Landscapes of Conversion in Eighth- Century Hessia An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Anglo-Saxon Mission of St Boniface Volume 2: Appendices, Figures and Plates by John-Henry Wilson Clay PhD in Medieval Studies University of York Centre for Medieval Studies April 2008 Table of Contents Appendix 1: Terms and expressions relating to mission and missionaries in the letters of Boniface and Lul ....................................................... 3 Appendix 2: Metaphors and motifs used to represent the mission in the letters of Boniface and Lul ........................................................... 9 Appendix 3: The terms Germania and Germanicum in the letters of B oni face and Lul ................................................................................ 18 Appendix 4: Property held by Hersfeld in Hessia before 775 ........................ 21 Appendix 5: Patrons of Fulda in the Amöneburg district, 750-779 ............... 23 List of figures ................................................................................................. 26 Figures ........................................................................................ 28 .................... List of plates ................................................................................................... 68 Plates .............................................................................................................. 69 2 Appendix 1: Terms and expressions relating to mission and missionaries in the letters of Boniface and Lul Appendix 1.1: terms and expressions relating to missions and missionaries (Words in italics used in analysis in appendix 1.2 below) Tangl e .# Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference (pp., 11. 12 Gregory II Boniface ad dispensationem verbi Dei 17,10 te conministro utamur 17,11 in laborem salutiferae praedicationis 17,15 14 Eangyth Boniface in... peregrinationem illam 26,13-14 incoluit illam peregrinationem 26,18-19 17 Gregory II all faithful ad redicandum recte fidei 30,13-14 predicando verbum salutis 30,16 opus... pietatis et negotium salutis 30,28-29 labori 31,7 laborem 31,8-9 20 Gregory II C. Martel ad redicandum 34,9 in sortepredicationis procedit 34,20-21 21 Gregory II Old Saxons fidelis minister 36,21-22 23 Daniel Boniface evan elice predicationis 38,20 cotidiani labore 38,21 o eri 39,1 predicationis opus 39,3 24 Gregory II Boniface ad inluminationem 4294-5 ministerium verbi 42,8-9 raedicationis praeconio 42,9 praedicationis verbum 42,26 25 Gregory II Thuringians docete omnes gentes (Matt 28: 19) 43,15-17 26 Gregory II Boniface ministerio 44,16-17 o eris 47,20 28 Gregory III Boniface ad inluminationem 49,14 negotium salutis 51,28 32 Boniface Pehthelm nobis opus est periclitantibus 55,21 33 Boniface Nothelm ere rinationis meae 57,7 Augustini pontificis ac raedicatoris primi An lorum 57,11-12 praedicatores 58,12 35 Boniface Eadburg hoc iter 60,18 38 Boniface Aldhere peregrinationis nostrae 63,12 nobiscum laborabant in Domino 63,28 3 Tangl e .# Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference II. 41 Boniface Fritzlar monks pontifex... de legatione nostra laeta responsa reddidit et consilium et preceptum dedit... in certo labore persistamus 66,11-14 42 Gregory III all religious predicare verbum Dei 67,14 ministerio exhortationis sanctae catholice fidei 67,25-26 43 Gregory III Hess. and Thuringians adfaciendam Deo plebem perfectam 68,16-17 47 Torthelm Boniface in his o eribus 76,10 49 Lul Cuniburg i sius ue laboris 79,1-2 50 Boniface Zacharias in ista legatione 81,12 51 Zacharias Boniface per tuam predicationem 86,22 ministrum Dei et dispensatorem ecclesiarum Christi 92,7-8 54 Gemmulus Boniface in opere, quo adsumptus es 97,16-17 57 Zacharias Boniface opere ad inluminationem gentium 103,9-10 ministerio Christi 105,12 60 Zacharias Boniface in bono opere 120,26 in Bono o ere 121,13 61 Zacharias Boniface opus bonum 125,23 ad redicandum 126,1 63 Boniface Daniel cursum ministeril nostri 130,9-10 pius laborantium consolator Deus 130,13 predicatione 130,29 solacio peregrinationis meae 131,5 64 Daniel Boniface ritus religionis vestrae 132,24- 25 operam 132,29 65 Boniface Eadburg conversatio peregrinationis nostrae 137,12 67 Boniface Leobgytha et al. ad predicandum evangelium 140,2 75 Boniface Ebert predicatorem ad predicandum 157,16 76 Boniface Huetbert laborantes 159,4 solaciumperegrinationis nostrae 159,16- 17 77 Zacharias Boniface era endum... ministerium 160,6-7 78 Boniface Cuthbert labor nostri ministeril 162,13 80 Zacharias Boniface predicatione evangelii Christi 172)21- 22 ministerium tibi im ositum 173,5 predicatores 173,15 ministerio Christi 180,14- 15 4 Tangl # e p. Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference 11. 82 Zacharias Frankish bishops in exhortatione evangelii in ministerio 183,19 conlaborandum... in evangelium Christi 184,5-6 85 Theo h. Boniface vestri laboris crementum 190,13 86 Boniface Zacharias ad predicandum verbum fidei 192,17- 18 verbum Christi... diximus 193,32 87 Zacharias Boniface ad redicandum verbum evangelii 194,20 adpredicandum... evangelii 195,1 90 Benedict Boniface propter divinum mandatum et predicationem evangelii 206,4-5 decursum ministerii tui 206,9-10 91 Boniface Ebert laborantibus 207,9 93 Boniface Fulrad ere rini 213,11 ad ministerium 213,12 mecum... laboraverunt 213,15 hoc ministerium 213,23 predicatorem 213,24 ad ministerium 214,1 94 Boniface Bugga amor ere rinationis 214,14-5 101 Wigbert Glastonbury monks labor poster 224,22 o eris nostri 224,24 104 Boniface Gemmulus peregrinationis erumna 228,10- 11 peregrinationis huius consolationem 228,14 105 IEthelbert Boniface predicationis vestrae verbo et labore convertit 230,20- 21 per vos cepit operare 230,22- 23 108 Boniface Stephan II ista legatione Romana 234,9 109 Boniface Stephan II ad redicandum 235,7 redicans 235,8-9 predicator 235,30 non predicavit, non convertit 235,30 to 236,1 ad redicandum 236,4 convert it 236,5 predicatoris 236,6 predicans 236,8 predicatoris 