"); run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 black"); //Histogram generation getStatistics(area, mean, min, max, std, histogram); values = newArray(256); histoLog = newArray(256); histoLogNorm = newArray(256); histoNorm = newArray(256); value = min; binWidth = (max-min)/256; //Generaion of array with log data for (i=0; i<256; i++) { values[i] = value; value += binWidth; //check + ignore 0/-ve values if (histogram[i] < 1) { histoLog[i]= 0; } else{ histoLog[i]= log(histogram[i]); } } //Normalize both arrays Array.getStatistics(histoLog,min,LogMx); Array.getStatistics(histogram,min,HistoMx); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { histoLogNorm[i]= (histoLog[i]/LogMx)*100; histoNorm[i]= (histogram[i]/HistoMx)*100; } Plot.create("Detecting Histogram Minima", "Gray Value", "Normalised Pixel Count", values, histoNorm); Plot.setFrameSize(600, 450); Plot.setLimits(0, 255, 0, 100) Plot.setLineWidth(2); Plot.setColor("blue"); Plot.add("line",histoLogNorm); Plot.setColor("black"); Plot.setFontSize(24, "bold"); Plot.setAxisLabelSize(24, "bold"); run("RGB Color");; Plot.setLegend("Histogram\nlog Histogram"); //Phase number definition and refinement Dialog.create("Number of phases"); Dialog.addMessage("Please define the number of phases,\nincluding things like pores\n present in the sample"); Dialog.addNumber("Number Present",3,0,1,"Phases");; //Timing bookmark to measure analysis duration t1 = getTime(); //Calculation of histogram minima PhaseNum = Dialog.getNumber(); //Feature request: ADD USER ADJUSTABLE SLIDER AND INTERATIVE CONFIRMATION OF PHASE SELECTION //Minima sensitivity paramater SensT = 100; minLocs= Array.findMinima(histogram, SensT); Array.sort(minLocs); print("\\Clear"); print("Minima:"); //Plot minima locations on histogram for (index= 0; index < minLocs.length; index++) { x= minLocs[index]; y = histoNorm[x]; print("x= ", x); toUnscaled(x,y); setColor("RED"); fillOval(x-10, y-10, 20, 20); } //Duration uptdate for analysis time t2 = getTime(); print("\nProcessing time 1 =", d2s((t2-t1)/1000,3), "seconds"); //Create array to store area results areaResults = newArray(minLocs.length - 1); //Threshold and area measurement loop for (index= 0; index < minLocs.length -1; index++) { //Fresh file open and scalebar removal*** open(myFilePath); makeRectangle(0, 0, width, height); run("Crop"); run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 black"); //Set threshold variables from minima calculations leftThreshold = minLocs[index]; rightThreshold = minLocs[index+1]; //Set to correct range to measure setThreshold(leftThreshold, rightThreshold); setOption("BlackBackground", true); run("Convert to Mask"); //Save to temp directory Layer_name = myFileName+"_"+index; saveAs ("Tiff",tempDir+Layer_name); //Measurement and storage of results in an array run("Set Measurements...", "area mean min area_fraction limit display redirect=None decimal=3"); run("Measure"); areaResults [index] = getResult("%Area",index); run ("Select None"); } //Store names of temp files in an array layerFilenames = getFileList(tempDir); //Merge composite, flatten and save to source dir bigString = ""; for (index=0; index 0){ makeRectangle(50,50+(lpCnter*150),120,120); setColor("black"); run("Fill", "slice"); setColor(colourLbls [index]); makeRectangle(60,60+(lpCnter*150),100,100); run("Fill", "slice"); setColor("black"); setFont("Arial",60,"Bold"); setFont("Arial",60,"Bold"); drawString(userLabels [index],200,150+(lpCnter*150),"white"); lpCnter = lpCnter + 1; } else { close(layerFilenames [index]); File.delete(tempDir+layerFilenames [index]); } } //Flatten and save version of first composite image saveAs ("Tiff", myFileDir+myFileName+"_phasecompositelabel"); run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use"); rowCnter = 2; if (lpCnter < 2) {; } else if (lpCnter < 4) { rowCnter = 3; } else if (lpCnter < 6) { rowCnter = 4; } else if (lpCnter > 5) { rowCnter = 5; } run("Make Montage...", "columns=2 rows="+rowCnter+" scale=0.50 border=5 label"); close("\\Others"); saveAs ("Tiff", myFileDir+myFileName+"_phaseselection-montage"); //Processing time checkpoint t4 = getTime(); print("Image 1 processing time =", d2s(((t4-t3)+(t2-t1))/1000,3), "seconds"); print("\n"); //Update temp directory file list layerFilenames = getFileList(tempDir); //normalization factor and results printing areaResNorm = areaResults; normFactor = 0; phaseCounter = 0; phaseNumber = newArray(areaResults.length); Array.fill(phaseNumber,0); //Delete data from non-real phases for (index=0; index0) { areaResNorm[index] = (areaResNorm[index]/normFactor)*100; Dialog.addMessage("Phase "+phaseNumber[index]+", "+colourLbls[index]+": "+userLabels[index]+", "+d2s(areaResNorm[index],1)+"% (norm.)"); } } Dialog.addDirectory("Please select the directory of image set", myFileDir);; dataSource = Dialog.getString(); //Time marker t5 = getTime(); //Collect filenames in datasource folder, open all and create stack dataList = getFileList(dataSource); close("*"); //Measuere stack //Feature request: CHECK FOR VALID PHASES ONLY dataSetResults = newArray(areaResults.length); for (index= 0; index < minLocs.length-1; index++) { for (j=0; j