236,11 predicans 236,12 5 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e p. # ll. 111 Cuthbert Lul sacraeque exhortationis fructum 239,11 peregrinatione pro amore aeternae atriae 239,24 ante eum nullus aliquando evangelizandi causa doctor adire 240, temptabat 11-13 discipulorum Christi ministerium 240,15 112 Milret Lul ille ere rino 244,6 121 Alchred Lul to in tam longaperegrinatione 257, desudantem 15-16 125 Lul Koaena ad consolationem peregrinationis nostrae 263,9 126 Lul Guthbert ad consolationem peregrinationis 264,7-8 127 Guthbert Lul ad consolationem tuae ere rinationi 265,2-3 137 Wigberht Lul multum iam vitae nostrae fluctuando et neglegendo, quasi extra nos fusi, peregrimus [for 276, ere rinamur 19-21 138 Wigberht Lul ecclesiae et ministerio... me 278,4 dimittas 141 Lul anon. to agente in ere rinatione 281,7-8 6 Appendix 1.2: Analysis of terms according to correspondents Term Number of occurrences in papal correspondence Number of occurrences between Anglo- Saxon correspondents Number of occurrences between other correspondents Total: convertere 2 1 3 dicere 1 1 dispensatio/ dispensator 2 2 docere 1 1 exhortatio 2 1 3 facere plebem erfectam 1 1 inluminatio 3 3 iter 1 1 labor 4 10 2 16 legatio 2 1 3 mandatum 1 1 minister/ ministerium 11 4 4 19 negotium 2 2 opus 6 7 1 14 peregrinatio/ peregrinus/ peregrinari 16 3 19 predicatio/ predicare/ predicator 24 10 2 36 ritus 1 1 Total: 61 52 13 126 7 Appendix 1.3: The objects of Boniface's predicatio Tangl Expression Reference e .# . 11. 12 in laborem salutiferaepredicationis ad innotescendum entibus incredulis mysterium fidei 17,15-16 17 aliquas gentes in Germaniae partibus vel plaga orientali Reni fluminis antiquo hoste suadente errore... aliquos vero, qui necdum cognitionem Dei habentes nec baptismatis sacri unda sunt loti... necessario pro utrorum inluminationem ad predicandum recte fidei verbum harum portitorem Bonifatium... ut et illis predicando verbum salutis vitam provideat 30,7-16 20 ad predicandum plebibus Germaniae gentis ac diversis in orientali Reni flumini parte consistentibus gentilitatis errore detentis 34,9-11 23 saxea steriliaque actenus gentilium corda fidei magnitudine fretus fiducialiter adgrediendo vomere evangelice predicationis infatigabiliter subigens 38,18-21 24 praedicationis praeconio populum infidelem... audivimus converti 42,9-10 51 cottidie in gremio sanctae matris ecclesiae per tuam predicationem novi o uli adduntur 86,21-22 75 catholica et apostolica Romana ecclesia... indignum ac vilem predicatorem adpredicandum Germaniae erroneis vel paganis 157, entibus direxit 15-17 86 Gregorius... me indignum ordinavit et ad predicandum verbum 192, fidei Germanicis gentibus misit 17-18 105 innumerosam multitudinem gentilium idolatriae vetustissimo errore miserabiliter deceptam ad christiane fidei normam 230, redicationis vestrae verbo et labore convertit 18-21 8 Appendix 2: Metaphors and motifs used to represent the mission in the letters of Boniface and Lul Appendix 2.1: Paganism as captivity, darkness and ignorance Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# . li. 12 Gregory II Boniface ad gentes quascumque infidelitatis errore detentas 17,29-30 mentibus indoctis 18,3 17 Gregory II all faithful in umbra mortis aliquas gentes in Germaniae partibus vel plaga orientali Reni fluminis antiquo hoste suadente errare quasi sub religione christiana idolorum culturae eos servire co ovimus 30,7-10 conparatione brutorum animalium pagani factorem non recognoscunt 30,11-12 Si quos... astutia diabolica suasos erroneos repererit 30,17-19 20 Gregory II C. Martel ad predicandum plebibus Germaniae gentis ac diversis in orientali Reni fluminis parte consistentibus gentilitatis errore detentis vel adhuc insipientibus, multis adhuc ignorantiae obscuritatibus prepeditis 34,9-12 21 Gregory III Old Saxons `Sapientibus et insipientibus debitor sum' 35,8 Astutiores enim sunt filii tenebrarum uam filii lucis 35,27-28 ut a diabolice frauda liberati mereamini 36,25 23 Daniel Boniface pagani erubescant pro tam absurdis opinionibus 40,18-19 in vanitate antiqua adhuc perseverant 41,1-2 24 Gregory II Boniface ad inluminationem Germaniae gentis in umbra mortis sedentis 42,4-5 a tenebris ad lucem populum illum... reducat 42,13-14 quantos ab errore converteris... con ovimus 42,22-23 25 Gregory II Thuringians ab errore ad viam salutis 43,22 26 Gregory II Boniface [Deus] in opacam silvam lumine veritatis... micare praedistinavit 47,18-19 9 Tang! Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e p. # (pp., II. 28 Gregory III Boniface ad inluminationem gentis Germaniae vel circumquaque in umbra mortis morantibus gentibus in errore constitutis 49,14-16 a gentilitate et errore... convertisse 49,21-22 30 Boniface Eadburg qui tenebrosos angulos Germanicarum gentium lustrare debet 54,12-13 32 Boniface Pehthelm caecis proprias tenebras ignorantibus... lumen evangelice veritatis offerre nitimur 55,25-27 46 Boniface all Anglo- [obsecrate ut pagani Saxones] Saxons liberemur a laqueo venantis satanae 74,33 [obsecrate ut pagani Saxones] resipiscant a diabuli laqueis, a uibus ca ti tenentur 75,4 73 Boniface )Ethelbald ipsi pagani verum Deum 150, ignorantes naturaliter 6-7 76 Boniface Huetbert eras et ignaras gentes Germaniae 159,4 105 kthelbert Boniface innumerosam multitudinem gentilium idolatriae vetustissimo 230, errore miserabiliter dece tam 18-20 111 Cuthbert Lul ferocissimas nationes per devia diutius errantes 240,4-5 10 Appendix 2.2: Christianity as freedom, light and wisdom Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e p. # 11. 12 Gregory II Boniface in verbo gratiae Dei, quo igne salutifero 17,28 consona ratione 18,3-4 17 Gregory II all faithful pro utrorum inluminatione 30,13 ad inluminatione entium 31,2-3 20 Gregory II C. Martel sanctis apostolis... ad lucem entium destinatis 34,18 21 Gregory III Old Saxons `consolentur corda vestra instructa in caritate et in omnes divitias plenitudinis intellectus' 35,12-13 `[Iesus] in quo sunt omnes , thesauri sapientiae et scientiae absconditi' 35,14-15 Astutiores enim sunt filii tenebrarum uam filii lucis 35,27-28 `[Deus], qui vult omnes homines salvos fieri et ad agnitionem veritatis venire' 36,14-15 24 Gregory II Boniface a tenebris ad lucem populum ilium... reducat 42,13-14 26 Gregory II Boniface [Deus] in opacam silvam lumine veritatis... micare praedestinavit 47,18-19 28 Gregory III Boniface ad inluminationem gentis Germaniae 49,14-15 30 Boniface Eadburg qui tenebrosos angulos Germanicarum gentium lustrare debet 54,13-14 32 Boniface Pehthelm lumen evangelice veritatis offerre nitimur 55,25-27 38 Boniface Aldhere `[Deus] vult omnes homines salvos fieri et ad agnitionem veritatis venire' 63,24-25 ut [Deus gentes Germanicas] ad a nitionem creatoris... convertat 63,26-27 45 Gregory III Boniface non desinas... docendo... ut inluminentur rudes 72,22-24 46 Boniface all Anglo- `[Deus] vult omnes homines Saxons salvos fieri et ad agnitionem veritatis venire' 74,1-2 [obsecrate ut pagan Saxones] `resi iscant a diabuli la ueis' 75,4 52 Zacharias Witta inluminatori... Iesu Christo gratias egimus 93,11-13 11 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# (pp., 11. 53 Zacharias Burchard illuminators [sic]... Iesu Christo 94,31 to gratias agimus 95,1 57 Zacharias Boniface per predicationem... mundum inluminarent universum 103,1-3 inluminatio predicationis atque doctrine Christi presidio mansit et manet catholica Dei ecclesia praefulgens horum et beati apostolorum principis Petri inluminata doctrinis 103,3-6 65 Boniface Eadburg speciosi pedes portantium 137, lucernam pacis evangelicae 19-20 pater... perficiat lucernas ardentes in manibus nostris et inluminet 137, Gorda entilium 21-23 `[Deus] vult omnes homines salvos fieri et ad agnitionem 138, veritatis venire' 2-3 85 Theoph. Boniface vestrae sanctissime paternitatis 190, inluminatos doctrinis 16-17 101 Wiehtberht monks of `[Deus] vult omnes homines Glastonbury salvos fieri et ad agnitionem 224, venire veritatis' 10-11 106 Boniface Optatus lux evangeliorum gloriae Christi 232, 14-15 ý 12 Appendix 2.3: Mission as harvest Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# (pp., 15 Bugga Boniface debuisti manifeste messem Dei metere et congregare sanctarum animarum manipulos in horream regni caelestis 27,12-14 23 Daniel Boniface [Bonifatius], qui saxea steriliaque actenus gentilium corda fidei magnitudine fretus fiducialiter adgrediendo vomere evangelice predicationis infatigabiliter subigens in glebasfertiles cotidiano labore convertere niteris 38,18-21 24 Gregory II Boniface `Obsecrate dominum messis, ut 41,31 to eiciat operarios in messem suam' 42,1 26 Gregory II Boniface ager dominicus, qui incultus iacebat et spinarum aculeis ex infidelitate riguerat vomerem tuae doctrinae exarantem semen verbi suscepit et fertilem messem protulit fidelitatis 44,18-21 54 Gemmulus Boniface in opere, quo adsumptus es, multo amplius fructum boni opens pullulare concedat... divina maiestas 97,16-19 60 Zacharias Boniface dum dominici triciti semina quaereres elaborare ad augendum segetem spiritalem, subito inimici superseminant zizania, ut sanctitatem tuam in bono opere 120, impediant 23-26 spiritales sarculos construens et zizaniam eradicens deportet ad 120, conburendum 28-29 63 Boniface Daniel Et semen verbi, quod de sinu catholicae et apostolicae ecclesiae sumptum et nobis commendatum Seminare aliquantulum studemus, illi cum lolio superseminare et suffocare nituntur vel in herbam 129, esti eri generis convertere 15-19 64 Daniel Boniface segetem vestrae venerabilitati commissam sterile lolium interserendo suffocare conentur; quia unique ante messis maturitatem in quodam commate 133, conpescitur evelli 20-22 13 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# (pp., 11. ) 64 `quia proposita est similitudo tritici et zizaniorum de permixtione malorum atque 134, bonorum' 34-35 76 Boniface Huetbert `neque qui plantet neque qui inrigat est aliquid, sed Deus qui 159, incrementum dat' 9-10 111 Cuthbert Boniface sacraeque exhortationisfructum 239,11 148 ? ? tende, ubi messis est Deo adiuvante 284,2 `Messis quidem multa, operarii autem pauci' et cetera 284,3 14 Appendix 2.4: Mission as turbulence, danger and suffering (Note association with peregrinatio) Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e. # (pp., 11. 27 Boniface Bugga pro peccatis meis multis tribulationibus fatigor et multo maiore mentis tribulatione et sollicitudine quam corporis labore conturbor 49,4-6 30 Boniface Eadburg periculosi mans tempestatibus uatior 54,16-17 31 Boniface ? periculosi mans tempestatibus undi ue uatimur 55,7-8 32 Boniface Pehthelm nobis opus estpericlitantibus 55,21 Germanicum mare periculosum est navigantibus 55,22-23 33 Boniface Nothelm [navis] mentis meae variis Germanicarum gentium tem estatum uctibus uassatam 57,1-2 34 Boniface Duddo senis Germanici mans tempestatibus undique 58,29 to uassantibus ati ati 59,1 35 Boniface Eadburg sepe sive in solamine librorum sive vestimentorum adiuvamine pietas tua tristitiam meam consolata est 60,12-14 38 Boniface Alhere ne [navis nostra] fluctibus Germanicarum tempestatum submergatur 63,12-13 49 Lul et al. Cuniburg nostram lintrem procellosis fluctibus huius mundi ati atam 79,5-6 63 Boniface Daniel inter tales turbines diversarum 130, causarum 13-14 de uno solacio peregrinationis 131 meae 4-5 64 Daniel Boniface pari tarnen tribulationum 136, deprimimur fasce. 21-22 65 Boniface Eadburg conversatio peregrinationis nostrae variis tempestatibus inliditur. Undique labor, undique meror. 137, `Foris u nae, intus timores'. 12-14 66 Boniface ? multis et variis tempestatum turbinibus concussi et quassati 138, sumus 13-14 cottidiana tribulatio divina solamina fratrum ac sororum me 138, uaerere admonet 27-28 15 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# (pp., 67 Boniface Leobgytha tribulationes cordis nostri dilatate et al. sunt 139,24 `Multae tribulationes iustorum, sed de his omnibus liberavit eos 140, Dominus' 23-24 70 Lul Eadburg flagito, ut meae fragilitatis navem, quae cotidie presentis mundi procellarum turbinibus quatiatur, 143, tuae stabilitatis suffragio fulciatur 12-15 71 Lul Dealwin ad consolationem peregrinationis 144, meae 19-20 72 Ingalice Lul insinuasti nobis erga vos diversas 145, molestias et tribulationes 13-14 76 Boniface Huetbert grande solacium peregrinationis 159, nostrae 16-17 91 Boniface Egbert Enarrare autem omnia mala, quae nos extrinsecus et intrinsecus patimur, epistolaris brevitas 207, prohibet 12-14 92 Lul Gregory Festinatio autem ad te veniendi propter multiplicem tribulationem, quam iugiter Deo gratias sustinemus, mihi undique 211, denegata est 24-27 100 Lul Leobgytha valde rarus est, qui tribulationes 223, meas mecum pare velit 25-26 Vale in Deo intercedens pro me tanto anixius, quanto graviore 223, angustia deprimor 27-28 101 Wiehtberht monks of valde sit periculosum ac Glastonbury laboriosum pene in omne re 224,25 111 Cuthbert Lul diversarorum atque indefessarum tribulationum angores... inter persecutores paganos et hereticos atque scismaticos seductores in tam periculosa acferocitate plena 239, pLregdnatione 19-24 quanta pericula atque difficultates... [Bonifatius] libenter 242, tolleraret 11-13 121 Alchred Lul te in tam longa pereýrinatione desudantem et in Christi agonibus decertantem optatae conservavit 257, sospitati 15-17 123 Cyneheard Lul obsecrantes, ut... usque ad finem firmam retineatis, quandam multis 260, tribulationibus tundimini 18-20 16 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e p. # 11. ) 137 Wigberht Lul multum iam vitae nostrae fluctuando et neglegendo, quasi 276, extra nos fusi, perggdmus 19-21 17 Appendix 3: The terms Germania and Germanicum in the letters of Boniface and Lul Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# (pp., 17 Gregory II all `in umbra mortis' aliquas gentes in Christians Germaniae partibus vel plaga orientali Reni fluminis 30,7-8 20 Gregory II C. Martel informatum ad predicandum plebibus Germaniae gentis ac diversis in orientali Reni fluminis arte consistentibus 34,9-10 24 Gregory II Boniface in partibus Esperiarum ad inluminationem Germaniae gentis `in umbra mortis' sedentis 42,4-5 Thuringis et Germaniae populo ea, quae ad animae respiciunt utilitatem et salutem, scribere non omisimus 42,32-33 28 Gregory III Boniface Bonifatio coepiscopo ad inluminationem gentis Germaniae vel circumquaque in umbra mortis morantibus gentibus in errore constitutis... directo 49,14-17 30 Boniface Eadburg quae sanctorum librorum munera transmittendo exulem Germanicum spiritali lumine consolata est... qui tenebrosos angulos Germanicarum gentium lustrare debet 54,10-13 32 Boniface Pehthelm Germanicum mare periculosum est navigantibus 55,22-23 33 Boniface Nothelm navem mentis meae variis Germanicarum gentium tem estatum fluctibus uassatam 57,1-2 34 Boniface Duddo Germanici mans tempestatibus 58,29 to undi ue quassantibus fatigati 59,1 38 Boniface Aldhere ne [navis nostra] fluctibus Germanicarum tempestatum submergatur 63,12-13 Petimus quoque, ut pro Germanicis gentis [sic] idolorum culturae deditis intercedere curetis 63,22-23 43 Gregory III Hessians, populo provinciarum Germaniae, Thuringians Thuringis et Hessis, Bortharis et and other Nistresis, Uuedreciis et Lognais, tribes Suduodis et Graffeltis vel omnibus in orientali plaga constitutis 68,10-14 18 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# (pp., 45 Gregory III Boniface Agnoscentes... tam de Germaniae gentibus... uae a te acta sunt 72,1-6 46 Boniface Anglo- de stirpe et prosapia Anglorum Saxon procreatis eiusdem generis Christians vernaculus universalis ecclesiae legatus Germanicus... Bonifacius 74,25-27 49 Lul et al. Cuniburg ad Germanicas gentes transivimus 78,18-19 50 Boniface Zacharias Germaniae populis aliquantulum percussis vel correctis tres ordinavimus episcopos et provinciam in tres parrochias discrevimus 81,16-18 postulamus, ut... per auctoritatem et preceptum sancti Petri iussionibus apostolicis fundatae et stabilite sint tres in Germania episcopales sedes 81,26-28 52 Zacharias Witta innotuit... Bonifatius nuper decrevisse et ordinasse in Germaniae partibus episcopales sedes 93,7-9 53 Zacharias Burchard innotuit... Bonifatius nuper decrevisse et ordinasse in Germaniae partibus episcopales sedes 94,26-29 54 Gemmulus Boniface Bonifatio archiepiscopo provinciae Germaniae 96,8-9 59 [Roman `Deneardus religiosus presbiter synod of legatus Bonifatii sanctissimi 745] archiepiscopi provinciae 109, Germaniae' 12-14 60 Zacharias Boniface usque ad paganorum fines et in partes Germanicarum gentium, 121, ubi antea predicasti 28-30 63 Boniface Daniel ipsos paganorum ritus et sacrilegia idolorum in Germania sine illius 130, mandato et timore probibere valeo 20-21 73 Boniface Ethelbald Bonifatius archiepiscopus legatus 146, Germanicus Romanae ecclesiae 25-26 75 Boniface Egbert Bonifatius servus servorum Dei legatus Germanicus sedis 156,30 to apostolicae 157,1 ad predicandum Germaniae erroneis vel pagans gentibus 157, direxit 16-17 76 Boniface Huetbert nos inter feras et ignaras gentes Germaniae laborantes 159,4 19 Tangl Sender Recipient Terms and expressions Reference e .# ., 11. 78 Boniface Cuthbert Bonifatius legatus Germanicus catholice apostolice Romane [sic] 161, ecclesiae 28-29 86 Boniface Zacharias [Bonifatius] legatus Germanicus 192,1 me indignum ordinavit et ad predicandum verbum fidei 192, Germanicis gentibus misit 17-18 87 Zacharias Boniface ad predicandum verbum evangelii tuam misisset fraternitatem in Germaniae partibus 195,7-8 91 Boniface Egbert Bonifatius exiguus episcopus legatus Germanicus catholicae et 206,30 to apostolicae Romanae ecclesiae 207,1 109 Boniface Stephan II Bonifatius exiguus legatus vel missus Germanicus catholicae et 234,27 to apostolicae Romanae aecclesiae 235,1 20 Appendix 4: Property held by Lul in Hessia before 775 (See figure 42 for a distribution map) Name in Breviarium Sancti Lullil Modern name (# in fig. 42) [Group 1 a] Martdorf Holzhusen Firne Burcun Sungsule Angelgise Waltunniu luffelze Nielahc Balahorna Harabirge Rittahe Stochusun Mathanon Hebilide [Group lb] Filmare Elisungen Mazheim Wildungen Beisheim Felmide [Group 2] Bracho Breidinge Biberaho Heginebahc Mardorf (1) Holzhausen (2) Verna (3) Borken (4) Sondheim (5) Kleinenglis (6) Wellen (7) Giflitz (8) Nilach (9) Balhorn (10) Herberge (11) Großenritte (12) Stockhausen (13) Maden (14) Hebel (15) Vellmar (16) Oberelsungen (17) Mosheim (18) Bad Wildungen (19) Niederbeisheim (20) Velmeden (35 km east of Kirchberg) Total property: 50 hobas and 30 mansus Braach (21) Breitingen (22) Bebra (6 km up the Fulda from Heinebach (23)) Heinebach (23) Total property: 12 hobas and 23 mansus 1 Edited in Weirich, ed., Urkundenbuch der Reichsabtei Hersfeld, p. 73,11.15-29. 21 Name in Breviarium Sancti Lulli Modern name (# in fig. 42) [Group 3] Kyricheim Kirchheim (24) Liutgeshusen unknown Otraho Ottrau (25) Grintafo Grundau (20 km north-east of Frankfurt) Total property: 18 hobas and 18 mansus [Group 4] Treise Treysa (26) Grosiun Grusen (27) Waraha Wohra (28) Total property: 13 hobas and 12 mansus [Group 5] Niwihusen unknown Total property: 4 hobas and 4 mansus 22 Appendix 5: Patrons of Fulda in the Amöneburg district, c. 750-779 (see figure 43 for a distribution map) Donor(s) Name in charter Modern name (# on fig. 43) UBF # Adelbirc `in Lögene partibus iuxta Amanafluvium' Adelburch Lundorf Salzbutine Löoh Roda Adelman & Uodalswint Lare Adelolt 'unum biuanc sui Adeltrud Altrat Arahgoz nominis Adeloltes' Seltrese Bachen Mainlinten Neistinbach Rosdorf Holhus Brettenbrunnen Hocheim Sibenbrunnen Marachdorf Rosdorf `in ipsa marcha Logene' 'In the Lahn region, next 117 to the river Ohm' Lohndorf (9) 108 Salzböden (15) 108 Loch, nr. Lohndorf (9) 108 Rödgen, nr. Gießen 108 Lahr, nr. Gießen OR Lohra (10) 111 `one biuanc named after Adelolt 110 himself' prob. Albshausen (1)2 Selters, nr. Nassau 120 Buchen 120 Freienfels, in lower Lahn valley 120 Heistenbach, in lower Lahn valley 120 Rossdorf (14) 119 Rauischholzhausen (8) 119 unknown 119 unknown 119 unknown 119 Mardorf (11) 121 Rossdorf (14) 121 'in the Lahngau region' 121 Arcgoz & Luibbirc/ Argoz & Lipgart5 Blidenstat unknown 105,116 2I have noted the location of a village named Albshausen on figure 43, but a more likely identification is with the Albshausen 5 km west of Wetzlar on the lower Lahn. See UBF, p. 181, n. 1. 3 There are three places named Buchen in Hesse, north of Frankfurt but south of the region shown on figure 43, any one of which could be the Bachen named in UBF 120. See UBF p. 186, n. 2. 4 All of the properties donated by Altrat were located super ripam fluminis, quod dicitur Antrafa, according to Stengel the Rülfbach, a tributary of the Ohm. Both Rossdorf and Rauischholzhausen lie on the Rülfbach, and there are several known DMVs upstream. A spring running into the Rülfbach is known locally as the Sieborn, after which Sibenbrunnen was presumeably named. See UBF, p. 185, nn. 2-6. 5 Presumeably the comes Arcgoz and his wife Luibbirc of UBF 105 are to be identified with Argoz and his wife Lipgart of UBF 116. See UBF, p. 178, n. 1. The donations recorded in UBF 106 were given in Argoz's name alone, but he is explicitly identified with the Argoz of UBF 105 (item idem Argoz tradidit... ). 6 Only the name of Blidenstat is given in UBF 105, but in UBF 116 it is described as lying super ripam fluminis Amana in pago Logenecgewe, i. e. on the banks of the Ohm in Lahngau. 23 Donor(s) Name in charter Bidanc Rostorf/Rüesdorf Saläha Holzhusen Affalträhe Seleheim 'in monte, qui dicitur Hagenesberch' Zegemunden Weterstat Neazzaha Vfleida Eulizedorf Boia Suvgia Witmane Rudingesbach Megeratesheim/ unknown Modern name (# on fig. 43) UBF # Rossdorf (14) 106,116 ? Sehlen (16)7 106 Rauischholzhausen (8) 116 uncertain, but possibly 116 Affoldern on the Eder8 Groß-Seelheim (5) 116 'on the rise known as the Hahnes', which lies between 116 Hof Capelle and Moischt (6) ? Gemünden (4)9 116 ? Wetter (17)10 116 Hof Netz (7)11 116 Ober-Ofleiden (12) 116 Ebsdorf (3) 116 ? Beuern (2)12 116 ? Hof Sorge13 116 unknown 116 Rudigenbach14 116 Walchesdorf/Walehestorf Walsdorf, in lower Lahn valley 109a/b 109a/b 7 This is the most likely location in the opinion of Stengel; he mentions an alternative suggestion of Groß-Seelheim near Kirchhain or Seelbach near Lohra (UBF, p. 178, n. 4). Groß-Seelheim, however, where Argoz also held land, is called Seleheim in UBF 116. 8 Stengel (UBF, p. 183, n. 7) declines to identify Affaltrahe with Affoldern, which lies on the Eder 12 km upstream of the Büraburg, although he does not explain why; it may have seemed too far removed from Argoz's other holdings to be plausible. According to Wand, Affoldern is first attested as Affeltra in a charter of c. 850 (Wand, Die Büraburg bei Fritzlar, p. 155). I am inclined to equate Affaltrahe and Affeltra, since although Affoldern is located some 40 km north of Amöneburg, it was within the bounds of the Frankish-dominated frontier zone, and only 7 km west of Waltunniu/Wellen, where Charlemagne granted property to the monastery of Hersfeld c. 775 (see Weirich, UBH38(2), p. 73,1.16. 9 Other possiblities for Gemünden given by Stengel (UBF, p. 184, n. 1) are Burg- or Nieder- Gemünden, twin villages which lie approximately 15 km south-east of Amöneburg. 1° According to Stengel (UBF, p. 184, n. 2), the Wetter south of the Christenberg is a far more likely candidate than Wetterburg, 30 km north of Fritzlar and beyond the scope of Frankish domination before Charlemagne's conquest of the Eresburg in 772. 11 There is a Netze just 6 km north of Affolfern (see note 8 above), but the proximity of Hof Netz to Amöneburg makes it the better choice. 12 Stengel (UBF, p. 184, n. 6) suggests the deserted medieval settlement of Beuern north of Amöneburg. 13 Possibly Hof Sorge near Burg-Gemünden, 15 km south-east of Amöneburg. 14 According to Stengel (UBF, p. 184, n. 8), a deserted medieval settlement near Kirchhain, which lies 3 km north of Amöneburg. 24 Donor(s) Name in charter Dithart Meinratesheim Wolemare/Wälmare Ebilezdorf Nenthere & Hadalouch Ebelizdorf Rudun Rosdorf Rodohusen Holzhusen Biberaffa Ebilizdorfe Luntdorfe Hocheim Heledungen `et ceteris locis' Ruthart/Ruothardus Rutharteshusen Modern name (# in fig. 43) UBF # Wollmar (18) 109a/b Ebsdorf (3) 118 Ebsdorf (3) 115 Rossdorf (14) 115 Radenhausen (13) 112 Rauischholzhausen (8) 113 unknown 113 Ebsdorf (3) 113 Lohndorf (9) 113 unknown's 113 unknown 113 `and in other places' 113 unknown16 107a/b 15 Most likely the same Hocheim where Altrat held the land donated in UBF 119; see note 4 to this appendix. 1 UBF 107a names Rutharteshusen, while UBF 107b (the pair represents two abbreviated versions of the same original charter) specifies that it lies super ripam fluminis Liutera, ubi ipse rivulus intrat (lumen Amana, i. e. `on the banks of the Liutera, where that stream joins the Ohm. ' The identity of the Liutera has been lost. See Stengel, UBF, p. 179, n. 3. UNNERS OF YORK 1 25 List of figures 1 The Solent region in the early eighth century 2 Wessex from the late sixth to the early eighth century 3 The trading settlement of Hamwic (Hants) 4 The settlement at Cowage Farm (Wilts) 5 Representation of Turner's `Christian landscape' 6 The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms 7 Frankish territories in Western Europe 8 The topography of Hessia 9 Hessia in the Roman period 10 Burials in Hessia and the Rhine-Main region 11 Excavation plan of the Reihengräberfeld at Griesheim 12 Grave assemblage from Eschwege-Niederhone 13 Excavation plan of burial at Fritzlar 14 Grave assemblage from Fritzlar 1 15 Grave assemblage from Fritzlar 2 16 Excavation plan of inhumation at Werkel 17 Excavation plan of Kirchberg 18 Grave assemblage of Kirchberg grave 9 19 Grave assemblages from Kirchberg 20 Excavation plan of inhumations at Amöneburg 21 Pot from burial mound at Gießen 22 Christenberg and its environs 23 Kesterburg on the Christenberg 24 Finds from the Christenberg 25 Büraburg 26 Fortified sites north of the Main 27 Höfe bei Dreihausen 28 Schiffenberg 29 Altes Schloss 30 Fulda 31 Grasburg 26 32 Holzheim 33 Christenberg pottery 1 34 Christenberg pottery 2 35 Büraburg pottery 36 Holzheim pottery 37 -Hausen and -inghausen place-names in Hessia 38 Tribes in the Hessia region 39 Sites of pagan and Christian significance in Hessia 40 The ecclesiastical organisation of Hessia 41 Property of Fulda, Hersfeld and Lorsch in Hessia and the Amöneburg district 42 Property held by Lul in Hessia before 775 43 Patrons of Fulda in the Amöneburg district, c. 750-779 44 Medieval church dedications in Hessia and the Amöneburg district 45 The Hessian-Saxon borderlands 46 Skull of burial 3 from Amöneburg 27 y>1d Sannuu 0 f Rum. cý '4" Vur, lin New IFo re, t lý. lin-, iLun u N'inrhr. ier + I(. i. d M a CIu, Jn". iýýi S, mr I' tb hi ii Figure 1: The Solent region in the early eighth century G, %, io-san airbn'ics egainsl lho Btitish, 49ý--658 ai"'rdingboth, VSt' Linr: u lit, h rurihmnrk 0 I-t"1-li   iý. vu: mwlUon, nl 0 aih. tanu. J huddmt; + Lok minstrrrhurel I IKUný. . 1.11'Illll&Y -Z SI'I" , ýý . <,,,. cc; . ,, o -` ý ... ..... ä . oSh. "rhurm" Poll- C/; rhrslrr ° ,. w ýlurhrsiýýr iG ý.. ý. _ý. JZ _ ý.. r'ý'ýl nJ_' Figure 2: Wessex from the late sixth to the early eighth century (showing modern counties) 2 ° \\' I I. 'I' ti lll ý : I. b uLnn ý Figure 3: The trading settlement of Hamwic (I lants) (Illustration by John I lodgson; after Hodges, The Anglo-Saxon Achievement, p. 80), the church of St Mary is in the lower left plot () -' ý 5l) 111 N high status site . `ý ý ,, ýý ý\ ý i ýýý ý. ý ýT3 F'rc, lrabIc c11111-c"l1 Figure 4: The settlement at Cowage Farm (Wilts) (After I Iinchclilfe, `An Early Medieval Settlement at Cowage Farn', fig. 1) , l% ,, '- ''- :1I ,- ýý 'ý. '---__ iý ý 29 Figure 5: Representation of Turner's `Christian landscape'. Vill and church are at the centre, surrounded by the populated. cultivated landscape, which in turn is surrounded by the sparsely inhabited marginal land ofheath and krest kill N () R'1'II- a 1 -M 1) R1.1 1,1 P1(I, I :; hill NI RKCIA " ", h,. h tirenb., k r. , r: i Ii ,: 1ý F': T ii-t-lil"ll, 0 1) I 'MIN () NI _A r v. t. lh I. I'II:; Il F .\ . AN (71.1A Etitih: \ , ý, w ti , .,: S K F, N'1' Figure 6: The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms II`ýI, \\ F. SSI', \ 30 ,j ý .f Much hy ý" ýý ýýýýýý ýý II , M1 ". 'o 0 ICmA-N, ý vaw ý I: xiýii"i ý_, . ý' -. -r , iý.. v ý, ý ý. ýi 6RETON ý..,.. _ -ý. ý, - vInýe. v n, 'iýhaai i_ S Utr. l, F 1i 60 u-, . ý. i AUS , r,. Pý Lq >i i: S ý ,. ý' F" J P S ; '-J e, ý: ý ys ý O _ý 't \ -L$C=. 1 , ýý i ý Figure 7: Frankish territories in Western Europe ß P sý {ý_"}S F' 'ý, _x ý(ýI i ýýs S S ,, ,, X Itiir. ilýiiýý. e , D ¼ 0 w-ý, Q Il t r. uiki: h Lt riit )t\ ,ýý; U tiaAnllt .ý ý-' , : ýý !ý : (ý ýýý v ! Ic: iohr aN 'vc sca hrc 0-11)()w MO - 200 ''illl - 300 m i() - 1fH) rn .: IN! - üIII ýýý 7U11 ' ;a k, l, r Westerwald J" ý Zý ý !. " ý" %ý .-ý. .., : Figure 8: The topography of Hessia. The dotted lines mark the major long-distance communication routes 32 I Ici;; ht :a rcc sc: I Icl: II11N1111 I1N12ti}I It'. ýlNl , iflý1 ; 1, ilNl -ýilýl'1'; }I11I }{il1 11' &* . J; " ': ý 4. " ýº; ýý"ý l''" " "i 13ürahur, Q. ' ýý ý . S -Q- [ n luirial - ILnr:: u: ro", ý:. .ý ý . ý, ßAl, ý ,;. ý ý, 1ý J rJý ý 40 40 .,: "t Figure 9: Hessia in the Roman period. Only major sites west of the Rhine arc shown 33 ____ >tuunýl huriaL " Fnnti; lu"ý1 inhumntioný Gntltlrlsln in " I:. Mcrtýo Nwd ilion, Figure 10: Burials in Hessia and the Rhine-Main region. The shaded area is the region referred to as the pogo Ilc'ssorumsr in eighth- and ninth-century charters, the modern German Land of Hesse extends from the Diemel to south of the Rhine and Main. See Backhaus, `Die Gaue vor and nach 900', Karte ga, for a distribution map of individual settlements within the pago Hcssorum prior to 900. 3 'ýj -'ýýf0 w1-ý, ýýýp"'1 7ý ýýo ýý °ýý-y, ýp" ý}1 . _iu Figure 11: Excavation plan of the Reihengräberfeld at Griesheim (After Andras. . AIlamannen und Franken in Siarkenhurg) 35 I I Figure 12: Grave assemblage from Eschwege-Niederhone, scale 1: 2 (after Gensen, `Ain Adelsgrab aus Eschwege-Niederhone, ' p. 94, Abb. 1) 1. Bone comb 2. Bronze pincers 3. Firesteel 4-5. Fragments of flint 6-7. Fragments of slate 8. Bronze needle 9. Iron strap-end 10. Iron ohjcct 11-12. Iron rings 13-14. Iron arrowheads 15-16. Iron spearheads 17. Iron knife 18. Fragment of iron sax 36 Figure 13: Excavation plan of burial at Fritzlar (B) with profile of grave chamber (A) (after Gensen, `Ein Frauengrab des 7. Jahrhunderts', p. 36, Abb. 3) Artefact numbers in B correspond with the numbers in fig. 15 37 Figure 14: Grave assemblage from Fritzlar 1, scale 1: 2 (after Gensen, `Fin Frauengrab des 7. Jahrhunderts', p. 40, Abb. 4) 1. Ornate bronze disc 2. Bronze plate 3. Disc brooch 4-7. Bronze strap-ends 8-9. Bronze dress fasteners 10-14. Bronze strap-ends 15-16. Bronze dress fasteners 17. Bronze strip 18. Bronze ring 19. Bronze buckle with iron pin and tongue 20. Bronze strip 2 1-23. Beads 38 ý 24 25 26 27 ý ýý ýý DD DDDýý, D 29 I 32' ýýý 1ý 28 Figure 15: Grave assemblage from Fritzlar 2, nos. 24-29 scale 1: 2, nos. 30-32 scale 1: 4 (after Gensen, `Fin Frauengrah des 7. Jahrhunderts', p. 41. Abb. 5) 24. Bone comb 25. Splinter from a piece of antler 26. Spinning whorl 27. Pebble 28. Iron knife 29. Bone fragments of probably two objects 30-32. Knick11wand vessels 39 collar entrancc ( , +" i ýj \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ý ýý ýl , i \O i i i i 1 I I \ \ fill 111 Figure 16: Excavation plan of inhurnation at Werkel (after Uenze, `Völkerwanderungszeitliche Gräher', p. 87, Abb. 4) ccllar entrance 40 .. `//, %% 2" ..... . r ý., _- . ýý , ;.. _, ý. ,ý_ / ý -- T ;, -ý:. 1 +;? ý ý; : s. L. ': ý. kýý.; _ : ýý. __.. . ,....... ,.... ---- -Ir ý: ýý':.. limit of excavation original building addition I addition II other walls earl' medieval graves Figure 17: Excavation plan of Kirchberg (after Göldner and Sippel, `Spätmerowingische Gräber', Abb. 2) ýý 41 Figure 18: Grave assemblage of Kirchberg grave 9, scale 1: 2 (after Güldner and Sippel, 'Spätmcrow, ngische Gräber', Abb. 4) 1. Spur 2. Spur 3. Buckle 4. Buckle 5. Iron fastening 6. Iron fastening 7. Iron fragment 8. Iron fastening 9. Head of spoon 10. Knife 11. Shears 12. Pottery 13. Iron fastening 14. Bone comb 15. '? Bronze stylus 16. ? Bronze stylus 17. Fastening 18. Buckle 19. Fastening 20. Strap-end 42 I , ý- grave 1 .I , IýA (MI .ý ýi- v 78 :ý ": Jý ý Mý- O-o i0 @-© 0ý O-Z , ID-© (*)-o 4 grave 12 6 rý. =:; -< L_ý 13 "" 14 ý ýý ;! ;ý grave i8o JiaFJý 13c 0 üýý- ý 15 15 16 6 -1 U .s (P 22 ft Lýt G0 ýý-ý J ED '-I ý; ýýý 'S :6 I _ C8 ,d V ýa Cý1z grave 244 ý i-1) 17 Figure 19: Grave assemblages from Kirchberg, scale 1: 2 (after Göldner and Sippcl, 'Spätmeroxvingische Gräber', Abb. 3) 1. Buckle 2. Spur 3. Bronze clasp 4. Buckle 5. Iron knife 6. Iron knife 7. ? Handle 8. Ring 9. Beads 10. Bead 1 1. Pottery 12. Disc brooch 13. Pendant 14. Ring 15. Beads 16. Vessel 17. Brooch r ý`ý rý ýý ý grave 16 10 4 3 11 lý ý) I ltý 11 ý, 4 Hý '2 ti °; ' ý'ý. ý: -: a ýi. AJ oý ýý ý- ©1"". -i a ýýý ý., 43 li. »]) \ \ \ 1 `ýi \f \ . 000 ý_ i ýS 3ý \ X ý lýurý. t; _ 1, ý fýý:,.: ü 1 liur-ia; _i Figure 20: Excavation plan of inhumations at Amöneburg (after Uenze, ' Völkcrwtianderungszeitliche Gräber', pp. 82-4, Abb. 1-3) 44 ý Figure 2 1: Pot from burial mound at Gießen, scale 1: 2 (after Sippel, `Kat. 24. Frauengrab unter einem Hügel', p. 109) 45 Figure 22: Christenberg and its environs (after Gensen, `Der Christenberg bei 'Münchhausen'. Abb. 1) 4tS Figure 23: Kesterburg on the Christenberg (after large-scale supplement plan to Schlesinger (ed. ), Althessen im Frankenreich; also reproduced in R. Gensee, `Kat. 167. Kesterburg auf dem Christenburg. ' p. 256) 47 ý w . L., I ýýý ýý i ,. iw ýýh. _ -_. ý. ý_ _ hýlýýiý: tii.. r.,.. ... ,. Cýr ýýýI_ ., . a_ . ýý. ý-, Y:: m. «ý:: r.. +Jv. ý+... r'.:. e w. or, ý--tii... ,.; ý_. ý. ----..,. ", +ý... w. ri ý--ýv, ýr. . ý" 4- , ý., o,. _ý 4 Th i ý. ý. ýI, Figure 24: Finds from the Christenberg, nos. 1.3-10 scale 1: 3, no. 2 scale 2: 1 (after Gensen, `Christenberg. Burgwald und Amöneburger Becken, ' p. 145, Abb. 2) 1. Silver-plated belt fitting 2. Gilded bronze plate 3-4. Bone combs 5. Silver-plated fitting 6-8. Spurs 9. Stirrup 10. Arrowhead 48 .ý ý` f- 1 ti ý ,-I ýýý ý, ý` t :< , yl/ -, rilill Q. irk o\ \ý, ý>0 240 iý . ý0 ,/. ! i! ýý ý >l -Uth -('li -t ;, 21" ý ý . - ýý ` " ý ýti ZSU :: 0 ni () 111 ? O(1 Figure 25: Büraburg (after large-scale supplement plan to Schlesinger (ed. ), Althessen im Frankenreich) 49 -t; m; ý 1 -. -So 1 ý ý ` ,, \ £LI 'T vI tior fortification Q `. linnr fortification 0 0 AI; rurcunununiratiunr-aitF 0* S ýLI1fI, 1: Qarlýti . ý "dern ý& 0 \.;,, Figure 26: Fortified sites north of the Main. The shaded area is the region referred to as the pago Ilc'ssorum in eighth- and ninth-century charters 50 r. dsio. n, Gm i.. r b, iWuW.. Figure 27: Höfe bei Dreihausen (after Gensen. `Kat 164. Ringwall Höfe bei Dreihausen, ' p. 249) Figure 28: Schiffenberg (after Herrmann. 'Kat. 170. Schiffenherg hei Gießen, ' p. 260) A: stone structures of c. 680-730. B: excavated area of fortifications 51 Figure 29: Altes Schloß (after Bauer. 'Die Keramik des Gronaucr "Alten Schloßes"', Abb. 1) Figure 30: Fulda (after Hahn. 'Kat. 211 - 1: Fulda Domplatz-Bereich', p. 300; no scale on original plan) A: modern-day cathedral; B: seventh-century fortifications, C : seventh-century stone structures 52 Figure 31: Grasburg (after Sippel. `Die Grasburg bei Mansbach'. Beilage 2) Figure 32: Holzhcirn (after Schotten et al.. `Ausgrabungen in jüngkaiserzeitlichen und früh- bis spätmittelalterlichen Sicdlungsbercichen', Beilage 1) 5; 1 ýtype 1 ,) _' I\nc I ,, iý;,. _ ý!; ý. , ýý. ýý I-I,;,; . . '1 !. ý=- rý , ý, ; I; ý P) 1ýnc Iiý Figure 33: Christenberg pottery I (after Genseil, 'Christenberg, Burgwald und Amöneburger Becken', p. 147, Abb. 3) 54 FY pc I-' Ii FD cc. ý Figure 34: Christenberg pottery 2 (after Gensen, 'Christenberg. Burgwald und Amöineburger Becken', p. 149. Abb. 4) ýý 55 Figure 35: Büraburg pottery (after Wand, Die Büraburg bei Frit_lar, Taf. )7) 1-2. Reconstructed li ölbii and vessels 3. Hand-made vessel 56 Figure 36: Holzheim pottery (after Schotten et al., `Ausgrabungen in jüngkaiserzeitlichen und früh- bis spätmittelalterlichen Siedlungsbereichen', p. 244, Abb. 19) 57 Figure 37: -hairscn and --inghauscn place-names in Hessia 58 11-k '*ýj -r"'Eresburg " Ani6neburg Mainz " Fulda 11 crýl-CId kni 50 Figure 38: Tribes in the Hessia region. The shaded area is the region referred to as the pogo Hessorum in eighth- and ninth-century charters 5() :0r.:, ,, berg I"nS4 r , ai. 1Ed I Stun ý lrulri. ýI .1 rn.. ; Grnß-and I ki ý; udcrtxr; 211(1- ýO(1 Knrlnliýiuýýl ý,.,, ý,;, ý qno- ,ý 1 11ý. '.... ý T ý'ýI111ýý1 Figure 39: Sites of pagan and Christian significance in I lessia feuirl>f/aýi " N"ichd, nt L6inýhh, ýi ý i 1-Lt _I. l"".... (tt.. 4,. .,. ieuon. 60 61b W. w ----w *#AW / f ^ i l- "Sp. """'" :. ý COLOGNE, J. L ý.. : 'b c ý%: i; Ii;,, 8 1.. ) /_J ý, ý". . 0/ t I ý_ýJ ýr! ý .! N. ý'R I ER ý1 (I %"m/' i i- J i MAINZ 0 6 scat of archdcocon j <,:, tof dcac', u ýý., 40 ,. c t, wL, 6 tiii. ýfiýlýilý. iý 1. ,I 0 '_': . V. 0 .. ý.... 1'.. .. r ýwundaiv of 1RCtIBISII(1I'I: It' boundap- ofbishoric houndary of archdiaconatc ; -chparish Ixnnujarics tcithin the archdiaconate of Pritzlar Figure 40: The ecclesiastical landscape of Hessia f ." 0 . --. q 61 Q property granted to Fulda property granted to Hersfeld p upcrty granted to Lorsch I Figure 41: Property of Fulda. Hersfeld and Lorsch in Hessia and the Amönehurg district 62 Srhüttebertý / Ir, Q hitchditmoLl ý ýrý I: ilý. ý`i:, rrql i; Pri! ii. i: ('y, l i, kInhcrlý In Id b% LiI ix Gxr --, ill ; 11( ci. u"ium ti. jncti Lulli lapprndix 41 0 Dior fortified site , tlirr churrhr< f, -t ho, - it, ' :i U Figure 41 Property held by Lul in Hessia before 775 63 " uicmcnt aucsicJ ugh ccratnic ccic"ncc Q ýciilcmcni attcaccl thnnuth charter cx l. lcncc Figure 41: Patrons of Fulda in the Amöneburg district, 750-779 64 ? 1.1 Ld k0 St \1artir. uuýýn tncdicý, ý: rhurchichaýýrl ý ýt k'ý, ý1 dldICat1o15 to: .. St \lir, ic, kill Figure 44: Medieval church dedications in Hessia and the Amüncburg district 1 lu 65 Figure 45: The Hessian-Saxon borderlands 66 I Figure 46: Skull of burial 3 from Amöneburg, scale 1: 3 (after M. Kunter, ''. Menschliche Überreste'. p. 263, Abb. 6) -: ' .k IFI 67 List of plates 1 Statue of St Boniface in front of the church of St Peter, Fritzlar 2 Illumination from the Fulda Sacramentary on the front covers of Fletcher, Flu' Conversion of Europe and Padberg, Christianisierung hn Mittelalter 3 Southern wall of Portchester (Hants) 4 Marginal land near Fritham in the New Forest (Hants) 5 Amöneburg 6 Panoramic view of the Fritzlar basin 7 Panoramic view of Groß- and Klein-Gudenberg 8 Simonskopf and Teufelskopf 9 Panoramic view from Eresburg 10 Desenberg II Schützeberg 12 Klutzkopf burial mounds near Christenberg 13 Panoramic view from Christenberg 14 Panoramic view from Büraburg 15 View of Fritzlar basin from Büraburg 68 Plate 1: Statue of St Boniface in front of the church of St Peter, Fritzlar (from http:, '/www. christus-koenig-duisburg. de/boni_I. htm) illofflowýý ý Plate 2: Illumination of the martyrdom of St Boniface from the Fulda Sacramentary on the front covers of Fletcher, The Conversion of Europe and Padberg, Christianisierung im Mittelalter 69 Plate 3: Southern wall of Portchester (Hants) (John-Henry Clay, November 2006) Plate 4: Marginal land near Fritham in the New Forest (Hants) (John-Henry Clay, November 2006) 70 Plate 5: Amöneburg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) Taken from the Rülfbach river, south of Amöneburg 71 Plate 6: Panoramic view of the Fritzlar basin (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) A 90-degree view from north to north-west, taken 2 km north of Fritzlar. From the left, the arrows indicate Wartherg (overlooking Kirchbcrg), Odenherg and Gudensbcrg. Plate 7: Panoramic view of Groß- and Klein-Gudenberg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) From near Schützeberg, looking north-east; Groß- and Klein-Gudenberg are the two peaks on the left 72 Plate 8: Simonskopf and Teufelskopf (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) Looking north-east; Simonskopf is indicated by the left-hand arrow, Teufelskopf by the right-hand arrow Plate 9: Panoramic view from Eresburg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) A 90-degree panoramic view from the south-east to the south-west, taken from the southern ramparts of Eresburg. The arrow indicates Priesterberg. 73 Plate 10: Desenberg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) Looking to the east 74 Plate 11: Schützeberg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) Looking to the east Plate 12: Klutzkopf burial mounds near Christenberg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) The path to the Christenberg is visible at the extreme left; the two arrows indicate two burial mounds. 75 Plate 13: Panoramic view from Christenberg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) A 90-degree panoramic view, south-west to north-west, from the western ramparts of the Christenberg. The Weinstraße runs from left to right, through the cultivated land beyond the trees. The arrow indicates the position of Laisa, where a Saxon invading force was defeated in 778 Plate 14: Panoramic view from Büraburg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) A 90-degree view, north-west to north-east, from the rise immediately south-west of Büraburg. The main route between the Christenberg and central Hessia runs from left to right. The arrows, from left to right, indicate Bergheim, Johanniskirchenkopf and Geismar. 76 Plate 15: View of Fritzlar basin from Büraburg (John-Henry Clay, August 2007) Standing east of the church of St Brigid looking north-east. The arrows, from left to right, indicate Odenberg, Gudensberg and the abbey at Fritzlar. 77